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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Broscience friend refuting that leg drive is a thing on bench.


extra funny considering that was a topic of conversation from just a few days ago.

Show him the Jen Thompson video and tell him to google image searchi"bench press powerlifting". Should be all the convincing he needs

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
extra funny considering that was a topic of conversation from just a few days ago.

Show him the Jen Thompson video and tell him to google image searchi"bench press powerlifting". Should be all the convincing he needs

Seriously. That picture you posted the other day helped me get leg drive for the first time ever in the bench press. Definitely made a difference.
Finally started getting back into weight training after taking a year off of the gym and becoming fat and squishy because of it.

It's amazing- after only a week or two of moderate lifting with 30lb dumbbells and a 90lb bench press I've already got much more muscle definition than I did a few weeks ago.

What are some good tips for 30lb dumbbell exercises?

Pete Rock

Yeah. Leaving Monday afternoon. Let's get a pic on Sunday.
Uhm you guys have to destroy Yama Sushi. It is like the best ~$30 meal in Vegas IMO

No sashimi, so you have to eat the rice, but it is AYCE so GET ONE OF EVERYTHING oh my god

Creamy seafood salad

jesus christ


Finish with the appropriately named Wet Dream which is a california roll baked w/cream cheese & shrimp on top drizzled with sweet yam and eel sauce ;_;
Man, I haven't been in this thread in a minute. It's great seeing all the progress people are making, very inspiring for me. I still can't believe how big and strong Brolic is now; he was such a little dude a few years ago lol!

I'm finally back in the gym after a year and a half of letting myself go. I had a pretty serious accident at work; got launched out of a genie boom and hurt my back left shoulder. I couldn't do much of any working out, and started eating, drinking, and playing video games. Finally I got my head together after my doctor read me the riot act, and shed some pounds through diet. I was 235, and went down to 199 at one point. Now that I'm lifting again I'm hovering around 205, and feel pretty strong at this weight. Mind you I'm 45, and my days of easily packing on muscle seem to be behind me.

My biggest problem right now is DOMS; I can barely move, especially my legs! To top it off, my job is physically taxing, and I work 14 hour days on the weekends. Do any of you guys have any tips on easing DOMS somewhat? I've dealt with it in the past, but it seems more pronounced than ever before.
So, I use leg drive on bench but do so with my heels firmly planted. My question is, does leg drive actually help your torso/upper body get stronger, or does it just make the energy/mechanics of the lift more favorable, resulting in you being able to push more weight? That is, for people that don't use leg drive, are they actually losing substantial long term benefits (gainz, that is) or are they just reducing how big of a number they can put up?


Today's record: 164.5! Yesterday I was 165.8! We're in total uncharted territory!!

Zero chance that's actually accurate unless you are starving/dehydrating yourself.

So, I use leg drive on bench but do so with my heels firmly planted. My question is, does leg drive actually help your torso/upper body get stronger, or does it just make the energy/mechanics of the lift more favorable, resulting in you being able to push more weight? That is, for people that don't use leg drive, are they actually losing substantial long term benefits (gainz, that is) or are they just reducing how big of a number they can put up?

It's important for stabilization, especially in the lower back, and probably helps reduce stress on your anterior delts


Finally was able to squat 2 plates even though they were sets of 2 but it doesn't matter as I've finally been able to hit it!

Also got to 1 plate for OHP as well! Feels good!

Deadlift on the other hand... still stuck at 300lbs.

Other than that, great day! :D


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I think all I can afford is a membership to Planet Fitness. That work for you two lovebirds?
Don't worry about a gift. Your presence is enough. :)

We're quite smitten with each other.

We did this together just now!


EDIT: Oh, also, I was 184.5 after the gym. I attribute that to the high 90s temperature though. I can get down to the high 170s if I had any desire. I reckon that would put me around 8-9%.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Urgh so disappointed 405x3 on squat, strength has dropped. Need to be squatting more often, that gym needs to open sooooooon. :'(


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Can I bring a guest? We've only been dating for <5 months, but I really think I can see me and front squats becoming something serious.
Absolutely. Don't let time be a factor. If there is a strong connection go for it!
It looks to me like you're leaning slightly too far forward when you squat, I can see you struggle trying to get the weight up. also what's up with the fidgety motions before your sets?

Yes, last day I was checking my form with the help of the smith machine and realized I needed to stay way too upright to keep a vertical bar path. Maybe as my back gets stronger with deadlifts that may be corrected. The motions are because I'm trying to fix my feet position I guess.

BUTT-WINK alarm dude bro. It's a little hard to see (black on black + black pad thing in the way) but I am certain that is what is going on at 41 seconds when you fail. It was exhibited on the first rep but not nearly as bad.

When you rotate your pelvis and roll your lower back down that way, the whole motion becomes compromised and the ability to generate force goes out the window.

You need to eliminate that, probably through improved hamstring flexibility first and foremost. Maybe a wider stance, hard to tell from that angle. I also found it a helpful mental cue to break at the hips first and the knees second.

Your fidgety movements all seem to be related to "easing" into the movement starting with your knees, and each rep seems to originate from there as well.

There are a ton of videos on this look around, but I would suggest deloading and focusing on flexibility and better form over the entire range of motion when you are at the lower weights.

I didn't realize I was butt winking "0
I deload like every few workouts T_T

However Bret Contreras also said that stretching tight hamstrings (and hip flexors) won't change it that much. I would say God Dayumm's primary concern is to improve ankle dorsiflexion and stretching his hamstrings and other muscles as a secondary measure. You can see how his ankle stops and his knee can't go any further and right after that is when he has posterior pelvic tilt as he goes deeper to reach depth. I think I wanted to say where his ankles end up prevents him from reaching depth without posterior pelvic tilt.

EDIT: Or buy weighlifting shoes :p
I think with increased ankle dorsiflexion, he'll be able to decrease the amount of posterior pelvic tilt and have the weight closer to his heels instead of near the balls of his feet.

It's true but I thought that didn't matter in low bar squats?
Will I end up having to buy high-heels and squat in drag?

WTF youtube is going overboard these days. Your video is muted because there's a copyright thing going on.

LOL just because there is a song in the background. They should be paying me!!

Me and RDLs are getting married. I love them! All of you are invited.

Does your wife know you're leaving her for a Romanian girl?


This is going to be extremely whiney and bitchy start, but FitGAF, I need you more than ever. Today I have hit the rock bottom what comes to motivation. Low calory diet and cardio actually starts to seem like a really good option...

This far I have been extremely happy and satisfied with everything that I have been doing and achieving and being overly positive of the direction where I am going. I am working out to be healthy and feel better about myself but damn that negative feedback feels bad.

First someone who is deeply in love with me
(but don't lust me)
informs me that he doesn't really like muscles on girls but he guesses he will be "somewhat ok" with me working out and getting toned. Somewhat ok? SOMEWHAT OK?! I have been working my ass off and the feedback is that he will be somewhat ok with all the hard work I have been putting into my body. He seems to be really appreciating my efforts.

Then a friend of mine whom I have known for numerous years and whose opinions I value really high but whom I haven't seen in some time says to me that "When I look at your legs the first thing I think of is that if I would go down on you, you would crush my head with those" and "those are quite intimidating". Oh yeah, I am sexy as fuck...

And after I am more self aware and insecure than in a long, long time I get a comment from a third person that " In the future insecurity is more unattractive that a mangled face." Great, just what I needed to hear.

It seems that what ever I do it is just not working for my benefit what comes to looks. I work out for myself but for once in my life I wouldn't mind becoming attractive - that apparently isn't going to be the case. Work out they said, you can't get too much muscles easily they said...

Was at EVO yesterday forgot to post flex friday pics on gaf

IG pics from this week
Looking extremely good sweetie pie! Love your back!

Yeah. Leaving Monday afternoon. Let's get a pic on Sunday.
That is going to be so epic photo! It will be the highlight of my weekend! <3


Hahah, yeah I realized that you have really no other option. Also remember to keep your rest days and don't do strenght training two days in a row for same muscle groups! :D

I had two at the beginning of the week this week so none this weekend! Though I had a bit of a mental breakdown last night and woke up feeling like garbage this morning so didn't do my strength. But I went for a jog this afternoon, so I didn't completely lose out on the day. Alls well that ends well. Depending on when I get home, I may do yoga as well.

Strength tomorrow!

Edit: just noticed your post above. FUCK those people. You're fucking beautiful. The end.


First someone who is deeply in love with me
(but don't lust me)
informs me that he doesn't really like muscles on girls but he guesses he will be "somewhat ok" with me working out and getting toned. Somewhat ok? SOMEWHAT OK?! I have been working my ass off and the feedback is that he will be somewhat ok with all the hard work I have been putting into my body. He seems to be really appreciating my efforts.

Then a friend of mine whom I have known for numerous years and whose opinions I value really high but whom I haven't seen in some time says to me that "When I look at your legs the first thing I think of is that if I would go down on you, you would crush my head with those" and "those are quite intimidating". Oh yeah, I am sexy as fuck...

fuck that noise. fuck it all to hell.


Brian Burke punched my mom

I think my abs want to come out, won't have none of that, back on the bulk.



Deadlift and squat plateau, yesterday I couldn't even deadlift the same I did weeks ago.

I'm thinking about replacing my current routine (which the gym gave me according to my goals) because it contains a lot of exercises per day (it takes a lot of time, and some of them are performed on useless machines), and I don't see any strength gains at all. I don't need too much volume or mass, just pure strength like an olympic weightlifter or parkour guys.

Based on stronglifts 5x5 and a lot of googling, I think this would work for me:

Day 1 - Leg

Deep Squats (Gotta drop weight and squat deeper to overcome my plateau)
Goodmornings ( I need more lower back strength to overcome my deadlift plateau)
DB lunges
Standing Calf Raises
2 forearm exercises

Day 2 - Chest/shoulder

Bench press
DB flyes
Overhead press (with good form, not my usual 90 deg arm half-rep)
Arnold press (Not sure if they are safe, my shoulders might hurt)
2 core exercises.

Day 3 - Arm day 1 / Triceps.

Barbell curl
Incline dumbbell curl
Dips, weighted dips when they get easy
Seated Calf raise, and a forearm exercise.

Day 4 - Back/some leg

Bent over rows with barbell
DB rows
Deep Squat
2 core exercises.

Day 5 - Arm day 2.

Biceps cable curl.
DB biceps Curl
Cable triceps pressdown
Deadlift ( Not exactly an arm exercise)
Standing calf raises and a forearm exercise.

Why 2 arm days?, my arms are somewhat vascular but very thin.
Why so many forearm exercises?, I have terrible forearm and grip genetics, which greatly limits most exercises, like deadlifts (bar always falls off my hands).

So, my routine would be like this, please have in mind that I really hate steady cardio on treadmills/bikes, so I replace it for some fitness classes which have helped me stay in good shape despite what some people think.

Mon: Active recovery, only cardio, spinning + combat
Tue: Day 4 + bodycombat (cardio)
Wed: Day 5 + core/pilates fitness class (Very tough, coach makes us hit abs like no tomorrow)
Thu: Day 1 + bootcamp/circuit
Fri: Rest
Sat: Day 2 + bodycombat
Sun: Day 3 + 2x bodycombat (90 min workout).

Does it make sense for my current strength goal?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
If strength is your focus, that "routine" is a clusterfuck. Pick a beginner program like SS and run it exactly how it's supposed to run. Do that for a long time until you actually know/figure out what to change.

What you've posted has no direction, no progression, it's trying to do too many things and you're wasting a shit load of time.

And "grip genetics?" Wtf is that? You're weak, bottom line. Don't excuse it away with shit like that, you will only hold yourself back.
Mt1200 that schedule tho

2 arm days? 5xs a week? Dont do this to yourself

Do SS like Brolic said but with some light arm assistance exercises to get your arm pump if it makes you feel better about your "genetics"

Or do the Greyskull program


What do you guys recommend as a home bench? I want something affordable (less than $300) that can be used as an incline/flat/decline bench. Also less than 20" in height and preferably available on amazon.
This is going to be extremely whiney and bitchy start, but FitGAF, I need you more than ever. Today I have hit the rock bottom what comes to motivation. Low calory diet and cardio actually starts to seem like a really good option...

I think you have made a fantastic progress in a short time and if your legs and calves are still getting smaller I don't see any reason why you should change your training program. Just keep at it and don't let some negative comments discourage you. If you are happy with your progress and feel like you are on the right track then that's all that matters.


I hit the gym tonight, and i cant even believe it, but i got 445lbs on deadlift done. Was a filthy ugly rep, but i got it. My traps are really feeling it. Going to take a few days off, enjoy evo finals, and then go and set a new record for myself on bench.


I had two at the beginning of the week this week so none this weekend! Though I had a bit of a mental breakdown last night and woke up feeling like garbage this morning so didn't do my strength. But I went for a jog this afternoon, so I didn't completely lose out on the day. Alls well that ends well. Depending on when I get home, I may do yoga as well.

Strength tomorrow!

Edit: just noticed your post above. FUCK those people. You're fucking beautiful. The end.
Aww, poor babe. I try not to have two rest days in a row, but sometimes that is just inevitable. Just work out enough but not too much. I am sure you knew that already though. :p Keep it up sweetie!

You are always so adorable with your comments and compliments! Thanks honey! I obviously shouldn't have been thinking anything in the middle of the night when I am both tired and hungry.

fuck that noise. fuck it all to hell.
Thank you! Sounds like a perfect way of thinking about it. If they don't like my looks I have decided that it is solely their problem and definitely not mine. I feel better and that is all that matters.

I think my abs want to come out, won't have none of that, back on the bulk.
Those photos
both of them
made me extremely hungry. I forgot my lunch to home and I am stuck at work craving for some delicious protein. :p Quest bars to the rescue!

I think you have made a fantastic progress in a short time and if your legs and calves are still getting smaller I don't see any reason why you should change your training program. Just keep at it and don't let some negative comments discourage you. If you are happy with your progress and feel like you are on the right track then that's all that matters.
Those words were something that I needed to hear as well. Thank you for that! :D Night time isn't a good timing for that kind of thoughts and discussions anyways. I feel awesome and if someone is ignorant enough not to appreciate it is their shame.

Awww, ok, reflecting this through your comments made me feel so much better! ^_^ Thank you darlings! You are the best! <3


Aww, poor babe. I try not to have two rest days in a row, but sometimes that is just inevitable. Just work out enough but not too much. I am sure you knew that already though. :p Keep it up sweetie!

You are always so adorable with your comments and compliments! Thanks honey! I obviously shouldn't have been thinking anything in the middle of the night when I am both tired and hungry.

Thank you! Sounds like a perfect way of thinking about it. If they don't like my looks I have decided that it is solely their problem and definitely not mine. I feel better and that is all that matters.

Those photos
both of them
made me extremely hungry. I forgot my lunch to home and I am stuck at work craving for some delicious protein. :p Quest bars to the rescue!

Those words were something that I needed to hear as well. Thank you for that! :D Night time isn't a good timing for that kind of thoughts and discussions anyways. I feel awesome and if someone is ignorant enough not to appreciate it is their shame.

Awww, ok, reflecting this through your comments made me feel so much better! ^_^ Thank you darlings! You are the best! <3

Seriously, I saw those pictures earlier in the thread and you've made phenomenal improvements. It's a sad fact that a lot of people will, intentionally or not be very unsupportive when others improve themselves. As you continue along your fitness journey and get in better and better shape you will accumulate a lot of negative commentary. These people are often jealous, feel insecure about their own fitness or feel like they're entitled to a condescending opinion about someone else's improvement. It's also true that you can't please everyone. Even when you're in phenomenal shape and giving bystanders whiplash there will still be people who say offensive things. At the end of the day you should have a body that makes you feel good, look good and perform well in your terms. Your opinion is the only one that matters. Keep on doing what you're doing, fuck the haters and keep everyone here posted on your journey!


Deadlift and squat plateau, yesterday I couldn't even deadlift the same I did weeks ago.

I'm thinking about replacing my current routine (which the gym gave me according to my goals) because it contains a lot of exercises per day (it takes a lot of time, and some of them are performed on useless machines), and I don't see any strength gains at all. I don't need too much volume or mass, just pure strength like an olympic weightlifter or parkour guys.

Based on stronglifts 5x5 and a lot of googling, I think this would work for me:

Day 1 - Leg

Deep Squats (Gotta drop weight and squat deeper to overcome my plateau)
Goodmornings ( I need more lower back strength to overcome my deadlift plateau)
DB lunges
Standing Calf Raises
2 forearm exercises

Day 2 - Chest/shoulder

Bench press
DB flyes
Overhead press (with good form, not my usual 90 deg arm half-rep)
Arnold press (Not sure if they are safe, my shoulders might hurt)
2 core exercises.

Day 3 - Arm day 1 / Triceps.

Barbell curl
Incline dumbbell curl
Dips, weighted dips when they get easy
Seated Calf raise, and a forearm exercise.

Day 4 - Back/some leg

Bent over rows with barbell
DB rows
Deep Squat
2 core exercises.

Day 5 - Arm day 2.

Biceps cable curl.
DB biceps Curl
Cable triceps pressdown
Deadlift ( Not exactly an arm exercise)
Standing calf raises and a forearm exercise.

Why 2 arm days?, my arms are somewhat vascular but very thin.
Why so many forearm exercises?, I have terrible forearm and grip genetics, which greatly limits most exercises, like deadlifts (bar always falls off my hands).

So, my routine would be like this, please have in mind that I really hate steady cardio on treadmills/bikes, so I replace it for some fitness classes which have helped me stay in good shape despite what some people think.

Mon: Active recovery, only cardio, spinning + combat
Tue: Day 4 + bodycombat (cardio)
Wed: Day 5 + core/pilates fitness class (Very tough, coach makes us hit abs like no tomorrow)
Thu: Day 1 + bootcamp/circuit
Fri: Rest
Sat: Day 2 + bodycombat
Sun: Day 3 + 2x bodycombat (90 min workout).

Does it make sense for my current strength goal?
Yeah this is not going to get you very far at all. What does 5x5 have to do with any of this?

Scrap this whole thing and do SS or the real 5x5 program. You say strength is your goal, but then you have your compound lifts in the middle of your workouts, sandwiched between machine exercises. No bueno


This is going to be extremely whiney and bitchy start, but FitGAF, I need you more than ever. Today I have hit the rock bottom what comes to motivation. Low calory diet and cardio actually starts to seem like a really good option...

It seems that what ever I do it is just not working for my benefit what comes to looks. I work out for myself but for once in my life I wouldn't mind becoming attractive - that apparently isn't going to be the case. Work out they said, you can't get too much muscles easily they said...

Between this and the group of people trying to stuff you with sweets, it sounds like others just feel insecure about themselves after seeing your progress and dedication. The changes shown in your pics are phenomenal. Don't change a thing if you like what's happening! (and I don't see how anyone couldn't!)


It's true but I thought that didn't matter in low bar squats?
Will I end up having to buy high-heels and squat in drag?

To a lesser degree, yes. And no sir :)
I relooked at posterior pelvic tilt information. Go ahead and stretch your hamstrings. Do wall sits (lie on the ground with your butt as far into the wall and put your feet on the wall as if you're squatting) and you'll feel where you are tight; could be upper/lower hamstring, calves, and/or ankles. You could also try these stretches in Bryce Lewis' video. Do you do warm-ups or mobility work?
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