If Dany takes her dragons out next week, where do you think she will attack?
I doubt King's Landing, because I think they save that for much later in the season. Do you think she'll go to Casterly Rock? Highgarden? Has to be one of those two, right?
She's going to hunt down Euron's magical fleet, and it's going to appear as if she has him on the ropes, which forces him to reveal his trump card that is a teleportation device he won in a bet from LF. Dany returns to Dragonstone minus one dragon, and the other two badly hurt from the giant harpoon thingies.If Dany takes her dragons out next week, where do you think she will attack?
I doubt King's Landing, because I think they save that for much later in the season. Do you think she'll go to Casterly Rock? Highgarden? Has to be one of those two, right?
3) the dialog seemed oddly stiff for most of this episode? I don't know if anyone else got that feeling but it seemed unnatural and pretty expository. Thankfully the last scene made up for the faults in that department, Olenna da best
Yea but... how did the Lannisters know they were going to attack Casterly Rock in the first place?
Technically, bum-rushing King's Landing would have been the correct tactic strategically. That's what they should have been prepping for.
But Euron magically appears and not only wrecks the Greyjoy fleets, but zips around the whole continent to Casterly Rock just in time to catch Grey Worm off guard.
And that's after Jamie empties half of the army from there.
How the hell did they know all this and plan all of it?
Hey Casterly Rock has mining equipment. Dany, Jon, and Tyrion are the dream team White Walker fighters. lol
This Euron shit is pretty annoying.
Other than that it was a pretty good episode. Finally cut the filler to zero.
Ellaria's actress did great work here (as she did the first season she was introduced) without saying a single thing. Shame the writers totally screwed her and the rest of the Sand Snakes over with their Dorne plotline. She could have been a cool character if she wasn't wasted after Oberyn.
Dany isn't as weak as people might think though. She's still a formidable land power and has the only air support that anyone in Westeros has. She's lost her naval ability, but most of that was important to ferry her ground forces over from Essos. She has over 100,000 Dothraki, 8,000 unsullied, and three fully grown dragons. Euron can terrorise the seas all he wants, the greyjoys are shit out of water. She held herself back from using dragons and the Dothraki. If she truly wanted to, she can still take KL easily.Sad to see Olenna go, but in true fashion she got the last laugh. Gonna enjoy seeing Cersei find out Tyrion was innocent all along. "Oh but he killed both our parents so fuck him".
Dany+Jon alliance is set in stone now. Dany is all out of allies in a flash. I can see the Northern armies marching south to take out Cersei first before dealing with the walkers. The Wildlings will be on their own for awhile.
Dany, Jon, Tyrion, Jamie, and Davos at the end of GOT.
How the fuck did the Greyjoys lose their rebellion against Robert the Userper?Dany screwed up by not attempting to hook up with Euron.
The Seven Kingdoms would be hers and the white walkers dead already if she had Mr. OP at her disposal.
How the fuck did the Greyjoys lose their rebellion against Robert the Userper?
Best episode of the season.
However, I leave each episode disappointed. I am fine with people dying left and right, it comes with the show, but it has been far too one sided this season and kind of poor writing on their part. One of the joys of this show is that you know that if you fav looses one episode, they will have some kind of victory the next, which hasn't been happening.
Your boy died in voluntary combat because he was taunting and you decided to poison my innocent daughter and then kill your prince because he didn't wanna start a war with me over it
Because from the very first episode of this season they showed how hapless Cersei is so of course she's gotta get some "surprise" victories in before the inevitable reign of Fire and Ice comes.
Pretty much, Lannisters can be blamed for a lot of things but Oberyn's death ain't one of those. Ellaria was stupid and I don't feel but at all for her. I only feel sorry her precious angel, that girl is beautiful beyond compare.
Because from the very first episode of this season they showed how hapless Cersei is so of course she's gotta get some "surprise" victories in before the inevitable reign of Fire and Ice comes.
You jest, but I'd love to see what show Qyburn could accomplish with a captured white walker. Wouldn't it be amusing if he upped their heat tolerance and removed their weakness to Dragonglass and Valyrian steel?That was a great episode.
Qyburn will be the main character of next season and savior of humanity!
He can do everything. Turn death men to monsters, make weapons to kill dragons, make the best poisons and teleport Euron's ships everywhere. Next time he will produce a cure to turn white walkers to normal people!
Is she though? North has been weak with all these battles and the Bolton - Stark conflict. And as for Daenerys, if you take out the dragons of the equation, the Dothraki and the Unsullied aren't enough imo. Dorne and Greyojoys are over. And the way the season progresses I expect a failed Arial attack and at least a dead dragon soon. Daenerys will need Jon Snow in the end.
PS: I cried when Sansa saw Brandon..
nice to see Bronn even if for a brief second.
but its crazy how dany went from practically unstoppable with the tyrells, dorne, part of the greyjoy fleet, dragons, and the unsullied down to a handful of unsullied and her dragons.
And the dothraki.
Can someone remind me what Rickon is up to? Did he die at some point? Its been a while and I honestly cant remember.
Haven't read through this thread yet but holy crap I thought this episode was fantastic. So many good interactions.
Bet this thread hated it though huh
I wonder if the Dornish army is still in play.
I just wanted to quote this post. This made me laugh extra loud and woke up my fiancé. Thanks lolAzor Ahai, aka Euron, is just going to show up at Eastwatch, do a crazy smile, and kill all the white walkers in episode 7. Season 8 will just be him teleporting around the world and killing any characters left from the show.