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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Re-watching the episode a 2nd time, jesus that Meera scene was rough to watch, one of the most selfless characters on the show and all she got was, "thanks".
She didn't just lose Hodor and her brother, she lost Bran too :(


Good Art™
So i don't get it. In the end, Jaime is on some kind of beach with his horse, coming at Dany, then Bron just pushes him on what.. 1 meters and they are suddenly in deeep water ?
Oh BTW, how hot is Dickon? Are we sure that firestorm was Drogon's handiwork? Maybe it was Dickon's smoldering gaze that broiled all those men in their armor.

Lemme just skip back real quick.

oh no help guys my tv froze on dickons face and now my room is on fi
I had to look him up, and now I totally remember him from Merlin. So hot.
God damn... or should I say GOT Damn.

I've been dreading this for ages now, more and more characters we know and love fighting each other to the death. It can't and won't have a nice ending, that much is obvious, but did this episode really hammer it home.

Dany coming in like napalm dropping Phantoms in Vietnam... I wasn't rooting for her to be honest. That was way too OP, she should be banned from the server.

Although that backdrop and scenery of the battle was breathtaking.

Dickon didn't die did he? There were a lot of charred corpses running around I might have missed it.

And fuck Randyll is a cunt. He can die.


Subete no aware
Re-watching the episode a 2nd time, jesus that Meera scene was rough to watch, one of the most selfless characters on the show and all she got was, "thanks".
She didn't just lose Hodor and her brother, she lost Bran too :(
Almost wish she died because it would have been a better fate than just being completely written off with nothing to show. lol


That episode was fan-fucking-tastic. Definitely best of the season, maybe one of the best of the show.

There's no way Jaime and Bronn aren't captured, right? Also, this really should have been the episode where Bronn died. Plot armour felt way too strong with him. Do they really have something big planned for him or is it just, hey, look, Bronn and Tyrion are back together!

And now people are feeling bad for the poor Lannisters and saying Dany is evil? I don't get it.

P.S. Based on the promo and name of the episode, next episode is going to be fucking lit!
Yeah I fucking hate "Bran" now.




So i don't get it. In the end, Jaime is on some kind of beach with his horse, coming at Dany, then Bron just pushes him on what.. 1 meters and they are suddenly in deeep water ?
It can get really deep REALLY fast. Was on vacation in Croatia this year and the water at our local beach was about 1,5m deep for about 5m and then you lost your footing and saw that it's 4m deep within the next meter. Two more meters and you couldn't see the ground anymore. You can actually see swirls in the water where the warm water from the shallow part and the cooler water from the deeper part mix.


Anyone else thinking Daenerys might die this season

Also that side angle shot of the dragon raining fire and carts exploding was one of the best shots in game of thrones period


Subete no aware
I'm kind of here too though. I really don't give a shit about any of this because I'm just waiting for Winter (tm) to finally come. It's just convenient that the Night King is just waiting for everyone to unite under one leader before making his move. Almost like one of those bad kung fu movies where bad guys stand around and take on the hero one at a time. lol
And now people are feeling bad for the poor Lannisters and saying Dany is evil? I don't get it.

I don't feel bad for the Lannisters per se, I feel bad for all those people burned to death. I wouldn't care whose army it was, it was just sad and no one likes such an uneven fight like that.

I mean I felt the same about Stannis' navy too.
What, you mean you don't watch for the exquisitely crafted chainmail?


Tip top.


Jolly good.


Hold on, how did that get in there?[/QUOTE]

That is some exquisitely crafted chain of males


what an amazing episode I 100% regret watching it in 360p :( but now I gotta rewatch again in full 1080p later them Dragon scenes were just WOW

I never get them feels from any blockbuster movies anymore what this show achieves on tv is just unreal
Anyone else thinking Daenerys might die this season

Also that side angle shot of the dragon raining fire and carts exploding was one of the best shots in game of thrones period
So long as the dragons live I think there's absolutely no chance Daenerys will not. If she doesn't make it to at least the penultimate episode of the series (Edit: I should clarify, by series I'm referrring to the penultimate episode of season 8) I'll be shocked.

I have very much changed my opinion on the outcome of Cersei's survival for this season though. I've went from certainty she'd die in the final episode (or penultimate) to near-certain she'll survive with Daenerys's continued refusal to attack King's Landing. A more 'obvious' structure to the show is the Iron Throne being dealt with this season, and the White Walker threat occupying the final season. But it seems to me that it's entirely more fitting with the show, and the pettiness of the characters, that Cersei surviving the season and using the White Walker threat to her advantage to decimate Daenerys and Jon's army so that she can try hold onto the ultimately unimportant Iron Throne or so that she's in a much stronger position than they are once the White Walkers have been ultimately dealt with. The idea has been floated in the thread for awhile and after thinking on it I would be very surprised if it doesn't go in this direction because it seems like a so much more fitting route for the show.


Subete no aware
So long as the dragons live I think there's absolutely no chance Daenerys will not. If she doesn't make it to at least the penultimate episode of the series I'll be shocked.

I have very much changed my opinion on the outcome of Cersei's survival for this season though. I've went from certainty she'd die in the final episode (or penultimate) to near-certain she'll survive with Daenerys's continued refusal to attack King's Landing. A more 'obvious' structure to the show is the Iron Throne being dealt with this season, and the White Walker threat occupying the final season. But it seems to me that it's entirely more fitting with the show, and the pettiness of the characters, that Cersei surviving the season and using the White Walker threat to her advantage to decimate Daenerys and Jon's army so that she can try hold onto the ultimately unimportant Iron Throne or so that she's in a much stronger position than they are once the White Walkers have been ultimately dealt with. The idea has been floated in the thread for awhile and after thinking on it I would be very surprised if it doesn't go in this direction because it seems like a so much more fitting route for the show.

I would love if the Night King won and the lesson is that all the human pettiness caused their extinction. It would be fitting allegory for the contemporary world. Last shot is Cersei sitting on the Iron Throne, Trump-style, as the Night King swarms King's Landing.


Seriously, when I think about it, this is perhaps the most thrilling battle/action sequence I've seen in a long time. It puts recent action movies to shame because Hollywood is obsessed with safe super heroe stuff. This being a dragon fucking people up makes it seem more original and novel. Which says a lot cus dragons as a story concept have been around for... thousands of years. Plus this shit is a hard R rating so they're not afraid to show exactly what happens to poor saps getting wrecked by a flying fire breathing beast.

I'm so happy GoT exists.


Why isn't there a Star Wars RPG? And wouldn't James Bond make for a pretty good FPS?
Bronn's and Jaime's plot armor annoyed the hell out of me. Jaime I can kind of get, but why Bronn?
Both should have died on the Battlefield yet it never felt like they were in any danger all the while everyone around them was getting burned alive and slaughtered by the Dothraki.

I hope that at least they will be captured by Dany because if they just make it out alive and well, that has nothing to do with the GoT of the earlier seasons where you knew nobody was save.
Bronn's and Jaime's plot armor annoyed the hell out of me. Jaime I can kind of get, but why Bronn?
Both should have died on the Battlefield yet it never felt like they were in any danger all the while everyone around them was getting burned alive and slaughtered by the Dothraki.

I hope that at least they will be captured by Dany because if they just make it out alive and well, that has nothing to do with the GoT of the earlier seasons where you knew nobody was save.
Quiet you! Bronn will make it to the end of s8 and get his castle!


So that's what would happen if you brought an A-10 to a medieval battle.

They're still not consistent on how to pronounce Arya's name. Sansa called her "arr-ree-yuh". Brienne calls her "eye-yuh". It varies on talk show interviews as well.

Jamie had invincible plot armor because he needs to tell Cersei that Olenna killed Jofferey.

A reminder of how tiny the dragons used to be:


That's always how Sansa pronounced it. I'm kind of glad she never fixed it.
Quiet you! Bronn will make it to the end of s8 and get his castle!

He should’ve died in this episode. He already had his moment where he gave up the gold to go try and take out the dragon, showing some character growth. We all know character growth gets punished by death.

Also I agree his plot armor fucking nuts. Jamie I get, but Bronn?
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