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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Just isn't fun to watch him pining over cersei while euron makes jokes at his expense. He's very one dimensional after his return to kings landing.

So, after being almost burned to death, losing all the gold, see his troops being decimated, and having basically drowned, I can see him going 'well, fuck King's Landing'.


Jaime is like one of the few interesting characters left and you guys want to get rid of him?

He's not even the most interesting surviving Lannister. Shit talking Robb and Cat while he was their prisoner is the best thing the character has done along with the Mad King story. Never understood why he's so beloved.


I still like the idea that Gendry simply got out and went on to live a happy undisturbed life.

So, after being almost burned to death, losing all the gold, see his troops being decimated, and having basically drowned, I can see him going 'well, fuck King's Landing'.

Gold wasn't lost.

But I definitely think Jamie is at some kind of internal crossroad right now. He's probably in denial about Cersei being crazy. He just watched his soldiers get decimated. He discovered the true identity of his son's killer. And knows for certain how that his brother was innocent, but now his brother is on enemy lines.
He's not even the most interesting surviving Lannister. Shit talking Robb and Cat while he was their prisoner is the best thing the character has done along with the Mad King story. Never understood why he's so beloved.

He at least had a sense of swagger that was interesting. I liked his whole arc with brienne, but they've not done anything else of note with him since.


He's not even the most interesting surviving Lannister. Shit talking Robb and Cat while he was their prisoner is the best thing the character has done along with the Mad King story. Never understood why he's so beloved.

He had a good arc trajectory up until he came back to King's Landing. He was set up to be complex and almost redeemed despite himself, but it feels like he's given up a lot of that when he got back to Cersei.


Just isn't fun to watch him pining over cersei while euron makes jokes at his expense. He's very one dimensional after his return to kings landing.
The show hasn't done the best job with his character arc, I'll give you that. I'm hoping they'll make up for it in the next few episodes.


So, after being almost burned to death, losing all the gold, see his troops being decimated, and having basically drowned, I can see him going 'well, fuck King's Landing'.

He didn't lose all the gold btw, they clearly said to each other that all of the gold was safely inside Kings Landing before the battle.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Okay so that brief musical cue when they get into the Dragonglass cave reminds me a lot of John Williams' Jurassic Park theme. lol

I can hear it. It has similar characteristics but not an intentional rip off I think...definitely not as good.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
So, after being almost burned to death, losing all the gold, see his troops being decimated, and having basically drowned, I can see him going 'well, fuck King's Landing'.

Not gold, but given Winter's closing it more valuable - food. People are going to riot due to famine. There's a reason why successful ancient/classical empires like Rome socialized food rations.


I liked that scene where Jamie slapped that Frey dude in the face.

But yeah other than that, Jamie has been a let down since getting back to Cersei.


Just isn't fun to watch him pining over cersei while euron makes jokes at his expense. He's very one dimensional after his return to kings landing.
Not really, I think it was a solid character moment for him when he met with Olenna for the last time. He gave her a dignified death and seemed to quietly accept the revelation that she killed his son. Almost anyone else in this series (Cersei especially) would have gutted her on the spot but he didn't and I think that speaks volumes about his character. Like everyone else, he's definitely not quite as dynamic as he once was but he's one of the best players left.
Not gold, but given Winter's closing it more valuable - food. People are going to riot due to famine. There's a reason why successful ancient/classical empires like Rome socialized food rations.

This was brought up earlier in the show during one of the raids on King's landing before Tyrion fucked Stannis attack up.
Not really, I think it was a solid character moment for him when he met with Olenna for the last time. He gave her a dignified death and seemed to quietly accept the revelation that she killed his son. Almost anyone else in this series (Cersei especially) would have gutted her on the spot but he didn't and I think that speaks volumes about his character. Like everyone else, he's definitely not quite as dynamic as he once was but he's one of the best players left.
I don't feel like Jaime should have needed Olenna in order to figure out that siding with Cersei is a bad thing.


I'm just annoyed with plot armor vs dragon fire. At the very least, Bronn should have died pushing Jamie out of the way (Bronn should already be dead from the dragon fire attack vs ballista), but then that would have meant Jamie would drown since I doubt he could cut the straps off of his armor one handed. What will be even more annoying is that both of them will survive and somehow swim downstream evading all capture...

Also, do people just tweet/post on their phone constantly while watching this show and only give it half their attention unless there is big action? A large number of the posts here seemed to have missed the fact that the gold got safely to King's Landing.


Re-watching.. the raven cawwing when Little-finger is watching Sansa/Arya/Bran walk into the castle...

Did Little-finger just send a raven to someone?


Anyone catch the reference to Jon's heart when Sansa was speaking to Arya in the crypt.

I don't think that thing is beating anymore lol


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
This was brought up earlier in the show during one of the raids on King's landing before Tyrion fucked Stannis attack up.

Now that I think about it more, that could be Dany's strategy. Destroy food, let the people go hungry and turn on Cersei, and bring relief to the people with some other source of food that hasn't been disclosed to us and have them welcome her.

It's still unclear though how much resolution the iron throne game will go. I feel like any episode the white walkers will show up and it may end up allowing Cersei to get by a bit longer.
I'm just annoyed with plot armor vs dragon fire. At the very least, Bronn should have died pushing Jamie out of the way (Bronn should already be dead from the dragon fire attack vs ballista), but then that would have meant Jamie would drown since I doubt he could cut the straps off of his armor one handed. What will be even more annoying is that both of them will survive and somehow swim downstream evading all capture...

Also, do people just tweet/post on their phone constantly while watching this show and only give it half their attention unless there is big action? A large number of the posts here seemed to have missed the fact that the gold got safely to King's Landing.
Meh, the main characters survive dumb stuff all the time in big battles like this while side characters die all over the place. It was a dumb scene for sure, but if he'd died at either of those points, he wouldn't have been able to save Jaime, as he's still gotta fish him up out of the water.

And show watchers are gonna show watch. With so many people watching this show just because it's the popular thing to watch and talk about right now, many people don't know character names or anything besides the big important parts like who died and who had sex with who. Someone in this thread earlier didn't realize that was a Dothraki army and thought that was the Unsullied who took Casterly Rock.

Salsa said to Arya, ”When he sees you, his heart will probably stop."

Either referring to him having been stabbed in the heart and killed, or potentially foreshadowing a possible outcome of him never reuniting with Arya and dying beforehand.

Watching Jamie survive was very... un Game of Thrones like.

Where anyone can die at any time... watching Jamie and Bronn escape the slaughter and one sided ass whooping.

Was very movie cliche where the people that need to survive do it through unrealistic ways.
That's happened in pretty much every other major battle in this series though.

Hell, Dickon survived.


Re-watching.. the raven cawwing when Little-finger is watching Sansa/Arya/Bran walk into the castle...

Did Little-finger just send a raven to someone?

Yeah, I got the same impression.

Also, Jamie isn't going to kill Cercei, but he's going to stop her from doing something gruesome that would have killed hundreds or thousands of innocents when he is reminded of what she said about her son (betrayed us...), after which he is going to be killed either by her or by Daenerys & co., going out after redeeming himself.


Watching Jamie survive was very... un Game of Thrones like.

Where anyone can die at any time... watching Jamie and Bronn escape the slaughter and one sided ass whooping.

Was very movie cliche where the people that need to survive do it through unrealistic ways.


Unconfirmed Member
Watching Jamie survive was very... un Game of Thrones like.

Where anyone can die at any time... watching Jamie and Bronn escape the slaughter and one sided ass whooping.

Was very movie cliche where the people that need to survive do it through unrealistic ways.

Yeah I felt the same way. I love both characters but one of the two really should have died there.


Watching Jamie survive was very... un Game of Thrones like.

Where anyone can die at any time... watching Jamie and Bronn escape the slaughter and one sided ass whooping.

Was very movie cliche where the people that need to survive do it through unrealistic ways.

I think it works. I was expecting Jaime and Bronn to die this last episode and I was (pleasantly) surprised to find out that they both survived. Or at least Bronn did. Jaime could still have drowned.


Watching Jamie survive was very... un Game of Thrones like.

Where anyone can die at any time... watching Jamie and Bronn escape the slaughter and one sided ass whooping.

Was very movie cliche where the people that need to survive do it through unrealistic ways.

They've switched things over the years. The first few seasons Game of Thrones built tension in other, smarter ways. It was more grounded and realistic. The last few seasons they've relied on the sort of movie cliche tension of putting people in completely unrealistic situations only to have them be saved or fucked over because of them.
Watching Jamie survive was very... un Game of Thrones like.

Where anyone can die at any time... watching Jamie and Bronn escape the slaughter and one sided ass whooping.

Was very movie cliche where the people that need to survive do it through unrealistic ways.
Jumping out of the way is unrealistic?
The only person I can't wait to see die is Euron. And if it happened at Theon's hand it wouldn't redeem him necessarily but their'd be some bittersweet irony.

Jon not punching him or even killing him outright on the beach was a surprise. But I guess had he not saved Sansa, and Sansa and Littlefinger not saved Jon, their wouldn't be much of a show.

Just remember this is GoT. If history has taught us anything huge, heartbreaking deaths are more than likely about to happen. They NEVER want the audience feel like anyone has a plot shield.

Maybe it used to be like that, but that's because the show fooled you into thinking someone was the main character and then got rid of them. This is Ned Stark's story... whoops, just kidding, it's actually about Robb avenging his father... OK, it's actually about Jon Snow, Daenerys and Cersei... and 4 years later, it still is. Like, there have been some deaths that were shocking; Joffrey, Oberyn, Stannis, Tywin, Cersei blowing up half the characters in the Sept. But it's clear at this point that the big names are untouchable; Jon, Daenerys, Arya, Sansa, Tyrion, Cersei and Jaime aren't randomly dying. And Bronn, Davos, Brienne and The Hound probably aren't either. I mean, Jon was straight up murdered and they brought him back from the dead; that's a pretty major plot shield.
Jumping out of the way is unrealistic?

I think the issue is being able to dodge dragonfire when directly fired upon isn't very likely in the world's context. I actually don't have a problem with it, but I get why it would annoy some when action was grave and less Hollywood blockbustery earlier on in the series. I've come to accept the tone has shifted as we enter the final stretch.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Watching Jamie survive was very... un Game of Thrones like.

Where anyone can die at any time... watching Jamie and Bronn escape the slaughter and one sided ass whooping.

Was very movie cliche where the people that need to survive do it through unrealistic ways.

Jon had hundreds of arrows fall everywhere but on him during the Battle of the Bastards lol.


This was funnier than Jaime and Bronn not getting hurt. He turns around, kneels, and the arrows just fall around him in a circle. I figured that it was the Lord of Light providing divine cover. Maybe the Seven are doing the same for Jamie and Bronn :)


Maybe it used to be like that, but that's because the show fooled you into thinking someone was the main character and then got rid of them. This is Ned Stark's story... whoops, just kidding, it's actually about Robb avenging his father... OK, it's actually about Jon Snow, Daenerys and Cersei... and 4 years later, it still is. Like, there have been some deaths that were shocking; Joffrey, Oberyn, Stannis, Tywin, Cersei blowing up half the characters in the Sept. But it's clear at this point that the big names are untouchable; Jon, Daenerys, Arya, Sansa, Tyrion, Cersei and Jaime aren't randomly dying. And Bronn, Davos, Brienne and The Hound probably aren't either. I mean, Jon was straight up murdered and they brought him back from the dead; that's a pretty major plot shield.

That's not a plot shield, that's just plot. It made sense for Jon to die, therefore fulfilling his his oath at the Night's Watch and being able to move on to doing other stuff since he couldn't trust his brothers anymore. Plot shield is the gif in the comment above.
Remember Sapochnik talking about how luck plays a role during battles.

He may have oversold it for some with Jon managing to not get hit by the arrows, I thought it was fine.

Stranger things have happened.

Lmao that dragonstone cave painting exposition scene was the worst. The writing has gone byeond shit.

What is it with hyperbole on the internet?


Lmao that dragonstone cave painting exposition scene was the worst. The writing has gone byeond shit.

Jon was a little too comfortable getting that close to Dany considering that he's still her prisoner. It seemed like the romantic tension went from 2 to like 8 right quick in that one scene. Also, yeah the children of the forest stuff, fight together, etc. all that was a little corny.


Jon had hundreds of arrows fall everywhere but on him during the Battle of the Bastards lol.


This was funnier than Jaime and Bronn not getting hurt. I turns around, kneels, and the arrows just fall around him in a circle. I figured that it was the Lord of Light providing divine cover. Maybe the Seven are doing the same for Jamie and Bronn :)

I assumed the exact same thing. Jon, and Jaime, have roles to play yet.
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