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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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He didn't even know Arya was coming.
Yes, he expresses surprise that she came to Winterfell cause he thought she might go to King's Landing.

My theory is that Bran can only see one thing at a time. He checked up on Arya when she was at the crossroads, and devoted his attention to other things since. It'd give him some humanity, as that means he made it a point to check up on both his sisters.

Atomic Odin

Did Tyrion really not know that the gold mines had run dry? If he knew, he should've anticipated the abandoning of Casterly Rock.

I just think Cersei never seemed much interested in Casterly Rock and that it solidified even more so after Tywin told her that their mines have run dry.


My theory is that Bran can only see one thing at a time. He checked up on Arya when she was at the crossroads, and devoted his attention to other things since. It'd give him some humanity, as that means he made it a point to check up on both his sisters.

I think he knew she was headed to winterfell. It was just him asking to find out why she didn't go to kings landing.
My theory is that Bran can only see one thing at a time. He checked up on Arya when she was at the crossroads, and devoted his attention to other things since. It'd give him some humanity, as that means he made it a point to check up on both his sisters.
My idea is that Bran sees all possibilities. He saw one where she went to Landing and one where she didn't. And he didn't know which she would actually choose. But I am completely pulling that out of my ass.


I think he knew she was headed to winterfell. It was just him asking to find out why she didn't go to kings landing.

That certainly makes sense. So he saw it, but didn't know why she decided to go where she did.

My idea is that Bran sees all possibilities. He saw one where she went to Landing and one where she didn't. And he didn't know which she would actually choose. But I am completely pulling that out of my ass.

Aren't we all!

The Real Abed

Speaking of Bran, poor Meera.

I felt really bad for her. Drags his ass all over the place and only gets a "I don't need you anymore."
I really hope this isn't the last we see of Meera.

I joked with my brother that Meera would disappear as the show doesn't need her anymore and she literally did. I hope we get some Howland Reed next season, but I'm doubting it. It seems odd after he was specifically outlined in the tower of joy scene last season but D&D haven't been great at planning ahead.

As the only character, apart from Bran, to travel far north she deserves a better showing in the series.

Also my brother told by Randyl Tarly died in the battle of the loot train, I don't recall it being shown. There was one bald soldier taking off a helmet when on fire, but I don't recall Randyl wearing a helmet.
Also my brother told by Randyl Tarly died in the battle of the loot train, I don't recall it being shown. There was one bald soldier taking off a helmet when on fire, but I don't recall Randyl wearing a helmet.

Randyl is alive and well. He would not get an off-screen and/or aerial view death.


semen stains the mountaintops
I really hope this isn't the last we see of Meera.

I joked with my brother that Meera would disappear as the show doesn't need her anymore and she literally did. I hope we get some Howland Reed next season, but I'm doubting it. It seems odd after he was specifically outlined in the tower of joy scene last season but D&D haven't been great at planning ahead.

As the only character, apart from Bran, to travel far north she deserves a better showing in the series.

Also my brother told by Randyl Tarly died in the battle of the loot train, I don't recall it being shown. There was one bald soldier taking off a helmet when on fire, but I don't recall Randyl wearing a helmet.

It did seem like it was the final time we would see Meera, and this was supposed to be an emotional goodbye on both their parts, but Bran just didn't care. I guess she could come back later on if The Great War gets to her swamps but I doubt it, I don't think we will ever see her again.

She was great, though, I will really miss her.
It did seem like it was the final time we would see Meera, and this was supposed to be an emotional goodbye on both their parts, but Bran just didn't care. I guess she could come back later on if The Great War gets to her swamps but I doubt it, I don't think we will ever see her again.

She was great, though, I will really miss her.

Yeah, though she went a bit unnoticed she really had one of the hardest times in the show. Witnessing Hold the door itself, her brother's death and having to travel all the way back with Bran. Damn. Literally dragged his ass to winterfell.
looking back on a few characters this season ... Do you think the hound will end up at the castle where Tumond* isheading? Do you think they will be the first to encounter the army of whitewalkers?? im predicting they all die but the hound as he is forced to run to winterfell to let them know that the wall has been breached!

idk, thoughts??


Yeah, though she went a bit unnoticed she really had one of the hardest times in the show. Witnessing Hold the door itself, her brother's death and having to travel all the way back with Bran. Damn. Literally dragged his ass to winterfell.

Yeah she's an actual hero. It's sad.

But I'm hoping we see her reunite with her father, would be cool to see him on the show.
What annoyed me about it the most was that he said, well I'm not Bran anymore, not really.

Fine then, you're the Three Eyed Raven and should be just as equally thankful.
I think the short conversation she had with him struck a nerve in whatever is left of Bran. The conversation he had later with his sisters was far more sensible than the dumbass conversation he had with Sansa when they reunited in episode 3. It showed me that he's actually putting in a conscious effort to still be sociable with them. He still sounds like a robot but I suppose that's just the actor's choice so I'll let the kid be

edit: sorry for double post


semen stains the mountaintops
To be a little fair to Bran, Meera was the one who said, "you don't need me anymore" which then Bran replied, "no, I don't" I don't think he would've phrased it like that if she hadn't. He then went on to say thank you but that's really all the emotional attachment he has left, like she said, Bran really did die in that cave and now it's The Three Eyed Raven and that guy doesn't know what emotions are.


How do you do that with horsemen who don't even seem to have a general (besides Dany)? You need a trained standing army. Hence the armies of Dorne and the Reach.

You give them lands and make some of them lords. Our own history is full of examples of similar things happening.

I would like to see historical examples of cities sieged entirely by not only cavalry, but by nomadic horsemen. No foot soldiers, no artillery, no siege equipment. Just horses.

Ghengis Khan fought the Chinese in siege warfare for most of his life. And he was really good at it. AND the Chinese were more advanced at siege warfare than the westerners during that time period.

So yeah.
To be a little fair to Bran, Meera was the one who said, "you don't need me anymore" which then Bran replied, "no, I don't" I don't think he would've phrased it like that if she hadn't. He then went on to say thank you but that's really all the emotional attachment he has left, like she said, Bran really did die in that cave and now it's The Three Eyed Raven and that guy doesn't know what emotions are.
Bran knows what emotions are, he's just stuck in a trance from what I can tell. If he didn't have emotions he wouldn't care about the duties to his family; he wouldn't care to talk to Jon, he wouldn't have said he's sorry for what Sansa had to go through, and he certainly wouldn't have responded to Petyr in that semi-confrontational tone


semen stains the mountaintops
Bran knows what emotions are, he's just stuck in a trance from what I can tell. If he didn't have emotions he wouldn't care about the duties to his family; he wouldn't care to talk to Jon, he wouldn't have said he's sorry for what Sansa had to go through, and he certainly wouldn't have responded to Petyr in that semi-confrontational tone

He obviously knows what they are, I assumed my post made it clear that I was more talking about feeling those emotions, and not just understanding what an emotion is. He felt nothing when Meera had to leave and while she cried, and brought up everyone who had died to get him there, he didn't show an ounce of emotion.

And we're not really sure if he does care about family duties right now, he especially doesn't care about being the Lord of Winterfell like he has the right to be. At this point he's only there because that's the epicenter of The Great War and his duty now is not one of being a Stark but that of being The Three Eyed Raven and stopping The Night King.
Why is Bronn such good mates with Jamie anyway? I thought he was all about Tyrion

Bronn already earned a lot of money helping Tyrion. The bag of gold doesn't mean as much to him. Bronn needs Jamie alive and the war won in order to get his castle. I do think he has bonded with Tyrion and Jamie, but there are limits to that friendship. He wouldn't fight Ser Gregor on Tyrion's behalf. I'm sure he wouldn't do it for Jamie either. He's not completely selfless - he has his own personal interests that he is looking after.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
To be a little fair to Bran, Meera was the one who said, "you don't need me anymore" which then Bran replied, "no, I don't" I don't think he would've phrased it like that if she hadn't. He then went on to say thank you but that's really all the emotional attachment he has left, like she said, Bran really did die in that cave and now it's The Three Eyed Raven and that guy doesn't know what emotions are.
Did it take awhile to set in? I ask because he was talking pretty normally to uncle Benjen after he saved them.


semen stains the mountaintops
Did it take awhile to set in? I ask because he was talking pretty normally to uncle Benjen after he saved them.

It does seem like the journey from season 6 to 7 really changed him. I mean, he was getting visions all throughout that, so maybe that's when it really set it?
He obviously knows what they are, I assumed my post made it clear that I was more talking about feeling those emotions, and not just understanding what an emotion is. He felt nothing when Meera had to leave and while she cried, and brought up everyone who had died to get him there, he didn't show an ounce of emotion.

And we're not really sure if he does care about family duties right now, he especially doesn't care about being the Lord of Winterfell like he has the right to be. At this point he's only there because that's the epicenter of The Great War and his duty now is not one of being a Stark but that of being The Three Eyed Raven and stopping The Night King.

The way he looked at Petyr made me think that in there somewhere, that's still Bran holding resentment for betraying his father and letting it lead to his death. As well, he put a little more effort into hugging Arya. Tiny little detail but the things these actors do is part of the storytelling.

He may have felt nothing when Meera came to her but I think she got to him a little bit. His behavior in this episode is an improvement over the one before it.


You're probably right. We'll see what's more important to Cersei, her throne or Jaime.

My theory is obviously she won't care enough for him. More than her kids or Jamie, she has always lusted after the throne and power. She has that now. She didn't care much for when Tommen killed himself. She won't for Jamie either when she already has moments where she disagrees with him, especially over Tyrion.

Jamie might not be a redeemable character and I doubt this turn of events makes him *finally* realize what a monster his sister is, not any more than he already knows and accepts, but this might mean he teams up with Tyrion, Danny, and Jon. This might mean we see Cersei kill him.

I keep going back and forth on which character should kill Cersei. I hope it isn't Jamie and hope it is between Tyrion and Arya. Would be most satisfying if it is one of them.


Jamie might not be a redeemable character and I doubt this turn of events makes him *finally* realize what a monster his sister is, not any more than he already knows and accepts, but this might mean he teams up with Tyrion, Danny, and Jon. This might mean we see Cersei kill him.

I think Jaime has shown that he knows what a monster she is, he acknowledged as much in he dialogue with Olenna and Bronn. I think he hasn't broken with her because he does love her, as Olenna says, but more importantly it's because there is nothing else he is fighting for. What else is there for Jaime, really?

I hope he doesn't turn on Cersei because she abandons hims, because I don't think it would really shock him. I guess it would change when he meets Tyrion again and when/if he learns about the white walkers.
Damn it once again I mixed up the book and non-book threads so I'll just copy-paste what I said in the book thread:

Seen some comments around the internet saying this battle was the best fantasy battle ever put on screen, even better than Pelennor Fields.

Now while I love GOT, some people need to calm down lmao. Nothing tops the charge of the Rohirrim.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Damn it once again I mixed up the book and non-book threads so I'll just copy-paste what I said in the book thread:

Seen some comments around the internet saying this battle was the best fantasy battle ever put on screen, even better than Pelennor Fields.

Now while I love GOT, some people need to calm down lmao. Nothing tops the charge of the Rohirrim.

*Your comment*


*Drogon leading the charge as hundreds of Dothraki screamers come riding over the hill*

I agree. I always felt like although Ned Stark was a good guy, his head getting chopped off was a karma for what he did to the deserter in season 1.

Huh? Ned Stark beheaded him not because of lie about White walkers, It's because he deserted. He could have gone to castle black but he chose to desert.

Same reason Jon didn't leave Nights Watch even though his father and brother was executed.

You do NOT break your oath.


Bronn is a fucking beast and top bro. He can't die at this point, I'd be so upset. He needs to ride of into the sunset and live a low key life at the end of this


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Why is everyone on the Jon/Dany wagon?

The last episode made it seem like they wouldn't get along at all as a couple
Did you not see the way he held her hand? Or how they kept walking towards each other? Or that even Davos noticed the way Jon looks at her? Or the "girl go get some" smile Messandei give Dany when Jon says, "your grace"?

The signs are there Sephzilla, you need only to accept Jon+Dany into your heart.


He obviously knows what they are, I assumed my post made it clear that I was more talking about feeling those emotions, and not just understanding what an emotion is. He felt nothing when Meera had to leave and while she cried, and brought up everyone who had died to get him there, he didn't show an ounce of emotion.

And we're not really sure if he does care about family duties right now, he especially doesn't care about being the Lord of Winterfell like he has the right to be. At this point he's only there because that's the epicenter of The Great War and his duty now is not one of being a Stark but that of being The Three Eyed Raven and stopping The Night King.

Bran has a bit of a Zen or Buddhist thing going on. State of non-attachment, his awareness as it relates to time and the world as a whole also appear as a state of non-duality. Now if that how it continues, will see. The problem is portraying those qualities while not coming off like one of the Borg seems like it might be a challenge for the young actor. :)
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