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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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What's raising my alarm is the age and doses nowadays. Back in the 80's/90's the bodybuilders didn't really look like the monsters from nowadays. Frank Zane had godly aesthetics at around 180lbs or so?
These kids see all these huge, ripped guys and will want to imitate them off course and the internet is full of stupid shit that they all believe, gullible as they are.
There's this kid in my gym, i reckon he's around 19 and already on the tren (i recognize the sides) and he's been advertising his massive gains to all his friends, which some of them are lower in age.
I may be misremembering, but aren't you moving from wherever you are now to Chicago-land sometime soon Darth? If so, you may find a whole new crowd up there and who knows how that'll influence you. I'd personally hold out on any such decisions (as far as getting on gear) until you're up there to see how your motivations change in a new environment. Personally, I'll never hold it against anyone that uses the stuff as long as they don't misrepresent, or worse yet, give out advice on how to look like they look or lift like they lift but leave out the part about how they're on gear... it just gives false hope to natural peeps.


the piano man
sorry everyone cause this may get a bit off-topic.. but for those interested:

Yep, I dunno what it is about our culture but many of us have incredible physiques and crazy dedication to the gym. For some though, it's pretty unhealthy. Steroids are rampant among the gay community. It exceeds usings them to just get bigger or stronger, people are using them as a crutch to get to a muscular physique as quickly as possible as there is this skewed idea that that is the only thing people desire.

but we have to admit darth that while it's not the only thing people desire, it makes a huuuge difference in people's perception, specially In the gay community, including the dating apps.

There is what I call the "prey" and the "hunter", the prey is the overly hot guy, everybody would die to get in bed with. The hunter is the guy who looks so mainstream or guy-next-door, that nobody would turn their eyes to look at him so he has to go hunting and hitting on people.

I don't know if you use grindr or growlr, but try putting one pic of yours showing skin, not even the most flattering, just one "ok" pic, go do something else but remain online for a couple of hours and then look back and see how many guys have written back to you.

yes, a shitton, lol there's no need whatsoever for you to look for people, they get to you.

I've been talking with a guy off and on for the past 6 months or so. I'm not sure where we're headed, but he's definitely one of those guys. He's incredibly fit, has one of the best bodies I've ever seen, and looks like a model (very handsome). However he's also started using, he's on his second cycle, and I don't know how it makes me feel. I'm totally cool with it, but I don't get his motivations for why.

vigorexia, I think, he probably feels small,

As a 5'6 guy with a small frame and pitiful arms, I can fully understand why would some people go that way to achieve the goals.

Anyway it's that kinda shit that makes me question whether or not I want to get on something or not. For me it's not about being bigger or stronger, it's about impressing other guys and looking good. Being desired, etc. Those kind of thoughts are unhealthy and sadly it's pretty much the case with everyone in the gay community.

for me is about feeling like the hero of my life. When I reach the end of the movie that is my life and the credits start rolling, I want to go out having known I never held back, I never gave in to excuses. I want my appearance to speak for that.

and I want to marry a bulky musclebear who happens to play the cello professionally , lol

I actually have a bunch of stories to share from my various travels across the US after I had lost all my weight and changed my physique. People really treat you completely differently when you are "hot". It's depressing really and has left me rather jaded when it comes to dating guys. I pretty much assume every guy is shallow until they prove otherwise.

everybody is shallow to some degree, I think, I remember when I wasn't considered "hot" in the online scene and it wasn't better. Love and worthy acquaintances are fucking hard to get, my friend, muscles or not.

Another thing is that there's always this pressure to be fit that you never get to really enjoy the not so healthy things in life. I like to eat shitty foods, they taste good and I enjoy em. However i tend to overindulge and put on fat because of it. Guys don't like softness, they all want you lean and ripped or very muscular. I won't lie, there are times where I have avoided enjoying life with friends/family because I knew some big gay related event was coming up and I wanted to look good.

but you are reaping the rewards, can't say it was for naught. it was probably worth it.

for one reason or another, I wasn't in the physicial state I wanted to achieve for the pride week on madrid and I felt kind of down at times.


Yep, I dunno what it is about our culture but many of us have incredible physiques and crazy dedication to the gym. For some though, it's pretty unhealthy. Steroids are rampant among the gay community. It exceeds usings them to just get bigger or stronger, people are using them as a crutch to get to a muscular physique as quickly as possible as there is this skewed idea that that is the only thing people desire.

I've been talking with a guy off and on for the past 6 months or so. I'm not sure where we're headed, but he's definitely one of those guys. He's incredibly fit, has one of the best bodies I've ever seen, and looks like a model (very handsome). However he's also started using, he's on his second cycle, and I don't know how it makes me feel. I'm totally cool with it, but I don't get his motivations for why.

Anyway it's that kinda shit that makes me question whether or not I want to get on something or not. For me it's not about being bigger or stronger, it's about impressing other guys and looking good. Being desired, etc. Those kind of thoughts are unhealthy and sadly it's pretty much the case with everyone in the gay community.

I actually have a bunch of stories to share from my various travels across the US after I had lost all my weight and changed my physique. People really treat you completely differently when you are "hot". It's depressing really and has left me rather jaded when it comes to dating guys. I pretty much assume every guy is shallow until they prove otherwise.

Another thing is that there's always this pressure to be fit that you never get to really enjoy the not so healthy things in life. I like to eat shitty foods, they taste good and I enjoy em. However i tend to overindulge and put on fat because of it. Guys don't like softness, they all want you lean and ripped or very muscular. I won't lie, there are times where I have avoided enjoying life with friends/family because I knew some big gay related event was coming up and I wanted to look good.

Shit's so fucked up. </rant>

Interesting post and insight, thank you.
Yep, I dunno what it is about our culture but many of us have incredible physiques and crazy dedication to the gym. For some though, it's pretty unhealthy. Steroids are rampant among the gay community. It exceeds usings them to just get bigger or stronger, people are using them as a crutch to get to a muscular physique as quickly as possible as there is this skewed idea that that is the only thing people desire.

I've been talking with a guy off and on for the past 6 months or so. I'm not sure where we're headed, but he's definitely one of those guys. He's incredibly fit, has one of the best bodies I've ever seen, and looks like a model (very handsome). However he's also started using, he's on his second cycle, and I don't know how it makes me feel. I'm totally cool with it, but I don't get his motivations for why.

Anyway it's that kinda shit that makes me question whether or not I want to get on something or not. For me it's not about being bigger or stronger, it's about impressing other guys and looking good. Being desired, etc. Those kind of thoughts are unhealthy and sadly it's pretty much the case with everyone in the gay community.

I actually have a bunch of stories to share from my various travels across the US after I had lost all my weight and changed my physique. People really treat you completely differently when you are "hot". It's depressing really and has left me rather jaded when it comes to dating guys. I pretty much assume every guy is shallow until they prove otherwise.

Another thing is that there's always this pressure to be fit that you never get to really enjoy the not so healthy things in life. I like to eat shitty foods, they taste good and I enjoy em. However i tend to overindulge and put on fat because of it. Guys don't like softness, they all want you lean and ripped or very muscular. I won't lie, there are times where I have avoided enjoying life with friends/family because I knew some big gay related event was coming up and I wanted to look good.

Shit's so fucked up. </rant>

I have one question, but I don't want to dig too off topic.

I don't know the gay community that well but aren't there guys like bears or something that are desired for being chubby and cuddly?

I can't imagine that every guy wants another hardbody and nothing else.
That sounds boring to have to deal with in a relationship, comparing figures I mean.
That moment when your massage therapist says your muscles feel like rocks and then when you bring up competing in a drug tested/raw fed down the road she asks "you'd get drug tested?"

Lol. Feels good bros.

I need to get a massage, it's been at least a year...

I usually get dudes to do my massages.


and I want to marry a bulky musclebear who happens to play the cello professionally , lol
This comment is so golden. <3

I also really liked your post in general. Thank you for the insight.

Yep, I dunno what it is about our culture but many of us have incredible physiques and crazy dedication to the gym. For some though, it's pretty unhealthy. Steroids are rampant among the gay community. It exceeds usings them to just get bigger or stronger, people are using them as a crutch to get to a muscular physique as quickly as possible as there is this skewed idea that that is the only thing people desire.

I've been talking with a guy off and on for the past 6 months or so. I'm not sure where we're headed, but he's definitely one of those guys. He's incredibly fit, has one of the best bodies I've ever seen, and looks like a model (very handsome). However he's also started using, he's on his second cycle, and I don't know how it makes me feel. I'm totally cool with it, but I don't get his motivations for why.

Anyway it's that kinda shit that makes me question whether or not I want to get on something or not. For me it's not about being bigger or stronger, it's about impressing other guys and looking good. Being desired, etc. Those kind of thoughts are unhealthy and sadly it's pretty much the case with everyone in the gay community.

I actually have a bunch of stories to share from my various travels across the US after I had lost all my weight and changed my physique. People really treat you completely differently when you are "hot". It's depressing really and has left me rather jaded when it comes to dating guys. I pretty much assume every guy is shallow until they prove otherwise.

Another thing is that there's always this pressure to be fit that you never get to really enjoy the not so healthy things in life. I like to eat shitty foods, they taste good and I enjoy em. However i tend to overindulge and put on fat because of it. Guys don't like softness, they all want you lean and ripped or very muscular. I won't lie, there are times where I have avoided enjoying life with friends/family because I knew some big gay related event was coming up and I wanted to look good.

Shit's so fucked up. </rant>
Shit is fucked up. There is no denying it.

I am fairly sure it isn't only among the gay community but the society in general at the moment. People imagine they need to fulfill some crazy standards: to have nice full hair, but no body hair; have mass on the right places (whetever that would be wide shoulders and arms or big tits and round ass), but to be lean on the other places and so forth. It isn't about who you are, but more about what you look like.

I honestly wasn't that aware of my looks and I thought that if someone don't like them, it is their problem. After starting to work out and lose weight I am more self aware (also in a bad way) than I used to be. I have noticed I am more self critical about many things I didn't use to care at all before. I look so much better than I used to and yet again I sometimes feel more insecure about my body than in ages. I am annoyed to see that feature in myself and I do my very best to get rid of it - I do think that confidence (without still being cocky) is one of the sexiest things a person can have.

I know I have been very much loved my whole life, but even how shallow it may sound, I would love to feel lusted and adored as well at least once in a while just to boost my ego and to feel better about myself.

I am aware that fitting in the beauty standards of the day might make some little things easier in life like cars stopping when you try to get over the road, getting a job, getting recognition and being generally more likeable to people but like said, it has its downsides as well - you never know who likes you for you and not for your body (I still do want the body though...)

Lawd have mercy that sushi. Omg ;_;7 I want sushi so bad now...

Pray for me that I sleep tonight. I have done all I can, worked out, taken meds, I don't know what else to do.
I am fairly sure you can afford one cheat day here and there to keep you sane. I do have them once in a while for special occasions (like yesterday we were celebrating my little sister's birthday and the day in the capital was my gift for her).

Sweetie, you need your sleep! Hopefully you are able to get some rest.
Made those Sriracha chicken nuggets (I made strips really) from the ProteinChef's recipe. I think FallingEdge posted it originally so thanks brag!



Super delicious.


I am fairly sure you can afford one cheat day here and there to keep you sane. I do have them once in a while for special occasions (like yesterday we were celebrating my little sister's birthday and the day in the capital was my gift for her).

Sweetie, you need your sleep! Hopefully you are able to get some rest.

Absolutely can. Cheat days are important mentally and maybe even physically. Three weeks till mine ^_^.

Pete Rock

tl;dr - relationship stuff. I love these kinds of conversations, so I wanted to chime in.

If you do it for yourself that is the important part. I don't think orientation matters, we all run into the same problems, that's just part of human relationships. Do what makes you happy.

I could understand how one would be more predisposed to considering gear if your motivations were based on external feedback, for the same reasons that internal motivation would be diametrically opposed to outside influence or "cheating".

Everyone is another person and to imagine the perfect robot will come along is a disservice to you and them. Trying to be the perfect robot will backfire eventually because you are a human silly!

I think if you are seriously considering gear you should take 5 hits of LSD instead. At the very least, you will learn a lot more about yourself and the interconnected nature of Universe. "Universe consists of non-simultaneously apprehended events" - RBF

I had my heart shattered by a significant other of 8 years and I really beat myself up internally for all the "creep" I allowed in my life, those habits which created the physical manifestation of my poor neglected body. I blamed myself for a lot of things and it took me a long time to forgive myself, even longer to forgive the other party. I remember one of our last arguments, she said something along the lines of how I deserved someone way more attractive than her anyways, so I shouldn't even care how this shook down.

So in my mind I went back to when we met, when I was in that physical shape (18) and I sort of seized up at the schism between then and where I was at that point as an overweight smoker with no girlfriend (26). It was heart breaking on an internal level but the motivation was buried deep down there.

I made a few lame ass attempts to set up dates with women who I felt were attractive, at least twice and the shame at rejection just made me sink even deeper into internal focus and training. If I wanted to be with a girl who looks like a 7, I need to be a 9, right now I am a 3, etc. This was my thought process. It still kind of is. But a fucked up thing happened along the way.

People began changing in response to me, particularly when I am out in public clearly comfortable mostly naked in front of strangers, they just assume I am gay. I actually have spoken with women who said they were too intimidated by my physical appearance because I look "perfect" to them. In my experience in Vegas at the club swims, only "alpha" women will approach me and even then it is just so obvious as to be unattractive in and of itself, which is weird because they are all 8+ and wasn't that exactly what I was looking for? Not so fast, junior!

When I was at my local Pride festival there was a really cute 20 something girl who kept glancing at me really shyly throughout the day (she was wearing a specific hat so it was easy to notice) so a few hours after my performances I saw her milling around and walked up to her and said "hey, you know you are BEAUTIFUL?" and her face got all red and she got super flustered and replied "UGH SHUT UP you don't actually feel that way stop trying to make me FEEL BETTER" ...

In another example, I hadn't been with a woman in a sickening amount of time (several hundred days) and when we initiated sexual relations, ten minutes into it, her face got super red and she kept glancing at me and then glancing away. I kind of paused and asked "uhhh am I making you uncomfortable"? She says "Oh no, it's not that it's just... you're just... SO attractive, it is making me feel really self conscious"... SO YES, the answer was YES? All of this super sexiness I have worked so hard for, which in my mind was a prerequisite to this even occurring, is now making you super self conscious and unhappy? Infinite cosmic laughter echoed throughout the recesses of my brain, I can assure you that much.

So just KEEP DOING YOU and forget the rest. You can't make everyone happy, even when you think you are, someone will surprise the fuck out of you. Not. Your. Problem.

Edit: I am reminded of this fantastic track ~ India.Arie - Just Do You
Yep, I dunno what it is about our culture but many of us have incredible physiques and crazy dedication to the gym. For some though, it's pretty unhealthy. Steroids are rampant among the gay community. It exceeds usings them to just get bigger or stronger, people are using them as a crutch to get to a muscular physique as quickly as possible as there is this skewed idea that that is the only thing people desire.

We live in a hyper-masculine society, gay and straight. Everyone has a skewed perception of desire. It's even deeper with gay men because society's skewed perception of gay men. Gay men overcompensate because they often believe the masculine meter automatically hit zero when you are gay because of society's beliefs.

I've been talking with a guy off and on for the past 6 months or so. I'm not sure where we're headed, but he's definitely one of those guys. He's incredibly fit, has one of the best bodies I've ever seen, and looks like a model (very handsome). However he's also started using, he's on his second cycle, and I don't know how it makes me feel. I'm totally cool with it, but I don't get his motivations for why.

I wouldn't worry so much about the using, but the reason behind the using. If he's using to get a muscular physique for validation ultimately there going to be issues with that relationship.

Anyway it's that kinda shit that makes me question whether or not I want to get on something or not. For me it's not about being bigger or stronger, it's about impressing other guys and looking good. Being desired, etc. Those kind of thoughts are unhealthy and sadly it's pretty much the case with everyone in the gay community.

I actually have a bunch of stories to share from my various travels across the US after I had lost all my weight and changed my physique. People really treat you completely differently when you are "hot". It's depressing really and has left me rather jaded when it comes to dating guys. I pretty much assume every guy is shallow until they prove otherwise.

Another thing is that there's always this pressure to be fit that you never get to really enjoy the not so healthy things in life. I like to eat shitty foods, they taste good and I enjoy em. However i tend to overindulge and put on fat because of it. Guys don't like softness, they all want you lean and ripped or very muscular. I won't lie, there are times where I have avoided enjoying life with friends/family because I knew some big gay related event was coming up and I wanted to look good.

Shit's so fucked up. </rant>

DarthWufei (or any bisexual or gay man)
Read: 'The Velvet Rage' by Alan Downs
Thank me later.


I've been pretty consistent with the SS program and I'm finally starting to see some results. People are starting to notice it too, so that's encouraging. It's actually to the point where I feel bad missing a work out. I thought I would never feel this way lol. This thread is so encouraging. :)
Getting fit and trying to sort out relationships is one thing... just wait until the mid life crisis fitness phase kicks in.

It confuses the heck out of me... I have no idea what I'm doing and why, but boy do I need to do it.
I've been pretty consistent with the SS program and I'm finally starting to see some results. People are starting to notice it too, so that's encouraging. It's actually to the point where I feel bad missing a work out. I thought I would never feel this way lol. This thread is so encouraging. :)

Keep pushing;

Once you make the gym part of you daily routine, going gets easier.

I'm the Darkskin dude on the very end; I'm dead tired as this point...
Post Sprint Training with Coach G. (Personal Trainer) and Coach B. (Track Coach).
Preparing for the Spartan Race Washington, DC July 26.

Trying to get my endurance up after months of pure lifting! ahhhhhh.
German Volume Training has helped.
I need to get in a pool and train too...


Did 120lbs last night on squat and my last set was a bit of an adventure. Going to ditch the shoes and pick up some all-stars. Pretty much did a good morning on the 4th rep / lost balance / general terribleness all around. Heels keep wanting to come up too...

Video is from my last set.

enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T1SppUQcm4

Mr Croft

Been doing the rocks Hercules workout and woo it's great. Alot of the basic stuff but some over training is added to it which is how I like to workout anyway.



I'm the Darkskin dude on the very end; I'm dead tired as this point...
Post Sprint Training with Coach G. (Personal Trainer) and Coach B. (Track Coach).
Preparing for the Spartan Race Washington, DC July 26.

Trying to get my endurance up after months of pure lifting! ahhhhhh.
German Volume Training has helped.
I need to get in a pool and train too...

Well, I feel seriously inadequate now. Good job though!
Did 120lbs last night on squat and my last set was a bit of an adventure. Going to ditch the shoes and pick up some all-stars. Pretty much did a good morning on the 4th rep / lost balance / general terribleness all around. Heels keep wanting to come up too...

Video is from my last set.

enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T1SppUQcm4

Go barefoot when you squat and you'll be able to tell where your form is lacking.

Any reason you go low bar vs high bar? It's my understanding low bar squat form is harder to master.
Ah cha cha, that was a lot to read through, and too much to respond to entirely in my 30 mins before class, but one thing.

Please don't misconstrue my post as current frustration. I lift and live for myself. I really don't give a care if a guy in into me because I am lean, bulky, fat, smart, funny, etc. As long as there is genuine interest to build of off.

My post was more of a generalization of my experiences as a gay man over the last 10 years or so and how it has come to shape the way I view current and future relationships/friendships.

It was more just a, I've experienced both sides of the coin post, to sphinx and a general summary of what I've experienced. I've been the guy who was obese and hated himself while constantly desiring to be someone else for the sheer reason of getting attention, whether it be sexual, romantic, or even just friendly. Now I've learned what it's like to be on the other coin. To be pursued simply because of my looks and body, and to be completely conceptualized by the way I look.

In the end it's just come to make me realize what I really want out of a spouse, and value that much more the things that really get me going. Basically I now know what I want and I'm holding out for the best, until them I'm not settling.

That all being said, it was nice reading through a lot of the replies and I find it rather interesting how many people seem to be affected in some way by this whole conundrum.

For the record. I don't and have always stated that I have no issues with anyone using gear for any reason. Will it stop me from making judgments? Probably not. Also I have no actual considerations to do steroids. I'm big enough as it is. I can get lean as fuck without the stuff, I've done it. I've bulked up, cut down, gotten faster, stronger, everything without doing anything. I'm sticking to my guns even if it means I don't see much gain from here on out.

Anyway, I may reply more later, but I don't want to derail the thread, lol.

Mr Croft

What gets me.mad is when someone says "hey what you taking? Steroids" I'm.not even as big as I used to be before I got injured; but people still say that and it makes me upset.
What gets me.mad is when someone says "hey what you taking? Steroids" I'm.not even as big as I used to be before I got injured; but people still say that and it makes me upset.
I had a guy come up to me yesterday asking if I cycle on and off a lot because my body makes so many changes in a short span of time.

I was like, I don't take anything, I just like pizza and get fat.

Also take it as a compliment, always always always.

I'm the Darkskin dude on the very end; I'm dead tired as this point...
Post Sprint Training with Coach G. (Personal Trainer) and Coach B. (Track Coach).
Preparing for the Spartan Race Washington, DC July 26.

Trying to get my endurance up after months of pure lifting! ahhhhhh.
German Volume Training has helped.
I need to get in a pool and train too...

cut cut cut
gj gj gj

And the steroid comments always make me happy. Doing something right imo.


It's pretty amazing how shitty I am at ohp's


I'm the Darkskin dude on the very end; I'm dead tired as this point...
Post Sprint Training with Coach G. (Personal Trainer) and Coach B. (Track Coach).
Preparing for the Spartan Race Washington, DC July 26.

Trying to get my endurance up after months of pure lifting! ahhhhhh.
German Volume Training has helped.
I need to get in a pool and train too...

Looking ripped as always bruh. Sprinting is some damn good cardio.
What gets me.mad is when someone says "hey what you taking? Steroids" I'm.not even as big as I used to be before I got injured; but people still say that and it makes me upset.

It's a massive compliment if someone thinks you're taking 'roids and you are in fact not taking them.
Here's a recent pic of me, few days old. Lighting was alright so I took a snap. Before anyone says anything. It was 4 AM on a Sunday and the gym was completely empty. :)

I still have 8 weeks of cutting left, yes 8 weeks. In which I have set to lose about 15 lbs depending on BF%. I'm already seeing a lot of my cuts returning, especially in my shoulders and arms.

I'm most excited to get back all my chest cuts though.

Anyway, from the way things are progressing I think I've put on about 6-8 lbs of lean mass, but we'll see how true that is when I reach the end of my cut and get my BF measured.



It's a massive compliment if someone thinks you're taking 'roids and you are in fact not taking them.

Yeah it is, at first. Unless they become adamant that you are in fact using and you're one of these fake natty's out here like mike otren or simeon panda (coughlaynenortoncough). I take it as a compliment all of the time. There was an instance where a guy laughed at me when I said I don't use. I wanted to sock this dude for undermining my hard work. Ironically had I done that, I'd look like I was raging.


Did 300lbs today on squat :) Started off at 125 when I first started SL5x5. Currently on my 10th week I believe, and I don't feel like I'm slowing down at all on squat or DL, so that feels pretty great. Still struggling a little with OH Press, and bench is progressing slowly, haven't had to deload on bench but I did fail twice.

Honestly, I thought I was going to hate it since I absolutely hated squatting during football season/off back in highschool, but I love squatting every single time I lift with this program. I pretty much look forward to it.

I don't know when it's recommended to move on from SL5x5, but I feel like I can still do a lot more on squats and DL. Bench and OH Press while the progress is slow, I feel incredibly satisfied when I break through a weight I get stuck on. My main goal right now is more fat loss, and I've really got to work harder on being stricter on calorie intake, calorie creep can be a bitch. I've been thinking on trying to maybe find a 5 day weight lifting plan, but I kinda like the M-W-F lifting and T and Th for cardio. That said, cardio is so fucking boring. :(


Did 300lbs today on squat :) Started off at 125 when I first started SL5x5. Currently on my 10th week I believe, and I don't feel like I'm slowing down at all on squat or DL, so that feels pretty great. Still struggling a little with OH Press, and bench is progressing slowly, haven't had to deload on bench but I did fail twice.

Honestly, I thought I was going to hate it since I absolutely hated squatting during football season/off back in highschool, but I love squatting every single time I lift with this program. I pretty much look forward to it.

I don't know when it's recommended to move on from SL5x5, but I feel like I can still do a lot more on squats and DL. Bench and OH Press while the progress is slow, I feel incredibly satisfied when I break through a weight I get stuck on. My main goal right now is more fat loss, and I've really got to work harder on being stricter on calorie intake, calorie creep can be a bitch. I've been thinking on trying to maybe find a 5 day weight lifting plan, but I kinda like the M-W-F lifting and T and Th for cardio. That said, cardio is so fucking boring. :(

Good job man! That's some pretty serious weight you're moving on squats. I started 5x5 over a week ago, and deloaded all my lifts before I started. I started with 135 on squats just to get used to squatting 3 times a week, never done that before.

Are you using the 5x5 app? It's really good. It also figures everything out for you, like when do drop to 3x5 and then to 3x3.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I need to get a massage, it's been at least a year...

I usually get dudes to do my massages.

I usually get them about every 3 months. When it starts taking longer to recover or my muscles never "loosen up" I know it's time. With the heavy weight I'm moving now it's become a necessity.

I know I'd be better off with a stronger (male) MT but I just like having a woman rub me, lol.

J. Bravo

In response to Pete rocks post, I want to be so attractive I make girls uncomfortable lol. I got the facial features etc to pull it off, just need to get to single digits body fat. Not too worried about it right now though, I mean I'm squatting 4x a week which leaves very little time for upper body work.
People don't talk to me in the gym, but I'm sure they assume I'm on steroids because I have a slight case of Gynecomastia (enlargement of breast tissue)... might get corrective surgery, but I don't mind it that much, plus I got use to it, plus some people like it.


Good job man! That's some pretty serious weight you're moving on squats. I started 5x5 over a week ago, and deloaded all my lifts before I started. I started with 135 on squats just to get used to squatting 3 times a week, never done that before.

Are you using the 5x5 app? It's really good. It also figures everything out for you, like when do drop to 3x5 and then to 3x3.

The three times a week squatting is what made me think I was going to hate 5x5, but I enjoy it so much. I pretty much look forward to starting off the day with squats. I really don't know why I hated squatting so much back in high school.

Yeah, the app is extremely nice. Makes everything easy for you, all you have to be worried about is lifting. :)


I echo the sentiments about really liking squats even though the weight is low right now and my form could be a lot better. Doing squats and deadlifts just makes you feel powerful. It is a great feeling. Before I started SS the last time I did a barbell squat or dead lift was as a high school senior in 2002 and I hated them.

Tried a steak quesarito last night... ordered a beef but I got a steak instead for the beef price. Damn it was good.


Well, I just started lifting on monday for the first time in like forever. I am doing a MWF Squat/deadlift and switching out overhead press and bent over row (I dont want to make things too complicated and power cleans sound scary)

Question though, I am still sore today. Should I go lift today or skip and wait till friday? I googled it and they said to skip if you are sore to the touch. Well, I am not terribly sore, but I definitely feel it walking up stairs and when I touch my quads


Well, I just started lifting on monday for the first time in like forever. I am doing a MWF Squat/deadlift and switching out overhead press and bent over row (I dont want to make things too complicated and power cleans sound scary)

Question though, I am still sore today. Should I go lift today or skip and wait till friday? I googled it and they said to skip if you are sore to the touch. Well, I am not terribly sore, but I definitely feel it walking up stairs and when I touch my quads

I always heard that the best way to get over soreness was to keep working out. No idea if this is correct or not, but that's what I always did and it has worked so far. You'll eventually get over the soreness though, your body is just not used to using those muscles.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Ah. If you decide to go to high bar squats, it'll be better for you long term. Less ROM to deal with and it's a less complex squat to master.

Just my two cents tho.

If you have the SS book, stick to what Rippletoe says.

They engage different muscles, so I don't think it's fair to say that one is better than the other.

I think it's generally agreed that low bar lets most people move more weight, so it definitely has the benefit going for it.


I actually have a bunch of stories to share from my various travels across the US after I had lost all my weight and changed my physique. People really treat you completely differently when you are "hot". It's depressing really and has left me rather jaded when it comes to dating guys. I pretty much assume every guy is shallow until they prove otherwise.


Tell us about the stories woof.
They engage different muscles, so I don't think it's fair to say that one is better than the other.

I think it's generally agreed that low bar lets most people move more weight, so it definitely has the benefit going for it.

Better was the wrong word then.

It was explained to me here that the form for low bar squats was a lot harder to master, which was why I suggested going high bar.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Better was the wrong word then.

It was explained to me here that the form for low bar squats was a lot harder to master, which was why I suggested going high bar.

It definitely seems like that's the case. Here's an article on the topic from the 70's Big website that I found interesting: http://70sbig.com/blog/2012/01/low-bar-vs-high-bar-squatting/

Anyway, for me, I've only tried doing high bar squats once and I must have been doing it wrong because I could feel pain in my shoulders. Felt like all of the weight was smashing the bones in my shoulders rather than comfortably resting on a shelf of meat as it goes with the low bar position.
It definitely seems like that's the case. Here's an article on the topic from the 70's Big website that I found interesting: http://70sbig.com/blog/2012/01/low-bar-vs-high-bar-squatting/

Yep exactly what I Thought:

If you&#8217;re gonna be a powerlifter, then use the low bar. If you&#8217;re going to compete in Olympic weightlifting, then use the high bar. If you have deficiencies in one area, then the other squat can improve that deficiency. If you can do both reasonably well and aren&#8217;t training for one of the barbell sports, then use both.

In powerlifting the high bar can improve the top half or two-thirds of the ascent of the competition squat but would only be used by experienced lifters. In weightlifting the low bar squat can help improve the second pull but would only be used by inexperienced lifters. General strength trainees should just worry about their weakness. If they are balanced, then they shouldn&#8217;t give a shit and use the squat style that will help achieve their goals. And that&#8217;s what it&#8217;s really about: use the lifts that will help achieve your goals from a muscular development, strength, and mechanics perspective.

To learn how to low bar squat, then check out Starting Strength. To learn how to high bar squat, put a bar on your back and squat all the way down with your knees shoved out. There&#8217;s utility in both. If you&#8217;re confused, just pick one and do it at least twice a week.

I guess I've found high bar a lot easier to use than low bar.

I'm also a fairly broad shouldered guy.
No words of encouragement or criticism? I'll take that as a good thing lol.

I think it'd be hard for a few of us(specifically me) to criticize, you look great!

GL on your cut. I'm nowhere near cutting yet. I need to move serious weight before I can decide to start a cut.
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