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Galak-Z: The Dimensional |OT| Macross the Universe


Holy shit once you beat season 1, you finally get a hang of the controls and then they give you the mech to switch to. Daaaaaaaamn it's fun to go back and forth


Sooo, I'm stuck inside a wall, grabbed
by a pink monster
, and can't get out. I'm on 1-4. How fucked am I?


Played a bit of the first level and I love it!

Can you remap the controls? I need to reverse the positions of thrust, boost and aim, then I will be all over this.
Destructoid was a little harsher: 7/10
I wish Galak-Z: The Dimensional wasn't so fragmented, because the core experience is a treat for roguelike and space combat fans alike. Even 15 hours through I was still seeing new items and upgrades, which is a testament to its lasting power, warts and all -- I just need to take breaks from the tedium every so often.


Man, I definitely have to get used to the controls, I expected something like Luftrausers but it's just a matter of getting used to it I guess.


I've played hours and hours today and I keep losing. I know I have never been very good at games, but this is very harsh. Any tips? I never get past season 1 episode 3...
I've played hours and hours today and I keep losing. I know I have never been very good at games, but this is very harsh. Any tips? I never get past season 1 episode 3...
This may be painfully obvious, but playing slowly and strategically is key. I don't find that this is a game I can speed through like similar looking games.


This may be painfully obvious, but playing slowly and strategically is key. I don't find that this is a game I can speed through like similar looking games.

I know. Now I spend quite some time exploring, getting scrap and getting all sorts of stuff. But the bigger ships and the
Centinel metch thing
are just too much for me now... I just don't know how to approach it. Even running away won't work.


This may be painfully obvious, but playing slowly and strategically is key. I don't find that this is a game I can speed through like similar looking games.
Agreed. You aren't that durable compared to your enemies shields.

What works for me is getting the enemies attention, retreating back, and treating it like tower defense mode, 1 by 1.


Controls and combat finally clicked for me today. Strafing boost and retreat boost are life savers, and it doesn't hurt to have a bad ass weapon upgrade. Mech is awesome, though I find the shield a bit finicky at times. But yea, slow and steady wins the race. This game does not reward rushing. Overall loving it so far.


GAF parliamentarian
I really don't like the art style. Feels half assed, considering how much they tout the anime influence.


I really don't like the art style. Feels half assed.

I love the actual games visuals, but just not the character art. Looks like the kind of art you get in those not so great flash games. Really the character art should have been proper manga or anime esque, Eg Gundam or Macross Plus style, instead it looks too digital, clean and basic.
I really don't like the art style. Feels half assed, considering how much they tout the anime influence.
Huh? What about it feels half-assed? The characters themselves and the main bridge of the Axelios aren't much to write home about, but otherwise the game is damn pretty.

Got a crash and corrupted save. Now I'm back to season 1...
I hate to say it, but if you have a USB, I'd suggest backing up your save data at the end of Seasons. That's what I've done


I think mech is really strong. The shield you pull out is independent of your main shield. The charged sword attack destroys big enemies quickly and you can charge it behind the safety of the shield. The shield behaves similar to Smash Bros except it doesnt deteriorate over time. It takes about 3-5 laser shots from smaller enemies to disappear which is pretty generous. Also it feels different but easier to control movement wise with boost than it is as a jet. It doesn't actually seem like the mech is that much slower if it is at all

Am I the only one who using mech more? I'm about 60% mech/40% jet.


I think mech is really strong. Am I the only one who using mech more? I'm about 60% mech/40% jet.
that's what i've said all along. get the 100% melee charge upgrade and you're dealing serious damage. i'll usually start off as a ship, lock-on missiles from range, then transform to take them out with melee. bouncing enemies off the terrain with your sword also stuns them so that's a plus.


Grimløck;174352131 said:
that's what i've said all along. get the 100% melee charge upgrade and you're dealing serious damage. i'll usually start off as a ship, lock-on missiles from range, then transform to take them out with melee. bouncing enemies off the terrain with your sword also stuns them so that's a plus.
Yeah the mech is great. But holding down four buttons (thrust, boost, shield, melee charge) at the same time is a total mindfuck during heated battles. I think I'd need to grow a couple extra fingers if I wanted to incorporate strafe and back thrust too.


I'd be in the dick
Dumb question: how do I actually sell the Crash Coins? I have three but haven't been able to sell any since the tutorial came up.


why do i keep losing my resume point mid season? i'm exiting out at the ship screen too. 80 minutes down the drain


Dumb question: how do I actually sell the Crash Coins? I have three but haven't been able to sell any since the tutorial came up.

You sell them automatically after you start a new season or after a death where you spend 5 to continue.


Neo Member
The Asian releases are coming, for the first round we chose to focus just on NA and EU, the submissions process is long and involving, and we only have one producer who hasn't slept properly in weeks. Once we get over this launch hump we'll start zeroing in on the JP and Asian releases.

Also, for the first time ever, the entire company (all whopping 9 of us) are in the same office up through PAX, here in Seattle. I don't want to start the Japanese Press tour hardcore until I'm back in Japan and can dedicate full resources to it. Should be ready to go early fall? Maybe right after TGS?

Many thanks for the kind info!

Early fall after TGS sounds fantastic, will be happy to wait for that as it's just around the corner.

Congrats on winning the Japan best design award and congrats on all of the glowing reviews thus far.

Very much looking forward to the game!!


why do i keep losing my resume point mid season? i'm exiting out at the ship screen too. 80 minutes down the drain

Can you provide any more details Alucrid? We've never heard of anything like that and even after a programmer brainstorm we can't think of how thats even possible. It's a QUICKsave, meaning you only get to use it once. If you quit while in the main Mothership, the next time you play, the option to resume from where you left off will be there, but if you die that save will no longer be there, and you'll have to start again at the beginning of the current season.

Does that clear things up or was it something else? Thanks for your input!


Party Pooper

Finally got a chance to sit down and play for a bit, beat Season 1 on my first try.

I'll chalk that up to a few hundred hours of Spelunky, situational awareness and risk assessment.

Still adjusting to the controls though.
Sooo, I'm stuck inside a wall, grabbed
by a pink monster
, and can't get out. I'm on 1-4. How fucked am I?

Happened to me yesterday. Killed one of those bugs yesterday towards the end of season one and then disappeared. I guess I was inside the rock. Ended up turning off the game. Today when I turned it back on I had to restart from the beginning of season one


Can you provide any more details Alucrid? We've never heard of anything like that and even after a programmer brainstorm we can't think of how thats even possible. It's a QUICKsave, meaning you only get to use it once. If you quit while in the main Mothership, the next time you play, the option to resume from where you left off will be there, but if you die that save will no longer be there, and you'll have to start again at the beginning of the current season.

Does that clear things up or was it something else? Thanks for your input!

Sure, I quit out after finishing 2-4 to the title screen, hit play, saw the resume, loaded it to make sure it was working (I had lost a 2-2 checkpoint from last night, so I wanted to double check), then quit back out to the title again. I guess it might be that loading back in the first time took up the one use and I wasn't given the save again when I quit out a second time?



Finally got a chance to sit down and play for a bit, beat Season 1 on my first try.

I'll chalk that up to a few hundred hours of Spelunky, situational awareness and risk assessment.

Still adjusting to the controls though.
Damn nice. It took me like 10+ tries
I've played hours and hours today and I keep losing. I know I have never been very good at games, but this is very harsh. Any tips? I never get past season 1 episode 3...

I'm exactly where you are. I enjoy the game, but I suck and it's brutal. I'm having a tough time getting past 1-3. I was just happy that itallowed me to save the JUKE tactic. This game is BRUTAL. Being forced to start the entire season over when you die is starting to sap the willpower out of me...

Starting each chapter/episode over from scratch would've been fine. Starting the entire SEASON over...??


Gold Member
Any news on another patch to fix the framerate? The slowdowns when big fights are happening are starting to be annoying to the point that i have stopped playing the game because of it, if the game can't hold a steady 60 at least give us an option to lock it at 30


Hey guys I'm on 1-5 fighting white tusk and have run into what seems to be a bug where I can't damage tusk, has anyone else run into this?
Two back to back crashes at a boss have killed my enthusiasm pretty fierce. The regular season stages are relatively quick at a few minutes a piece but having to redo the entire season because the game throws a fit is pretty frustrating. At least my save's not corrupted.

Sounds like jkoo is aware of these sorts of things so hopefully the week 1 patch will fix them.
Got to the the finale of season 3, which was pretty frekin brutal, and died although I had some pretty slick upgrades (Sword Stunner and whichever one makes the mech shield absorb more are great for my playstyle). When I went for the recovery mission the game crashed. Kinda pissed but it's not so bad. I ahve so much fun with this game flying around slashing stuff to pieces.

One thing that really makes the mech shine for me, which might be a good tip for those who think it's weak: The built in parry for the shield works on bullets, too. And any bullets deflected in this way don't seem to effect the shield's integrity. I pretty much just fly straight at ships with a charged blade, time my shield so that I deflect most of their shots, then smack them with the sword.

The grab is also super incredible if you use it correctly. Firstly, it instantly breaks any Raider's front-shield. Throwing environmental hazards at groups of enemies is also super effective.

Also, I'm pretty sure the mech is actually faster than the jet. Every time I boost around in the jet I feel way less agile. Might be my imagination.

Mikey Jr.

I'm about episode 4, season 3. Just died so I have to go back, but decided to write my impressions so far.

-Firstly, I gotta say, the presentation is fabulous.

-Controls are hard to get down at first, but you get used to them. I'm not going to say they're great. I know how to use them, but I think I still would have preferred a twin stick method, even if I lost something in the process. I keep wanting to play this like Pixel Junk Shooter.

-Using environment against bad guys is great. Absolute fun.

But I have major problems with this game, namely the "rogue-lite" aspect of it. I honestly believe that it was created to artificially lengthen this game, which honestly, if there were continues, I could have probably beaten in 1 sitting. But when you die, you start with the absolute bare essentials. None of your shit carries over. So you are fighting strong enemies with a basic pea shooter. It honestly sucks.

The environments you travel through are ok. The planet is nice, the space hulk kinda sucks. But thats the problem. Its only 2 things. The mission is either a) travel through planet b) Travel through square ship or c) travel through planet and square ship. But they aren't even varied. The planets always look the same, and the space hulks always look the same.

The objectives are pretty bad. They all boil down to
1) Go to place
2) Destroy thing at place
3) Go to warp

The mech I don't use at all anymore. I just use it to throw shit at people, I don't use it in combat. This is because...
1) Its hard for me to experiment with it because of the death penalty, so I stick to range.
2) Too much shit to control in the heat of battle. Sword, hold in sword, shield, grapple, boost, reverse, brake, stop. Its honestly too much for me when I get up and personal. This is my opinion only.

If there is a story, I must be missing it. I wouldn't even call this a story, just some loose narrative, which is funny because each episode starts with a "written by" which is crazy because there is barely anything there to be written.

I know the this is a dev choice or whatever, but some sort of MP would have been nice.

Anyways, thats my impressions. Not sure if I'll go back and finish season 3 again. Just thinking of going through those 4 episodes again is not doing anything for me. Season 1 was like "Fuck yeah!". Season 2 was like "Ok, cool, space shit and mech.Awesome"
Season 3 is like "I.....think I've seen enough"

This game does make awesome gifs though, I will say that.


Liking both the mech and jet equally. Jet for out doors dog fights and long range sniping, the mech for close quarters and throwing environmental explosives. Breezed through season 2 pretty easily so far, just the final mission left now, would hate to die at this point lol...I think you should retain all your stats and buffs if you use 5 coins to revive, otherwise it seems rather pointless.

Get the feeling season 3 is going to be a lot harder. Lord knows what season 4 and 5 are going to be like!

Mikey Jr.

Liking both the mech and jet equally. Jet for out doors dog fights and long range sniping, the mech for close quarters and throwing environmental explosives. Breezed through season 2 pretty easily so far, just the final mission left now, would hate to die at this point lol...I think you should retain all your stats and buffs if you use 5 coins to revive, otherwise it seems rather pointless.

Get the feeling season 3 is going to be a lot harder. Lord knows what season 4 and 5 are going to be like!

Prepare for the last boss of s-2. He sucks. You could possibly die to him.


Unconfirmed Member
Beat Season 2 in my first sitting. Feels good man. I do think more tilesets would be nice but otherwise I'm really digging this game.


I'd be in the dick
This game feels so damn good to play.

I keep making dumb mistakes when things get rough so I haven't even finished Season 1 yet but it's not frustrating. I like the basic gameplay so much that it's just more opportunities to practice.


Unconfirmed Member

I watched the Giant Bomb quicklook. This game looks real hard.

Does anyone regret buying it because of difficulty?

Mikey Jr.


I watched the Giant Bomb quicklook. This game looks real hard.

Does anyone regret buying it because of difficulty?

I wouldn't say regret, but I'm not sure if I would have purchased it knowing what I know now.

Hard to tell you what to do. Losing all your progress because you died really sucks. They don't even refill your health between missions. You have 1 health going into the final episode? "Haha, fuck you!"
This game feels so damn good to play.

I keep making dumb mistakes when things get rough so I haven't even finished Season 1 yet but it's not frustrating. I like the basic gameplay so much that it's just more opportunities to practice.

Yeah I just love being in that ship. Plus it feels different every time you replay a level so it always feels fresh


This game feels so damn good to play.

I keep making dumb mistakes when things get rough so I haven't even finished Season 1 yet but it's not frustrating. I like the basic gameplay so much that it's just more opportunities to practice.

Don't feel bad dude. I failed season 1 several times. When it clicks it clicks. This advice earlier in the thread is pretty sound.

-Don't buy missiles, get them from killed enemies. Save your salvage for ship repair.
-Explore. A lot of upgrades are free, you just need to find them.
-Use boost. It can be used in conjunction with your backward thrusters and strafe.
-Strafe is key to decimating foes. Boost it to evade enemy fire and lay down the pain.
-Don't forget juke. Its great for evading when real close to opponents.
-If you are overwhelmed... juke, boost, and run.
-Be patient, move slowly, don't rush into fight. (With the right joystick you can tap in a direction and expand your view a bit beyond the normal boundary... Which is useful for scouting ahead)
-Use the map, it can help you find hidden areas.
Controls and combat finally clicked for me today. Strafing boost and retreat boost are life savers, and it doesn't hurt to have a bad ass weapon upgrade. Mech is awesome, though I find the shield a bit finicky at times. But yea, slow and steady wins the race. This game does not reward rushing. Overall loving it so far.
Strafe boost in the ship is so good. I still lack confidence with the mech though. Having a hard time managing close quarters offense & defense.

Edit, lol, just saw you bumped my tips from yesterday... And I just got my ass handed to me on S2-5 (my first death)... *tear.

Oh well, as Plato said above, death is a good opportunity to practice, and I definitely need practice with the mech.
I think mech is really strong. The shield you pull out is independent of your main shield. The charged sword attack destroys big enemies quickly and you can charge it behind the safety of the shield. The shield behaves similar to Smash Bros except it doesnt deteriorate over time. It takes about 3-5 laser shots from smaller enemies to disappear which is pretty generous. Also it feels different but easier to control movement wise with boost than it is as a jet. It doesn't actually seem like the mech is that much slower if it is at all

Am I the only one who using mech more? I'm about 60% mech/40% jet.

One thing that really makes the mech shine for me, which might be a good tip for those who think it's weak: The built in parry for the shield works on bullets, too. And any bullets deflected in this way don't seem to effect the shield's integrity. I pretty much just fly straight at ships with a charged blade, time my shield so that I deflect most of their shots, then smack them with the sword.

The grab is also super incredible if you use it correctly. Firstly, it instantly breaks any Raider's front-shield. Throwing environmental hazards at groups of enemies is also super effective.

Also, I'm pretty sure the mech is actually faster than the jet. Every time I boost around in the jet I feel way less agile. Might be my imagination.

Yes to all of this. I think perma death + very involved controls make people afraid to get dirty with the mech, but the shield + parry + charge sword + grab are godlike. I took on 4 enemy mechs at once at an end-episode warp point last night without switching back to the ship and they couldn't touch me. I actually find it MUCH easier to deal with the aggressive enemies with the mech so far. The way the parry and throw can burst shields and buy you seconds to breathe are crucial.
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