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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Deadlift and squat plateau, yesterday I couldn't even deadlift the same I did weeks ago.

I'm thinking about replacing my current routine (which the gym gave me according to my goals) because it contains a lot of exercises per day (it takes a lot of time, and some of them are performed on useless machines), and I don't see any strength gains at all. I don't need too much volume or mass, just pure strength like an olympic weightlifter or parkour guys.

Based on stronglifts 5x5 and a lot of googling, I think this would work for me:

Day 1 - Leg

Deep Squats (Gotta drop weight and squat deeper to overcome my plateau)
Goodmornings ( I need more lower back strength to overcome my deadlift plateau)
DB lunges
Standing Calf Raises
2 forearm exercises

Day 2 - Chest/shoulder

Bench press
DB flyes
Overhead press (with good form, not my usual 90 deg arm half-rep)
Arnold press (Not sure if they are safe, my shoulders might hurt)
2 core exercises.

Day 3 - Arm day 1 / Triceps.

Barbell curl
Incline dumbbell curl
Dips, weighted dips when they get easy
Seated Calf raise, and a forearm exercise.

Day 4 - Back/some leg

Bent over rows with barbell
DB rows
Deep Squat
2 core exercises.

Day 5 - Arm day 2.

Biceps cable curl.
DB biceps Curl
Cable triceps pressdown
Deadlift ( Not exactly an arm exercise)
Standing calf raises and a forearm exercise.

Why 2 arm days?, my arms are somewhat vascular but very thin.
Why so many forearm exercises?, I have terrible forearm and grip genetics, which greatly limits most exercises, like deadlifts (bar always falls off my hands).

So, my routine would be like this, please have in mind that I really hate steady cardio on treadmills/bikes, so I replace it for some fitness classes which have helped me stay in good shape despite what some people think.

Mon: Active recovery, only cardio, spinning + combat
Tue: Day 4 + bodycombat (cardio)
Wed: Day 5 + core/pilates fitness class (Very tough, coach makes us hit abs like no tomorrow)
Thu: Day 1 + bootcamp/circuit
Fri: Rest
Sat: Day 2 + bodycombat
Sun: Day 3 + 2x bodycombat (90 min workout).

Does it make sense for my current strength goal?

Splitting things by bodypart is how bodybuilding-centric routings are designed. That sounds like pretty much the opposite of your stated goal of strength-focused training. Programs like stronglifts and starting strength are already completely strength-focused: a small number of compound lifts. A few full-body days instead of bodypart-specific ones done frequently. Fewer reps at larger weights.

Example: chest flyes are an isolation exercise that might be great for bb but are probably not needed in a strength training program. maybe as an assistance move at a more advanced level, but they're just fluff for a beginner.

Why not just do ss or stronglifts by the book if strength is your goal above all else? It's what they're designed for.

As for grip strength, I'm sure if it is that severely in need of some catching up, you could add some sort of grip exercise to the end of workouts, or could deload deadlifts alongside squats to slowly work your grip that way.
I had my first training session on Friday and my trainer had me do single leg squats, wall sits with medicine ball, planks, and flutter kicks. I am in abysmal shape and my glutes and hamstrings, and abs are still sore.

As a general rule is it okay to work out sore muscles?


I had my first training session on Friday and my trainer had me do single leg squats, wall sits with medicine ball, planks, and flutter kicks. I am in abysmal shape and my glutes and hamstrings, and abs are still sore.

As a general rule is it okay to work out sore muscles?

I had my first training session on Friday and my trainer had me do single leg squats, wall sits with medicine ball, planks, and flutter kicks. I am in abysmal shape and my glutes and hamstrings, and abs are still sore.

As a general rule is it okay to work out sore muscles?
Are you getting adequate rest? Training with soreness is fine, as long as you give your muscles time to recover. I stay sore pretty much all the time, but I still put that work in.
Are you getting adequate rest? Training with soreness is fine, as long as you give your muscles time to recover. I stay sore pretty much all the time, but I still put that work in.

Let's just say that when I'm not at the gym I am in a rest state, lol. Was supposed to go on a hike today, but had to reschedule. I don't live an active lifestyle at the moment.
Let's just say that when I'm not at the gym I am in a rest state, lol. Was supposed to go on a hike today, but had to reschedule. I don't live an active lifestyle at the moment.
Some ibuprofen might help ease some of the soreness but you're gonna have to work out through it. The great news is that DOMS gets slightly less severe with consistent exercise.
Some ibuprofen might help ease some of the soreness but you're gonna have to work out through it. The great news is that DOMS gets slightly less severe with consistent exercise.
Yeah, I'm dealing with crazy DOMS right now, that's why I asked for any tips earlier in the thread. I vaguely remember someone recommending a foam roller a while back; I'm not too keen on popping pain killers, so I think I might try that.


The worst thing you could do is absolutely nothing. If you just sit there your muscles are going to tighten up.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The worst thing you could do is absolutely nothing. If you just sit there your muscles are going to tighten up.

Yup. The muscle soreness will lessen dramatically after doing a few warmup sets. By the end of the session, it won't be so bad.


In addition to foam rolling, I found that doing lightweight exercises, or perhaps even body weight exercises helps immensely with stretching out sore muscles and improving recovery time.

The soreness won't be as bad after 4-5 weeks of starting your lifting regimen.


So i was squatting, and basically my left knee's kind painful when flexing and has been for a few days; hurts to squat.

I'm going to make a doctors appointment, but in the meantime, does anyone have suggestions?


So i was squatting, and basically my left knee's kind painful when flexing and has been for a few days; hurts to squat.

I'm going to make a doctors appointment, but in the meantime, does anyone have suggestions?



And not to sound like a total dick and call you out MT, you've asked for advice multiple times, disregarded it and complained how weak you are.

Just take the advice, give it an honest 6 months. Eat. Sleep and come back.

Thinking back I gave you this exact advice a long time ago.


Mt1200 that schedule tho

2 arm days? 5xs a week? Dont do this to yourself

Do SS like Brolic said but with some light arm assistance exercises to get your arm pump if it makes you feel better about your "genetics"

Or do the Greyskull program

Ok, will do some googling.

If that routine is a clusterfuck, I don't know what you guys would say about my current one :p , I won't bother posting it, let's just say it takes a lot of time from me and I can't stay longer than 2-2.5 hours at the gym.

Just take the advice, give it an honest 6 months. Eat. Sleep and come back.

Thinking back I gave you this exact advice a long time ago.

I actually quietly followed some of that advice, SL routine really helped me, and the results were appearing when I stopped caring about my diet so much. Pure strength goal isn't so easy to achieve, that's why I asked again (back then my goal was to cut some BF% which I already achieved, now i need some strength)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
2 to 2.5 hours in the gym... Jesus. Unless you're going super light on the weights or guzzling a glucose beverage during your workout, I don't see how your energy levels can keep up.


2 to 2.5 hours in the gym... Jesus. Unless you're going super light on the weights or guzzling a glucose beverage during your workout, I don't see how your energy levels can keep up.

Yeah, I'm usually in the gym for no more than 60-75 minutes and even that feels too long lol. Time in the weight room isn't a linear function.
The worst thing you could do is absolutely nothing. If you just sit there your muscles are going to tighten up.

I have been considering doing some HIIT work. The kind where you do something like jump rope or jumping over a mat for 20 sec and resting and then repeating for some sets. Should i do them on rest days or the same day as my lifting? I was considering doing HIIT in rest days since i can at least do something on rest days instead of being home all day. Also wouldn't it be burning more than enough when lifting? Seems more efficient on rest days.


It's jarring how many people believe they need to spend 1.5-3 hours in the gym every workout. I constantly get looks from people when I finish up after 45 minutes.


It's jarring how many people believe they need to spend 1.5-3 hours in the gym every workout. I constantly get looks from people when I finish up after 45 minutes.

Pretty sure no one is looking at you and keeping track of the length of your workouts.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
lol at the 2 hour gym people. I get harassed by the regulars constantly for my short workouts. Especially on squat days where I can crank it out in 30 minutes if I really push through. My standard response is quality over quantity. It usually elicits the standard, well you've got good genetics so you can get away with it. That wouldn't work for me. :rolleyes:


Haha. They do. I go to a gym with a lot of former high school classmates. As I'm leaving they'll ask me, "that's it?"

Well, that changes things, lol

I keep my workouts to 1 hour max...they usually fall between 45-60 min. Some days I feel good and shorten the breaks between sets, others, not...


lol at the 2 hour gym people. I get harassed by the regulars constantly for my short workouts. Especially on squat days where I can crank it out in 30 minutes if I really push through. My standard response is quality over quantity. It usually elicits the standard, well you've got good genetics so you can get away with it. That wouldn't work for me. :rolleyes:

On average I am at the gym for a little over an hour, but my workouts are only around 40-45 minutes. I usually spend 20 or so minutes in the sauna afterwards.

There are some guys that are there no matter when I go in between the hours of 1-6 PM, I feel like they spend their entire afternoon there.


lol at the 2 hour gym people. I get harassed by the regulars constantly for my short workouts. Especially on squat days where I can crank it out in 30 minutes if I really push through. My standard response is quality over quantity. It usually elicits the standard, well you've got good genetics so you can get away with it. That wouldn't work for me. :rolleyes:

Well, that changes things, lol

I keep my workouts to 1 hour max...they usually fall between 45-60 min. Some days I feel good and shorten the breaks between sets, others, not...

I did quantity over quality for years before joining this thread. Like a lot of people, I got caught up with the idea that I needed to do ten different things to have a workout.

I think a majority of this has to do with the insecurity most people have when they first join a gym. To compensate for my lack of knowledge and strength when I first started working out, I'd constantly tell my friends, teammates and coworkers how long and how many exercises I was doing at the gym. It's a good way in tricking people that you're an authority when it comes to working out and allows yourself to not leave your ego at the door.

Now that I'm back going to the gym after months upon months of rehab, I've obviously found that I'm not the man I once was. I'm weak. I can barely manage to squat and deadlift past 200lbs when just a few months ago, those were my warmups. With all of that said, I'm okay with that since I'm armed with some knowledge of what it takes to have a quality workout. I rarely do more than three exercises.

I hope that with the recent surge in popularity of the Olympic lifts that the general public will begin to understand that they don't have to workout on seven different machines to get a good workout.

Mr Croft

I recently got back into the gym after tearing my acl and meniscus and I have to say it has been rough. I used to bench 285 as a max and now I barely get 2 sets of 225. It is so sad to see what strength is from injuries. I'm still scared to do squats because of the knee. Good to see a fit GAF thread.
I hope that with the recent surge in popularity of the Olympic lifts that the general public will begin to understand that they don't have to workout on seven different machines to get a good workout.

I thought part of their increased popularity came due to crossfit, which isn't exactly synonymous with any policy of efficient workouts.


the piano man
I don't pay that much attention to how long it takes for me to be done with a workout session but usually It takes an 1 hour and 20 minutes of effective workout time, sometimes less, it depends, sometimes everything flows, Sometimes someone is using the equipment I need or I am particularly slow because I ate or slept badly.

that being said, 2.5 hours that a lot, but I can sse it happening if you throw all sorts of small-time isolation stuff like crunches, calf raises and you fool around with your phone.

So, today I was done with in 1 hour.and I think I found my favorite shirt for chest days, it's a tank top but it's tight so It adapts to the form of my upper body, unlike the compression things where I have to be at 8% BF to wear them with pride lol.

unfiltered/uninstagram'd but dark for some reason,.

I can easily take 2 hours over 3-4 exercises. I blame squats. I'm seriously considering splitting lower and upper body but that would be too much detraction from the program


I thought part of their increased popularity came due to crossfit, which isn't exactly synonymous with any policy of efficient workouts.

Yeah, but one of the few positive things that Crossfit has done is introduce the Olympic lifts to the public. They may not be taught to do them correctly, but at least they're not scared of, "ruining their knees," the next time they do squats.


Killer legday today, the sweat was dripping all over the place lol. Luckily i brought a big ass towel.
Oh, this is me every damn time in the gym. :p I don't know will I ever learn to take it easy enough not to sweat the whole place and be totally out of breath constantly. Propaply not.

Then again I feel like a god since I am creating totally new salty lakes and seas.

(I so don't understand how some people in the gym wear make up.)

I don't pay that much attention to how long it takes for me to be done with a workout session but usually It takes an 1 hour and 20 minutes of effective workout time, sometimes less, it depends, sometimes everything flows, Sometimes someone is using the equipment I need or I am particularly slow because I ate or slept badly.

that being said, 2.5 hours that a lot, but I can sse it happening if you throw all sorts of small-time isolation stuff like crunches, calf raises and you fool around with your phone.
I keep my workouts to 1 hour max...they usually fall between 45-60 min. Some days I feel good and shorten the breaks between sets, others, not...
My effective work out is always something between 45-60 minutes, but I am at the gym generally a bit longer since I do on top of that 30 minutes on the crosstrainer (a short warm up and in the end) and I also do the stretches in there straight after the work out. Once in a while I also do the core muscle training ordered by my physiotherapist after all of those. On worst case scenarios I can be around two hours at the gym.

So, today I was done with in 1 hour.and I think I found my favorite shirt for chest days, it's a tank top but it's tight so It adapts to the form of my upper body, unlike the compression things where I have to be at 8% BF to wear them with pride lol.

unfiltered/uninstagram'd but dark for some reason,.

That top really suits you! Looking good sweetie! :D

Between this and the group of people trying to stuff you with sweets, it sounds like others just feel insecure about themselves after seeing your progress and dedication. The changes shown in your pics are phenomenal. Don't change a thing if you like what's happening! (and I don't see how anyone couldn't!)
FitGAF never disappoints. Thank you for this post honey! I am really happy about the changes, my back feels so much better already and I am generally satisfied with how the things had come together this far. I have hard time imagining what I would look like if I would have tried to lost the weight without the working out. I would assume I wouldn't be this healthy, have this much muscles left or generally look this "toned" skin wise. All this said I am going to continue what I have been doing and planning on changing only if my physiotherapist lets me switch to free weights more.

My end goal is to get rid of the extra fat, get nice toned legs and that round squat ass, a cute little diamond between my legs and work my waist to be as nice as my genetics let it be.

That is so not my body type, but she looks ridiculously hot. Anything that would take me to that direction in a long run would be good though. (Like losing weight and working out... :p )

Seriously, I saw those pictures earlier in the thread and you've made phenomenal improvements. It's a sad fact that a lot of people will, intentionally or not be very unsupportive when others improve themselves. As you continue along your fitness journey and get in better and better shape you will accumulate a lot of negative commentary. These people are often jealous, feel insecure about their own fitness or feel like they're entitled to a condescending opinion about someone else's improvement. It's also true that you can't please everyone. Even when you're in phenomenal shape and giving bystanders whiplash there will still be people who say offensive things. At the end of the day you should have a body that makes you feel good, look good and perform well in your terms. Your opinion is the only one that matters. Keep on doing what you're doing, fuck the haters and keep everyone here posted on your journey!
This post gave me a good insight of what may be going on. Thank you! Hahah, and also thank you for the compliments, they are always highly appreciated as well. :p

But I will continue doing what you adviced, keeping you all posted and keeping myself happy. :D

I didn't even realize that people could be negative about something as awesome as this - especially the people who are dear to me should be only happy that I am feeling better about myself.


I recently got back into the gym after tearing my acl and meniscus and I have to say it has been rough. I used to bench 285 as a max and now I barely get 2 sets of 225. It is so sad to see what strength is from injuries. I'm still scared to do squats because of the knee. Good to see a fit GAF thread.

Fellow ACL and meniscus tear guy. You'll be fine with squats eventually. If your leg has atrophied like mine you'll want to rebuild as much muscle as you can. Don't be like me. I dropped the ball on that.

The only excercise I was told to avoid in the beginning were leg lifts, because it stretches mu patellar tendon, which my new ACL from grafted from (central third instead of the hamstring graft).

Consult your doc and your pt on squats if you're worried.

Mr Croft

Fellow ACL and meniscus tear guy. You'll be fine with squats eventually. If your leg has atrophied like mine you'll want to rebuild as much muscle as you can. Don't be like me. I dropped the ball on that.

The only excercise I was told to avoid in the beginning were leg lifts, because it stretches mu patellar tendon, which my new ACL from grafted from (central third instead of the hamstring graft).

Consult your doc and your pt on squats if you're worried.

I got my repair done the same way . When I was doing physical therapy I was doing leg press and air squats with no problem. I think its just a personal fear hurdle I have to get over. I haven't even played football I'm literally petrified to step on the field again.


I got my repair done the same way . When I was doing physical therapy I was doing leg press and air squats with no problem. I think its just a personal fear hurdle I have to get over. I haven't even played football I'm literally petrified to step on the field again.

You'll get over it. Just ease your way back in.

I tore my ACL + meniscus last November. Just got back fully at it a month ago. My ortho wants me to take it very slow on both DL and squat until I hit a year since surgery.


Just saw this status on my Facebook feed:

SuperFit Games Workout # 2 : 40 DL, 30 pullups, 40 goblet squats, 30 power cleans - 8 min cap

40 deadlifts? 30 power cleans? 8 minute cap?

lol wtf? I don't even know how heavy but that seems retarded.


I got my repair done the same way . When I was doing physical therapy I was doing leg press and air squats with no problem. I think its just a personal fear hurdle I have to get over. I haven't even played football I'm literally petrified to step on the field again.

Yeah, I remember doing leg presses as well. Did they give you a sheet with some plyometric exercises? (ex box jumps, etc)


My knee sort of hurt a little (non surgery knee) on squats the other day. I almost feel like my knee wasn't tracking properly with where my toes were pointed. Any hints? Was my stance too wide? I felt they were shoulder width apart, possibly outside shoulder.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I can easily take 2 hours over 3-4 exercises. I blame squats. I'm seriously considering splitting lower and upper body but that would be too much detraction from the program

Why do squats take so long? Even doing a 5x5 program, that should only be 20 minutes of rest time maximum. Throw in warmups and your work sets, and you're looking at 30 minutes on the long end of things.


Why do squats take so long? Even doing a 5x5 program, that should only be 20 minutes of rest time maximum. Throw in warmups and your work sets, and you're looking at 30 minutes on the long end of things.

When you pack on the weight there is absolutely no way 90 seconds- 3 mins is enough rest time between sets.


Just saw this status on my Facebook feed:

40 deadlifts? 30 power cleans? 8 minute cap?

lol wtf? I don't even know how heavy but that seems retarded.

Sounds like crossfit, so touch-n-go deadlifts and power cleans that are basically reverse BB curls with a little hop in between
Why do squats take so long? Even doing a 5x5 program, that should only be 20 minutes of rest time maximum. Throw in warmups and your work sets, and you're looking at 30 minutes on the long end of things.

Well, that's 30 minutes per exercise. Throw in a few others and some stretching, and you've got a pretty long workout.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
When you pack on the weight there is absolutely no way 90 seconds- 3 mins is enough rest time between sets.

5 minutes rest between sets on 5 sets would be 20 minutes (4 rest breaks). More than five minutes rest seems a bit excessive when working out for reps, but I'm also not lifting really heavy yet, so maybe I don't know.

Well, that's 30 minutes per exercise. Throw in a few others and some stretching, and you've got a pretty long workout.

My assumption was that the other exercises wouldn't have as long of rest breaks, but again, I may be wrong.
To a lesser degree, yes. And no sir :)
I relooked at posterior pelvic tilt information. Go ahead and stretch your hamstrings. Do wall sits (lie on the ground with your butt as far into the wall and put your feet on the wall as if you're squatting) and you'll feel where you are tight; could be upper/lower hamstring, calves, and/or ankles. You could also try these stretches in Bryce Lewis' video. Do you do warm-ups or mobility work?

I do warmups but no stretching. I'll see how I can fit some in. Plus on the rest days of course.

My assumption was that the other exercises wouldn't have as long of rest breaks, but again, I may be wrong.

You assume right. Well, deadlifts kill but it's just one set, so I just have to rest before the next exercise. I don't know, squats make time fly and I still feel rushed some days.

J. Bravo

did the rock's hercules shoulder workout today. pretty neat. i'm going to be sore tomorrow. but it's worth it for the boulder shoulders.
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