Especially Meera. She kept a strong after her brother died and still continued to help Bran.GW and Meera Reed are my favorite characters
they're both underrated
Especially Meera. She kept a strong after her brother died and still continued to help Bran.GW and Meera Reed are my favorite characters
they're both underrated
Unsullied are dead, no way back
That's easy enough to reconcile, the timelines for the different storylines aren't all happening side by side. You could have plugged Arya's scene with Hot Pie into episode 3 and showed her decision to head north then if it mattered that much.How is it that some characters are literally teleporting all around Westeros and then you have characters like Bran or Arya where it takes them multiple episodes to get from one location to another?
I mean, I'm all for not showing characters travelling and saving time, but apply that shit equally.
I just realized how to get Dany to believe in White Walkers. Jorah is going to come back, explain how he was cured by Sam and vouch for him, Jon if he is still there will say how they are friends and Sam will confirm all of the stories.
Dany might fly over with the dragons to escort them. The dragons could probably wipe out an army of infantry with a flew fly-bys.
Fuck yes. I'm counting on itThat's probably a card you try to save for the trickier allies to get, and since Tyrion knew Jon he probably thought he'd be easier to talk with and bring into the fold. Jon also strikes me and would strike Tyrion as someone that doesn't fucking want to rule the 7 kingdoms. Dany should probably marry someone for an alliance that does want to.
That plus I'm wondering how much Tyrion thinks Jon Snow even has control of the north. He's a Snow, and yes they've sworn to him now but if he marries Dany right off the bat they might just say fuck it. At least if he bends the knee and they all say fuck Jon then Dany hasn't actually given up anything.
They probably still will end up together though...
I wonder how that will do anything. Depends on how many ballistas they make.
One ballista is fired and misses a dragon in flight (good luck hitting that), they'll be immediately aware of them and Dany could just order the dragons to burn them all as fast as possible. I don't see what's preventing that.
If they were going that route then they should have had Sam and Jorah talk about white walkers or something. They didn't, though.
Sorry just missed it. That seems like 'too many' boats to me given what Euron has just accomplished, but it makes sense keeping some for an eventual Dothraki invasion.Does everyone text while watching.They literally mentioned their remaining ships when Dany was talking about using her Dragons to destroy Euron.
Fuck yes. I'm counting on it
Yeah, Jon doesn't want the iron throne. Neither did the Greyjoys so why can't she just grant him independence? Yara called herself Queen of the II so why can't just just stay kitn and be an ally to her?
Since we don't know any of the Dothraki, Jorah will be Dany's only advisor of war. GW is more of a field commander and Tyrion is not up to the task.I hope Jorah has a touching moment with Dany and then goes off with Jon to the North to get reconciliation from Lady Mormont. We need a bad ass fight scene out of Jorah at least similar in scope to Selmy's last one.
I hope Jorah has a touching moment with Dany and then goes off with Jon to the North to get reconciliation from Lady Mormont. We need a bad ass fight scene out of Jorah at least similar in scope to Selmy's last one.
Since Lady Olenna went out like a boss... and admitted she poisoned Joffrey... does this acquit Tyrion in the eyes of Jamie and possibly Cersei?
Grey Worm sucks. Meera is pretty good in the 5 seconds she's on screen though.
she's had such little screentime this season 2. like, 4 lines in the first episode, and 0 lines in this scene she was practically a cameo. come on this season is so short you gotta show us everyoneEspecially Meera. She kept a strong after her brother died and still continued to help Bran.
It's still something Tyrion could've pointed out. "Your grace, we granted independence to the II, Jon Snow here seems to be a good ruler, just looking out for the good of his people? Why not just let him do that?"I mean, she has to draw the line at some point. She can't just let everyone be their own kingdom or else she has no one to actually rule. Yara was going to be queen of the iron islands I think because of a sort of female camaraderie that came up in that conversation, but also because who the fuck cares about one island. It's strategic. Letting go of like half the kingdom's land size and a very important part of the 7 kingdoms would be terrible precedent though.
Grey Worm sucks. Meera is pretty good in the 5 seconds she's on screen though.
so just to be clear about the battle at Casterly Rock, GW didn't lose men on the ships, did he? All those ships were unloaded I'm guessing and on shore and Euron was essentially just trapping & stranding them there?
Or were there a bunch of men on the ships and most of the Unsullied are dead now?
so just to be clear about the battle at Casterly Rock, GW didn't lose men on the ships, did he? All those ships were unloaded I'm guessing and on shore and Euron was essentially just trapping & stranding them there?
Or were there a bunch of men on the ships and most of the Unsullied are dead now?
so just to be clear about the battle at Casterly Rock, GW didn't lose men on the ships, did he? All those ships were unloaded I'm guessing and on shore and Euron was essentially just trapping & stranding them there?
Or were there a bunch of men on the ships and most of the Unsullied are dead now?
Chances are he lost people but not a significant amount, that was mostly about his ships getting destroyed and being stuck on land.
There are so many techniques that could be used to show the passage of time but they don't use any of them.
Euron and Jamie were both in King's Landing but managed to go to opposite ends of the country a few scenes later.
How come you don't like GW?
edit: sorry for double post
Greyworm sucks because he is a bland ass dude. No personality at all.
Nah I don't think they'll have to march anywhere just yet.The crews are likely a goner, but considering there were far fewer Lannister than expected, I'm confident that most of the Unsullied are still alive. Now they'll have to march across Westeros to return to Dragonstone. We'll see how well the fare at that since they've been cut off from their supplies and the Lannisters took all the food when they left.
going by the trailers and next episode previewI assume this will only lead to Dany riding Dragons there.
Also, Cersei is seemingly now the greatest tactician in the world. She's come a long way from the person who got played by a shoeless zealot.
The crews are likely a goner, but considering there were far fewer Lannister than expected, I'm confident that most of the Unsullied are still alive. Now they'll have to march across Westeros to return to Dragonstone. We'll see how well the fare at that since they've been cut off from their supplies and the Lannisters took all the food when they left.
Greyworm sucks because he is a bland ass dude. No personality at all.
How come you do?How come you don't like GW?
edit: sorry for double post
Damn. Well, better hope there is food on the rock for the Unsullied to survive on.
Also I think Euron's only advantage is in the water. If the Greyjoy army went on shore to take on the Unsullied I think they'd be lost.
Jamie said they emptied out everything before they left.
I swear half of you guys must be multitasking while watching, half of the questions posted in here are usually answered through dialog on the show.
How come you do?
Greyworm sucks because he is a bland ass dude. No personality at all.
That's every GAF GoT thread ever.
Well yeah and him trying to stand out and be an individual is like his whole shtick.Greyworm sucks because he is a bland ass dude. No personality at all.
This "far fewer Lannister than expected" point is starting to confuse me. Casterly Rock isn't just a fortress filled with soldiers; it's the seat of House Lannister, which means you have civilians living there too. Women, children, etc. Where did they all go? And if you're going to let your enemy take the castle anyway (you've moved out all the civilians and emptied the food stores in preparation of that specific event), why leave behind anyone at all? Even if it's just a hundred soldiers, that's a hundred fewer you now have for the actual battle you're preparing for. You just sacrificed them for nothing, which is not just poor for troop morale, it doesn't make any sense strategically. Let the Unsullied storm the castle, burn their ships, fine... why throw in a few sacrificial pieces that you don't actually need to waste?
The thing that annoys me about the whole whitewalker disbelief is that people readily accept that there's a disease that turns you into stonemen, dragons are a fact of life, Dany herself was reborn in fire, and people can literally be brought back from the dead. But whitewalkers is just foolish.I just realized how to get Dany to believe in White Walkers. Jorah is going to come back, explain how he was cured by Sam and vouch for him, Jon if he is still there will say how they are friends and Sam will confirm all of the stories.
That's easy enough to reconcile, the timelines for the different storylines aren't all happening side by side. You could have plugged Arya's scene with Hot Pie into episode 3 and showed her decision to head north then if it mattered that much.
Even if the Lannisters were outnumbered ten to one they can to a lot of damage to the Unsullied numbers from behind their walls. If you have the men to throw away, it's worth it for thinning out the Unsullied as best you can.
That scene pissed me off to no end... like dude, she clearly doesn't know what your talking about, NO ONE DOES. Just touch the tree or something and grab her hand and take her to your visions... done and done.
Unsullied are dead, no way back
How is it that some characters are literally teleporting all around Westeros and then you have characters like Bran or Arya where it takes them multiple episodes to get from one location to another?
I mean, I'm all for not showing characters travelling and saving time, but apply that shit equally.
Getting rid of Euron's fleet is my guess
This "far fewer Lannister than expected" point is starting to confuse me. Casterly Rock isn't just a fortress filled with soldiers; it's the seat of House Lannister, which means you have civilians living there too. Women, children, etc. Where did they all go? And if you're going to let your enemy take the castle anyway (you've moved out all the civilians and emptied the food stores in preparation of that specific event), why leave behind anyone at all? Even if it's just a hundred soldiers, that's a hundred fewer you now have for the actual battle you're preparing for. You just sacrificed them for nothing, which is not just poor for troop morale, it doesn't make any sense strategically. Let the Unsullied storm the castle, burn their ships, fine... why throw in a few sacrificial pieces that you don't actually need to waste?