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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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My last two "cheat" meals consisted of half a dozen farm fresh eggs and a full stack of sourdough hotcakes. It is the only time I allow myself to eat white flour, because it has been predigested for at least a week by the sourdough enzymes and yeasts and is chock full of great stuff for your intestinal floura. Plus they taste fucking amaaaaazzzzing oh my god, all pancakes pale in comparison.

My man!


Possible gout is gone, I can walk normally again! My calves have been fucked from my limping. DOMS like I couldn't remember.

Nice man. Back on track.

Same reason I loosened it during squats. It was getting in the way. I might bring it back, albeit loosened, but for the time being I feel much stronger and stable without it.

10-4. I'll experiment myself on bench.

High Fat, High/Moderate Protein, Low Carb forevaaaaa



So I'm on my fifth rep of my fifth set of ohp, and I completely fail. Sucked, but then I noticed this guy fucking laughing at me. I almost threw in the towel, but then I got pissed. Rested 4 minutes, then I destroyed a set of five ohp. Then I demolished my deadlift set. I need someone to laugh at me everyday, apparently, ohp and dead lifts were so much easier after i saw that douche.

Funniest thing is the guy was doing, like, lunges with tiny hand weights and assisted pull ups with the machine basically set to his bodyweight.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I'm on my fifth rep of my fifth set of ohp, and I completely fail. Sucked, but then I noticed this guy fucking laughing at me. I almost threw in the towel, but then I got pissed. Rested 4 minutes, then I destroyed a set of five ohp. Then I demolished my deadlift set. I need someone to laugh at me everyday, apparently, ohp and dead lifts were so much easier after i saw that douche.

Funniest thing is the guy was doing, like, lunges with tiny hand weights and assisted pull ups with the machine basically set to his bodyweight.

Motherfucker laughed at you? Smash that dude to bits.

Good work showing OHP what's what. It's a challenging lift. But hey, hate drives everyone except DarthWufei.


High Fat, High/Moderate Protein, Low Carb forevaaaaa

Oh, I was eating a high fat, moderate protein, and low carb diet before this. That was one of the reasons why I found it so surprising how filling a high protein, moderate/low fat, low carb day was. Low fat, and low carb seemed to be the only way I was going to stay under maintenance, and boy, did it work.


I just hate everything about eggs man, the smell, the texture, the way the taste hangs in your mouth afterwards, ugh. Its too bad cuz they're such a great source of protein/calories, but I just gotta substitute it with something else.

you can use raw egg whites in shakes, the ones in cartons are pasteurized and have like no flavour... I go through a flat of them per month from costco... i cook them too though.

warning - too much raw egg at one time is .... hard to digest. you will have no friends lol.
60P/150C sounds like a weird balance to me. I would shoot for 0.75-1g per lb of body weight and go from there. Assuming you weigh 120 lbs or more 60 is way too low and the carb count is too high.

I think it is more important to eat a clean diet with good varied protein sources (animal protein, beans, quinoa, cashews/almonds, etc) than to attempt to fill the majority of that requirement with X amount of 20g shakes. Eponysterically (now that I read your username) baked sweet potatoes (yams) are my favorite carb source EVER. 5 lbs a week down the hatch, awww yeee.

I only drink 1 shake after working out and that is in the steam room. It has some creatine in it and sometimes I do a pwo of C4 which has a little bit as well. Other than that I have a casein shake at night before I go to bed at 10pm, so that's only 40g of protein in shakes. Technically more because I use 16oz of whole milk for each, but I drink a lot of milk anyways.

I would suggest skipping GNC and ordering on Amazon instead, I dislike their sales tactics and their coupons and basically everything about dealing with their bullshit. Not only will you save money but you get to avoid the predatory middle man most of the time. Literally every time you feel you got a "deal" at GNC by being a member and buying into their promotions it basically equates to the list price on Amazon, and the seller listings are usually ~3/5$ cheaper than that. Granted this is taking into consideration free shipping with a Prime membership rather than spending +~4$ per item for shipping when you order otherwise.

I would also suggest Starting Strength from the OP, so lift 3x per week (M/W/F) and do your cardio 2x per week (T/TH) until you no longer can and you need those days for full on rest.

High Fat, High/Moderate Protein, Low Carb forevaaaaa
How low you go for carb? And fat in grams?
So I'm on my fifth rep of my fifth set of ohp, and I completely fail. Sucked, but then I noticed this guy fucking laughing at me. I almost threw in the towel, but then I got pissed. Rested 4 minutes, then I destroyed a set of five ohp. Then I demolished my deadlift set. I need someone to laugh at me everyday, apparently, ohp and dead lifts were so much easier after i saw that douche.

Funniest thing is the guy was doing, like, lunges with tiny hand weights and assisted pull ups with the machine basically set to his bodyweight.

I can totally see why some people don't like going to commercial gyms. It kinda makes a person self conscious as fuck. Good on you for using that idiot's reaction as your fuel.


Feeling a little better today. Actually able to bend at the waist and it's not taking 15 seconds to get out of a chair. Still incredibly stiff and have basically no mobility in my lower spine, but at least the pain and sciatica have subsided :\


I can totally see why some people don't like going to commercial gyms. It kinda makes a person self conscious as fuck. Good on you for using that idiot's reaction as your fuel.

Thanks. I'm so glad I ended up finishing my sets so I can look back with pride in myself despite that lame jerk.


Ugh. I didn't never think I would manage to feel so quilty for having two small bites of a cinnamon roll. Thank gods I didn't take more than that before meeting the reality and going for a Cinnamon Roll Quest Bar. I am fairly sure I am not going to die a horrid death because of that. Right?

My last two "cheat" meals consisted of half a dozen farm fresh eggs and a full stack of sourdough hotcakes. It is the only time I allow myself to eat white flour, because it has been predigested for at least a week by the sourdough enzymes and yeasts and is chock full of great stuff for your intestinal floura. Plus they taste fucking amaaaaazzzzing oh my god, all pancakes pale in comparison.
Now I want to try it out. I totally loved sourdough bread in San Fransisco. :p

Feeling a little better today. Actually able to bend at the waist and it's not taking 15 seconds to get out of a chair. Still incredibly stiff and have basically no mobility in my lower spine, but at least the pain and sciatica have subsided :\
Oh poor babe! I feel your pain. Good to hear you are at least a bit better and I hope you recover soon!

Hahaha. Thanks :)
I am single... lol
You epic tease, you. :p

I actually can't eat eggs any way but scrambled. Any other way is disgusting to me.

You give me boiled eggs and there is around 99.8 % chances that I will just throw up because of the smell alone (the 0.2 is for the lucky coinsidence I am having a runny nose or something as nice and can't smell those horrid things).

Agreed, spend every day of every week trying to better yourself and you'll go far.

So I'm kicking up the final month or so of my current cut. Not much is changing just upping the HIIT from once a week to twice a week.

I'm headed to NYC in September so gotta look good for the boys!
You need to keep us updated! My imagination is wild, but even it can't make up an image that would look any better than your body already is.

I agree with this 110%. We all have different body types/genetics, but everyone that's consistent has made great progress in his or her own way.

Comparing yourself to others could be a recipe for failure when you don't hit that goal.

But being the best possible "you" that you can be? That's the way to go IMO.
I think we have had a really good conversation about this topic and I thank you all for it.

All we can do is to work with what we have and try to get the best out of it. No long lean gazelle legs for me. :p But hey, my back is long so I have good chances of making myself a really nice defined waiste... and I already have decided to love my ass, so I am definitely going to the right direction. ^_^
Hahahah, I have yet managed to fight against the urge to take an underwear photo. Lets try to keep it that way, shall we.


Motherfucker laughed at you? Smash that dude to bits.

Good work showing OHP what's what. It's a challenging lift. But hey, hate drives everyone except DarthWufei.

I hate ohps. My favorite lift is the squat, probably because it's the first one I got my form right on.


Oh, I was eating a high fat, moderate protein, and low carb diet before this. That was one of the reasons why I found it so surprising how filling a high protein, moderate/low fat, low carb day was. Low fat, and low carb seemed to be the only way I was going to stay under maintenance, and boy, did it work.

It works but some days you just feel cranky or mentally foggy. And oddly enough the days after I have some carbs or alcohol my weight "whooshes" down.

I think Lyle McDonald has an article about it.



It works but some days you just feel cranky or mentally foggy. And oddly enough the days after I have some carbs or alcohol my weight "whooshes" down.

I think Lyle McDonald has an article about it.


Oh, I am doing leangains, so I am getting a decent amount of carbs on MWF. I really do not think I am going to hit my +20% maintenance. I think should have bought more fatty or carby food instead of just protein protein protein...

I am honestly starting to wonder if I am counting calories right. Its the first time ive done it (kinda fun actually), but man, maybe a food diary and all the protein food I bought is making it more difficult to eat shit? I guess I can chug some half-n-half at the very end if i dont make it, lol


It works but some days you just feel cranky or mentally foggy. And oddly enough the days after I have some carbs or alcohol my weight "whooshes" down.

I think Lyle McDonald has an article about it.

I could kiss you right now!

Hahah, the first time in my life when I actually feel that an article would have been written having me in mind. :p I was stuck with the same weight for nearly three weeks and didn't even see any changes. I stucked with the diet and working out and then early this week basicly overnight I lost 6 pounds / nearly 3 kilos and my legs looked honestly leaner. I was thinking that what is this madness, but the weight have stayed away since that so it is all good in my books. :D

Also I better start to get rid of that squishy fat as well. Annoys the hell out of me. I haven't never in my life had any sort of cellulite and now my inner thighs (that I have been working very hard to be able to get that fancy diamond shape at some point in my life) have that squishiness going on. I feel the muscles underneath though. Hopefully that is a good sign...

I also apology if that was too much information for some of you. :p


I could kiss you right now!

Hahah, the first time in my life when I actually feel that an article would have been written having me in mind. :p I was stuck with the same weight for nearly three weeks and didn't even see any changes. I stucked with the diet and working out and then early this week basicly overnight I lost 6 pounds / nearly 3 kilos and my legs looked honestly leaner. I was thinking that what is this madness, but the weight have stayed away since that so it is all good in my books. :D

Also I better start to get rid of that squishy fat as well. Annoys the hell out of me. I haven't never in my life had any sort of cellulite and now my inner thighs (that I have been working very hard to be able to get that fancy diamond shape at some point in my life) have that squishiness going on. I feel the muscles underneath though. Hopefully that is a good sign...

I also apology if that was too much information for some of you. :p

My last cut I went from 213 to 188. My week basically consisted of lifting and cardio and little carbs. On Saturdays I cut loose with whatever I wanted. Booze, burgers, etc. Monday mornings I'd be down consistently 2-3 pounds. It would all drop off in a single woosh. Lol. Craziness.

Doing another cut now. Down to 205 from 211. Big glass of Shiraz in hand right now.


Thanks. I'm so glad I ended up finishing my sets so I can look back with pride in myself despite that lame jerk.

Dude is there any chance he was laughing at something else? Not doubting you but that's ridiculous I've been around the industry for 10 years and have never seen that.
And btw it's him that's out of place / abnormal, not you. You should laugh back because that dude is straight up in the wrong place and will get sorted quick. Keep going and you be a "regular " in no time


Happy to be back! I can lift about as much as your boy right now :p

Heh, that's fine. Try eating like him and pack on dat baby bulk. Double your weight in over one month. Even in his sleep, I'm subliminally trying to influence his diet.



Dude is there any chance he was laughing at something else? Not doubting you but that's ridiculous I've been around the industry for 10 years and have never seen that.

He wasn't wearing headphones and I caught him watching me a few times before the laugh. He stifled his laugh when he saw me notice. I'm pretty sure he thought it was funny I failed to extend on my last rep.

I've been going to that gym for a year and mostly everyone there is nice. First bad experience I've ever had. Never saw that guy before.
He wasn't wearing headphones and I caught him watching me a few times before the laugh. He stifled his laugh when he saw me notice. I'm pretty sure he thought it was funny I failed to extend on my last rep.

I've been going to that gym for a year and mostly everyone there is nice. First bad experience I've ever had. Never saw that guy before.

Weird, never saw that at the gym. Everyone seems cool and helpful.
He wasn't wearing headphones and I caught him watching me a few times before the laugh. He stifled his laugh when he saw me notice. I'm pretty sure he thought it was funny I failed to extend on my last rep.

Just to be sure, you were not doing your OHP on a moving treadmill right?


He wasn't wearing headphones and I caught him watching me a few times before the laugh. He stifled his laugh when he saw me notice. I'm pretty sure he thought it was funny I failed to extend on my last rep.

I've been going to that gym for a year and mostly everyone there is nice. First bad experience I've ever had. Never saw that guy before.

Well he's obviously socially awkward so technically you should feel sorry for him. If he wasn't a total noob he'd know...
1. You never laugh at anyone's effort - I don't care if they 300 lbs walking on a treadmill they are showing heart by being there.
2. You never laugh at someone's weights - you don't know what their goals are or what injuries they have been through or even how they train. Someone doing 20 lb curls at 3 seconds per rep is going through a ton more pain than the dude doing 40s with his lower back jerking like a snake
3. You don't compare yourself to anyone unless you are directly competing with them in a specific sport
4. Helping others makes you better at what you do, not worse


Straaaaaaangth yoga. My belly.

Felt grossish tonight again so did yoga instead of my strength circuit.

Strength tomorrow tho. With 5s and 10s (????)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
If it's not too much trouble, what's the weight/rep scheme look like for a beast like you with those? Just want to see if I'm going in the right direction.

I'll play tennis with you! No one ever wants to play tennis with me either. :(

Oh. Interesting. I like using the pec deck for rear delt flyes, but it's never occurred to do the destroyers that way. I'll give it a shot next time.

I work up to around 180-190 x 10 on the pec deck then I drop set working down each plate (no jumping literally each plate) until I can get 15. No stopping. Usually takes me all the way back down to 30lb plate.


I work up to around 180-190 x 10 on the pec deck then I drop set working down each plate (no jumping literally each plate) until I can get 15. No stopping. Usually takes me all the way back down to 30lb plate.

Wow, crazy endurance. I'll give it a shot tomorrow, but I'm gonna have to start with 90 lbs :)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Wow, crazy endurance. I'll give it a shot tomorrow, but I'm gonna have to start with 90 lbs :)

Start as low as you can, rest as much as you want working up. It's not non stop until you can't hit 10 reps anymore. At that point every plate on the way back up until you hit 15+


Weird, never saw that at the gym. Everyone seems cool and helpful.

That's my experience 99.9% of the time!

Just to be sure, you were not doing your OHP on a moving treadmill right?

Lol, nope. Just regular overhead press. Maybe the guy doesn't know the bar is 45 lbs just on its own, so seeing someone struggle with just small plates on it looked funny to him.

Well he's obviously socially awkward so technically you should feel sorry for him. If he wasn't a total noob he'd know...
1. You never laugh at anyone's effort - I don't care if they 300 lbs walking on a treadmill they are showing heart by being there.
2. You never laugh at someone's weights - you don't know what their goals are or what injuries they have been through or even how they train. Someone doing 20 lb curls at 3 seconds per rep is going through a ton more pain than the dude doing 40s with his lower back jerking like a snake
3. You don't compare yourself to anyone unless you are directly competing with them in a specific sport
4. Helping others makes you better at what you do, not worse

Nicely put! If my gym had a corkboard I'd post that.

Anyway, not even mad. Thankful for the motivation. I'll show that random dude and everyone else who ever doubted me! Ha.


Start as low as you can, rest as much as you want working up. It's not non stop until you can't hit 10 reps anymore. At that point every plate on the way back up until you hit 15+

Oh shit, I guess I was doing them wrong. I was starting with the heaviest weight and then going down instead up then down. Excited to do this today. Too bad the peck deck is usually occupied with people doing chest flies.


Gyms always have an odd asshat or two.

Asked a guy very polietely how long he had left on the squat rack. His response in a snarky way was "how long is a piece of string". He was doing incline bench and i wanted to squat so after that I just said no problem will wait instead, of asking to work in.

Then proceeded to watch him do bench during my rest and achieving 1/3rd range of motion with ridiculous weight and then complain to his friend he injured his shoulder. Was extremely loud and kept saying cunt constantly.

All made sense later when I saw what looked like roid back scars/acne in the changing room when I was leaving.

Thankfully in 2 years only my second direct dealing with a gym clown.
I randomly found this guy named Drake West on Facebook. I don't know exactly what he would be diagnosed with, but it seems like a neurological/muscular disorder. Maybe muscular dystrophy? I can't find a source really. Anyway, he weighs about 85-90 lbs and as you can see is wheelchair-bound... but, he has an interest in lifting. And, dammit, of all the crazy lifters/lifts I've ever seen, seeing this guy shoulder press a 25 lbs dumbbell 10 times is the most inspirational to me. I just thought I'd share it here since I know a lot of you find interest and motivation in the lifting accomplishments of others.

The videos are all on his Facebook, so you can find a lot more there, but here's the one I like the most of the few I've watched.

Certainly, if this guy has the motivation to get his ass to the gym and lift, there's no excuse for the rest of us to not hit the gym.
Gyms always have an odd asshat or two.

Asked a guy very polietely how long he had left on the squat rack. His response in a snarky way was "how long is a piece of string". He was doing incline bench and i wanted to squat so after that I just said no problem will wait instead, of asking to work in.

Then proceeded to watch him do bench during my rest and achieving 1/3rd range of motion with ridiculous weight and then complain to his friend he injured his shoulder. Was extremely loud and kept saying cunt constantly.

All made sense later when I saw what looked like roid back scars/acne in the changing room when I was leaving.

Thankfully in 2 years only my second direct dealing with a gym clown.

what da fuck this even mean?


Today was an odd one, i woke up earlier then usual, and im already done with my 5s week at the gym, so i usually take a couple days off till 3s week. But i just really felt like hitting the gym today. So i went, and did farmers walks starting from 65lb dumbbells all the way to the 120lb dumbbells. My grip near the end was near slipping but i just gripped harder and got it nice and tight. I really, really love farmers walks now, but they destroy my grip. Thats exactly why i do them tho.

I supersetted the FW's with snatch grip shrugs like brolic does, however i have no clue how he is doing so much weight. Im doing 135lbs and best i got was 5 sets of 3, 3rd one not the prettiest. Im not sure if im getting the bar up correctly or not, i will need to work on that.

After i finished all that trap work, i realized i hadn't fried my triceps like i usually do, so i hit the dip bar. And it went pretty damn well. I got 3 sets of 3 clean nice reps. After that, it was like a mental block was lifted, like i can actually do dips now, and i did another 3 sets of 4 dips.

After that i was spent, and went home. I might take days like this off and on just to get some more body weight stuff in before i wear out the rest of my body before hand. Feels pretty damn good.


I randomly found this guy named Drake West on Facebook. I don't know exactly what he would be diagnosed with, but it seems like a neurological/muscular disorder. Maybe muscular dystrophy? I can't find a source really. Anyway, he weighs about 85-90 lbs and as you can see is wheelchair-bound... but, he has an interest in lifting. And, dammit, of all the crazy lifters/lifts I've ever seen, seeing this guy shoulder press a 25 lbs dumbbell 10 times is the most inspirational to me. I just thought I'd share it here since I know a lot of you find interest and motivation in the lifting accomplishments of others.

The videos are all on his Facebook, so you can find a lot more there, but here's the one I like the most of the few I've watched.

Certainly, if this guy has the motivation to get his ass to the gym and lift, there's no excuse for the rest of us to not hit the gym.

Thanks a lot. Now you got me all teared up and crying.


Slayer of Combofiends
I randomly found this guy named Drake West on Facebook. I don't know exactly what he would be diagnosed with, but it seems like a neurological/muscular disorder. Maybe muscular dystrophy? I can't find a source really. Anyway, he weighs about 85-90 lbs and as you can see is wheelchair-bound... but, he has an interest in lifting. And, dammit, of all the crazy lifters/lifts I've ever seen, seeing this guy shoulder press a 25 lbs dumbbell 10 times is the most inspirational to me. I just thought I'd share it here since I know a lot of you find interest and motivation in the lifting accomplishments of others.

The videos are all on his Facebook, so you can find a lot more there, but here's the one I like the most of the few I've watched.

Certainly, if this guy has the motivation to get his ass to the gym and lift, there's no excuse for the rest of us to not hit the gym.

Really inspirational man! Man, there is so much positive energy in this thread!

Quick question though, should I just mixed my protein and creatine pre-workout with just water? I'm trying to lose weight so milk isn't an option. Also how much of the liquid should I use? I assume the measurements might be on the protein that I'm gonna get... Also a tablespoon of creatine is fine right? I only ask cause my stuff is coming in Sunday so I can get ready for Monday!

Ric Flair

The other day this guy at my gym saw me doing raises all-fucking wrong and showed me how to do them. He ended up guiding me through a really solid shoulder routine, with proper form and everything. I had this image in my head of what gym rats were like, he definitely changed that. Really nice dude.


The other day this guy at my gym saw me doing raises all-fucking wrong and showed me how to do them. He ended up guiding me through a really solid shoulder routine, with proper form and everything. I had this image in my head of what gym rats were like, he definitely changed that. Really nice dude.

I saw this dude doing partial squats yesterday, and I was sorely tempted to tell him that he needs to go to at least parallel. I didnt since I don't know him and didn't know how he would react.

That said, I would really appreciate it if someone ever went up to me and told me that I was doing an exercise completely wrong or needed to change something to improve my form.


Really inspirational man! Man, there is so much positive energy in this thread!

Quick question though, should I just mixed my protein and creatine pre-workout with just water? I'm trying to lose weight so milk isn't an option. Also how much of the liquid should I use? I assume the measurements might be on the protein that I'm gonna get... Also a tablespoon of creatine is fine right? I only ask cause my stuff is coming in Sunday so I can get ready for Monday!

I use water with my shakes. Tastes fine. I use 6-8oz of water per scoop of protein depending on how diluted I want the flavor to be. Sometimes I'll spice it up with unsweetened almond milk (45 cal per 8oz). And it's one teaspoon of creatine (5g), not one tablespoon.

Side note, just tried the cookies and cream flavor Quest bar for the first time. My god, this stuff is crack. Delicious.
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