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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Can't see what is to be gained from devoting any more time to Theon & his arc. He's really a waste of everyone's time.

it may seem that way now but Theon might surprise us yet. Who knows.
I hope they don't. Head back to season 2 for a recap of what Theon did to Jon's ancestral home. Then there's the botched execution of Ser Rodrick. Jon should have strangled Theon on the spot.
Their reunion made it look like Jon knows everything that Theon's done. Maybe Sansa told Jon not to hurt him. Tyrion's parchment did include mention of a Greyjoy fleet, yeah?
How injured is Drogon though? He seemed to get back in control of his flight before crashing, is it just a flesh wound? You're going to need a good few shots to kill a dragon. Plus they've shown their hand, Dany et al know the ballistas exist now.

I mean Drogon still has wings, he got hit so he fell then regained his composure and glided so his mom can hilariously try to get that thing out.

Atomic Odin

it may seem that way now but Theon might surprise us yet. Who knows.Their reunion made it look like Jon knows everything that Theon's done. Maybe Sansa told Jon not to hurt him. Tyrion's parchment did include mention of a Greyjoy fleet, yeah?

Its just that like we have seen, his PTSD will come in the way of him handling any serious situation effectively. Also one gets the impression from season 1 that he was particularly nasty to Jon back at Winterfell, "runt of the litter" right? Can't blame Jon for not exactly extending a hand to him after that and all he has done to the Starks
Why is it 'cool' to hate on things now?

My boss and I just had a long conversation about this episode and were gushing about it, at the end he mentioned "Have you seen <freelancer who does work for us> facebook, he hated it?" and here we go:

I guess it just shows how different we all are, I loved this episode but he seemingly hated it.

As a note we all work in the tv/film industry. I'm an animator and my boss is a director. The freelancer who's facebook that is; is a a Director of Photography.

The scene with Arya and Brienee was bad, not good. Arya tv version seems to truly haven't learned shit from her assassin training. Why would you discover your abilities, that's your biggest advantage, how people would think you are a normal girl. The scene served to be 'badass' in the shallowest sense.
Watched it again and damn the cinematography is just great, Jaime running along the burning riverside with the spear was awesome. Really brought the visual of the old tale of a knight facing down the dragon, only it's the dragon saving the princess.
I really hope the finale of this season is an hour dedicated to showing why the Night King is hanging around for a few months/years/however time works in this universe doing nothing and waiting for Jon to get his army ready. lol

Yeah I get confused with the locations and time. You'd think the NK and his army would have hit the wall ages ago considering people can go from one location to another pretty quickly.


How many (relative) years are supposed to have passed since the events of the beginning of the series?

Hard to tell.

Though Sansa's age is a point of reference.

She tells Cersei that she is 13 in S01E01, and then tells Tyrion on their wedding night she is 14 in S03E08.

Littlefinger says Joffrey has been tormenting her for 'years' in Season 4.

But they don't make reference much to times and ages, it's a bit awkward when the kids have aged so much.


I'm a bit miffed by the whole situation with Jaime. Since he didn't get incinerated I'm positive he's not dead. Which means 1) he's going to survive falling into deep water in full heavy armour and 2) he's going to somehow pop up out of the water and not be spotted by Dany and her dragon.

The only way this resolves well is if she fishes him out and takes him captive. If he gets away then my suspension of disbelief is going to break.

I've said it a few times now but the episode was titled Spoils of War. It's referring to Jamie.

Danny and her ppl are going to fish him out and use him as a bargaining chip.



I demand a spin off where some ruggammuffin she's adopted/rescued keeps calling her Brienee, Brienne finds correcting her useless, secretly growing to like it.

Watched it again and damn the cinematography is just great, Jaime running along the burning riverside with the spear was awesome. Really brought the visual of the old tale of a knight facing down the dragon, only it's the dragon saving the princess.

Yea, it's surprisingly deft. Jaime's, "c'mon boy" to his horse is endearing and it's delivered with the emotion the character must be feeling. Meanwhile Dany is tugging at the arrow exactly like you would imagine a little girl removing a splinter from some bear or lion's paw. Nice contrast and reminder of her youth considering she was just turning people to ash moments before. It would have been easy to play epic music and let the cgi and slow motion work, instead someone with an eye for detail went over that sequence.

People complaining about the physics of Bronn's tackle and how deep the water could be so close to shore are missing the point entirely.
Maybe he isn't ready yet? I always assumed he was waiting for the long winter (or whatever they call it)

I don't think any episode has given us that clue. All we have is that they have travelled, what, south east from Frostfangs? Last we seen him I believe was at Hardhome? Back in Season 5. It's right on the door step.

Time doesn't seem to play much of a part on this show.

Atomic Odin

What's the current prevailing theory about how the White Walkers are going to get beyond the wall?

Preview Talk
They are marching towards Eastwatch by the sea. So presumably taking the long route bypassing the wall. Though I have no idea how they are going to cross the water.

I've said it a few times now but the episode was titled Spoils of War. It's referring to Jamie.

Danny and her ppl are going to fish him out and use him as a bargaining chip.

Like I said, poor Jaime ends up in captivity again.
If you pay attention to the opening credits, the ocean around the walls seems to have been frozen over. That would be quite amusing.

But given the show writers, they can't turn down the spectacle of the wall itself falling. I'm sure they'll ultimately destroy the wall.

Atomic Odin

Maybe they can freeze it?

They could, but they didn't do that at Hardhome so I dunno. Maybe Night King just wanted to pose like that at that time.

If you pay attention to the opening credits, the ocean around the walls seems to have been frozen over. That would be quite amusing.

But given the show writers, they can't turn down the spectacle of the wall itself falling. I'm sure they'll ultimately destroy the wall.

Ah missed that. That'd be their solution then.


Finally caught the ep. Man I never thought I'd be cheering for a Lannister army but there we go. Was so happy when Bronn got a shot in, gutted it wasn't a headshot though
What's the current prevailing theory about how the White Walkers are going to get beyond the wall?

Bran was marked by the Night King with that negating the effects of the magic protecting them. If it is as implied, that the Children helped build the wall (extrapolating from them working with humans against the white walkers), then Bran crossing it nullifies the magic and now it's just a wall of ice.

In short that thing is coming down.
The scene with Arya and Brienee was bad, not good. Arya tv version seems to truly haven't learned shit from her assassin training. Why would you discover your abilities, that's your biggest advantage, how people would think you are a normal girl. The scene served to be 'badass' in the shallowest sense.
Yeah, it's totally over for the person that can literally shapeshift now that everyone knows she is a good swordswoman in her og form. She really did lose her biggest advantage, esp showing that power at home next to all her allies!

I do have to agree with many others that someone should have died. No one dying was very un-GoT, and the kind of shit you see on basic television. I'm still looking over it since it was a pretty remarkable episode, but it was kind of glaring unfortunately. Also is Euron gonna stay near Casterly Rock? Seems like total suicide to have 3 dragons attack you while you just stand there.
Why is it 'cool' to hate on things now?

My boss and I just had a long conversation about this episode and were gushing about it, at the end he mentioned "Have you seen <freelancer who does work for us> facebook, he hated it?" and here we go:

I guess it just shows how different we all are, I loved this episode but he seemingly hated it.

As a note we all work in the tv/film industry. I'm an animator and my boss is a director. The freelancer who's facebook that is; is a a Director of Photography.

The scene with Arya and Brienne was the worst scene of this season.
Its just that like we have seen, his PTSD will come in the way of him handling any serious situation effectively. Also one gets the impression from season 1 that he was particularly nasty to Jon back at Winterfell, "runt of the litter" right? Can't blame Jon for not exactly extending a hand to him after that and all he has done to the Starks
Yeah his PTSD is a serious problem, I can't think of a Westerosi way to fix it but I believe in Theon, which is why I'm interested in seeing his arc play out.

As for him & Jon, yeah they may not have been that close when they were kids but even if they were, Jon would've greeted him the same way. Either way though, I think Theon will want to show Jon the same love & loyalty he was showing Sansa. Anything he can do to make things better between himself & the Winterfell folk.


I don't agree that someone important should have died, since GoT has laid the expectation that anyone can die, the entire battle was tense as fuck anyway. The novelty of the battle was how it made you root for people on both sides. How often has that happened in other shows/movies?


I do have to agree with many others that someone should have died. No one dying was very un-GoT, and the kind of shit you see on basic television. I'm still looking over it since it was a pretty remarkable episode, but it was kind of glaring unfortunately. Also is Euron gonna stay near Casterly Rock? Seems like total suicide to have 3 dragons attack you while you just stand there.

Jaime and Bronn aren't going out before a reunion with Tyrion, plus this puts Dany and company in a much more interesting position assuming Jaime is captured. The Tarlys don't matter enough and anyway I suppose someone needs to be in command of the defense of King's Landing. Maybe the dragon?

It's for the best.
I don't agree that someone important should have died, since GoT has laid the expectation that anyone can die, the entire battle was tense as fuck anyway. The novelty of the battle was how it made you root for people on both sides. How often has that happened in other shows/movies?
I do have to agree with many others that someone should have died. No one dying was very un-GoT, and the kind of shit you see on basic television. I'm still looking over it since it was a pretty remarkable episode, but it was kind of glaring unfortunately. Also is Euron gonna stay near Casterly Rock? Seems like total suicide to have 3 dragons attack you while you just stand there.

They could have definitely made someone die like they made Barristan die a couple of seasons ago, but I think Dany will execute some of them as an example.

The way Bronn narrowly escaped I can forgive that. And I posted earlier in this thread about my theory on how Dany was trying not to hurt Jaime. I may be wrong about it but it will be interesting to see if there's some truth to it.
Eastwatch by the Sea is going to be the Thrones equivalent of the Maginot line isn't it?

"The White Walkers are here!!!..... And... They're going around the castle my lord.

Better prepare a raven."
Eastwatch by the Sea is going to be the Thrones equivalent of the Maginot line isn't it?

"The White Walkers are here!!!..... And... They're going around the castle my lord.

Better prepare a raven."

I just realized we haven't seen Tormund, the hound & bannerless men since episode 1.

Is this the first season where a large amount of characters don't get screen time several episodes in a row?


I do have to agree with many others that someone should have died. No one dying was very un-GoT, and the kind of shit you see on basic television. I'm still looking over it since it was a pretty remarkable episode, but it was kind of glaring unfortunately. .
I can't agree. GoT has earned this. The ability to put beloved characters into the heat of battle and the audience being at the edge of their seat believing anyone can die at any time. The gf was freaking out the entire time and we both breathed a huge sigh of relief at the end. It was remarkably well done and other than the last second rescue of Jaime, which btw is one of the coolest moment of the show to date, there weren't any glaring moments of "plot armor" where anyone should have died. Building up either of Jamie and Bronn just to have them torched by dragonfire like random soldiers would, if anything, have been un-GoT. And of course Dany dying in her first Westerosi battle would have caused riots in the streets. Doesn't mean it would have been better to not have these important characters in this battle.

The scene with Arya and Brienne was the worst scene of this season.
Wow! Probably in my top 20 scenes of the show to date.


The Tyrells are history, house was wiped out mostly in the destruction of the sept last season, with the old lady and the rest of the loyal forces now gone as well.

As for the siege, Dany has no forces to siege with at this point. Dorne and Highgarden are out of play now, and the dothaki are not equip for it.

But weren't they on their way with the Dorne and the Iron Island towards Kings Landing?
Only by land? They shouldn't have been back at Highgarden already, right?
Nevertheless, history is right, but their army should still be mostly intact.

7he Talon

Bran was marked by the Night King with that negating the effects of the magic protecting them. If it is as implied, that the Children helped build the wall (extrapolating from them working with humans against the white walkers), then Bran crossing it nullifies the magic and now it's just a wall of ice.

In short that thing is coming down.
Makes sense! I assume the wall coming down will be the season final, leading into the final season.
But weren't they on their way with the Dorne and the Iron Island towards Kings Landing?
Only by land? They shouldn't have been back at Highgarden already, right?
Nevertheless, history is right, but their army should still be mostly intact.

According to the books Tyrell have the largest army in Westeros with over 100,000 soldiers. I doubt that they all dead.
I hope Theon just dies. His story arc has lasted too long as it is. He had his rise, his fall, his redemption, and now his second fall. What is left to do with him? Just dull.

Only complaint about the episode. The rest I loved. I did not see the battle at the end coming - and anyone nitpicking it just hates fun, I guess. I thought Bronn was a goner, surprised he survived after manning the artillery.

This season is exactly what it needs to be. I'm just sad there's only 3 eps left.

Sophie and Maisie are going to have some fantastic scenes before it's all done, I think. Their 'reunion' posts on Instagram were great.


I cant believe i mostly rooted for bronn. And i kind of hoped jamie would get to Dany. But that last shot where the dragon intervenes is awesome. An awesome battle, but nothing beats hardhome yet.


I don't know how people watch these at bars and stuff, I just saw a bar reaction vid and while it's kinda cool seeing a group response to the badass scenes, I couldn't imagine being there watching the episode for the first time surrounded by drunk whoops and cheers.

Anyone been to one themselves?


I don't agree that someone important should have died, since GoT has laid the expectation that anyone can die, the entire battle was tense as fuck anyway. The novelty of the battle was how it made you root for people on both sides. How often has that happened in other shows/movies?

What point was i supposed to root for Dany?


I've said it a few times now but the episode was titled Spoils of War. It's referring to Jamie.

Danny and her ppl are going to fish him out and use him as a bargaining chip.

You're probably right. We'll see what's more important to Cersei, her throne or Jaime.


What is the reasonable endgame for this if Dany wins? What do you do with a raider army of a conflicting culture when there is no where left to raid. Seems like a complete shitstorm in the future.
Well, if there was any doubt left, I am 100% convinced the show flatout told us this last one that Bran was indeed the older 3-eyed raven also from the tree. Meera says "you died in that cave." She is going for the idea that what made him Bran died, but it's a nice tease for us that he literally died in there when his old self got cut down.

Has anyone considered that they might have tipped the scorpion's crossbow bolt with something? Scorpions stings can be venomous and lethal right?
God, I hope not. Poison is so lame.


What is the reasonable endgame for this if Dany wins? What do you do with a raider army of a conflicting culture when there is no where left to raid. Seems like a complete shitstorm in the future.
A lot of them would probably go back across the sea, no? Wonder how much of her's or anyone's army will be left standing at the end of all this though.


Maybe the poison used by Qyburn in the spears will not kill Drogon but it will infect him with greyscale.
A stone dragon, what a cool idea.
Gives purpose for Samwell to cure the dragon and help Jon win the game of thrones.
Attacking the Highgarden field was an excellent idea and a brilliant compromise to Tyrion's reluctance to see dragons raze cities/homes (Kings Landing). With Dany's army at Highgarden, her rear is secured by Dorne and the Dornish army can now assemble and mobilize to march north with Dany's vanguard. In one battle, Dany secured all of Southern Westeros.
Maybe the poison used by Qyburn in the spears will not kill Drogon but it will infect him with greyscale.
A stone dragon, what a cool idea.
Gives purpose for Samwell to cure the dragon and help Jon win the game of thrones.

Was there poison on the spear or is that just fan theory?
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