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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Training arcs in shows are always the worst. They always feel like filler. It's like Goku training on his way to Namek.
The funny thing is that I'd vouch for the purpose of the scenes, as you don't want people later complaining about Arya becoming a sword master out of nowhere, but here we are, and the same people who likely complained about those scenes are now wondering how she became a sword master...


The second she actually did go full out, she was able to knock Needle from her hand but Arya was still quick enough to get in close with her dagger. There was nothing really silly or whatever in that scene.

True, and even then she turned the difficulty up on Arya but I doubt she was giving it everything she had. It's practice. The toughest sparring session still wouldn't match the intensity of an actual fight to the death.
i dont get why people seem to hate this

The Waif was such an awkward character. Why did she turn into the Terminator when she was chasing Arya through the streets lol. Why did Arya act like a dumbass by walking around in broad daylight and talking to that obviously impersonated old lady.

Plus, the whole Many Faced Gods cult (I am blanking on their actual name) was so boring. Everyone spoke in complete monotone, everyone acted like complete robots. Blah. It just wasn't that exciting, and the writing for the final Waif fight just wasn't very good.

It was probably worth it though so that Arya can become Ezio.


I really really want both Arya's vow to kill Cersei and Cersei's prophecy to come true at the same time by Arya killing Cersei using Jamie's face.
The only person I can't wait to see die is Euron. And if it happened at Theon's hand it wouldn't redeem him necessarily but their'd be some bittersweet irony.

Jon not punching him or even killing him outright on the beach was a surprise. But I guess had he not saved Sansa, and Sansa and Littlefinger not saved Jon, their wouldn't be much of a show.

Just remember this is GoT. If history has taught us anything huge, heartbreaking deaths are more than likely about to happen. They NEVER want the audience feel like anyone has a plot shield.

That was the game of thrones of old. They toss in the odd death here and there, but let's not pretend that the earlier seasons are representative of what we have today. It's still entertaining enough though.
Cersei can't die until she reunites with Tyrion. Headey and Dinklage are going to knock that scene out of the park.
Especially if Jaime tells her who really poisoned Joffrey beforehand. Beyond that, her only real beef with him is that he killed Tywin, and if I recall, her and Tywin weren't exactly on the best of terms.

I really really want both Arya's vow to kill Cersei and Cersei's prophecy to come true at the same time by Arya killing Cersei using Jamie's face.
I really can't see Arya getting anywhere near the Lannisters at this point, let alone killing Jaime.


Especially if Jaime tells her who really poisoned Joffrey beforehand. Beyond that, her only real beef with him is that he killed Tywin, and if I recall, her and Tywin weren't exactly on the best of terms.

What? She always hated Tyrion for killing her mom when he was born.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Tried to tell ya'll when you were complaining about Arya's time in Bravos.
Nah, that stuff was still real flawed and boring. I don't think the show adequately conveyed Arya's development. It was a lot of telling rather than showing, and when they did bother to show, she was barely squeezing out successes.
What? She always hated Tyrion for killing her mom when he was born.
Ehh... Maybe Cersei threatening to kill Tyrion will be the reason Jaime kills her.

Only people left I actively want to see die are Jaime and Theon. Felt pretty good about Jaime going last night but friggin Bronn had to ruin it.
I can see hating those two characters, but wanting them to die seems a bit ridiculous considering people like Cersei and Littlefinger are still alive.

Theon's been through some crazy shit, and Jaime lost his primary hand.


Only people left I actively want to see die are Jaime and Theon. Felt pretty good about Jaime going last night but friggin Bronn had to ruin it.
The funny thing is that I'd vouch for the purpose of the scenes, as you don't want people later complaining about Arya becoming a sword master out of nowhere, but here we are, and the same people who likely complained about those scenes are now wondering how she became a sword master...

Oh yeah I definitely see the necessity for such scenes. But I rarely find myself invested in training arcs for shows or even in movies. It's always a nebulous progression where you have to have an epiphany of understanding at some random point or an awakening in the middle of a desperate emergency where the character finally understands what their teacher meant. There's always some shortcut to understanding during these training arcs that makes the mundane training sequences seem pointless in retrospect.

Cersei can't die until she reunites with Tyrion. Headey and Dinklage are going to knock that scene out of the park.

Cersei's got a long line of people waiting to smack her including the whole Stark family. But I definitely want to see her and Tyrion reunited for some legendary sibling bickering.
Especially if Jaime tells her who really poisoned Joffrey beforehand. Beyond that, her only real beef with him is that he killed Tywin, and if I recall, her and Tywin weren't exactly on the best of terms.

I really can't see Arya getting anywhere near the Lannisters at this point, let alone killing Jaime.

Cersei hates Tyrion for being a dwarf and killing their mom. Same reasons Tywin does, including the fact that he sleeps around and is a general waste who has a sharper tongue than she does.

She is incredibly cruel to him. I dont think she cares at all about Joffrey's rightful killer as far as absolving Tyrion goes.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I don't like those gifs as we can see all the flaws of the sequence. Brienne first trike totally not on Arya, Brienne stops moving for no reason, Arya unecessary movements...

I didn't remember it being that bad watching it live ^^ Except for the stupid flip of course.
Arya did a spin into the first parry, Brienne goes for a second strike but Arya parries that second strike so fast that Brienne is shook. In a real fight she would've died that easily.
Jaime will kill Cersei. She will go crazy and try to blow up King's Landing with wildfire instead of letting it get taken by Dany. Jaime will be forced to put her down. He shall become the Queenslayer. He may or may not kill himself after the fact.

Okay so that brief musical cue when they get into the Dragonglass cave reminds me a lot of John Williams' Jurassic Park theme. lol

YES ! hahaha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed.


Cersei hates Tyrion for being a dwarf and killing their mom. Same reasons Tywin does, including the fact that he sleeps around and is a general waste who has a sharper tongue than she does.

She is incredibly cruel to him. I dont think she cares at all about Joffrey's rightful killer as far as absolving Tyrion goes.

Yeah, Cersei hating Tyrion is one of her defining characteristics, and that's even before Tywin or Joffrey's deaths


Man that last 20 minutes was just beautiful. The scenes with Drogon, the hopelessness of the Lannister army against the backdrop of dragonfire, etc. It looked phenomenal, visually.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
What exactly does Dany plan on doing with the Dothraki after she wins? I feel like that's a whole other can of worms.

Give them lands? I mean same shit happened with the Vikings and the Mongols. Stormlands have no rulers, and the crownlands will be her personal region when she takes the throne. She can make them her own direct vassals.
That might be their thing, but why was it even necessary when when she could have just destroyed everyone with her dragon by flying down the line of soldiers instead of right at them (or bring 3 of them)
What possible threat would the dragons be protecting dragonstone from?
No one's that quick.
Lmao, we went from 6 inches of water max to an endless abyss that went beyond what the eye can see. This was silly.

The Dothraki are warriors. You don't keep bloodthirsty killers idle. They've been itching for a fight since arriving in Westeros and this was it.

As for Dragonstone, the biggest threat to the island could only be posed by an enemy with a strong naval fleet to reach and attack it, and Cersei controls the best armada in this contest so Dragonstone is very much in need of protection.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The funny thing is that I'd vouch for the purpose of the scenes, as you don't want people later complaining about Arya becoming a sword master out of nowhere, but here we are, and the same people who likely complained about those scenes are now wondering how she became a sword master...
I think a lot of people, myself included, would argue that the show completely botched the execution of her skills development in Bravos. The intent was obvious, but it didn't work. The entire mess with her getting blindsided by the Waif was emblematic of the unclear development.


Only people left I actively want to see die are Jaime and Theon. Felt pretty good about Jaime going last night but friggin Bronn had to ruin it.

Jaime still needs another scene with Brienne.

Remember that?

That couple?

Bri: You're different Jaime.
Jaime: I am.

Then he can die.
Wondering if they're ever going to acknowledge that Dragonstone has harbors, and people can stop rowing onto that beach. Maybe that's not quite within the show's budget or something.

Hyun Sai

Arya did a spin into the first parry, Brienne goes for a second strike but Arya parries that second strike so fast that Brienne is shook. In a real fight she would've died that easily.

Brienne fist strike is way off. She is obviously aiming where Arya is already not there. And yeah in a real fight any parry of Brienne full blows would result in Arya sword broken anyway ^^

The second parry would have worked if Arya didn't make unecessary movements before striking again. But Brienne stopped letting that "style" happen so it looked cool.
Cersei hates Tyrion for being a dwarf and killing their mom. Same reasons Tywin does, including the fact that he sleeps around and is a general waste who has a sharper tongue than she does.

She is incredibly cruel to him. I dont think she cares at all about Joffrey's rightful killer as far as absolving Tyrion goes.

This is true. Jamie's recent beef with Tyrion stems directly from this though. Curious if he still wants that revenge kill for Cersei.
Only people left I actively want to see die are Jaime and Theon. Felt pretty good about Jaime going last night but friggin Bronn had to ruin it.

Im telling you guys, Theon is just going to scrape by and be alive in the very end. Dude is going to live a quiet uninteresting life, but he'll be alive nonetheless.


I wonder if anything will come from Cersei's beef with Sansa now that it's out there that Sansa had no involvement with Joffrey's murder


What? Surely it's the Sand Snakes.

Sand Snakes
Euron (really all of the Iron Islands)
Shirtless Ramsay Bolton
Ramsay Bolton's 20 good men

Braavos wasn't well done and really didn't show her actual progression if this is what she's capable of, but at least it wasn't quite as bad as some of those things. Though I guess narrowed down, the waif stuff specifically at the end could deserve to be on that list.


well, those last 15 minutes.....



I am still catching my breath, it was so good.

9 episodes left! Bring more of this please!

This is true. Jamie's recent beef with Tyrion stems directly from this though. Curious if he still wants that revenge kill for Cersei.

Would Jamie still want revenge on tyrion for killing their father though?

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Brienne fist strike is way off. She is obviously aiming where Arya is already not there. And yeah in a real fight any parry of Brienne full blows would result in Arya sword broken anyway ^^
Water dancers very easily counter brawn with speed.
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