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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Lol at people who think, "I don't use weights because I don't wanna get bulky". As if building bulky muscle is automatic and easy. Even body weight only people eventually use weights in their workouts. I don't know one person who has lost weight and kept it off successfully without making their muscles stronger in some capacity.


The thing is their goal isn't to get strong, their goal is to look better. The strength gain they get is simply a by-product.

I'd argue for strength over aesthetics every time, but that's simply not the case for most people. And to be fair, most people quit anyway.
Well, you have got the good looks as a by-product of gaining strenght then. :p

Also the quitting part is something I am somewhat worried once in a while because I have heard it happens a lot and I am only a noobie. I have been going to gym only for four months. At the moment I have hard time even imagining I wouldn't go there since it makes me feel so good afterwards, but then again who knows what will happen. At least I know that I need to change my current programm when I have lost enough weight and my back is better. Perhaps then I would go with something that would better support my ideal end goal.


Lol at people who think, "I don't use weights because I don't wanna get bulky". As if building bulky muscle is automatic and easy. Even body weight only people eventually use weights in their workouts. I don't know one person who has lost weight and kept it off successfully without making their muscles stronger in some capacity.

The jokes on them, because lifting weights is probably the best thing you could do to lose weight other than diet.


The jokes on them, because lifting weights is probably the best thing you could do to lose weight other than diet.
My thoughts exactly. I think it has a whole lot of benefits if thinking of losing weight. I don't think I would be nearly this firm (even if there is a long way to go) if I wouldn't have been lifting and working out.
Do not check out your abs near me at the gym. Just don't. ;)

Oh man, we have this guy who lifts shirtless sometimes at my gym. At first I let it slide, but I really never tolerate that shit. Gold's is not a gym for that. Especially when it's packed. Not to mention it's just disgusting.

He's also really skinny.

For the record, if you are a pro of some sort, or it's a gym that is catered to athletes of all kinds. I can maybe understand, but not a layman's gym.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Do not check out your abs near me at the gym. Just don't. ;)

Oh man, we have this guy who lifts shirtless sometimes at my gym. At first I let it slide, but I really never tolerate that shit. Gold's is not a gym for that. Especially when it's packed. Not to mention it's just disgusting.

He's also really skinny.

For the record, if you are a pro of some sort, or it's a gym that is catered to athletes of all kinds. I can maybe understand, but not a layman's gym.

This gym is definitely tailored for Body builders/ power lifters/ and fighting athletes.


The thing is their goal isn't to get strong, their goal is to look better. The strength gain they get is simply a by-product.

My goals, in order of importance to me, are conditioning, fat loss, mood and sleep improvement, and strength. Luckily those are pretty entwined with each other so it doesn't really matter that strength is fourth on the list.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
My goals, in order of importance to me, are conditioning, fat loss, mood and sleep improvement, and strength. Luckily those are pretty entwined with each other so it doesn't really matter that strength is fourth on the list.

Except It does, but you will figure that out later. Prioritization is the key to realizing your goals.

J. Bravo

Starting smolov again.... After two games of basketball, 8 hours of work, and not eating since 1pm. That first set was hard lol.
Strength is pretty much no-where on my list. I'm already strong enough to do anything that I'd ever want to do with it so I don't really see the need for any more. Should I find myself needing to carry two of me on my shoulders out of a burning building then I might reconsider. Same goes for pushing a very large burning beam off my chest. ;)

I care far more about endurance and flexibility... and then aesthetics.
Water submersion. The second best way is to post a few pics on FitGaf. We'll get pretty close.

Just to clarify, you can't calculate bf% without having a measurement tool. As Coots mentioned, water submission is the most accurate method, but it is expensive and I don't think people commonly use it. If you post a shirtless pic here we can eyeball it for you and give our estimates. Alternatively, you can be measured with skin-fold calipers which can give you a rough estimate or use bioelectrical impedance measurements; my local grocery store has a blood pressure measuring machine near their pharmacy that can also measure body fat via this method. It isn't perfect, but gives a rough approximation. If you can measure using a few methods you can then get a clearer picture where you stand.
Alright I'll take some pics tomorrow morning and post them later in the day

I would do it now but I bloat like crazy during the day

OG Kush

Any people here still do pushups? Started Greyskull LP about 3 weeks ago and I find the high rep pushups work so well with the low rep (5 reps) bench press. And I definitely feel it more. It is weird how I feel my chest is shaping more now where I do 3x5 bench one or twice a week and pushups everyday (using the GSLP frequency method) than when I did a push pull legs split where I typically would hit my chest with about 5 exercises of 3-4 sets (6-10 reps) each a week.
I underrated body weight exercises so much. I'm doing the same with chin ups, doing BW chin ups 6 days a week at home through the day, and then twice a week doing weighted pullups.

From what I've gathered in this thread best exercise is snatch grip shrugs? I've started doing this and I do feel they hit my traps much better than normal shrugs.. but what is best rep range and frequency a week to get them growing ideally?! Cheers peeps, much love.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Any people here still do pushups? Started Greyskull LP about 3 weeks ago and I find the high rep pushups work so well with the low rep (5 reps) bench press. And I definitely feel it more. It is weird how I feel my chest is shaping more now where I do 3x5 bench one or twice a week and pushups everyday (using the GSLP frequency method) than when I did a push pull legs split where I typically would hit my chest with about 5 exercises of 3-4 sets (6-10 reps) each a week.
I underrated body weight exercises so much. I'm doing the same with chin ups, doing BW chin ups 6 days a week at home through the day, and then twice a week doing weighted pullups.

From what I've gathered in this thread best exercise is snatch grip shrugs? I've started doing this and I do feel they hit my traps much better than normal shrugs.. but what is best rep range and frequency a week to get them growing ideally?! Cheers peeps, much love.

In my opinion snatch grip high pulls and heavy deads are best for traps. Snatch grip shrugs are good for a meatier middle back.
I work up 15-20 reps until I hit 405+ then knock those out in sets of 10 for 3 sets then maybe do a back off set.


J. Bravo

Finished all my reps. It was hard and I almost passed out at the end lol. Any suggestions on how to alleviate the guaranteed doms? And how can I avoid my upper body wasting away while only squatting for 12 weeks?


Got this stuff at costco


It basically taste like spreadable cookies.
Started my Deload today after taking a nice 6 day vacation to recover from a sore wrist.

Got into a nice groove with form. The only thing I struggle with now is the kick back on the bench press.

Anyone have a good teaching video of the kick back? Dave Tates series the only good one?


Do not check out your abs near me at the gym. Just don't. ;)

Oh man, we have this guy who lifts shirtless sometimes at my gym. At first I let it slide, but I really never tolerate that shit. Gold's is not a gym for that. Especially when it's packed. Not to mention it's just disgusting.

He's also really skinny.

For the record, if you are a pro of some sort, or it's a gym that is catered to athletes of all kinds. I can maybe understand, but not a layman's gym.

That is real douchey lol


That is the thing - she doesn't have a proper program but she just goes to the gym to do something (it might have been a bit misleading for me to say she don't want to change it since she really doesn't have one). She didn't break a sweat not even once during the whole time at the gym and she wasn't out of breath either.

Perhaps I am just not seeing it, but to me it looked quite much pointless.

Also the lack of core muscles was quite worrying to me, but then again that might be normal.

I also need to add that I am not working out to be strong - I am working out to be healthy and hopefully better looking like I would imagine most of the people.

My planks were awful even after a year and a half of heavy lifting. Then I got sidelined with tendinitis and my core was reduced to nothing.

Now my planks are the best they've been in years. My routine? Running and yoga. Maybe one day of squats per week if I get to the gym before my yoga class starts.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I don't care how great you look or how hard you work, if you are lifting your shirt at the gym to check out your abs I will think less of you. Lame is not a strong enough word.

And damn Brolic, you make so many difficult things look fairly easy. Sign of supreme concentration.


Hahah, that is utter nonsense - you are a hot piece of meat.

Try to enjoy your rest day sweetie! Tomorrow will be my epic rest day and I am going to capital to see couple art exhibitions with my little sister and we are going to this awesome sushi buffet. It will definitely also be a cheat day. :p

Sleeeeep... I may so some yoga before bed though in an attempt to sleep tonight.

Omg, I'm jelly of sushi. It's one of my faves and I haven't had it in a while :'( Rice = carbs = sad me.

Please don't put yourself down anymore. I think you're pretty darn cute if that means anything. Keep working!

Okay. I won't
in this thread.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I don't care how great you look or how hard you work, if you are lifting your shirt at the gym to check out your abs I will think less of you. Lame is not a strong enough word.

And damn Brolic, you make so many difficult things look fairly easy. Sign of supreme concentration.

Got damn... you made that look light.

Thanks guys, I appreciate it.

Also, today was a good day. I'm repping 4 plates on each side on the hammer upper back row machine and 4 plates and a quarter on hammer strength bench I did a double and a single on today.

Then finished out with 4 plates on each side for 5+ reps at 3 sets. Bench and back are getting strong as hell right now.


Alright, i just got back from the gym and hit 250lbs on bench!!!! Halfway up, i wasnt 100% sure, but i just said to myself, this is going up. And it did. DAMN im so hyped still. Just have 370lbs on squats left and ANOTHER successful 1s week. Thank you lord!
Almost done with my 1st cycle of 5/3/1. I'm doing the simplest strength template however I'm thinking about switching over to BBB in my next cycle because cycle 1 would wipe me out and affect my recovery. The only thing i noticed is that its lacking in YOLO bicep curls so is it appropriate to add it into BBB as an assistance?


Switched to lifting in the morning instead of the evening, so far so good. Gym is really empty and i feel more energetic the rest of the work day. Might keep it this way.
Switched to lifting in the morning instead of the evening, so far so good. Gym is really empty and i feel more energetic the rest of the work day. Might keep it this way.

I love early morning workouts! Like you, it gives me more energy to take on the day!
It's good to change the time of day you workout from time to time too because it'll shock your body.


F my life, no sleep again last night. I'm still going to try to work out after work today in the hopes that it will tire me out enough to sleep.
F my life, no sleep again last night. I'm still going to try to work out after work today in the hopes that it will tire me out enough to sleep.

It happens. I came to work at 6:30 because I could only sleep 3 hours and I rather leave early than force myself to sleep a couple more.


Yay back in the game post surgery. Been out two weeks. I decided to drop to 80% of previous levels for safety. It felt too easy but I am going to stick with it. It'll help me firm up my form. Loving being back!



Haven't posted in awhile. But this was me after chest day yesterday. Made serious progress since the start of the year and I'm glad I can now do 225lbs more consistently on the bench. I try for 5 reps of 4 sets @225 or until failure. Still working on bringing down my bodyfat %.


Finally got a doctors appointment scheduled for this Thursday. Took me longer than I wanted due to issues with my health insurance. They screwed me over on a previous claim, so I called them up ahead of time to make sure everything was in order. After providing information that I already gave them on 4 different occasions, they claim everything was fine.

Hopefully the shoulder injury isn't anything serious. I miss chest day :(


Best squat day in awhile. 315x5 past parallel which is one rep short of where I was for 315 before starting my cut

Nice work man. I was pushing 315 but my form was awful, so I went lower and my goal is now to work my way back up there while going below parallel. The form check videos on here actually helped me a great deal.


Haven't posted in awhile. But this was me after chest day yesterday. Made serious progress since the start of the year and I'm glad I can now do 225lbs more consistently on the bench. I try for 5 reps of 4 sets @225 or until failure. Still working on bringing down my bodyfat %.

Damn man looking good. I wished my chest was that pumped. Still gotta work at it.
I'm approaching 3 plates on my Squat in a couple of days and I'd like FitGAF's advice when to start using knee wraps or knee braces.

Anyone use a wrap on their knees? where do you find one?


Haven't posted in awhile. But this was me after chest day yesterday. Made serious progress since the start of the year and I'm glad I can now do 225lbs more consistently on the bench. I try for 5 reps of 4 sets @225 or until failure. Still working on bringing down my bodyfat %.

Great work...my ideal physique.


I'm approaching 3 plates on my Squat in a couple of days and I'd like FitGAF's advice when to start using knee wraps or knee braces.

Anyone use a wrap on their knees? where do you find one?

I'd just stick to a belt. When I maxed 375 I think wraps may have helped me get it easier or even 385 just to keep stability in the hole and on the way up, but I don't know how necessary they are if you aren't competing.
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