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Game of Thrones - Season 2 - George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - Sundays on HBO

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John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
For those who are pissed off about the way this show is going, when did you start reading the series? I started in 99.. when I was 12 years old. Read GOT and Clash of Kings within 2 weeks. Bought A Storm of Swords the day it was released in 2000. There will never be a replacement for these books, which have been an important part of my life for 13 years now.

This show, IMO, is great. There's no need for me to compare the books, which are my favorite series of all time, to a TV show incessantly. I don't know why that is, but I'm so fucking glad it's true. The complaints I've read in this thread are getting to the point where I don't even like coming in here anymore. I'd rather read the no-book thread for actual discussion about the show.

Totally agree. It's getting sad.

Had to ultimately give on the LOST threads around here for the similar reasons (and that's even where I got my tag).



I don't think anything in the first 3 books is particularly expensive to film. It's just that the show has a ridiculously low budget. 70 million for 10 hours? C'mon, crappy medium-size movies get more than that for 2 hours.

Is this part of your post a joke? 7 million an episode is a staggeringly large budget for an hour long television drama.


Apparently people hate well written dialogue. The long scenes between Jamie and the other Lannister and Arya and Tywin were both amazing - even if neither happened in the book.
They were good, but it just rips out time they could have been doing the other things in the book instead.


Okay, then what's the problem with him being dumb? He clearly IS dumb and overconfident in his abilities and assessment of the scenario. I don't understand why you think the Xaro thing is bad either. They're trying to make it seem like Xaro is in the clear as opposed to primarily responsible.

Jon previously seemed to catch and notice details that others didn't. Like he followed that incest guy and found out about what he did to the sons.

And wasn't he chosen to be the assistant of the head guy and given the sword because they saw him as someone who could lead? And they allowed him into a very small group where it was important to not make mistakes or drag the group down. They were going to do some special secret stuff in the Wildling's territory. You don't bring an unskilled or dumb guy to something so important. And they obviously trusted him enough to leave him alone to execute the girl.
I had no indication at all that he's supposed to be dumb and isn't as skilled.

Everything I got so far was that he's skilled and smart. But the last two episodes he seemed so clueless.

The Xaro thing isn't a huge deal. I was just posting what immediately came to mind about the last episode. It just made me go "huh?" when it went right from "I would never" to "I did."
But maybe my opinion on that is biased because I just don't like Dany in general and that was a Dany scene.


Is this part of your post a joke? 7 million an episode is a staggeringly large budget for an hour long television drama.

Why should HBO shows be compared to TV budgets when their revenue streams are closer to films? They get the subscription money, money from the cable companies, AND home video sales.

Yes, HBO budgets are high compared to tv shows, but compared to movies? Your average action adventure movie has about a 100 million budget these days for 2 hours. So that's around 500 million for 10 hours and those movies are no where near as successful as GoT is doing worldwide.

HBO underbudgets their stuff because they can do it and make huge profit margins in the process. GoT, with its insane ratings and home video sales could and should easily be getting double the budget per season that it currently has.


Summer Isles?

I choose A but it's not a great question. If anything I think the work on the television show is forcing him to work harder on the books. He can't just write whatever he wants and whenever he wants, the eyes of the world are on him now. Oh and Game of Thrones will be a minimum of four seasons. Honestly I am fine with it ending at season 4, but I think the show will go on to about season 6.
It wasn't meant to be a real-world scenario (not like we can affect the outcome anyway). I just thought it would be interesting to see how people prioritized given those options (+4 more seasons, or +1 final book)


Jon previously seemed to catch and notice details that others didn't. Like he followed that incest guy and found out about what he did to the sons.

And wasn't he chosen to be the assistant of the head guy and given the sword because they saw him as someone who could lead? And they allowed him into a very small group where it was important to not make mistakes or drag the group down. They were going to do some special secret stuff in the Wildling's territory. You don't bring an unskilled or dumb guy to something so important.

Everything I got so far was that he's skilled and smart. But the last two episodes he seemed so clueless.

The Xaro thing isn't a huge deal. I was just posting what immediately came to mind about the last episode. It just made me go "huh?" when it went right from "I would never" to "I did."
But maybe my opinion on that is biased because I just don't like Dany in general and that was a Dany scene.
For example?
I won't bitch about the show anymore if someone can .gif the Jaime mob scene. The staggering drunk extras, the tiny tap on Jaime's shin, the guy that can't control the horse, the branch getting stuck between the mob, etc. There's too much material. If this show were considered garbage everyone would use that scene as an example of how much of a parody this show is.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Is this part of your post a joke? 7 million an episode is a staggeringly large budget for an hour long television drama.

That doesn't say anything standing alone about whether the show is profitable.


For example?

He couldn't handle the girl.
After he couldn't kill her, he just stood there and waited to get knocked over. And then he chased her until he got separated from his group. In wildling territory.

After that, he continues to lead her around on a rope. Why? At this point, he should be trying to head back to his group. Why is he even bringing her? He should've just let her go if he wasn't going to kill her and get back to his group. What could he have hoped for by bringing her back to the group?

And he kept falling for her tricks and getting tripped (never learning from his mistakes) and everything and that he could never respond to any of the things she says with anything other than "be quiet".

And he knows that there are wildlings and the monsters out there. He even killed one of them and saw a baby get taken away by one of them. He knows the dangers, but risks it all for nothing. His priority should be to get back to his group.


Oh OK, so there are more books to come? I am glad of the rumor that season 3 will only be a 1/2 book so I can catch up.

There's a lot of assumptions
that at some point she'll be forced to return to Westeros to assassinate a major character. Since her training for the last couple of books has concentrated on her losing her identy and abandoning her past and family (sort of like Jon only not just words but actually reprogramming her brain), many of us feel she may be asked/forced to kill a member of her own family.

That doesn't say anything standing alone about whether the show is profitable.

HBO has said in the past that they get the majority of their profits from the DVD sales, since it's hard to figure a show's direct profit comparing new subs vs. audience.

Since the DVD/Blu Ray sold record amounts, I think they're comfortable.
Oh and Game of Thrones will be a minimum of four seasons. Honestly I am fine with it ending at season 4, but I think the show will go on to about season 6.

I have a feeling that David and Dan, the showrunners, just really want to get to [Super Massive Series spoilers]
the Red Wedding and Joffrey's wedding and anything beyond that is just a plus.

Storm of Swords could work really well as an adaptation and has tons of great moments. But once you get to Feast and Dance, I don't know that a lot of that material necessarily makes for gripping TV. So much of those books is really world building and internal thoughts of characters. The stuff in the North in Dance is great, but the other stuff, not so much.


I just find it odd that they were 95% 1:1 with season 1/book 1. With season 2 it's like 60% with changing plot-lines thus also changing character development.

I wonder what made them want to take a different route with season 2/book 2.


God help me for what I'm about to do.

He couldn't handle the girl.
(1)After he couldn't kill her, he just stood there and waited to get knocked over. (2) And then he chased her until he got separated from his group. In wildling territory.

(3) After that, he continues to lead her around on a rope. Why? At this point, he should be trying to head back to his group. Why is he even bringing her? He should've just let her go if he wasn't going to kill her and get back to his group. What could he have hoped for by bringing her back to the group?

(4) And he kept falling for her tricks and getting tripped (never learning from his mistakes) and everything and that (5) he could never respond to any of the things she says with anything other than "be quiet".

And he knows that there are wildlings and the monsters out there. He even killed one of them and saw a baby get taken away by one of them. He knows the dangers, but risks it all for nothing. (6) His priority should be to get back to his group.
(1) For about two seconds. After coming within inches of her head.
(2) Because she'd notify other wildlings of their presence.
(3) See 2.
(4) He fell for ONE of her tricks and after hours of walking with her.
(5) They had several conversations.
(6) See 2. He's trying to get back. And he's taking her with him.

Aside from all of the above, they've made it pretty obvious that he is being led to some extent by his dick.

You seem to really like Jon. Maybe you're a bit jealous? ;)


Jon previously seemed to catch and notice details that others didn't. Like he followed that incest guy and found out about what he did to the sons.
Well, he didn't exactly notice the detail himself. It was told to him by that... wildling girl who's name I can't remember right now. Then he just happened to notice Craster going out in the middle of the night.

And wasn't he chosen to be the assistant of the head guy and given the sword because they saw him as someone who could lead?
Well.. partly, yes, but one of the reasons is probably because he's one of the few who is from a high-born family (even if a bastard) and has thus been getting some kind of schooling that is probably good for a leader to have.

And they allowed him into a very small group where it was important to not make mistakes or drag the group down. They were going to do some special secret stuff in the Wildling's territory. You don't bring an unskilled or dumb guy to something so important. And they obviously trusted him enough to leave him alone to execute the girl.
I had no indication at all that he's supposed to be dumb and isn't as skilled.
Well, he's not dumb or unskilled, but he IS inexperienced and has problems with killing women. And that backfired on him in the last two episodes. He's simply not a coldblooded killer.

The Xaro thing isn't a huge deal. I was just posting what immediately came to mind about the last episode. It just made me go "huh?" when it went right from "I would never" to "I did."
Wasn't it Pyat Pree (or whatever that creepy guys name was, I always forget) who said "I did it", not Xaro?

I'm not even talking about his interactions with the the girl. It's the repeated chase scenes and how he's so unable to respond to anything she says.
That's probably because she isn't what he expected wildlings to be like.

I thought she clearly wanted him dead. She's always threatening him and stuff. And he's clearly an enemy of her brother's. And isn't he running the entire thing at that castle? I would think she'd want to escape.
You think she could escape if Tywin was killed? If anything, her being so close to him is making it impossible for her to kill (she is always around Tywin and people know she's from the North). Also, she saw what Tywin's arrival did to Harrenhaal (it went from a torture chamber to a much more tolerable place, though still not the happiest place in Westeros). Killing Tywin would likely just cause chaos that would cause harm to her & other innocent people.
(might as well spoiler this...)


God help me for what I'm about to do.

(1) For about two seconds. After coming within inches of her head.
(2) Because she'd notify other wildlings of their presence.
(3) See 2.
(4) He fell for ONE of her tricks and after hours of walking with her.
(5) They had several conversations.
(6) See 2. He's trying to get back. And he's taking her with him.

Aside from all of the above, they've made it pretty obvious that he is being led to some extent by his dick.

Notify other wildlings of what?
"There are crows in the mountains."

They already knew that. The wildlings wouldn't know their position anymore and so it's not really notification of anything.

I remember him being tripped twice and giving chase. And in all conversations he's always totally clueless on how to respond. The smart thing to do now is to get back but let her be whatever. If he took her back, they'd just kill her anyway. So either kill her or let her go. His honor says to not kill her, so let her go and get back to the group without someone weighing you down.

Taking her along is more dangerous because she could leave signs, be loud, and mislead him. And that's exactly what she did so the wildings found them at the end of the last episode.

And I had no indication at all that he was "being led by his dick". He comes off to me as an honorable boy-scout type character. He actually seemed the closest to Ned Stark out of all the children to me. Maybe that's why I like him so much.


Well, he didn't exactly notice the detail himself. It was told to him by that... wildling girl who's name I can't remember right now. Then he just happened to notice Craster going out in the middle of the night.
I don't remember that. I just remember him noticing and following.

Well.. partly, yes, but one of the reasons is probably because he's one of the few who is from a high-born family (even if a bastard) and has thus been getting some kind of schooling that is probably good for a leader to have.
I thought nothing like that mattered on the wall. It didn't matter where you were born, how you were educated or trained, etc. Everyone starts equal I thought.

Well, he's not dumb or unskilled, but he IS inexperienced and has problems with killing women. And that backfired on him in the last two episodes. He's simply not a coldblooded killer.
I responded to this in my previous post about how I think he should know not to keep her around if he can't kill her.

Wasn't it Pyat Pree (or whatever that creepy guys name was, I always forget) who said "I did it", not Xaro?
Um... Maybe I was wrong then. I just remember Xaro walking up with the creepy undead house guy. I thought he said "we did it" basically.

That's probably because she isn't what he expected wildlings to be like.
That doesn't seem like a reason to be completely out of it the entire time. He was able to chat with Tyrion wasn't he? In the first season when Tyrion visited the wall.

You think she could escape if Tywin was killed? If anything, her being so close to him is making it impossible for her to kill (she is always around Tywin and people know she's from the North). Also, she saw what Tywin's arrival did to Harrenhaal (it went from a torture chamber to a much more tolerable place, though still not the happiest place in Westeros). Killing Tywin would likely just cause chaos that would cause harm to her & other innocent people.
(might as well spoiler this...)

Well I imagine she would be preparing to sneak out while Jaqen did his thing. Tywin is the only one holding the war at all with Robb. If she took him out, the Lannisters would fall. No one else has shown that they're capable of any sort of strategy. She even gets to see how incompetent everyone else is in their strategy meetings with Tywin.

I didn't think she was the type of person who would be thinking about the other stuff you're talking about.


I won't bitch about the show anymore if someone can .gif the Jaime mob scene. The staggering drunk extras, the tiny tap on Jaime's shin, the guy that can't control the horse, the branch getting stuck between the mob, etc. There's too much material. If this show were considered garbage everyone would use that scene as an example of how much of a parody this show is.

It's a heckuva lot to .gif, but after that kind offer how could I resist!










I don't remember that. I just remember him noticing and following.
You don't remember the scene where Sam brings Jon that pregnant girl who almost spills the beans about what Craster does to the boy babies?

I thought nothing like that mattered on the wall. It didn't matter where you were born, how you were educated or trained, etc. Everyone starts equal I thought.
Well, it kind of doesn't (and Jon still has to go through all the same shit the other new recruits do), but the set of skills that a leader needs can probably be found more in people like Jon (who've been trained for battle & other skills ever since they were a child) than a farmer's boy, so Mormont takes a young person like Jon under his wings so that he can be the leader when old people like Mormont have already been six feet under even due to natural reasons. Also, Jon did show some leadership skills early on, so it's not only because of where he comes from.

I responded to this in my previous post about how I think he should know not to keep her around if he can't kill her.
Well... in the books he doesn't, but then again in the books he isn't alone. Don't think it's particularly safe to let a wildling go when you are alone. She'd just kill him in his sleep.

Um... Maybe I was wrong then. I just remember Xaro walking up with the creepy undead house guy. I thought he said "we did it" basically.
It was definitely Pyat Pree who said "I took them, they are at our tower", though him teaming up with Xaro soon after probably implicates he had his hands in it as well.

That doesn't seem like a reason to be completely out of it the entire time. He was able to chat with Tyrion wasn't he? In the first season when Tyrion visited the wall.
Well, to be fair, she is very straightforward. I'd think anyone would be a bit baffled when confronted by such a woman, especially if 1) you hadn't been around too many girls of your age & 2) most of the girls/women you knew acted like "proper ladies", not like "hey, let's fuck. What? No? Awwww, scared of a little wildling girl? come oooooon, you'll like it"

I didn't think she was the type of person who would be thinking about the other stuff you're talking about.
She didn't pick the Tickler as her first victim without a good reason. There's Hot Pie & Gendry, at the very least, who she still cares about. They'd all be in danger if Tywin wasn't there to keep everyone in order.


Yeah, that director is a hack.

He told a bunch of guys to act mad at Jaime Lannister, and instead they're falling all over each other.

It's almost like there are too many people to assault one man at the same time.


Hahaha, great, the two I wanted. Although the magic of the scene is lost in split gifs. I won't bitch about the show anymore (until Blackwater comes along, no doubt. Can't blame me for that.)


I thought we were discussing how extras and not-completely sold shin kicks rendered this show worse than Big Bang Theory. My bad.

Lol, how does one (and no, you're not the "one" in this scenario!) even notice that? These people.. these people. I'm pretty much embarrassed for them.

That scene played out pretty fucking convincingly in real time. People seriously are just looking for stuff to bitch about. Jamie's portrayal has been absolutely perfect btw. Everything has been in line with his character and his desire for self-preservation.

And about the other thing some are bitching about... repeat after me people: "This isn't the book." "This isn't the book." The fact kinslaying is so horribly taboo and perhaps even worse than killing the king himself does not have to exist in this version of the story.


I just find it odd that they were 95% 1:1 with season 1/book 1. With season 2 it's like 60% with changing plot-lines thus also changing character development.

I wonder what made them want to take a different route with season 2/book 2.
Book 2 is longer. Even with Book 1 there was plenty of rushing & cutting, imagine what happens with an even longer book.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Is this part of your post a joke? 7 million an episode is a staggeringly large budget for an hour long television drama.
Not with the way they're filming it. They have a huge cast across 3 different countries. That ain't cheap. Hell, Deadwood was $5 million an episode. GoT is under funded.
Question for everyone. Which would you prefer:

A) GoT is cancelled after three seasons and GRRM goes on to complete the remaining books, wrapping up the entire series.
B) GoT makes it to season 7 (The Winds of Winter), but due to his investment in the show GRRM is not able to begin the final book (Dream of Spring) before passing away.

Why is B even an option?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Question for everyone. Which would you prefer:

A) GoT is cancelled after three seasons and GRRM goes on to complete the remaining books, wrapping up the entire series.
B) GoT makes it to season 7 (The Winds of Winter), but due to his investment in the show GRRM is not able to begin the final book (Dream of Spring) before passing away.
C) GoT makes it to season 7, George only overviews the scripts and filiming of certain scenes of import and finishes Dream of Spring before passing away.
Are people really bitching about that stuff? Lol. Some people in this thread are some big nitpickers.
So far Episode 6 felt like the peak of the season, episode 7 didn't even give a small decline it just felt like a nosedive in comparison.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I've kind of fallen off the wagon at the moment. My disappointment with the show isn't directly linked to my love of the books, it's linked to the direction, performances and writing.

It's all getting a bit cheesy.


Not with the way they're filming it. They have a huge cast across 3 different countries. That ain't cheap. Hell, Deadwood was $5 million an episode. GoT is under funded.

It's funded as much as it can be. They're limited to just 10 episodes a season for that reason, and Deadwood was cut short early because of budget issues, along with Rome.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's funded as much as it can be. They're limited to just 10 episodes a season for that reason, and Deadwood was cut short early because of budget issues, along with Rome.

I don't think either of those shows were nearly as profitable as Game of Thrones is.


I would bang a hot farmer!
C) GoT makes it to season 7, George only overviews the scripts and filiming of certain scenes of import and finishes Dream of Spring before passing away.

So far Episode 6 felt like the peak of the season, episode 7 didn't even give a small decline it just felt like a nosedive in comparison.
D) GRRM ditches Wild Cards so that C) is possible.
I've kind of fallen off the wagon at the moment. My disappointment with the show isn't directly linked to my love of the books, it's linked to the direction, performances and writing.

It's all getting a bit cheesy.

Exactly! I'm not even a huge fan of the books, I haven't read past book 3. But, I like having things to hate on. It's all in good fun. Remember Lost season 6? Good times, good times.


I think Game of Thrones is a highly enjoyable show.

The only issue I have with it is the shortage of really memorable characters. I don't want to see more battles. I like to see people interact in interesting ways.
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