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Gamespot Doom 3 Review!!!

If Doom 3 is really anything like Doom 1 or 2 then I know I'll enjoy it. If they put too much "fluff" in it to appease a new audience it may just turn me away.


What was the print mag that got the "WORLD EXCLUSIVE FIRST DOOM 3 REVIEW" privileges? And what score did they give it?


PCGamer: 94 i think, and they said it was better than sliced bread or something

after reading Greg K's gamespot review, I have to say he pretty much hits the nail on the head of my feelings towards this game.

Doom 3, for me, marks the point where Id has stopped setting the bar for other FPS games to follow.
evilromero said:
If Doom 3 is really anything like Doom 1 or 2 then I know I'll enjoy it. If they put too much "fluff" in it to appease a new audience it may just turn me away.

Admittingly, I've played very little of Doom 3 and I probably won't play it again until I do the full upgrade in a few months. But, in my brief time with Doom 3, I'd say it's very much a throwback to the previous Dooms.

Some people view that as a bad thing for some strange reason or another.


Hmmm...i would think it should have scored higher but it is just a long tech demo.



siege said:
If you couldn't quick save, Gamespot would have complained and still docked it.

Perhaps, but it would have pleased me greatly, which is what really matters when I'm playing the game, not Kasavin's magical review score.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
very fair review, if you ask me. probably kasavin's best review. i only played it for about an hour last night. i enjoyed it but that's because i'm a graphics whore.




Ristamar said:
Perhaps, but it would have pleased me greatly, which is what really matters when I'm playing the game, not Kasavin's magical review score.

The thing is, you don't have to use quicksave. It autosaves between levels, so just play it without using it.


siege said:
The thing is, you don't have to use quicksave. It autosaves between levels, so just play it without using it.

Eh, definitely not the same thing, nor is it an acceptable substitute, but whatever. It's not worth arguing about.


A pretty balanced score about in line with what I would give it. Good graphics, It looked incredible 2 years ago, but now I would say average to above average in that respect. Great lighting so +10 for that. BUT even though I'm only past the first level, I can already tell it's generally gonna be the same shit over and over.

If you wanna be really anal, you could say it would be like being stuck in Halo's library for an entire game. With great lighting and good textures.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to play it, and the nostalgia factor is a cool bonus. Solid game. Don't see a huge mod following on it though. I does have the lighting, Half-Life has everything else.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Best single player fps since Metroid Prime. Its all about the atmosphere and action. I'll leave all the stealth and puzzles to half-life 2. The only im dissapointed in is the multiplayer so far.

PS this game is called DOOM 3..not half life 3 or halo 3..dont go in there expecting more than doom. If you dont like ID games stay out!


Doom 3- 8.5
Goldeneye 007- 9.8

If you want a real First Person Shooter stick to Goldeneye 007 for N64, Doom 3 pales in comparison.*


Oh snap!

*Disclaimer: quote may or may not be real.


Yeah, this was supposed to be a GOTY candidate, so this is a disappointing score.

The fact that games like Far Cry and Riddick have been out for a while really dimmed the luster of Doom 3.


I wouldn't have given it much higher than a 7.5. From the harsh tones I think they might have wanted to give it less, but realistically I think 8.5 is going to be as low as they can go without creating a huge backlash that forces them to change the review (as with Shenmue and Metal Gear Solid).

Halo 2 will definitely crush id's newest, and even though I'm not the biggest Half-Life fan I think that Valve will surely manage to top the game. Since I haven't actually played either, FarCry is still the frontrunner for Single Player FPS of the Year.
seige said:
If you couldn't quick save, Gamespot would have complained and still docked it.
Find me a Greg Kasavin review where he docks the score for a checkpoint save system. He's mostly known for console reviews, so I certainly don't see why he would care...he deals with it in basically every single PS2/Xbox game.

FarCry has a checkpoint save system and got a 9.3 at Gamespot (not from Kasavin though).

As many others have pointed out in the past, playing through a "Quicksave" oriented game without Quicksaving just doesn't work. The levels are more-or-less designed around the Quicksave feature, and you can't realistically expect to make it through a full stage of firefights alive.
teiresias said:
What was the print mag that got the "WORLD EXCLUSIVE FIRST DOOM 3 REVIEW" privileges? And what score did they give it?

"A masterpiece of the artform" -- The cheesy quote from that review went right onto the box art of the game. "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours".


Halo 2 will definitely crush id's newest

Why do you think that? The first Halo was crap. From what I've read in the previews, it looks like the sequel will be very similiar with a few refinements.

Edit: I should say I'm looking forward to Halo 2, but it's more a case of being caught up in the hype train than anything. The first one was a huge disappointment after all the rave reviews it recieved.


I agree with the review so far. I have only played about three hours and I am quite surprised at the weak level design. Game is awesome to look at and it is does create some tension, but it also feels predictable. Doesn't hold a candle to HALO single player. I don't get how some people feel HALO is a simplistic FPS (ie Siege), that statement seems quite bizarre to me.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
olimario said:
Games like this don't deserve above a 9. That said, 8.5 is very good.
ID should be proud.

I have a feeling this game will be very ugly in 4 years time.

I would say you are very VERY wrong about that last comment...

Doom 3 should remain very beautiful to behold, even years down the road. While certain aspects of the world will become rather ugly over time, the game animates better than basically any other FPS on the market. It animates SO well, in fact, that you often feel as if you are seeing CG quality animation during gameplay. On future hardware, having the game run with great image quality plus this ultra smooth animation will provide something very nice looking. Games that age well often fail to compare to anything technologically current...but Doom 3 just moves so beautifully that I think it will hold up very well.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Playing on Hard difficulty, I am quicksaving after damn near every enemy encounter. Armor feels worthless, and the slightest rub from an enemy can whittle off HUGE health. Currently in the room where the 'spiders' first appear...and I mean REALLY show up, and I've probably quickloaded a half-dozen times already trying to get through that little ambush alone. They just shred me up!

Is normal that easy?

Oh and I agree with border, though I didn't feel Farcry deserved much more than an 8.5 as well, I so far do prefer it to Doom 3. Hell I even prefer Painkiller. This is 7/10 territory stuff in my book...along with Riddick.


siege said:
Why do you think that?
Probably because I think that the first Halo wasn't "crap", and is arguably the best single-player FPS of the last 5 years. Even if it's more of the same, it can outshine Doom 3 unless Bungie does something that seriously breaks the gameplay. The gripe that id's game is not so much that it "doesn't innovate", but that the conventions it uses are pretty tired and just not that fun anymore.


Normal so far for me (three hours) has been a cake walk. I never have been below 75 health or below 70 armor. Probably will get harder but it has been a breeze so far.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Damn i must be playing a totally different game cause this sucka has me by the balls. I played half-life and goldeneye...and this one is far more enjoyble than those games ever were...sp wise. Shit I only finished half-life last year anticipation for Half-life2, i remembered why i never finished..boring.

BTW play the game on veteran, a lot more intense.


The Shadow said:
But, in my brief time with Doom 3, I'd say it's very much a throwback to the previous Dooms.
Change that to "previous Quakes" and I'd agree. Doom 3 lacks the high-speed, you vs. many gameplay formula of Doom. Instead it's more tight corridors with you vs. a few at a time. ie, Quake single-player with some extra Satan thrown in.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Why do you think that? The first Halo was crap. From what I've read in the previews, it looks like the sequel will be very similiar with a few refinements.

Damn, that's harsh! I'd also agree with border on this one. In my eyes, Halo is one of the very best FPS games ever created. The actual gameplay is so superior to virtually every other FPS on the market, that it often becomes a challenge to revert to those games. Halo plays so beautifully an is a true to play...


dark10x said:
Damn, that's harsh! I'd also agree with border on this one. In my eyes, Halo is one of the very best FPS games ever created. The actual gameplay is so superior to virtually every other FPS on the market, that it often becomes a challenge to revert to those games. Halo plays so beautifully an is a true to play...

I agree it plays well with the AI and having to use tactics to advance, but the multiplayer flat out sucks, the level design is horrid, and the story is a joke. It was just mind numbingly boring to me.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion

Just finished that part up (and will continue at that point tomorrow) and oy, too many of them, and I hate spiders :/
BenT said:
Change that to "previous Quakes" and I'd agree. Doom 3 lacks the high-speed, you vs. many gameplay formula of Doom. Instead it's more tight corridors with you vs. a few at a time. ie, Quake single-player with some extra Satan thrown in.

thats pretty accurate


the multiplayer flat out sucks, the level design is horrid, and the story is a joke
How can you bash Halo if you are fashioning yourself as Doom 3 fan? Isn't it id's game where the 2/3 of levels consist of near-identical gray corridors and the plot is a slightly trumped up version of a 10-year-old game? The freakin' story is more or less the same -- an ancient secret has been released and now you kill a bunch of monsters/aliens to prevent the end of mankind.

As for shitty multiplayer.....well, have fun on the 4 multiplayer maps that id hands you.....while only allowing 4 players at a time....while giving you even less weapon variety than the later Quake games had....


I liked Halo outside of its 'retrace the map' stages. I'm liking Doom3 because the atmosphere has actually had me turn the game off - first game I've played in a while where the tension actually made me need to stop for a while :) The darkness and lighting work to good effect, but I have to admit that you could almost do with a lot less if it meant that the game would perform better.

I think one of the reasons that Doom3 doesn't have the you vs many play mechanic is that the engine just can't handle it. Unless you've got a fairly beefy/modern card - you're likely playing around 30fps on 640x480 with low detail. If you started throwing in large numbers of shaded creatures - the game would likely become a slide show.


border said:
How can you bash Halo if you are fashioning yourself as Doom 3 fan? Isn't it id's game where the 2/3 of levels consist of near-identical gray corridors and the plot is a slightly trumped up version of a 10-year-old game? The freakin' story is more or less the same -- an ancient secret has been released and now you kill a bunch of monsters/aliens to prevent the end of mankind.

As for shitty multiplayer.....well, have fun on the 4 multiplayer maps that id hands you.....while only allowing 4 players at a time....while giving you even less weapon variety than the later Quake games had....

Well, the story isn't a pulitzer prize contender, but it's supported by a fantastic atmosphere that really draws you in. Halo failed to do that with it's bland level design and goofy aliens.

As for the multiplayer comment, there is already an unofficial way to host 16 players on a server. However, I've grown fond of the 4 player limit. The games are alot more intimate and suspenseful instead of being a spawn rape fest. Less weapon variety? Pistol, Machinegun, Chaingun, Plasmagun, Rocket launcher, Shotgun, and Grenades. Basically the same variety as any other FPS.
efralope said:
well, there goes any chance of outselling Halo 2 or Half-Life 2 probably...

that will probably be the real FPS battle for '04

It might be close. I went to 2 stores looking for Doom 3. Both were sold out.
Fry's sold out of 100 copies in less than an hour. I can't remember the last time I saw this big of a rush for a single game.


The game is great till you get bored. Then it just gets repetitive. The levels all start too look the same. I really wish It felt more like Doom 1/2 did. I was so hoping this would be a classic. Oh well, bring on HL2. :)

Musashi Wins!

I agree, the tension is really good sometimes. I also agree with the review that the set-ups for ambush etc. are somewhat predictable like clockwork, but they keep me tense all the same. It doesn't feel like the old Dooms to me but that's probably just time and perspective playing with the memory of them. It's certainly not the same awe, but the gaming world has changed a lot. I'm really enjoying it, it's a solid title, but it's not in the same league as Halo, Riddick or Far Cry IMHO (since they keep coming up for some reason). Still happy to play it though :)


As big a fan of Doom3 as I am at the moment, 4-6 player multiplayer sucks donkey balls. No other way to put it - that SUCKS!


Less weapon variety?
No railgun, lightning gun, or grenade launcher as in Quake multiplayer. No sniper rifle as in pretty much every other FPS. None of the weapons have an alternate fire mode either as in other FPS titles (not Halo though).

Halo's "bland level design"? Do you prefer a game that is chocked to the brim with dark metal corridors? If it's that then maybe I can understand, but the flaws in the latter half of Halo (repeating areas) are multipled two or three-fold in Doom 3.
Well, I'm enjoying it allot more then I did Riddick, Halo, or MP. Still, I think its overhyped. Its a solid title, but I don't get the same sense I do from the original doom games. Partially its there, but the sense of being overrun by hordes of foes is gone. Instead, its replaced with a feeling of intense dread thats pretty tangible.

Even though its primarily single player, I have to compare it to other more multi oriented FPS. For me, Tribes 2 is the greatest FPS ever made. Played some more of it tonight. Definitely trumps Doom big time in the gameplay department, but I'd be lying if I didn't look at the screen and say to myself "Damn, do I have all the graphic options turned on?". Other games look empty after Doom.

Still to dark though, and the whole flashlight thing gets on my nerves. Not enough to stop me from enjoying it though.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"Big deal, Far Cry is 90% with 76 reviews. We'll see if Doom 3 stays higher."



border said:
No railgun, lightning gun, or grenade launcher as in Quake multiplayer. No sniper rifle as in pretty much every other FPS. None of the weapons have an alternate fire mode either as in other FPS titles (not Halo though).

Halo's "bland level design"? Do you prefer a game that is chocked to the brim with dark metal corridors? If it's that then maybe I can understand, but the flaws in the latter half of Halo (repeating areas) are multipled two or three-fold in Doom 3.

Railgun sucks. It ruined Q3A. A sniper rifle has no place in Doom 3 and a grenade launcher isn't needed when there are hand grenades. A lightning gun would have been nice, but it was never a weapon in the original Doom's. I hate alternate fire weapons too. 99% of the time, only one of the modes is ever useful.

Anyway, to put an end to the argument...it's all a matter of preference in regards to which is the better game. I can certainly see why Halo is favored so highly, but I guess I've always prefered the id games. They aren't chock full of innovation or do they try to be revolutionary.

Run 'n gun action polished to perfection with top notch technology.

The relevance is that Doom 3 will be, at most, the 3rd best PC FPS this year. I don't play boring simplistic FPS's like that, but hey. I prefer games with huge organic environments and vehicles, like Halo or Far Cry. Doom 3 is 1994 with better graphics.


siege said:
Railgun sucks. It ruined Q3A. A sniper rifle has no place in Doom 3 and a grenade launcher isn't needed when there are hand grenades. A lightning gun would have been nice, but it was never a weapon in the original Doom's. I hate alternate fire weapons too. 99% of the time, only one of the modes is ever useful.
There's still less weapon variety than Quake 2-3, even if you didn't like the railgun. Plenty of other people liked it and used it to good effectiveness. The grenade launcher is way better than tossing grenades by hand -- the rate of fire is far quicker and the arch is a bit easier to predict. And the alternate fire modes in every other FPS suck? C'mon now you are really stretching the shit thin.

If you don't want a multiplayer experience that has more features than games from 8 years ago, that's fine. But don't say that Doom 3 is "basically the same variety as any other FPS". It's pretty clearly outclassed by multiplayer-focused peers, and I'm sure even id will admit that.

Similarly, if you just like the gameplay style of Doom 3 better, that's fine. I just don't get that you choose to knock Halo for some of the exact same problems that Doom 3 has.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
siege said:
Railgun sucks. It ruined Q3A.

Somebody sucks with the rail ;) The greatest ID ever did was introduce the Mighty Rail gun. It seperated the men from the boys. If id did anything wrong with q3a is fuck with the perfection that was the q2 rail.


7 for sound ?

thats wrong on so many fucking levels..... were they playing with headphones or something ?
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