Gendry is dead right? I throught he was killed by Melisandre(right after they had sex in dragonstone). Or was i remembering it wrong? The reason i ask this is that i think i saw some posts in this thread indicating he is still alive.
How is she a psychopath? She's at war and she attacked the enemy army and won and dragons isn't a new weapon of war in westeros.Spectacular, yes, but Dany's just another psychopath now. One with WMDs. The people will surely detest her before they've even seen her - and didn't she just flambé all the food she allegedly needed?
Spectacular, yes, but Dany's just another psychopath now. One with WMDs. The people will surely detest her before they've even seen her - and didn't she just flambé all the food she allegedly needed?
Spectacular, yes, but Dany's just another psychopath now. One with WMDs. The people will surely detest her before they've even seen her - and didn't she just flambé all the food she allegedly needed?
*chortle!*That is some exquisitely crafted chain of males
I don't know, I feared for their safety a good few times. Not right away, maybe, but as the battle progressed there were a series a moments that each looked like they were leading up to a death.Bronn's and Jaime's plot armor annoyed the hell out of me. Jaime I can kind of get, but why Bronn?
Both should have died on the Battlefield yet it never felt like they were in any danger all the while everyone around them was getting burned alive and slaughtered by the Dothraki.
I hope that at least they will be captured by Dany because if they just make it out alive and well, that has nothing to do with the GoT of the earlier seasons where you knew nobody was save.
Dany is quickly becoming the villain. Hopefully her advisors can talk some sense into her, but it doesn't seem like she wants to listen to wise counsel anymore after she obviously blew off Jon's advice.Spectacular, yes, but Dany's just another psychopath now. One with WMDs. The people will surely detest her before they've even seen her - and didn't she just flambé all the food she allegedly needed?
Gendry is alive, rowing a boat for several seasons.
Some say that if you look at the reflection of a full moon in the sea and say "Gendry" three times he will appear and take you to the Land of Forgotten Plots.
How is she a psychopath? She's at war and she attacked the enemy army and won and dragons isn't a new weapon of war in westeros.
Dany salt is real.
She's the one attacking, she essentially started the war. She just spent that episode burning thousands of soldiers alive, an army of soldiers I doubt would have chosen to fight out of their own free will, most were probably as innocent as the civilians in Kings Landing that she's trying to "save". She came out of that episode looking like a monster.
I hope the show goes more in the evil Danny direction, it's quite unexpected
Spectacular, yes, but Dany's just another psychopath now. One with WMDs. The people will surely detest her before they've even seen her - and didn't she just flambé all the food she allegedly needed?
Where are you getting this?
Yea the war of the five kings was finished. The war now is one she started because "muh birthright". Though I don't get how it's her birthright, Robert took the throne by it belongs to his line now.She's the one attacking, she essentially started the war. She just spent that episode burning thousands of soldiers alive, an army of soldiers I doubt would have chosen to join out of their own free will, most were probably as innocent as the civilians in Kings Landing that she's trying to "save". She came out of that episode looking like a monster.
I hope the show goes more in the evil Danny direction, it's quite unexpected
Nah danys alright, you can't reason with real psychopaths like cersei and jamie.
Also i wonder how much of the lannister army got wiped out?
Since when is Jaime a psychopath?Nah danys alright, you can't reason with real psychopaths like cersei and jamie.
Also i wonder how much of the lannister army got wiped out?
I don't understand why Dany can't use at least one Dragon on King's Landing. She seems to be able to tell him where to fire, no ?
Since when is Jaime a psychopath?
He's a good guy who does bad things because of a psychopath.
You wouldn't think bricks and stones would go up in flame and wooden carriages with food would explode. But they seem to in GoT.Pre-modern cities go up in flames pretty easily.
So what did Dany actually accomplish and gain besides killing a lot of Lannister soldiers who probaby didnt want to fight or take High Garden in the first place, and taking back what she already had, with extreme loss to High Garden's armies and wealth. All she has now is food, if she didnt burn it all away.
Jamie is obviously going to live.
Randal Tarly may have escaped.
Bronn survives.
She earns Tyrions disapproval.
She also didnt really kill any major character as far as I remember? Meanwhile Cersi has the Iron Bank, and thus money to pay for armies, she killed the Sandsnakes, she killed, Ollena, and she tricked the unsullied big time and now they waste away on a useless rock.
I am Team Dany and I definitely want her to defeat Cersi but besides making sure there are less actual Lannister soldiers, which dont even look like to be the main company I dont see how much she really accomplished here.
She's probably really upset her greatest allies as well and now they will compare her to her father.
She also didnt really kill any major character as far as I remember? Meanwhile Cersi has the Iron Bank, and thus money to pay for armies, she killed the Sandsnakes, she killed, Ollena, and she tricked the unsullied big time and now they waste away on a useless rock.
I am Team Dany and I definitely want her to defeat Cersi but besides making sure there are less actual Lannister soldiers, which dont even look like to be the main company I dont see how much she really accomplished here.
She's probably really upset her greatest allies as well and now they will compare her to her father.
no she doesn't - the lannister army was on their way with the money/gold of high garden so that Cersei could pay off her debts at the iron bank.
The dude from ironbank said himself - we will support you, as soon as we get our money.
Now that its gone?
It's not she doesn't - the lannister army was on their way with the money/gold of high garden so that Cersei could pay off her debts at the iron bank.
The dude from ironbank said himself - we will support you, as soon as we get our mone.
Now that its gone?
Gendry is alive, rowing a boat for several seasons.
no she doesn't - the lannister army was on their way with the money/gold of high garden so that Cersei could pay off her debts at the iron bank.
The dude from ironbank said himself - we will support you, as soon as we get our money.
Now that its gone?
It's not gone.
The money is already about to reach King's Landing, what Jaime and co were transporting was supplies.
She's the one attacking, she essentially started the war. She just spent that episode burning thousands of soldiers alive, an army of soldiers I doubt would have chosen to fight out of their own free will, most were probably as innocent as the civilians in Kings Landing that she's trying to "save". She came out of that episode looking like a monster.
I hope the show goes more in the evil Danny direction, it's quite unexpected
Where are you getting this?
Yea the war of the five kings was finished. The war now is one she started because "muh birthright". Though I don't get how it's her birthright, Robert took the throne by it belongs to his line now.
If she thinks it's her birthright because taking throne by force doesn't count then what if the dude that used to rule before the Targaryan conquest centuries ago?
I've seen this sentiment a few times in this thread, and it's somewhat baffling to me.
Dany said she did not want to take King's Landing using the dragons, because there would be civilian casualties. Using them against Cersei's army is totally fair game, not a sign of Mad King-itis by any stretch of the imagination. If she isn't allowed to us them, why have them at all?
Haha man. six years of build up and there are so many people sickened, dare I say, appalled that Daenerys would use her dragons in a battle against another army.
Amazing episode.
Some people here mentioned the possibility of the Scorpion being poisoned, I think it actually could be a thing. It's called Scorpion and Qyburn used poison last week and he had an exposition about the poison possibly taking a long time to work depending on the subject. Another thing is that Drogon is probably named after Khal Drogo, who also died of poisoning. What works against that theory is that in the field of battle they would need a weapon that kills dragons immediately. Why poison a dragon if it has time to kill everyone anyway? Especially if it was an attack on King's Landing, the dragons would die after Dany had won the Iron throne.
Jaime is interesting. People sinking underwater has historically often been a metaphor for someone entering their subconsciousness. I'm guessing he will come up changed, that was the final straw. Olenna's revelation had several implications, a lot of the things happening up until now has been because of Joffrey's death. Jaime was probably hard on himself for letting Tyrion go since it resulted in Tywin's death. Cersei was really hard on him about that. As with the killing of Aerys, doing the right thing has often meant bad consequences for him. He seemingly chose to double down on his allegiance to Cercei in this episode. Bronn saying sarcastically that Cersei's reign would be peaceful, him responding "stranger things have happened" as a continuation of the arguments he used last episode with Olenna. He was shook though, Bronn commented on that. Then you have the dragon burning his men reminding him of the mad king and him losing his head going kamikaze. He won't come up the same.
Bronn lost his money. I wonder if Tyrion will make good on the promise that whatever someone pays him, he will pay double.
I thought they were gonna do it right there in the cave.
no she doesn't - the lannister army was on their way with the money/gold of high garden so that Cersei could pay off her debts at the iron bank.
The dude from ironbank said himself - we will support you, as soon as we get our money.
Now that its gone?
People say they're baffled by the idea that Dany's a psychopath/becoming a villain, but why is it so shocking? What's so special about her that she can't be corrupted by power? I'm just saying she's now just like all the other crackpots throwing their hat in the ring. I'm just saying there's nothing mystical or special about her, dragons aside.
And she nuked a supply line of food, which she probably needed. Slow clap.
She's the one attacking, she essentially started the war. She just spent that episode burning thousands of soldiers alive, an army of soldiers I doubt would have chosen to fight out of their own free will, most were probably as innocent as the civilians in Kings Landing that she's trying to "save". She came out of that episode looking like a monster.
I hope the show goes more in the evil Danny direction, it's quite unexpected
Haha man. six years of build up and there are so many people sickened, dare I say, appalled that Daenerys would use her dragons in a battle against another army.
Evil? Because she minimizes the threat of that army? This is a war that Cersei already started first - not Dany. How else is she suppose to fight? Have you forgotten all the ships in the second episode that got taken?
Amazing episode.
Some people here mentioned the possibility of the Scorpion being poisoned, I think it actually could be a thing. It's called Scorpion and Qyburn used poison last week and he had an exposition about the poison possibly taking a long time to work depending on the subject. Another thing is that Drogon is probably named after Khal Drogo, who also died of poisoning. What works against that theory is that in the field of battle they would need a weapon that kills dragons immediately. Why poison a dragon if it has time to kill everyone anyway? Especially if it was an attack on King's Landing, the dragons would die after Dany had won the Iron throne.
Jaime is interesting. People sinking underwater has historically often been a metaphor for someone entering their subconsciousness. I'm guessing he will come up changed, that was the final straw. Olenna's revelation had several implications, a lot of the things happening up until now has been because of Joffrey's death. Jaime was probably hard on himself for letting Tyrion go since it resulted in Tywin's death. Cersei was really hard on him about that. As with the killing of Aerys, doing the right thing has often meant bad consequences for him. He seemingly chose to double down on his allegiance to Cercei in this episode. Bronn saying sarcastically that Cersei's reign would be peaceful, him responding "stranger things have happened" as a continuation of the arguments he used last episode with Olenna. He was shook though, Bronn commented on that. Then you have the dragon burning his men reminding him of the mad king and him losing his head going kamikaze. He won't come up the same.
Bronn lost his money. I wonder if Tyrion will make good on the promise that whatever someone pays him, he will pay double.
I'm sorry... did you think everyone was a fan of hers before this? I've disliked her since the start for the same reasons we're discussing now.
The war Cersei started? It was Daenerys intention to invade, conquer, and kill anyone who opposed her since day 1. Whether Cersei was there or not she would have started a war.
I know it pains people to think of their heroine as being something other than a golden child but her intentions from the start would have always ended up in open war.
I'm sorry... did you think everyone was a fan of hers before this? I've disliked her since the start for the same reasons we're discussing now.
The history of war shows that even winning a battle can be huge even if a lot of it is symbolic. She is probably going to capture Jaime which will be a huge blow to Cersei and she now has shown that she is not to be taken lightly
Also sieging Kings Landing will results in thousands of peasants dying of starvation. How is that somehow more humane and endearing