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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Depends on what you told MFP your goal was. When you signed up, you set a goal like "Lose a pound a week." The calories it gave you are the level that supports the goal you input. So if you told it "Lose a pound a week" and it gave you the 2250 number, it expects you to lose a pound a week by eating 2250 calories a day, without any additional exercise.

If you're not sure what setting you have, go to More->Goals->Weekly Goal to check.

Note that MFP is good for calorie tracking, but the macros it gives you (carbs/protein/fat) may have to be modified. In particular, the protein is usually pretty low.

I got it. It's 2210 calories withou exercise.

I got a question. If I have a low calorie deficit (for example, I ate 2210 calories) and I worked out like 500 calories making it 1710, would this be an issue on losing weight? Meaning, will I gain more weight because of lack of calories/nutrition?


I got it. It's 2210 calories withou exercise.

I got a question. If I have a low calorie deficit (for example, I ate 2210 calories) and I worked out like 500 calories making it 1710, would this be an issue on losing weight? Meaning, will I gain more weight because of lack of calories/nutrition?

You will never gain weight because you eat too little. However, you may very well hinder your ability to recover from workouts, which will make everything less effective.

MFP expects you to log workouts, and it uses these records to add extra calories to the days you exercise. A couple caveats though. It only gives calories for cardio-based workouts, and the numbers aren't necessarily accurate for everyone.

I personally think it's simpler to stick with a calorie level for a couple weeks and evaluate how you feel. So eat the 2250 and workout as you intend. If after a few weeks you're losing weight but you're constantly fatigued, add in a bit of food, and try that level for a while. If you're not losing weight, you may have to count your food more accurately, or take a bit more out.


You will never gain weight because you eat too little. However, you may very well hinder your ability to recover from workouts, which will make everything less effective.

MFP expects you to log workouts, and it uses these records to add extra calories to the days you exercise. A couple caveats though. It only gives calories for cardio-based workouts, and the numbers aren't necessarily accurate for everyone.

I personally think it's simpler to stick with a calorie level for a couple weeks and evaluate how you feel. So eat the 2250 and workout as you intend. If after a few weeks you're losing weight but you're constantly fatigued, add in a bit of food, and try that level for a while. If you're not losing weight, you may have to count your food more accurately, or take a bit more out.

I see. But would I lose muscle definition due to lack of calories?


I see. But would I lose muscle definition due to lack of calories?

If you under eat and overwork for an extended period of time, yes, you'll lose muscle mass along with the fat. This is why you need to be constantly evaluating yourself, both with numbers and how you feel. If you put yourself in a state where you're working so hard that you can't recover between workouts, you'll almost certainly feel like garbage all day, every day.

So pick a reasonable calorie level and exercise plan, try it out, and see how you feel. If you feel good and the numbers are going the direction you want (lifts up, weight down), all is well. The 2250+SS plan sounds like a fine starting point.
Hmm.. skipping breakfast? I might get grumpy. I need something. Wish I could do protein shake.

You don't. Right now you just think you do.

Most people stop caring after a week or two.

Sphinx had a nice back day, he just ate a chicken caserole that had like 70 gr. of protein in one go, he's a good boy.

Psycho went to the cinema, ate some ice cream and a bunch of popcorn, then came home and drank beer.


I got it. It's 2210 calories withou exercise.

I got a question. If I have a low calorie deficit (for example, I ate 2210 calories) and I worked out like 500 calories making it 1710, would this be an issue on losing weight? Meaning, will I gain more weight because of lack of calories/nutrition?

Try to get a better idea of your body fat percentage. 5'8" and 200lbs I would assume is considerably more than 20% body fat unless you also already have a lot of muscle on you. If you're just starting to work out I doubt that's the case. Google some pictures of body fat percentage and that at least gives you an idea of where you might land. This will help you determine how many calories you need.

Just for reference, I'm also 5'8", but over the last 3 months I've dropped from 181lbs to 165lbs, and I'm guestimating my body fat is around 20% now. I've been lifting heavy (for me at least) but not gaining strength during this cut, but I'm happy I haven't lost strength either. My current max lifts are:

Bench: 245lbs
Squat: 285lbs
Deadlift: 325lbs


Try to get a better idea of your body fat percentage. 5'8" and 200lbs I would assume is considerably more than 20% body fat unless you also already have a lot of muscle on you. If you're just starting to work out I doubt that's the case. Google some pictures of body fat percentage and that at least gives you an idea of where you might land. This will help you determine how many calories you need.

Just for reference, I'm also 5'8", but over the last 3 months I've dropped from 181lbs to 165lbs, and I'm guestimating my body fat is around 20% now. I've been lifting heavy (for me at least) but not gaining strength during this cut, but I'm happy I haven't lost strength either. My current max lifts are:

Bench: 245lbs
Squat: 285lbs
Deadlift: 325lbs

I'm thinking 35% body fat. I got a flabby tummy.Google that pic and this is what I got


My body is like Rolando on the before pic

Nice progress btw. What do you do? Did your arms and back get cut/muscle definition? What do you eat?
Hi fitgaf,

I have been doing lifting 6 days a week for the past 4 weeks and I have been using running shoes with a lot of flex and fluff on them. Want to get something more flat and sturdy to help my form and balance on deadlifts and squats mostly

Looking at Nike metcon 1 and Nike free 5.0

I was leaning to the metcon because I would like them to be versatile for different workouts and some cardio. Anyone have experience with either? My friend has the free 5.0 and the metcon caught my eye (I know they are for cross fit. But they look like they might meet my needs and I don't want intense lifting shoes that can't be used all at once at the gym)

Thanks for any help
Hi fitgaf,

I have been doing lifting 6 days a week for the past 4 weeks and I have been using running shoes with a lot of flex and fluff on them. Want to get something more flat and sturdy to help my form and balance on deadlifts and squats mostly

Looking at Nike metcon 1 and Nike free 5.0

I was leaning to the metcon because I would like them to be versatile for different workouts and some cardio. Anyone have experience with either? My friend has the free 5.0 and the metcon caught my eye (I know they are for cross fit. But they look like they might meet my needs and I don't want intense lifting shoes that can't be used all at once at the gym)

Thanks for any help
I have the Metcons and I'm not a crossfitter. Crossfit or not, I think they're the most versatile shoes you can use in the gym IMHO. Stable and solid enough for lifting and more than able to do a bunch of other stuff in the gym without having to switch shoes (except maybe running on the treadmill for more than a quarter mile lol).

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Unconfirmed Member
That sounds miserable! Do you really adjust and not mind or is it somewhat of a battle

He's doing keto. For a lot of people, a diet high in fat can keep you satiated for a very long time.

I eat extremely low carb most of the time and often find myself not hungry at all for really long spans. I typically eat dinner at around 7 or 8 p.m. or so and won't eat anything until 12 p.m. at the earliest the next day and if I've been relatively inactive, I usually am not very hungry even then, so it often ends up being a smaller meal.

Coffee can help with appetite, too.


That sounds miserable! Do you really adjust and not mind or is it somewhat of a battle

Every day you do it, it get easier and easier. Most of the time, that growl in your stomach is your brain signaling you that you usually ate around then, not that you're hungry. And most times you feel hungry, you're just thirsty. On top of that, on keto, your hunger is basically demolished anyway. So it makes fasting even easier. Its easy as heck for me to fast this much everyday. Next year i might try to transition into working out fasted, but it wouldn't fit my schedule at all right now, so i cannot attempt it. I'm hoping to start my first 3 day fast in the next month or so, but not sure if i'll be able to do it. Working out my time frames on that still. Will have to be on a thursday afternoon when i start and end on sunday afternoon.


I'm thinking 35% body fat. I got a flabby tummy.Google that pic and this is what I got


My body is like Rolando on the before pic

Nice progress btw. What do you do? Did your arms and back get cut/muscle definition? What do you eat?

My body fat % is still too high, but you can see my back muscles if I flex and I'm in the right lighting. Being cut is all about having a solid muscle base and low fat so you can see the muscle. But I have enough muscle/progress where people ask how often i work out, so that's something.

My weight loss has been all about my diet while still lifting heavy. I do starting strength, but I add more accessory lifts in addition to the main compounds. I'm not progressing in strength any more, but I attribute that to my diet. It's hard to both add muscle and lose fat at the same time unless you're a beginner. I've also added pull ups on my back days because dropping 16 lbs has made it much easier.

For diet, I do intermittent fasting and combine elements of carb backloading (variation of a low carb diet). I eat 1500-1800 calories and aim for 180 grams of protein. The low calories and high amount of protein means there's not many calories left for carbs. So intermittent fasting I skip breakfast and work out on an empty stomach, then after my workout is my first meal, and it's usually over a thousand calories and tons of protein. I'll eat either pan fried chicken breast or thighs, or pork chops, or ground beef/turkey with a side of sauteed broccoli or asparagus. I cook everything in tons of fat like butter, olive or coconut oil. Fat is delicious and satiates you. For dinner I do the same but a smaller portion. If I still need more protein I'll do a protein shake. I eat everything in an 8 hour period (first meal is 12pm, finish eating by 8pm)

I don't measure everything exactly, I eat like that 5 days a week (so that means I eat bad at least twice a week), and I'll go do happy hour and drink twice a week. I also grab fast food when I'm lazy, but I'll try to be healthy about it. Kfc grilled chicken with a side of green beans, or Chipotle salad (burritos use a tortilla that's 300 calories and all carbs) with steak or chicken. Basically I'm not super strict about my diet and I don't plan every meal a week in advance. As long as I'm staying under my calorie goal while hitting my protein goal I'm happy. Cutting carbs is the easiest way to stay under my calorie goal, but if I do eat carbs it's typically right after a workout. This to me doesn't feel like a diet at all and is easy to stay with. If I was just eating salads all day to reduce calories then it would feel like a diet, but my method is a life style change.

In short diet is everything, but just don't make it feel like a diet so you can stick with it.

Also - I drink diet soda all the time.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I can pull off a 20 hour fast with ease. It's all about setting a new normal for your body. It will adapt to most eating patterns with repetition.


Sadetar, I had a herniated disc about that size, one or two up from yours ten years ago, it would make my back lock up solid. I had a cane. All that it took to fix it was a cortisone shot, but they had to put me under a real-time imaging machine to aim it properly. It wasn't too comfortable, the local anesthetic was solid, but you can imagine. It's a large gauge needle right up on your spine.

But that said, it was still just a needle, and I haven't had a problem since. I've been lifting heavy for almost a year and a half. Squats, deadlifts, it's all good. I can't really say when I could have got on the gains train ten years ago, but it was pretty magical. A month maybe? Two?
Awesome to hear it all worked out for you! I am also quite sure that your story tried to make me feel better - I fair needles more than anything though. :p I would rather go to surgery where I am unconsious than live through gauge needles being put to my spine while I am awake. I am a total crybaby. :p

It's cliche, but hindsight is always 20/20.

Don't dwell on what you could have done, just focus on what you are going to do.
Best advice possible.
Words of wisdom right here. I just need some patience and then I can call them and try to arrange things. If it doesn't work out, it is just a bit more waiting. At least it seems it is curable through surgery. :)

Sadetar: I hope this turns out to be the path to your complete recovery. Surgery of any sort is always stressful, but it sounds like these are the right people to perform it. Keep us informed!
I am now quite alright with the idea of going to surgery. I would just want to get it over as soon as possible. Also yes, I am fairly sure that they are professionals at the university hospital and will take as good care of me as humanly possible.

I actually think I have had pretty damn good professionals around me and this has been quite smooth sailing recently. At least they have looked into this and actually want me to recover.

Terrifying news Sadetar. Very glad we're here to help, for what it's worth.
Trust me, you fine people in here calm me down! Also I appreciate that I can vent and whine in here (and of course this is a brilliant place for motivation when it is time for that). :D

Lol, owner of the gym was watching me and commenting. I'm joining that gym.
That sounds awesome! Also loved the new video. :)

Psycho needs to get past the last injury before he can injure himself again.
Sphinx had a nice back day, he just ate a chicken caserole that had like 70 gr. of protein in one go, he's a good boy.
Psycho went to the cinema, ate some ice cream and a bunch of popcorn, then came home and drank beer.
Awwwww, you two! For some reason this whole discussion was absolutely adorable. <3

Hahha, you are both very good boys. :p

Best of luck Sadetar. I haven't been on in a day or two and just saw your post :(
Thank you. :) A bit of extra luck is always highly appreciated. I am now alright with the idea of a surgery. I am just anxious and want to get it over with as soon as possible. Damn holidays so I can't even call them tomorrow... Patience isn't really one of my best features. :D



Had am awesome max effort lower body day considering on Monday I had a stomach bug that didn't allow me to eat or drink until mid Tuesday. Worked up to 405 on a 3 inch deficit against bands that add 60-80 lbs of tension at the top. I should try to measure the tension soon so I know for sure how much they add.
well, now I'm extremely conscious of squat butt wink.

I feel like it's anatomically impossible for me to get below parallel or even to parallel without bending my lower back. Some people say you need to stretch your hamstrings, others say it's foot angle, foot width...anyone here any experience fixing it?
well, now I'm extremely conscious of squat butt wink.

I feel like it's anatomically impossible for me to get below parallel or even to parallel without bending my lower back. Some people say you need to stretch your hamstrings, others say it's foot angle, foot width...anyone here any experience fixing it?

Stretching your hammies does seem to help from what I'v seen


Officially hit my three months of weight loss. So now I'm going into maintenance at 213. The goal will be to stay between 211-215 to account for water fluctuation until mid June, then I'm going to lose for another 2-3 months.

Quote this post for a progress picture. I'm excited for my after to be my before :)



Fasted cardio is legit for fat burning.

Using that plus keto to shed some of my winter bulk.
Yep, same here. Well, not the Keto part. I can't keep up my exercise routine without carbs.

Current routine:

Mon - 3 Mile run at 12:00, 6:00 PM Lifting day A (Squat, OHP, Deadlift, Lat Pull Down, accessories)

Tue - 3 Mile run at 12:00, 6:00 PM Lifting day B (Squat, Bench, Clean, accessories)

Wed - Accessory dumbell lifts at home

Thu - 3 Mile Run at 12:00, 6:00 Lifting day A

Fri - 3 Mile Run at 12:00

Sat - Lifting day B, Max incline treadmill walk for 30 min

Sun - Off

Feeling great two weeks on this so far. Body fat down by 4% since I started IF and strength training, weight hovering in the 202-205 range, but I haven't been too hard on calories until this week. Wanted to get a good idea of where I need to be and still feel energized. Eating between 11:00 AM and 5:30 PM.

The goal is to get to a place where I'm able to get back into trail running for the summer. The mountains are calling.
Man, your shoulders are super broad. I have a similar build. Makes clothes shopping a nightmare.

Yeah feels good. If only I was thicker.

Damn FE! It seems you keep photoshopping your head smaller in every pic! ;)

Seriously though, you are a big boy. :p

Heh. I've been told this many times as well. People say I got a Hulk syndrome going on.

Also best of luck with your back. Sucks to hear what is happening =/


I'll try that. I'm legit shook now lol.

Squeeze your glutes as hard as you can at the top of the squat and then continue to squeeze them and twist your feet into the ground as you sit back. You shouldn't be able to have any significant amount of butt wink if your actively engaging your glutes throughout the movement.
Yeah but, laces do that too.

Also, I think I've posted this before, but people might still enjoy it:


Pretty helpful for anyone doing cardio.
I've been seeing a lot of people on my Facebook lately posting a video about the heel slipping lace technique. I tried in on a run yesterday, worked really well for me. I might try to combo it with the wide forefoot method on one of my shoes with short laces sometime.


Pretty cool that people are posting stuff about running. I know there is a dedicated running thread, but it's nice get some running stuff in here. Fitness is broad after all.

I just started running myself.

It has always vexed me and I want to slay that dragon. No marathons, but I want to 5ks and maybe Tough Mudders/Spartan Races.

Couch to 5k phone apps make it so easy these days. Put your music/podcasts/audiobooks and then start up the app. You get audio notifications when to run and walk.

It's so great.


Pretty cool that people are posting stuff about running. I know there is a dedicated running thread, but it's nice get some running stuff in here. Fitness is broad after all.

I just started running myself.

It has always vexed me and I want to slay that dragon. No marathons, but I want to 5ks and maybe Tough Mudders/Spartan Races.

Couch to 5k phone apps make it so easy these days. Put your music/podcasts/audiobooks and then start up the app. You get audio notifications when to run and walk.

It's so great.
Yeah, as an ex-Athlete, I really see Fitness as a combination of strength and cardio, almost with a greater emphasis on the latter.

Maybe it's just me wanting to be able to keep up with my Border Collie though. She puts me to shame on my runs :(


You still couldn't pay me to do cardio. I'm glad you guys love it, it's just not what I need to hit my goal, so I stand clear.

Maybe once I lose more fat I might consider it.


You still couldn't pay me to do cardio. I'm glad you guys love it, it's just not what I need to hit my goal, so I stand clear.

Maybe once I lose more fat I might consider it.

It's strange. I hated running mostly because I tried doing it on treadmills.

Once I started running outside my whole outlook changed. The spring weather also makes it easier.

It's strange but it becomes addictive.

I also had your same thoughts, but as a long term lifter, I wanted to improve my aerobic engine, which I neglected for years.

I still consider myself strength first, though.


It's strange. I hated running mostly because I tried doing it on treadmills.

Once I started running outside my whole outlook changed. The spring weather also makes it easier.

It's strange but it becomes addictive.

I also had your same thoughts, but as a long term lifter, I wanted to improve my aerobic engine, which I neglected for years.

I still consider myself strength first, though.

We have lots of Beaches here in so cal and I like to walk pier to pier every once in a while. But that's the extent of it. Maybe cardio training will become a thing for me at one point, but right now it's cutting and getting stronger. In having cake and coffee after lunch now, about to hit the gym for deadlift.
I hate cardio as well but it makes me more well rounded if that makes any sense. And that puts me in an overall state of mind of being a bad ass.

cheesy i know


The extent to which I would do cardio is pushing or pulling a sled, farmer's walks, and some other stuff that isn't coming to mind.

I just knew you were going to post that picture, Szu lol.
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