Did Joffrey suffer in the books like it appears he did on TV?
Did Joffrey suffer in the books like it appears he did on TV?
Note that we're not comparing the books and the tv show in this thread. Book readers, please use the other thread.
Did you program an AI that sends you a message any time someone attempts to mention the books?
If he told you that, he'd have to kill you.
Did you program an AI that sends you a message any time someone attempts to mention the books?
It must suck running a TV-only blog and have comments from dickheads ruining the show that you have to take down (and therefore read). I suppose you could get a book reading fan to moderate it though.
I thought this too. She was gonna go out in a blaze of glory.I thought the hooker he "saved" (when you don't see it you never know!) was going to be in the pie.
Note that we're not comparing the books and the tv show in this thread. Book readers, please use the other thread.
Oleana had to do it. Not sure how but it has to be her and Margerie. They've been plotting against the throne. That's why they kept Sansa close. I mean, what's some collateral damage of a few people if you can put yourself and your famy in power? Did you see margerie's face when the dwarves were performing? Fucking ICE COLD.
Does Joffrey's death mean there is no king or does it go to the Joffrey's brother? If house Tyrell retain power after this then they are the number 1 candidates.
Did Joffrey suffer in the books like it appears he did on TV?
I really liked the way he died (what a thing to say). Looks so goddamn brutal.I've never hated a fictional character as much as Joffrey but his demise left me a bit disappointed. I wanted Arya to run Needle through his throat after a lengthy torture scene or one of Dany's dragons to burn him alive. Poison is just too quick for what he deserved. At least the little prick suffered.
But doesn't Margaery lose power with Joffrey dying? Had he still been alive she would've become queen. Doesn't make sense, especially since they weren't even officially married yet.Oleana had to do it. Not sure how but it has to be her and Margerie. They've been plotting against the throne. That's why they kept Sansa close. I mean, what's some collateral damage of a few people if you can put yourself and your famy in power? Did you see margerie's face when the dwarves were performing? Fucking ICE COLD.
muhahahaha.. nice...
I will say, that was one of the more brutal-looking depictions of someone dying from poison I've seen in a long time. The face discoloration, bleeding, it just looked horrible in all the ways it should have.
also: glad the little shit is dead. Guess we'll see the actor somewhere else soon enough.
technically, marge is now Queen Regent? but maybe they will be all like, the marriage has not been consummated so it's rightfully joff's brother's throne, etc
No. Technically kingship is based on Baratheon's heirs. The brother is next in line.
We are back to square one, Stannis is the rightful King lol
Also I finally understand this poem
Succession is a matter of having a good enough claim combined with a good enough army. Stannis lacks one of these.
No. Technically kingship is based on Baratheon's heirs. The brother is next in line.
I really wish Gleeson would keep acting. Love this short clip of him doing a good guy vs. villain.
No. Technically kingship is based on Baratheon's heirs. The brother is next in line.
Most glorious moment in a series ever.
So. Good.
The War of the 5 Dwarf Kings was great. In case you missed the significance of some of the symbolism here you go
Locke is higher on my cunt scale. His face alone makes me want to murder things.
ah, so thats why loras left.
I didn't notice Melisandre when I was watching it, but it was only natural for Loras to be angry, he loved and respected Renly.ah, so thats why loras left.
I really wish Gleeson would keep acting. Love this short clip of him doing a good guy vs. villain.
It's weird that our introduction to the show had Jaime push Bran out a window to keep a terrible secret but EVERYONE knows every secret of every royal... who's having an affair, who's having incestual relations, who's gay, who got a hand cut off, who ran away.
The commom people make jokes about it, the other court officials all openly gossip about it. It's kinda silly.