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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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I'd been speculating since they announced the shortening of the last two season as being not for story reasons, but budget. Maybe that's not quite accurate, but at least three of the four episodes so far this season must have cost as much as any previous season finale. They've been spectacular.

People mention budget, but also seem to be forgetting logistics. Those battle sequences take a long time to make, it's not two person in a room discussing politics anymore. It's almost like shooting the three Lord of the Rings movies in a year.


This had me laughing.

yeah, that is pretty stupid
He should just have burnt



that was probably the most cringey moment in this episode. lol.

the other moment was the dothraki opening the wagon with the ballista. could have been a good moment with him opening it and getting directly shot... but no, these damn cuts and different angels. ruined it.


Haha man. six years of build up and there are so many people sickened, dare I say, appalled that Daenerys would use her dragons in a battle against another army.

Tbh it's great seeing Lannisters burn. I also loved the episode and the dragon carnage was awesome as fuck. Doesnt mean I agree that Dany made the correct tactical moves though. I just dont think she really won anything substantial in this fight.


Haha man. six years of build up and there are so many people sickened, dare I say, appalled that Daenerys would use her dragons in a battle against another army.

Obviously they all expected Daenerys to train her dragons in negotiation tactics and diplomatic dealings. But using them to breath fire at an enemy force? Why I never.


I will say, I am kinda surprised at how...passionate comments on the episode are. Seeing people pick sides and berate each other over which faction of a fictional war they support is remarkable.

On YouTube there are so many anti-Daenerys comments laden with misogyny and, off all things, xenophobia, that it really makes you realize that there is no hope for Trump supporters.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
People like dramatic television and the conventional villains are always the most entertaining. With heroes people enjoy antiheroes and underdogs, hence so many rooting for Snow.

I can appreciate the appeal for Daenerys but for those less invested in what she's selling understand that it's taken six whole seasons for her arc to finally get intertwined with mainstay character drama that has been inherently interwoven and multifaceted from the start.

For someone like myself, one of the most tiring facets of Daenerys' arc was so many seasons of what felt like narrative disconnect. She was following her own story across the ocean while also being the central figure in that arc. No matter who else was involved they were always secondary. You knew Dany wouldn't die. You knew she'd eventually get to Westeros. And ultimately near everything worked out just fine for her.

She's not the only flowery character (Snow has these elements, too), but her arc for six seasons basically consists of her liberating slaves, raising three amazing dragons, acquiring arguably the best foot soldiers in the world, leading an entire populous of horse warriors, a nd everyone who follows her swearing allegiance because of how wonderful and magical she is, all the while she builds up her invincible powersquad that gets everything done fairly effortlessly. Every single setback she's had has been shortlived and resolved through "I'm the mother of dragons", some whimsical shit, and her theme playing as she walks out of fire / flies off on a dragon. And for some people that's a tired shtick especially when she's shackled in the strongest of plot armour through her massive disconnect from the character relationships of Westeros.

To see her finally on Westeros is fucking great because now we get our dragons vs everything power fantasy cinema, but it's also fun to see her taken down a peg and have to involve herself in the reality of this war. "It's my birthright" is no less lame vomit from her mouth as it is any other thronehungry dickhead. She doesn't have right to shit. And this being consciously acknowledged along with the limitations of her politics and army will do wonders for developing her character and involvement beyond the one dimensional arc she took over the ocean.

I don't even like Dany very much but I'm excited to see her have to work with this shit, not because I necessarily want her to fail (although...), but because not being Perfect Queen of Invincibility lets her arc develop in potentially interesting ways. In the same way that as amazing as it is to see three of the Stark kids reunited, and as happy as they appear to be, they're such drastically different people now with complicated, differing motivations that their reunion isn't as whimsical and romantic as it could have been. It's wonderful, but also unsettling.
Was a good episode, but the show is full of cliches nowadays. Game always felt different, but it's like the show writers are all over the place now.


I thought we spent two seasons in Meereen specifically showing how when it comes to actual governance, Daenerys is in over her head. Hell, her entire arc is basically juggling the fact that she wants to be this inspirational force for good and change, but at the end of the day she is just like Aegon. A conqueror. For better or for worse. That struggle was put on plain view within Meereen, and it looks to be a focus next episode as well.

It's not like Dany's journey has been a cakewalk just because she hasn't died yet.


So the episode was straight up amazing and it's the first episode in awhile that I had very little qualms with. Every scene worked and nothing felt poorly written or poorly executed.

However, there is one thing nagging at me. Does anyone understand the logistics behind how Dany was able to find out about the Lannisters raiding Highgarden, gather up her troops, somehow get past Kings Landing from Dragonstone without causing a scene and end up in Highgarden before the Lannisters left? Unless they kind of portrayed all the scenes out of order and we were to assume the raid on Highgarden was meant to be well after Casterly Rock was invaded and not simultaneously like they seemed to portray.
I thought we spent two seasons in Meereen specifically showing how when it comes to actual governance, Daenerys is in over her head. Hell, her entire arc is basically juggling the fact that she wants to be this inspirational force for good and change, but at the end of the day she is just like Aegon. A conqueror. For better or for worse. That struggle was put on plain view within Meereen, and it looks to be a focus next episode as well.

It's not like Dany's journey has been a cakewalk just because she hasn't died yet.

Overall, it's been quite the cakewalk. Very much so. She had a bit of trouble with the slavers, but as usual, it got worked out. In a show like this, it really stands out. Technically, jon's situation is similar, but it really felt like went through a lot more hardship. Dany's story started that way too, then it was just victory after victory.

Spectacular, yes, but Dany's just another psychopath now. One with WMDs. The people will surely detest her before they've even seen her - and didn't she just flambé all the food she allegedly needed?

Yeah, that's hardly the case. The field of battle is different from burning down a whole city.

hey look, a girl and a woman engaging in a dick measuring contest.
what a dumb scene

It came across as arya testing her newfound gifts against someone she knows is a damn good fighter. It was a bit much, but I still enjoyed it.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I thought we spent two seasons in Meereen specifically showing how when it comes to actual governance, Daenerys is in over her head. Hell, her entire arc is basically juggling the fact that she wants to be this inspirational force for good and change, but at the end of the day she is just like Aegon. A conqueror. For better or for worse. That struggle was put on plain view within Meereen, and it looks to be a focus next episode as well.

It's not like Dany's journey has been a cakewalk just because she hasn't died yet.

I agree with this, but I personally didn't find it particularly interesting because of this disconnect. The threat was never particularly convincing or real to me because of the narrative disconnect. And whatever character revelation and development we learn (eg: she is still a conqueror) to me felt trivialised by the irrelevancy of her location versus the bulk of Westeros.

Westeros was always the end game, and it's why I find these revelations so much more interesting now they have sufficient, weighted context. I can see her struggle in Meereen and showcase limited political prowess, but here those decisions now have actual weight on long developed characters and relationships. That's what I've always enjoyed most of about Thrones: regardless of how shlocky the writing and narrative can be, one characters arc and journey will inevitably impact another's. One political power play will devastate another, and ripple through subsequent characters. Dany's arc is no longer centralised, so her successes and failures impact more than just her. And even how it impacts her has weighted consequences based on how others respond. That to me is far, far more interesting than most of her character arc up until this point.


Well that was an amazing episode. Was wondering though did Tyrion say "hurry you idiot" when Jaime was about to spear Daenerys? I got the impression he was having a change of heart while watching the Lannister men getting crisped.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Dany is quickly becoming the villain. Hopefully her advisors can talk some sense into her, but it doesn't seem like she wants to listen to wise counsel anymore after she obviously blew off Jon's advice.

What do you mean? She did listen to him and used a dragon on an army that was away from civilians.

Well that was an amazing episode. Was wondering though did Tyrion say "hurry you idiot" when Jaime was about to spear Daenerys? I got the impression he was having a change of heart while watching the Lannister men getting crisped.

He was telling his brother to stop but didn't yell it out to completely betray his brother. It was more so wishful thinking for him to just stand down.


How the fuck did the dragon not just nose dive after that spear hit its wing? Like it didn't even have that much of an impact after it hit the land. The show lost all tension because of Dany and I fuckin hate it, and her acting and how she thinks she's entitled to everything is just making it even worse. And the way there were soldiers just standing there against no one for Dany to come and burn since the dothraki already clashed is just

I liked the show better when the smarter won, and not the one with the op dragons who has the op army because she has a fire-proof skin.


So the episode was straight up amazing and it's the first episode in awhile that I had very little qualms with. Every scene worked and nothing felt poorly written or poorly executed.

However, there is one thing nagging at me. Does anyone understand the logistics behind how Dany was able to find out about the Lannisters raiding Highgarden, gather up her troops, somehow get past Kings Landing from Dragonstone without causing a scene and end up in Highgarden before the Lannisters left? Unless they kind of portrayed all the scenes out of order and we were to assume the raid on Highgarden was meant to be well after Casterly Rock was invaded and not simultaneously like they seemed to portray.

She found eurons teleportation device.

But seriously they only have 7 episodes to fit everything in, not worth going into the logistics. They will probably try and wrap up the whole cersei vs dany/jon this season.


That was a good episode, but Bronn should have died manning that ballista and Jaime when he went for Daenerys.

At least that's just normal levels of plot armor fuckery and not plot-breaking level shenanigangs like last episode
Well that was an amazing episode. Was wondering though did Tyrion say "hurry you idiot" when Jaime was about to spear Daenerys? I got the impression he was having a change of heart while watching the Lannister men getting crisped.

Is that what he was saying? It sounded like he was telling him to hurry and get away and to not be an idiot. He's always loved Jaime, so it was to be expected I guess.

That was a good episode, but Bronn should have died manning that ballista and Jaime when he went for Daenerys.

At least that's just normal levels of plot armor fuckery and not plot-breaking level shenanigangs like last episode

That ballista scene killed me. I'm thinking that a slow to adjust and aim ballista is probably the dumbest idea I've heard to kill these things and bron is swinging it around like a child's toy. It takes longer to set up an old school crossbow than it did for him to reload that thing. Whole scene was a bit silly because of it imo.

Bron is a talented guy, but his feats were just a bit too much and way out of character imo.

Atomic Odin

Well that was an amazing episode. Was wondering though did Tyrion say "hurry you idiot" when Jaime was about to spear Daenerys? I got the impression he was having a change of heart while watching the Lannister men getting crisped.

He said "flee you idiot"

I wonder why he didn't shouted at him to not commit to pigheadedness in that moment.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
I feel like the reason why so many main characters haven't been dying recently is to pluck them off by the white walkers in upcoming episodes.


Dany is quickly becoming the villain. Hopefully her advisors can talk some sense into her, but it doesn't seem like she wants to listen to wise counsel anymore after she obviously blew off Jon's advice.

How did she blow off Jon's advice? She was thinking of attacking King's Landing with the dragons, he advised against it so she didn't.


Did jon kneel before her? I like how she tells him to put the lives of the north above his ego, but it's ok to put her ego above the entire human race even when she know the danger is real and is coming for all.

It's not like Dany's journey has been a cakewalk just because she hasn't died yet.

She didn't survive because she was smart or a good fighter. She survived because of her dragons and how she's immune to fire. I'd call that a cakewalk. If anybody else was in her position, they would've been dead long time ago.


The way the Lannisters have seemingly had the upper hand, yeah this was needed. The way i saw this, it was Daenerys way of saying "i'm still here, just reminding you". Brilliant episode none the less.
So the episode was straight up amazing and it's the first episode in awhile that I had very little qualms with. Every scene worked and nothing felt poorly written or poorly executed.

However, there is one thing nagging at me. Does anyone understand the logistics behind how Dany was able to find out about the Lannisters raiding Highgarden, gather up her troops, somehow get past Kings Landing from Dragonstone without causing a scene and end up in Highgarden before the Lannisters left? Unless they kind of portrayed all the scenes out of order and we were to assume the raid on Highgarden was meant to be well after Casterly Rock was invaded and not simultaneously like they seemed to portray.

there are only so many ways from high garden to kings landing (roseroad). you just have to sail from dragonstone to kingswood and bam you are there.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Well that was an amazing episode. Was wondering though did Tyrion say "hurry you idiot" when Jaime was about to spear Daenerys? I got the impression he was having a change of heart while watching the Lannister men getting crisped.

"Flee, you idiot"
"You idiot. You fucking idiot."
He said "flee you idiot"

I wonder why he didn't shouted at him to not commit to pigheadedness in that moment.

I don't think it would go down too well that the Hand of the Queen was advising the brother of her enemy (and the brother of her Hand) to try to flee the scene of battle, especially when he (Tyion) is surrounded by Dothraki. Especially when Daenerys is already suspicious of his willingness to fight his family.


So here's a couple of random hot takes after the last episode

  • Bran and Arya are collectively going to be the Littlefinger antidote. I think Littlefinger doesn't make it out of Winterfell alive. Littlefinger is almost certainly going to underestimate one of the Stark children (likely Bran) when he tries to play his games, and it's going to backfire on him and get him killed. [BONUS THEORY - Maybe Ayra uses Littlefinger's face to control The Vale?]
  • It's possible that Bran's mark isn't what causes the White Walkers to cross the wall. You'd think Bran would have foreseen that now.
  • They're setting up Danny to turn heel and go Mad Queen. She's starting to get frustrated and ignore her council, which is the only thing that stopped her from going out of control overseas as well. Plus she's straight up demanding that people kneel before her and nuking crops.
  • Danny isn't wrong about Tyrion being soft
  • I don't think Jon bent the knee to Danny.
  • Cersei is going to live to see Season 8


Tbh it's great seeing Lannisters burn. I also loved the episode and the dragon carnage was awesome as fuck. Doesnt mean I agree that Dany made the correct tactical moves though. I just dont think she really won anything substantial in this fight.

She disrupted their supply line, if I'm not mistaken.

The gold may have been delivered at King's Landing, but I think the grain from Highgarden was still incoming.
I wonder if Tyrion will end up jailbreaking Jaime this time. It does seem like that's where this is going. In any case it'll be interesting to see the reunion, assuming Jaime does get captured. I don't really see how else they'd solve that situation.

I like how the pace of the season is so fast, but at the same time I do kinda lament how much teleporting and handwaving things there is despite the story being built on a sort of gritty realism. That said, I never was a fan of the continent sized distances and decade long seasons to begin with, it just doesn't work realistically in medieval fantasy.
How did she blow off Jon's advice? She was thinking of attacking King's Landing with the dragons, he advised against it so she didn't.
What did she gain from that battle? Her dragon burned all of the supplies (which are in very short availability as we've been told numerous times) and killed most of the army, most of whom are just men following orders.

Strategically, it makes no sense. She's reacting in anger. It's going to be her downfall.


Danny gained very little strategically from that battle. The only things gained were taking out some Lannister men and healing her bruised ego. Now her troops and the Lannister troops have very little food and Cersei is probably going to use the wagon train attack as more propaganda against Danny.
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