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Game of Thrones - Season 2 - George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - Sundays on HBO

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Let's face it, if it wasn't for the homosexual scenes no one would be complaining.

Sex is part of life and part of any adult relationship, all of which are part of GoT's universe, get over it.
Let's face it, if it wasn't for the homosexual scenes no one would be complaining.

Sex is part of life and part of any adult relationship, all of which are part of GoT's universe, get over it.

You need to relax. Everyone is citing a lot of heterosexual copulation too man.
Haters, I thought the Viserys/Doreah was one of the best sexposition scenes last year.

- Developed the character of Viserys and made him more than just a two-dimensional caricature of a bratty prince.
- A sex scene (or post-coital) is really the only time Viserys would even open up like that
- Doreah's tits.
- For non-readers, we learn that dragons did exist in this world, and aren't just fairy tales or legends.
- First references to things like the (minor ACOK spoiler)
Faceless Men
- Doreah's tits.

How did that scene develop him? Furthermore the existence of dragons was discussed throughout the season.
Let's face it, if it wasn't for the homosexual scenes no one would be complaining.

Sex is part of life and part of any adult relationship, all of which are part of GoT's universe, get over it.

Someone just mentioned that we're still talking about the sex stuff when there was hardly anything in the last episode, so please don't go projecting on us.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I don't personally have a problem with all of the sex. If I'm watching the show alone or with my close friends it's whatever. But when I try to watch it with my family or with my roommate and his friends who are really Christian it turns them off of the show and makes it really awkward. My family doesn't really give a shit, I'm sure, but my roommate and his friends who are huge fantasy fans that I know would otherwise love the show don't really like it because of all the sex. I just feel like it limits the audience unnecessarily.

My family's not Christian and we're not prudes, and still we feel uncomfortable watching sex scenes on TV together. In fact, a lot of the times I'm embarrassed by the sex scenes in many TV shows even when I'm watching alone. A good sex scene should not about the sex or the nudity, but about the characters. I recently watched a movie in which the main character was nude for most of the time and it worked. In the case of A Game of Thrones I feel sorry for the actresses, because they have to undress for the camera not to make their characters more real but because HBO wants to attract viewers who subscribe to cable networks for the adult shows with lots of sex compared to the tame fare on regular networks.

Someone just mentioned that we're still talking about the sex stuff when there was hardly anything in the last episode, so please don't go projecting on us.

I must have dreamed Margaery's tits in that case.
I was rewatching the episode and i caught something from The Mystery Knight.

When Bran is talking to Luwin
"My dreams are different. My dreams are true". Daemon Targaryen II says the exact same line to Dunk when he tells him he dreamed of him in Kingsguard white

Good call back on the show.


there is joy in sucking dick
At this point the show is becoming known for its sex scenes by the masses. You've got to ask yourself if its because everyones a prude or if the series really is overusing sex as a backdrop for exposition. With that said, I'll more nude Natalie Dormer. Fuck.

Let's face it, if it wasn't for the homosexual scenes no one would be complaining.

Sex is part of life and part of any adult relationship, all of which are part of GoT's universe, get over it.

There's always one


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
At this point the show is becoming known for the sex by the masses. You've got to ask yourself if its because everyones a prude or if the series really is overusing sex as a backdrop to exposition.

maybe if you didn't hate sex this would be ok. why do you hate sex? :(


How did that scene develop him? Furthermore the existence of dragons was discussed throughout the season.

Sometimes it helps to have multiple references to solidify the point in the audience's mind. We've already had one non-reader say that this particular scene helped him in understanding this point and I'm sure there were many others. And when you consider that the huge climactic scene of season one is dragons returning to the world, I think the writers can be forgiven for wanting to make sure the audience understood the significance of that event and why it had to be a Targaryen who did it.

Also, another minor piece of info that that scene relayed was the existence of the dragon skulls in the Red Keep, which Arya would stumble upon later in that episode.
I was rewatching the episode and i caught something from The Mystery Knight.

When Bran is talking to Luwin
"My dreams are different. My dreams are true". Daemon Targaryen II says the exact same line to Dunk when he tells him he dreamed of him in Kingsguard white

Good call back on the show.

Very cool. I completely missed that.


I was rewatching the episode and i caught something from The Mystery Knight.

When Bran is talking to Luwin
"My dreams are different. My dreams are true". Daemon Targaryen II says the exact same line to Dunk when he tells him he dreamed of him in Kingsguard white

Good call back on the show.

This is a callback to an earlier scene in the show? I don't remember either of those characters.
Sometimes it helps to have multiple references to solidify the point in the audience's mind. We've already had one non-reader say that this particular scene helped him in understanding this point and I'm sure there were many others. And when you consider that the huge climactic scene of season one is dragons returning to the world, I think the writers can be forgiven for wanting to make sure the audience understood the significance of that event and why it had to be a Targaryen who did it.

Also, another minor piece of info that that scene relayed was the existence of the dragon skulls in the Red Keep, which Arya would stumble upon later in that episode.

That's certainly true but even before that episode there was talk of dragons, and of course later in that episode we got the (poorly shot) dragon skull scene. In the discussions I've had with new viewers they got the point before that episode, mainly due to the dragon eggs (like Larry Williams, nearly every new viewer I talked to knew dragons would appear due to the multiple shots of the eggs)


lol @ the complaints about sex scenes. As gutshot said, they must not be reading the Ice and Fire books.

Hell, isn't it the first Ned chapter or second Cat when they talk about Ned's seed and how moist it is on Cat's inner thighs?


In the end, I frankly don't see the need at all to criticize any of the sex scenes except for the ones in the brothel. The latter may have some purpose, but they quite simply fail to be interesting, readily relevant, or even hot. Criticize those all you like. You have my axe.

Criticizing things like Renly's scenes or Viserys/Doreah (even if a few good minor points are made) is pretty pedantic though.


I think Matt Zoller Seitz's editorial from last year is so on point. Here is the main thrust of his (and my) argument with regards to the sex and nudity on Thrones.

*Shakes head* Do we see fights happening randomly? All major battles and fight scenes have a very particular purpose. Not to mention the violence isn't really that bad. There are a few gruesome bits such as the eyestabbing and a throat slitting but it's not like we've gotten a straight up torture session yet. I also don't see long monologues or people discussing dragon names in detail while fighting.

lol @ the complaints about sex scenes. As gutshot said, they must not be reading the Ice and Fire books.

Hell, isn't it the first Ned chapter or second Cat when they talk about Ned's seed and how moist it is on Cat's inner thighs?

Yes nobody read the sex scenes in all of the books. Yep. It definitely wasn't ridiculous in the books either.


That point could have been made in a sentence or two by another character. Maybe an insult from Stannis making fun of him for not satisfying his queen.

Lots of things could be put out there in a sentence or two. That doesn't make it a better method.


Either a joke post or it is said in ADWD because I don't recall that from AFFC and I just finished that book last week.
AFFC spoiler:
Jaime says to Loras something like "Put up you sword or I'll stick it some hole even Renly never found"
Doreah also asks what happened to the skulls and Viserys says they were probably destroyed. I think the scene with Arya hiding in the dragon skulls would have been confusing if we didn't know that the halls of the keep had been lined with them.

lol @ the complaints about sex scenes. As gutshot said, they must not be reading the Ice and Fire books.

Hell, isn't it the first Ned chapter or second Cat when they talk about Ned's seed and how moist it is on Cat's inner thighs?

Yup. Banging with the windows open...scandalous.


*Shakes head* Do we see fights happening randomly? All major battles and fight scenes have a very particular purpose. Not to mention the violence isn't really that bad. There are a few gruesome bits such as the eyestabbing and a throat slitting but it's not like we've gotten a straight up torture session yet. I also don't see long monologues or people discussing dragon names in detail while fighting.

*shakes head* Do we see sex happening randomly? All major nudity or sex scenes have a very particular purpose. Not to mention the sex isn't really that bad. There are a few naughty bits such as flaccid cock and some lesbian fingering but it's not like we've gotten straight up anal penetration yet. I also don't see blood spurting out of 10-year old kids' mouths or entrails flying through the air in gory detail while characters are having sex.


*shakes head* Do we see sex happening randomly? All major nudity or sex scenes have a very particular purpose. Not to mention the sex isn't really that bad. There are a few naughty bits such as flaccid cock and some lesbian fingering but it's not like we've gotten straight up anal penetration yet. I also don't see blood spurting out of 10-year old kids' mouths or entrails flying through the air in gory detail while characters are having sex.


See, two can play at that game.

Really? So the sex scenes being lazy exposition dumps are now considered a particular purpose? Most of the battles and fight scenes are used to push along the narrative or for very particular character points. The Hound vs the Mountain was to demonstrate their hatred for each other. Also atleast the fighting is following the basic rule of showing and not telling. They've also shyed away for the most part from ultra-realistic violence scenes.


Sophie is beautiful

Yes, yes she is. It is actually making me somewhat uncomfortable =/


Gif is not very good quality but the best I could find quickly.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
That was nudity, not sex. If the scene had played out the exact same way but she kept her clothes on, would you still feel uncomfortable about it? If not, then yeah, you are prudish.

It was a sex scene because she was baring her breasts to arouse a man. And the same scene could have been filmed without partial frontal nudity without losing anything. In that case it's just there to titillate male viewers and that's what I object to.


So many sex scenes where the sex does absolutely nothing for both the plot or characters. Viserys and Daenery's hand-maiden(I can't remember her name right now) obviously needed a sex scene while he had a monologue about dragons. Obviously.
That wasn't a sex scene... They sat in bath, together. If that is sex then I've pretty much had gay sex many times by sitting in sauna with other naked men.


lol @ the complaints about sex scenes. As gutshot said, they must not be reading the Ice and Fire books.

Hell, isn't it the first Ned chapter or second Cat when they talk about Ned's seed and how moist it is on Cat's inner thighs?

Lol that you think this is equivalent to a 5 minute pointless sex scene in the TV show. People are complaining because the sex is pointless and could be better time used for other characters and more important things not that it simply exists.
Do you guys not remember the bathtub scene correctly? It's heavily implied that he's getting hard, or at least inside her, as they talk about the dragons, and then at the end, after he gets pissy, they absolutely start having sex.

But yes, it wasn't a typically sex scene in that they weren't bouncing and breathing heavily the entire scene.
Lol that you think this is equivalent to a 5 minute pointless sex scene in the TV show. People are complaining because the sex is pointless and could be better time used for other characters and more important things not that it simply exists.

Can't wait to hear the complaints about how pointless it is when (ASOS)
Jaime joins Brienne in a bath. It gets him hard so clearly he is aroused, and based on recent comments in this thread, that qualifies as sex and thus this scene will be seen as pointless...
Am I misremembering, or was Margaery a lot more of a ditzy carefree teenager in the book rather than the intelligent, scheming queen they are carving her out to be in the show?


Can't wait to hear the complaints about how pointless it is when (ASOS)
Jaime joins Brienne in a bath. It gets him hard so clearly he is aroused, and based on recent comments in this thread, that qualifies as sex and thus this scene will be seen as pointless...

That's not pointless. It's a sex/nude scene between two major characters that develops both of their feelings towards each other. Jaime and a prostitute would be pointless.
That's not pointless. It's a sex/nude scene between two major characters. Jaime and a prostitute would be pointless.

So Renly and Loras/Margaery aren't major characters? What about Theon and Asha/Yara? My point is that these scenes are anything but pointless. So what if there is nudity or sex? Pointless is Shae's dialogue about smelling cum and getting wet from it, pointless is not Tyrion and Shae having sex.

Do you think the scene between Pycelle and Ros was pointless in season 1 because Ros is basically a prostitute(abeit a major character in a sense)?


Really? So the sex scenes being lazy exposition dumps are now considered a particular purpose? Most of the battles and fight scenes are used to push along the narrative or for very particular character points. The Hound vs the Mountain was to demonstrate their hatred for each other. Also atleast the fighting is following the basic rule of showing and not telling. They've also shyed away for the most part from ultra-realistic violence scenes.

My point is, and the main point of Zoller Seitz's article, is that many of the same criticisms of the sex can also be leveled at the violence in this show. It is excessive, unnecessary, uncomfortable to watch, etc. But it isn't, which indicates a Puritanical attitude in many viewers.

It was a sex scene because she was baring her breasts to arouse a man. And the same scene could have been filmed without partial frontal nudity without losing anything. In that case it's just there to titillate male viewers and that's what I object to.

So Margaery revealing her breasts to Renly was only there to titillate male viewers? Seriously? It's not just trying to accurately depict what a wife and husband would do in the bedroom? ...... Wow.


At this rate we might as well not have violence unless a main character is killed, and we should just remove all use of vulgarity as well. The show isn't for kids, deal with it.

My point is, and the main point of Zoller Seitz's article, is that many of the same criticisms of the sex can also be leveled at the violence in this show. It is excessive, unnecessary, uncomfortable to watch, etc. But it isn't, which indicates a Puritanical attitude in many viewers.

pretty much this
Folks, please remember to spoiler tag anything that hasn't happened on the show yet and label these spoilers with which book you're referring to. Thank you.


Jesus christ, no one is objecting to there being sex on the show; we're objecting to how it is used as trashy, lazily staged pandering to the idiot viewers (read: those defending it) who need their dose of tna to keep it engaging.
So Margaery revealing her breasts to Renly was only there to titillate male viewers? Seriously? It's not just trying to accurately depict what a wife and husband would do in the bedroom? ...... Wow.

Yeah, he's got no argument. There are plenty of scenes that could be argued as gratuitous, but that scene introduces a plot point VIA sexuality, or the lack thereof. The whole point of that scene is her acknowledging that he may not be sexually attracted to her (though she tries) but they need to bang anyway. Probably one of the better examples of where sexuality absolutely contributes to a plot point.


My point is, and the main point of Zoller Seitz's article, is that many of the same criticisms of the sex can also be leveled at the violence in this show. It is excessive, unnecessary, uncomfortable to watch, etc. But it isn't, which indicates a Puritanical attitude in many viewers.

And mine is that the action scenes aren't used as exposition dumps. The sex scenes are clearly being used as such. I don't mind sex scenes, and I'm sure many others would agree with me on this, as long as it ties into the narrative and is used for character understanding/development. Renly/Loras, Dany/Star&Moon, and Jaime/Cersei all fit under that branch. Showing Viserys randomly fuck Doreah just so he can sprout some dragon names is not okay. The writers are trying to hide these expo dumps behind T&A such as the Littlefinger Finger Bang scene. It would be just as bad if it was done in every fight sequence but it's not, on this show.
No. You'll find out why Renly isn't in the next episode.

I have read the books and know what happens. You are silly to think that because of what happens, that makes him a bit character.
Hey, Ned Stark died before Season 1 ended, he must not be a major character guys!

Given all the characters that die over the course of this series, you can hardly label ANY character a major character by your logic.
That and most of the sex shown in the show is pretty much of the "half clothed dude with full naked lady with several ass and boob shots."

I mean, blah blah demographic blah blah, but I still find it sleazy that they can't even sexualize the guys half the time they do the girls. At least be equal with it.
My point is, and the main point of Zoller Seitz's article, is that many of the same criticisms of the sex can also be leveled at the violence in this show. It is excessive, unnecessary, uncomfortable to watch, etc. But it isn't, which indicates a Puritanical attitude in many viewers.

So Margaery revealing her breasts to Renly was only there to titillate male viewers? Seriously? It's not just trying to accurately depict what a wife and husband would do in the bedroom? ...... Wow.

I think the general complaint many have is not that there is sex, but that the sex is used as exposition dumps as Jarmel said. It just comes off very forced and poorly written.

I thought the Margery scene was fine, and especially liked that she seemed to be holding back a laugh after the "bang me doggystyle and pretend I'm Loras" suggestion. I would argue complaining about that scene (or the fisherwoman scene tbh) would be prudish, whereas complaining about the snowball is different.

Having watched Spartacus, I can't really say GoT's violence is over the top outside of a couple instances.
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