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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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I'd just stick to a belt. When I maxed 375 I think wraps may have helped me get it easier or even 385 just to keep stability in the hole and on the way up, but I don't know how necessary they are if you aren't competing.

My only concern is that my knees have started to make crackling sounds, like rice krispies.

I don't want anything to happen to my knees. My brother had knee surgery after a very painful kneecap injury so i'm very leery of doing damage to my knees.


I don't care how great you look or how hard you work, if you are lifting your shirt at the gym to check out your abs I will think less of you. Lame is not a strong enough word.

And damn Brolic, you make so many difficult things look fairly easy. Sign of supreme concentration.
I stop and stare at my shoulders every once in a while when they're poppin', but I would never lift my shirt to look at my abs. why?


My only concern is that my knees have started to make crackling sounds, like rice krispies.

I don't want anything to happen to my knees. My brother had knee surgery after a very painful kneecap injury so i'm very leery of doing damage to my knees.

Then yeah, if you are having stability issues, I'd go for some sort of knee brace. Also make sure you stretch enough and that you are doing work that works your hip flexors (both ad and abductors) and make sure you ilotibial band isn't flaring up.

I stop and stare at my shoulders every once in a while when they're poppin', but I would never lift my shirt to look at my abs. why?

I'll wear a tank to the gym occasionally but yeah, I don't ever mire myself in the mirror. That's what my home bathroom is for.
My only concern is that my knees have started to make crackling sounds, like rice krispies.

I don't want anything to happen to my knees. My brother had knee surgery after a very painful kneecap injury so i'm very leery of doing damage to my knees.

I have a similar problem with my left knee. It rustles when I squat deep. Doctors said it is because of my flatfoot (X formed legs) and my ankle don't do the proper movement, so my cartilages got probably fibrous and do the sounds. They meant there is no concern yet as long as there is no pain but it can turn painful in later years.
However, sport and lifting should be okay as long as I don't hurt my ankles. I don't do deep squats though because the sound is really horrific, even though there is absolutely no pain.

NH Apache

Hello FitGAF.

I'll get right into it:

Age: 31
Height: 6'
Weight: 195-200
Goal: Weight mostly irrelevant, Goal is hockey shape, explained below
Current Training Schedule: None, explained below
Current Training Equipment Available: Pretty much all. Access to University gym and private gym.

Since Aug '13, I had been going to the gym pretty regularly, three days a week. My workout consisted of Bench, Squat, shoulder/arm workout (bells/curls), ab work. I would finish with 15 min on Bike in traditional Arnie style (interval/HIIT). I played soccer twice a week competitively. From Jan to Easter, I also played Hockey 2 times a week.

Needless to say I was active. I was about 210 and in pretty good shape. I followed a very general workout based on the OP beginner routine.

In late march, I suffered the terror that is gallstones. Doc told me to essentially stop working out as burning fat could instigate another episode. I still played soccer once a week but stopped all other activity.

I was finally able to get the surgery to remove the gallbladder June 15. All kinds of shit went wrong. It was supposed to be laparoscopic and I would be out the same day and could do activity 1 week after. The Doc made three incisions to try this method. Due to excessive scar tissue from a surgery when I was a baby, he could not do this method and had to switch to open surgery. It sucked and I was released from the hospital 5 days after. Been recovering ever since. I accidentally opened one of my small incisions by sneezing (so dumb) 2 weeks ago, further delaying the recovery.

Now, a month later, I just have a small hole left in the one that opened and all the others are mostly healed. In this time, I have lost ~15 pounds, most of which I'm guessing is muscle (my poor calves are tiny!).

I plan to get back into the gym tomorrow. My goal is to get back into hockey shape by October, when the season starts. This will mostly feature legs/core. I plan to not differ too slightly from what I was doing previously, but maybe add some more leg somehow. I will be playing soccer once a week as well

The beginner workout from the OP seems like the way to go, but I have a couple of questions.

For athletes, do you add cardio to the workout and when do you do it? Before/after? Hockey is an interval sport and historically, I've found that it is nearly impossible to get into shape for it without actually skating. I was planning on adding sprints or extending the Arnie bike HIIT workout to a longer period over time to expand the cardio. Suggestions?

Calves. I have used squats in the past as my main leg workout. During the season last year, I would do 4 sets of 135, as many reps as possible with 2 minute break. I would then turn to the seated calf machine with 2x45 plates and do 20 reps times 3. The pushoff for skating is all calf at the end of the stride. Any other calf work I should use?

My core is busted as shit currently. This will be a large focus as well so I can prevent lower back issues when skating.

So, sorry for the long post. I plan to start on Thursday morning. Thanks for any and all input!
Then yeah, if you are having stability issues, I'd go for some sort of knee brace. Also make sure you stretch enough and that you are doing work that works your hip flexors (both ad and abductors) and make sure you ilotibial band isn't flaring up.

Got it. Any good visuals of how I should be stretching?

I have a similar problem with my left knee. It rustles when I squat deep. Doctors said it is because of my flatfoot (X formed legs) and my ankle don't do the proper movement, so my cartilages got probably fibrous and do the sounds. They meant there is no concern yet as long as there is no pain but it can turn painful in later years.
However, sport and lifting should be okay as long as I don't hurt my ankles. I don't do deep squats though because the sound is really horrific, even though there is absolutely no pain.

I'll have to stop squatting below parallel then :/


Got it. Any good visuals of how I should be stretching?

Brettzel stretch is great for your IT bands and hip flexors. Toe touches for your hamstrings. Sprinter's stretch. Anything that'll target your groin. That added flexibility will more or less radiate down and allow you to engage your groin and hip flexors better and it'll reduce the stress on your knees.
Hi FitGAF! I've got a nagging problem that I need to have addressed soon.

So I've been hitting the gym and working with a personal trainer for about a year now. I've lost a lot of fat (although I've been hitting a plateau recently) and made some gains I'm okay with right now. Problem is, I feel like my cardio and endurance has barely improved at all. My exercises have been increasing in intensity, but even after a few minutes of jump rope my breath can't keep up, my heart rates are soaring, I start getting light headed and my brain starts throbbing. It really sucks and I'm getting to the point where I just stop caring about strength or weight loss. How should I go about addressing this?


Hello FitGAF.

In late march, I suffered the terror that is gallstones. Doc told me to essentially stop working out as burning fat could instigate another episode. I still played soccer once a week but stopped all other activity.

I was finally able to get the surgery to remove the gallbladder June 15. All kinds of shit went wrong. It was supposed to be laparoscopic and I would be out the same day and could do activity 1 week after. The Doc made three incisions to try this method. Due to excessive scar tissue from a surgery when I was a baby, he could not do this method and had to switch to open surgery. It sucked and I was released from the hospital 5 days after. Been recovering ever since. I accidentally opened one of my small incisions by sneezing (so dumb) 2 weeks ago, further delaying the recovery.

Now, a month later, I just have a small hole left in the one that opened and all the others are mostly healed. In this time, I have lost ~15 pounds, most of which I'm guessing is muscle (my poor calves are tiny!).

I plan to get back into the gym tomorrow. My goal is to get back into hockey shape by October, when the season starts. This will mostly feature legs/core. I plan to not differ too slightly from what I was doing previously, but maybe add some more leg somehow. I will be playing soccer once a week as well

The beginner workout from the OP seems like the way to go, but I have a couple of questions.

For athletes, do you add cardio to the workout and when do you do it? Before/after? Hockey is an interval sport and historically, I've found that it is nearly impossible to get into shape for it without actually skating. I was planning on adding sprints or extending the Arnie bike HIIT workout to a longer period over time to expand the cardio. Suggestions?

Calves. I have used squats in the past as my main leg workout. During the season last year, I would do 4 sets of 135, as many reps as possible with 2 minute break. I would then turn to the seated calf machine with 2x45 plates and do 20 reps times 3. The pushoff for skating is all calf at the end of the stride. Any other calf work I should use?

My core is busted as shit currently. This will be a large focus as well so I can prevent lower back issues when skating.

So, sorry for the long post. I plan to start on Thursday morning. Thanks for any and all input!
Good luck to your recovery.

For athletes it is usually recommended to have a routine that includes power clean for explosiveness. I'm not qualified to tell you about any specific routines though.
Hi FitGAF! I've got a nagging problem that I need to have addressed soon.

So I've been hitting the gym and working with a personal trainer for about a year now. I've lost a lot of fat (although I've been hitting a plateau recently) and made some gains I'm okay with right now. Problem is, I feel like my cardio and endurance has barely improved at all. My exercises have been increasing in intensity, but even after a few minutes of jump rope my breath can't keep up, my heart rates are soaring, I start getting light headed and my brain starts throbbing. It really sucks and I'm getting to the point where I just stop caring about strength or weight loss. How should I go about addressing this?

With anything you do; practice, practice, practice.

For your endurance and stamina to improve, you have to continually practice that same motion. Runners have to train to run a 5K incrementally.
Had the weirdest workout last night. Didn't get much sleep night before so I was sluggish for about 30 mins or so even with caffeine.

Then I was just like, fuck this shit, and forced myself to go nuts on the ret of my workout even if my energy level was low. Somehow it completely 180'd the workout and I was demolishing everything, even cardio after. I really can't explain why, as I'm not convinced it was a mental thing holding me back.

Maybe the start of my workout gave me the kick I needed to get into gear. Either way it was one of my best back workouts ever.

I'm really starting to finally see myself lean out as well. Getting all my cuts back. Happy times.
Hi FitGAF! I've got a nagging problem that I need to have addressed soon.

So I've been hitting the gym and working with a personal trainer for about a year now. I've lost a lot of fat (although I've been hitting a plateau recently) and made some gains I'm okay with right now. Problem is, I feel like my cardio and endurance has barely improved at all. My exercises have been increasing in intensity, but even after a few minutes of jump rope my ,breath can't keep up, my heart rates are soaring, I start getting light headed and my brain starts throbbing. It really sucks and I'm getting to the point where I just stop caring about strength or weight loss. How should I go about addressing this?
Try multiple shorter sets of cardio instead of one prolonged session to start building up stamina.
I've had times of super-good conditioning as a cross-country runner, and times of the worst conditioning imaginable BBC of injuries and health problems sidelining me. I know the lightheaded feeling you're talking about, and got around it to make training progress by running slightly shorter finances without resting but doing enough segments to increase the total distance i ran. So perhaps stop the jumprope session a minute or two before you'd normally burn out and do another session after a minute or two of rest. Just keep track of what you're doing and gradually push yourself harder. Just because the stereotype of cardio is a single lengthy treadmill session doesn't mean that the only way to train is to go until you drop.
How do you not wash your ass before hitting the gym? This dude had the whole top floor rank, it was fucking ridiculous. I expect the gym to smell like sweat, but damn! And to top it off, he was using most of the equipment I wanted to use, and wouldn't wipe it down afterward. Nasty!


Okay. I won't
in this thread.
Please don't put yourself down anymore. I think you're pretty darn cute if that means anything. Keep working!
Leeness, we don't say you to stop it because we would find it annoying, we say so because it isn't good for you to put yourself down all the time. You need to start to think more positive about yourself.

I could easily link over 40 compliments of Leeness from these forums alone from the past couple years (I am sure there is plenty more). It doesn't make a difference, she just needs to change her attitude - I am fairly sure that nothing we could do or say would change her opinion about herself. The change needs to come from the inside. Hopefully she will find her inner peace about this matter.

Omg, I'm jelly of sushi. It's one of my faves and I haven't had it in a while :'( Rice = carbs = sad me.
Definitely the most epic cheat day! :p The food was so good that at one point I wasn't even hungry anymore, but couldn't stop eating because it was just too delicious to leave there. <3 Despire, thank you for the tip! It was definitely worth visiting!

Tomorrow I will be back on track, but today I feasted with this (even though the photo doesn't do justice to it):

My planks were awful even after a year and a half of heavy lifting. Then I got sidelined with tendinitis and my core was reduced to nothing.

Now my planks are the best they've been in years. My routine? Running and yoga. Maybe one day of squats per week if I get to the gym before my yoga class starts.
I haven't even realized that it is actually normal. Most likely because of my back problems I pay extra attention to the core muscles.

Haven't posted in awhile. But this was me after chest day yesterday. Made serious progress since the start of the year and I'm glad I can now do 225lbs more consistently on the bench. I try for 5 reps of 4 sets @225 or until failure. Still working on bringing down my bodyfat %.
If I would say you look good it would most likely be the understatement of the century.

3 hours would be fantastic. I haven't slept since Saturday night now.
Is it really douchey for me to now say that I always sleep extremely well and can fall asleep any place at any time when I just decide that I want to - but I still fail at going to sleep since I get stucked to some random forums constantly (and cause of that sleep regularly under 5 hours on working days and like 14 on days off).

Had the weirdest workout last night. Didn't get much sleep night before so I was sluggish for about 30 mins or so even with caffeine.

Then I was just like, fuck this shit, and forced myself to go nuts on the ret of my workout even if my energy level was low. Somehow it completely 180'd the workout and I was demolishing everything, even cardio after. I really can't explain why, as I'm not convinced it was a mental thing holding me back.

Maybe the start of my workout gave me the kick I needed to get into gear. Either way it was one of my best back workouts ever.

I'm really starting to finally see myself lean out as well. Getting all my cuts back. Happy times.
That sounds like my Friday at the gym. I was totally sleep deprived, but it ended up being awesome. :D Good for you for getting it through no matter what!

Also I am absolutely delighted to hear that your cut is getting along nicely.
Any possibilities for you to post some fancy photos if I ask nicely enough?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
That moment when your massage therapist says your muscles feel like rocks and then when you bring up competing in a drug tested/raw fed down the road she asks "you'd get drug tested?"

Lol. Feels good bros.
With anything you do; practice, practice, practice.

For your endurance and stamina to improve, you have to continually practice that same motion. Runners have to train to run a 5K incrementally.

Try multiple shorter sets of cardio instead of one prolonged session to start building up stamina.
I've had times of super-good conditioning as a cross-country runner, and times of the worst conditioning imaginable BBC of injuries and health problems sidelining me. I know the lightheaded feeling you're talking about, and got around it to make training progress by running slightly shorter finances without resting but doing enough segments to increase the total distance i ran. So perhaps stop the jumprope session a minute or two before you'd normally burn out and do another session after a minute or two of rest. Just keep track of what you're doing and gradually push yourself harder. Just because the stereotype of cardio is a single lengthy treadmill session doesn't mean that the only way to train is to go until you drop.

Okay, I had believed that longer cardio sessions was the way to go for endurance, so I was doing it wrong. What you're saying about shorter intense bursts does make a lot of sense though, and I'm looking forward into starting on that today. Thanks for the advice!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That moment when your massage therapist says your muscles feel like rocks and then when you bring up competing in a drug tested/raw fed down the road she asks "you'd get drug tested?"

Lol. Feels good bros.


NH Apache

Good luck to your recovery.

For athletes it is usually recommended to have a routine that includes power clean for explosiveness. I'm not qualified to tell you about any specific routines though.

Awesome, thanks!

Is there a universal opinion on cardio before or after lifting?


Awesome, thanks!

Is there a universal opinion on cardio before or after lifting?

I'm not as experienced as the other guys here but I mix it up...usually some light/moderate elliptical before doing leg work (squats) to warm up, and today was chest/tris and did 20 minutes afterwards.


I love early morning workouts! Like you, it gives me more energy to take on the day!
It's good to change the time of day you workout from time to time too because it'll shock your body.

Well, my body is definitely in shock since i'm tired as hell lol. Also gotta get used to these new work times but hey, i feel like i'm gonna sleep better this way.

Haven't posted in awhile. But this was me after chest day yesterday. Made serious progress since the start of the year and I'm glad I can now do 225lbs more consistently on the bench. I try for 5 reps of 4 sets @225 or until failure. Still working on bringing down my bodyfat %.

Chest and delts looking thick as hell my man.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Wait, why is this?

Pretty self explanatory. This way you're fresh for whichever is your primary goal.

When I was a runner the only activity I would do prior to running was push-ups and sit-ups. I never weight trained before running.

Like I said, it's entirely dependent upon your goals. And you need to know how to prioritize to meet those goals.

Whichever is your primary goal needs to be at the forefront of your training.


Pretty self explanatory. This way you're fresh for whichever is your primary goal.

When I was a runner the only activity I would do prior to running was push-ups and sit-ups. I never weight trained before running.

Like I said, it's entirely dependent upon your goals. And you need to know how to prioritize to meet those goals.

Whichever is your primary goal needs to be at the forefront of your training.

Yeah, which is why I start my workout with the compound movement followed by assistance.

Strength/Really heavy shit first. Then lighter/body building.


just quoting for the rainbow of sushi.
Most likely one of the best reasons for quoting something. :p

backslashbunny, I remember you talking about trying to gain a bit mass a while ago. How has it been going this far? Have you been following some program for working out and drinking that milk you mentioned? :)


Brian Burke punched my mom
Uuuuuummmmmm fucking nom...Apple pie quest bar 15 seconds in microwave.

Bought 3 boxes but fuck is it expensive, $30/box...


I ordered a Quest variety pack to try them out and was just going to ask if they run any cheaper than $25-30. Whey at least goes on sale all the time.
The cheapest you can get Quest Bars that I've found you have to have Amazon Prime, and Subscribe and Save, and you have to have 5 subscription items per month.

But if you do all that, and you pick the Peanut Butter & Jelly flavor, you can get them for $20 a box.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Is sprinting something that has to be trained for when you're fresh? Just curious. Same with strength-training. I always figured if your muscles are getting torn and rebuilt, they will grow anyway. But sprinting always seemed more strength than stamina. I don't know :<

No progress I think. I rarely weigh myself. Haven't picked up milk yet, but thanks for reminding me! I should.

I've honestly been struggling just to get myself to the gym twice a week. I hate going to the gym when it's full, and lately it seems like I can never find an empty one.

If you're training for sprinting, prioritize it, and to build sprinting, there's more to do than simply sprinting, like squats.


No progress I think. I rarely weigh myself. Haven't picked up milk yet, but thanks for reminding me! I should.

I've honestly been struggling just to get myself to the gym twice a week. I hate going to the gym when it's full, and lately it seems like I can never find an empty one.
You will get better results if your diet is in order as well. If you work out, you are definitely going to need that extra energy. Be a good girl and go buy your milk.

If you have high enough motivation you do what needs to be done. I am sure you can handle the milk and somewhat full gyms (even if I do hate those as well, I happily go to gym but I hate waiting). Good luck sweetie pie!
OMG guys. I've seen people post this before, but I had no idea. SO. GOOD.

That looks glorious + relevant to my ongoing bulk. Peanut butter alone makes me feel like when Superman loses selfcontrol whenever hes exposed to kryptonite. Everyyday is a cheat day with peanut butter.


Definitely the most epic cheat day! :p The food was so good that at one point I wasn't even hungry anymore, but couldn't stop eating because it was just too delicious to leave there. <3 Despire, thank you for the tip! It was definitely worth visiting!

Tomorrow I will be back on track, but today I feasted with this (even though the photo doesn't do justice to it):

Lawd have mercy that sushi. Omg ;_;7 I want sushi so bad now...

Pray for me that I sleep tonight. I have done all I can, worked out, taken meds, I don't know what else to do.


May give Rapid fat loss diet a try, a potential trip to Puerto Rico is on the horizon and my slow cut may have to be kicked up a notch.


May give Rapid fat loss diet a try, a potential trip to Puerto Rico is on the horizon and my slow cut may have to be kicked up a notch.

It just works.

Just do it exactly like Lyle says and you won't lose strength and will drop fat like crazy.


the piano man
about a week ago I came back from Madrid' gaypride week and I couldn't believe how many people hit the gym and take this seriously and with commitment.

It was a HUUUGE reality check for me.

I thought I looked o.k, decently or reasonably fit but in that one club at night, in which everybody took their shirts off, wooooah.... holy shit...

Imagine there's a scale from 0 to 10 in which 0 is completely untrained and 10 is Arnold Schwarzenegger or Frank Zane. I felt I was on level 1 and most of the guys were on level 6 or 7 with the occasional guy which could easily compete on bodybuilding was an 8 (to my eyes at least).

and the friends I went with, which have huge bodies, we spent some time in their flat before hitting the club and as suspected, needles and little bottles everywhere, both waiting to be used and in the trash can.

fortunately I came back home and I was very motivated, it was kind of a revelation and after a couple of inconveniences, like injury and second guessing workouts and routines, I think I am on the track I want to be.

my first resolution has been to eat right and more, easily my biggest weakness, that's been more of a set back than the injuries. I am thrilled to see if I get the desired results in about a month,
Yep, I dunno what it is about our culture but many of us have incredible physiques and crazy dedication to the gym. For some though, it's pretty unhealthy. Steroids are rampant among the gay community. It exceeds usings them to just get bigger or stronger, people are using them as a crutch to get to a muscular physique as quickly as possible as there is this skewed idea that that is the only thing people desire.

I've been talking with a guy off and on for the past 6 months or so. I'm not sure where we're headed, but he's definitely one of those guys. He's incredibly fit, has one of the best bodies I've ever seen, and looks like a model (very handsome). However he's also started using, he's on his second cycle, and I don't know how it makes me feel. I'm totally cool with it, but I don't get his motivations for why.

Anyway it's that kinda shit that makes me question whether or not I want to get on something or not. For me it's not about being bigger or stronger, it's about impressing other guys and looking good. Being desired, etc. Those kind of thoughts are unhealthy and sadly it's pretty much the case with everyone in the gay community.

I actually have a bunch of stories to share from my various travels across the US after I had lost all my weight and changed my physique. People really treat you completely differently when you are "hot". It's depressing really and has left me rather jaded when it comes to dating guys. I pretty much assume every guy is shallow until they prove otherwise.

Another thing is that there's always this pressure to be fit that you never get to really enjoy the not so healthy things in life. I like to eat shitty foods, they taste good and I enjoy em. However i tend to overindulge and put on fat because of it. Guys don't like softness, they all want you lean and ripped or very muscular. I won't lie, there are times where I have avoided enjoying life with friends/family because I knew some big gay related event was coming up and I wanted to look good.

Shit's so fucked up. </rant>
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