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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Since when is attacking the people that destroyed three of your allies considered to be madness?

Again, Lannister Alliance took out the Dornish, Greyjoys ( the ones without the cheat codes) and Tyrells.


People mention budget, but also seem to be forgetting logistics. Those battle sequences take a long time to make, it's not two person in a room discussing politics anymore. It's almost like shooting the three Lord of the Rings movies in a year.

Err, I assumed most people would put that together with the budget?


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Great episode. The 'dracarys' line is as painful as always.

Dont know why people think Daenerys is a monster now. She ambushed an army and nearly (albeit unknowingly) took out the commanders of Cersei's land forces. Seems fair in love and war.
No, Dany should have let the Lannisters win and not lift a finger. She should have allowed the Lannisters to double back and caught off the Unsullied.

Hell, even if she went north instead and fought the White Walkers, the same crowd would get mad that she's fighting them.

"Those weights are just doing what they're told!"


Shit, I'd think they'd do a bit better than that lol, but that doesn't sound too bad at all, especially the with the bands.

lol that's just a joke from me. Would be fitting though; a 6 episode long bad ending to really hammer home how much everyone completely fucked up. It'll be different though because HBO aren't completely dumb.


Hope Jammie ends up getting captured by Danny after they fish his dumbass out of the lake. Then maybe he will start to understand what is going on and why Danny is there, hopefullly leading to him killing Cersei after she does something horrendous in retaliation.

The later half of this episode was glourios lol. Been waiting for a scene like this for years!

Sucks there's only 2-3 episodes left this season and we have to wait for the last 6.


So Bronn figured out Euron's god-mode cheat-code?

Bronn just dumped stats into agility and leveled up his roll distance. Euron would have somehow teleported his fleet into the middle of the field and reveal that the ships are crafted with dragonfire-proof wood.


So what are the Nightking and his posse doing when the realm of man are having their squabble? They were seen marching towards the wall and the show made it clear there was a lot of time passed since the first episode of this season and this episode. Everyone moves like they're using instant transmission but the the supernatural dudes take their time banging on door.
Saw this on twitter:



"playing" dumb? unpossible
Gotta look at the bigger picture and who she will be not who she is now. The foreshadowing is there.
Why do you think it's the Mad King she'd turn into and not say Tywin Lannister? Tywin killed magnitudes more people than Aerys II, whose victims were mostly the nobility. She fought an army that destroyed her ally. The Mad King was literally insane. The insanity happened first, than the hallucinations, then the paranoia, then the killings.
Come on, Danny has been taking L after L this season, she finally gets a win and all of the sudden it's "Danny is too OP" she's a murderer ect..

The war is not over.


Bronn's been overpowered. In my opinion, they've been pretty consistent.

It's lke when you play Dark Souls: first you are a noob (Podrick), then you try a tank build (Brienne), then you realize that an elegant dex build with light armor is best (Arya, Bronn).
Nah. Cersei still has whatever Lannister soldiers stationed at King's Landing + the City Watch. She also has the most powerful Navy and, since the Tyrell gold made it back to Kings Landing, the Iron Bank will be enlisting The Golden Company(a mercenary group in Essos) to fight for her cause. This is far from over and the next battles won't take place safely away from civilians. Dany has choices to make.

Well I mentioned the soldiers in KL, which the writers will deem to be as many soldiers as they want, but given the pace of this season it's going to take forever for the gold to make its way to Braavos (assuming it makes it across the Narrow Sea safely) and for a massive mercenary army to arrive back in Westeros.

Dany doesn't need to take KL by force since that wasn't part of her original plan, and it wasn't what Robert Baratheon was afraid of about her in Season 1. The last few episodes have just confirmed what he was afraid of. I think Cersei is definitely gone this season, with next season being focused on the White Walkers.


Great episode. The 'dracarys' line is as painful as always.

Dont know why people think Daenerys is a monster now. She ambushed an army and nearly (albeit unknowingly) took out the commanders of Cersei's land forces. Seems fair in love and war.

Haha what? Nothing about what Daenerys did makes her like the Mad King. The parallels you guys should be drawing are how Dany is just like Aegon.

Bigger picture

Danny in the past has shown signs of potentially going a little too far to extremes when dealing with admittedly bad people. And if she didn't have her council of advisers in place she likely would have went way too far already. The shit that Cersei was saying about her in the Throne Room was Fox News'd a little but wasn't exactly a lie. She's starting to ignore her own council again. In this episode she wanted to take her dragons directly to the Red Keep and burn the entire place down simply because her ego was bruised from taking a couple of losses, and needed multiple people to talk her down from doing that. Instead of taking her dragons directly to Kings Landing and scorching the Red Keep, she took her dragons directly too a food supply chain that both her forces and the average people of Westeros needed in order to survive.

What Danny did was impulsive and incredibly short sighted because what she did is almost certainly going to affect the general people of Westeros way more than it's going to affect Danny or Cersei or their respective forces. Everyday people that Danny is trying to liberate are now going to potentially starve and suffer because Danny wanted to heal her bruised ego. That makes it sure seem like she's got more of her father in her than she wants to realize.
So what are the Nightking and his posse doing when the realm of man are having their squabble? They were seen marching towards the wall and the show made it clear there was a lot of time passed since the first episode of this season and this episode. Everyone moves like they're using instant transmission but the the supernatural dudes take their time banging on door.

The Night King is probably gathering the undead beyond the wall.
So what are the Nightking and his posse doing when the realm of man are having their squabble? They were seen marching towards the wall and the show made it clear there was a lot of time passed since the first episode of this season and this episode. Everyone moves like they're using instant transmission but the the supernatural dudes take their time banging on door.

Marching to Eastwatch I guess.

I know the passage of time in the show is all over the place but the Nights King has no reason to hurry up. The world of men are tearing themselves apart with narrow-minded delusions of grandeur and Dany may become the Mad Queen, which would cause more chaos....the White Walkers can just come in and mop up the pieces, and increase their numbers tenfold in the process : /


Hope Jammie ends up getting captured by Danny after they fish his dumbass out of the lake. Then maybe he will start to understand what is going on and why Danny is there, hopefullly leading to him killing Cersei after she does something horrendous in retaliation.
Yeah sure he will stand with Dany immediately after he saw her burn thousands of his men alive. If there was ever a moment of him hating Dany more than ever it'd be now.
I wanted Jamie to die in flames so bad. Cersei's rage woo be grand, but man would it have been good had his bbq'ed head and hand returned to her


Bigger picture

Danny in the past has shown signs of potentially going a little too far to extremes when dealing with admittedly bad people. And if she didn't have her council of advisers in place she likely would have went way too far already. The shit that Cersei was saying about her in the Throne Room was Fox News'd a little but wasn't exactly a lie. She's starting to ignore her own council again. In this episode she wanted to take her dragons directly to the Red Keep and burn the entire place down simply because her ego was bruised from taking a couple of losses, and needed multiple people to talk her down from doing that. Instead of taking her dragons directly to Kings Landing and scorching the Red Keep, she took her dragons directly too a food supply chain that both her forces and the average people of Westeros needed in order to survive.

What Danny did was impulsive and incredibly short sighted because what she did is almost certainly going to affect the general people of Westeros way more than it's going to affect Danny or Cersei or their respective forces. Everyday people that Danny is trying to liberate are now going to potentially starve and suffer because Danny wanted to heal her bruised ego. That makes it sure seem like she's got more of her father in her than she wants to realize.

Wasn't their original plan to lay siege anyway? This changes nothing other than hastening surrender. Or did you think sieges just relied on one side getting bored first?


Gotta look at the bigger picture and who she will be not who she is now. The foreshadowing is there.

Bigger picture

Danny in the past has shown signs of potentially going a little too far to extremes when dealing with admittedly bad people. And if she didn't have her council of advisers in place she likely would have went way too far already. The shit that Cersei was saying about her in the Throne Room was Fox News'd a little but wasn't exactly a lie. She's starting to ignore her own council again. In this episode she wanted to take her dragons directly to the Red Keep and burn the entire place down simply because her ego was bruised from taking a couple of losses, and needed multiple people to talk her down from doing that. Instead of taking her dragons directly to Kings Landing and scorching the Red Keep, she took her dragons directly too a food supply chain that both her forces and the average people of Westeros needed in order to survive.

What Danny did was impulsive and incredibly short sighted because what she did is almost certainly going to affect the general people of Westeros way more than it's going to affect Danny or Cersei or their respective forces. Everyday people that Danny is trying to liberate are now going to potentially starve and suffer because Danny wanted to heal her bruised ego. That makes it sure seem like she's got more of her father in her than she wants to realize.

Absolutely nothing we've seen has shown that Daenerys is turning into Aerys. You guys realize he was called the Mad King because he was insane and not because he was angry, right?


So what are the Nightking and his posse doing when the realm of man are having their squabble? They were seen marching towards the wall and the show made it clear there was a lot of time passed since the first episode of this season and this episode. Everyone moves like they're using instant transmission but the the supernatural dudes take their time banging on door.

I feel like the battle at Eastwatch will be the focus of the penultimate episode, with the taking of King's Landing to follow in the finale. The Night King is gathering his forces and wants to make it count when they finally make contact. He won't be expecting Jon Snow and his team of super bros, though.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Absolutely nothing we've seen has shown that Daenerys is turning into Aerys. You guys realize he was called the Mad King because he was insane and not because he was angry, right?
I love how a guy like Tywin who literally reduces whole households to dust, is viewed as a competent, cool, ruthless, and efficient commander. Yet the assumption is that killing people is why Aerys was known as the Mad King.


I think most people forgot Rickon Stark even existed until he became a pawn in Ramsay/Jon game. I can't fault the others for not mentioning him right away lol


Absolutely nothing we've seen has shown that Daenerys is turning into Aerys. You guys realize he was called the Mad King because he was insane and not because he was angry, right?

He was called insane because he was planning on burning all of king's landing to the ground. Something Dany would have done if it wasn't for her counselors advising against it (she wanted to do that even before she lost her allies so she wasn't really angry). She is no where near Aerys NOW because she at least still listens to her advisers, but to say she isn't showing any signs of going mad?!


Madness has a few definitions, some which apply to Danny.

Aerys was called "mad" because he was insane. Daenerys isn't insane. Her arc isn't foreshadowing that she'll become insane. It foreshadows that she'll be an invading conqueror, like those who came before her in her own family.


If Dany is supposed to be someone to root for, and the speeches they give Missandei and others indicate she is, they are failing.
She's insufferable this season.


So what are the Nightking and his posse doing when the realm of man are having their squabble? They were seen marching towards the wall and the show made it clear there was a lot of time passed since the first episode of this season and this episode. Everyone moves like they're using instant transmission but the the supernatural dudes take their time banging on door.

I imagined they're not just marching for the wall but going around gathering the undead for their army. Spoilers from the promo for the next episode:
The promo and name of the episode make it sound like the undead are approaching (and probably get there before the episode is over) the Eastwatch, which is a castle/port at the east end of the wall.


It is pretty funny how different Dany behaves in Westeros

In Slavers Bay she gave people their choice of what to do
In Westeros she perceives herself has having ownership of the continent and expect everyone to bend the knee
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