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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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For what it's worth, I feel like that scene did offer some character development for Arya. It was the first time where she saw soldiers as human beings.

Keep in mind that she killed 50+ soldiers in the very first scene of this episode.

Those were proud Freys though, these guys seemed more like they were doing it for the coin over anything else.

I liked it, I thought it was a good scene. I wouldn't be able to recognize the dudes most popular song if you played it for me, but I recognized him and it didn't ruin the scene for me at all. Don't know why people are so bothered by it.
Hard for me to enjoy the majesty of that castle and the meaningful moments of her return to it when all I could think about was that if this was real, there would be bird shit all over everything being abandoned like that.
Those were proud Freys though, these guys seemed more like they were doing it for the coin over anything else.

I liked it, I thought it was a good scene. I wouldn't be able to recognize the dudes most popular song if you played it for me, but I recognized him and it didn't ruin the scene for me at all. Don't know why people are so bothered by it.
They probably missed Coldplay's cameo in the Red Wedding too. It was for 5 seconds anyway.
Honestly it took me out of the episode a little lol
I didn't know who he was so it didn't bother me lol

Actually was watching some James cordon car pool karaoke on you tube and one of the episodes was him, I said who's that and slipped it. Glad I did now.


My girlfriend pointed out that it seemed a touch strange that Cersei had knowledge of Denny's impending arrival in Westeros. Possible there is a spy?


semen stains the mountaintops
My girlfriend pointed out that it seemed a touch strange that Cersei had knowledge of Denny's impending arrival in Westeros. Possible there is a spy?

Probably has some spies in Meereen.

Then again, you probably don't need spies since anyone in Meereen would've known, and that information could have easily gotten back to her.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
"Shall we begin"

Great episode, lovely way to start off the season.

Arya killing off all the Freys was great, I honestly didn't think we were gonna be there again. Freys are off the table for good now.

The Hound and The Brotherhood Without Banners is a great team up. I guess we're now seeing what Winter those to the common folk, too bad it had to be the nice family from past season, but great way to show the Hound's softer side. Speaking of The Hound, I got fucking chills when he looked into the fire. He is definitely going to be gifted a Valyrian sword down the line.

Really liked that montage with Sam cleaning and feeding people. It was very Breaking Bad-ish.

That cave/mountain in Dragonstone tells us that Jon and Dany have to join up sometime down the line, either in this season, or the next. They're not going to be finding much Dragonglass elsewhere but she's sitting on the biggest deposit known, also, she has dragons who can make more.

Dany finally landing was great, I've been waiting for that for years, it almost doesn't seem real. Got a little be emotional when she was walking up those steps. Liked that little bit where Missandei stopped Greyworm so Dany could really take in the moment by herself.

So glad to have Game of Thrones back.

I'm still so giddy over our little terminator single handedly taking out the male line of an entire noble house, that I'm just going to quote your posts and go, "yep, my thoughts exactly!" Rains of Castamere about to knocked off of the Westerosi #1 hit single spot, when someone gets around to composing a song for this event.

Oh and of course, the Dragon Queen looked immaculate.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
My girlfriend pointed out that it seemed a touch strange that Cersei had knowledge of Denny's impending arrival in Westeros. Possible there is a spy?

I doubt specifically- just regular palace intrigue "little birds " and scouts and whatnot. Pretty hard to move 100,000 people quickly or quietly. When Rome stirred the fringes of the empire trembled.


In true Stark fashion, is the Sansa/Jon bickering going to cost them their lives?
I think it might get
Sansa killed, actually. Sansa is too focused on petty shit while Jon has his eyes on the big picture. Petty little shit is what keeps getting Starks killed. Plus Arya offing a ton of people might end up making people more timid about crossing Jon


My girlfriend pointed out that it seemed a touch strange that Cersei had knowledge of Denny's impending arrival in Westeros. Possible there is a spy?

It isn't really hard to spot a large fleet of ships and 3 giant flying dragons heading towards your direction.

Word of mouth could easily spread across Westeros with something that visible


Really liked that montage with Sam cleaning and feeding people. It was very Breaking Bad-ish.

When I saw people complaining about that montage scene feeling too long, my first thought was:

"I wonder if these people ever watch Better Call Saul. That show is full of montage scenes like this."


I like that Arya is this unseen unknown force that can singlehandedly destroy an entire House. Certainly adds more tension to a situation thick of it. When she was on that horse I thought for a sec she might heading North towards Jon and Sansa. Would love for the Starks as broken as they all are to be reunited.


It isn't really hard to spot a large fleet of ships and 3 giant flying dragons heading towards your direction.

Word of mouth could easily spread across Westeros with something that visible

Yeah there's not exactly anything stealthy about Dany's approach.
Lol yeah right, dude's been rowing for what? 5-6 years? He'll slap anyone with his lats and rule Westeros
Hell be able to swing Roberts war hammer like a wiffle bat.

Speaking of which, whatever happened to it? Its valyrian Steele. And it was the kings weopon. Had it ever been shown?
Gendry is such a non factor. Cersei does not even have time for penniless and barefoot people claiming to the true king when she's surrounded on all 4 sides by kings and queens with armies and fleets. What's Gendry gonna do? Raise the bannermen of his house to march against KL? Oh he doesnt even have one.


No problem with Ed Sheeran or his acting ability, but was there any actual point to that scene? The only useful bit of information provided was Arya's direction of travel, which could have been communicated in other ways much more quickly. I kept waiting for the twist and for Arya to have to fight for her life to escape, but turns out it was just a gratuitous celebrity cameo.

This has probably been answered, but I think the point of the scene was to set up a scenario that would traditionally end in bloodshed (a vengeful Arya passing by a camp of Lannister soldiers) that instead subverts our expectations by humanizing the soldiers a bit and having Arya realize this humanity along with the viewer.
Bahaha that Sheeran cameo. Took me right the fuck outta the show for a minute, but I enjoyed it. Always been a fan of those cheesy celebrity cameos in stuff.


semen stains the mountaintops
I didn't even mention what it was, there was no spoiler there.

You're not supposed to bring up things from the books at all. Not even compare the show to the book, there's another thread for that type of discussion.

What even are books?


Honestly don't think the Sheeran cameo was that bad i.e him being in the show. The scene itself was pointless. They could've picked a less obvious way to let us know she was kings landing bound, like have her say her later and end it on Cersei while at a fork on the role.


semen stains the mountaintops
It would be classic Stark.

Jon is, like, "wait, why am I actually being smart right now? I'm not killing people because of idiotic tradition, it's almost like my dad isn't even Ned".
Didnt enjoy that montage scene. Felt really un-GoT like. Enjoyable episode otherwise..apart from ed sheeran.

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