Funky Papa
- Interview with Oona Chaplin *might be some spoilers in here*
- Interview with Oona Chaplin *might be some spoilers in here*
Ha ha, I was wondering how long it'd take you to say something. Posting that article was the equivalent of lighting up the Funky Papa bat signal.
Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter?
Mind blown.gif
Also makes you realize that a century really isn't that long.
The OP is updated with some longer episode synopses for Ep 2.06-2.09 that WiC posted. Spoilers, obviously. Also, the unconfirmed title for Ep 2.10 was added, as well.
It's always entertaining to see other actors geeking about about GoT.Have you seen Girls on HBO?
No. I guess I'll get around to it eventually. I'm more of a Game of Thrones kind of guy. I'm a little freaked out about Game of Thrones right now. That's more my speed. I really can't wait to see what happens when the North and South fight and who's going to win. I want to see if the daughter who hides as a boy, if they're going to find her out and how she'll eventually get back to her family. It just has a lot of things I really, really appreciate. A lot of good writing, a lot of good acting.
Do you want to do fantasy like that?
Why not? I'm doing a period piece right now with Boardwalk Empire.
Racking my head on who Michael Williams could play as in GoT (not speculating he's being considered just a wish). I'd love for him to come in Season 3 or 4. Maybe when Dorne comes into the picture? Oh man.
hbo pls
Ya definitely! Also Tommen [AFFC]I like how they're taking some characters like Margaery and [ACOK]and making them a bit bigger than they were in the books.Jeyne
It's going to really pay off in the future.
Racking my head on who Michael Williams could play as in GoT (not speculating he's being considered just a wish). I'd love for him to come in Season 3 or 4. Maybe when Dorne comes into the picture? Oh man.
hbo pls
Racking my head on who Michael Williams could play as in GoT (not speculating he's being considered just a wish). I'd love for him to come in Season 3 or 4. Maybe when Dorne comes into the picture? Oh man.
hbo pls
I don't care that it doesn't make any sense...
Dondarrion comin' yo!
I don't care that it doesn't make any sense...
Dondarrion comin' yo!
A couple more items from today:
- Digital Spy: 10 teasers about 'Garden of Bones' *spoilers for next Sunday's episode, please tag any discussion*
I know everybody thinks Beric will be recast (quite rightly I'm sure) but they certainly could not replace him with a black guy.
fanfiction not safe for anyone
Arya: A man must have a code
Dondarrion: Oh indeed
I forgot gutshot has already seen ep4. Jealous, looks like a lot of great material from the preview.
It's okay its not even a spoiler really, just a cool tidbit, but I'll spoiler anyway for consistency.Yeah, sorry, probably should have prefaced my remark with the clarification that it is not a spoiler one would know just from watching the previews. And yes, ep14 is pretty insane!
With regards to the Michael K. Williams discussion, after watching the ep last night, I found it interesting that [minor ep14 spoilers]Xaro Xhoan Daxos announces himself as a Summer Islander. They never said where Saan is from, but they may change his origin to the Summer Islands as well. Meaning, despite casting some PoC in roles that were non-PoC in the books, the writers have gone out of their way to keep them consistent with GRRM's racial descriptions. Assuming that they continue down this path, and in the unlikely event that Williams would be cast as someone in this show, it would need to be a character that could theoretically originate from the Summer Islands.
I absolutely love Michael K. Williams but I honestly don't think there are any characters in this fiction that he would be right for.
New episode descriptions [ACOK]Anyone else notice The House of the Undying is mentioned?
Dondarrion already appeared.I don't care that it doesn't make any sense...
Dondarrion comin' yo!
New episode descriptions [ACOK]Anyone else notice The House of the Undying is mentioned?
Dondarrion already appeared.
Right but in the context of figuring out which characters the actor could play on the, it was a reference to Omar from The Wire
Doesn't matter if he's white and we've seen him. Thoros turns him black. (Played by Bunk.)
I absolutely love Michael K. Williams but I honestly don't think there are any characters in this fiction that he would be right for.
- Interview with Oona Chaplin *might be some spoilers in here*