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Gamespot Doom 3 Review!!!


I didn't see much of anything wrong with the rail gun in Quake 2. It required pinpoint accuracy and if you missed then you were saddled with a fairly lengthy recoil. It was a decent way to balance out its power and it wasn't always a 1-hit kill. I didn't play much Q3A, though IIRC they sped up the recoil a little bit and decreased the damage a little bit.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I dont get some of you guys...Did you guys want doom to take place in a jungle with vehicles in broad daylight and a sniper rifle? This is a seriuosly scary game..right up there with silent Hill and resident evil, this is what Id wanted to do. If you want squad based, sniper rifles, vehicles, large environents DOOM is obviously not for you.


I've played about 3 hours of Doom 3 today and I'd agree with the 8.5 score. The game is a great game, but I don't think it is exceptional. Definitely a step up from IDs previous three efforts though. Fun to play, and is definitely action packed, but to a degree I do wish this was more like the Doom of yore where tons of enemies pumped out at once. Plus most the baddies look too grey. Does Hell not offer more color?


Doc Holliday said:
I dont get some of you guys...Did you guys want doom to take place in a jungle with vehicles in broad daylight and a sniper rifle?
No need for jungles and daylight. It just might be nice if 70-80% of the levels didn't look exactly alike....or if there was actually some interesting architecture to navigate through...


Doc Holliday said:
Somebody sucks with the rail ;) The greatest ID ever did was introduce the Mighty Rail gun. It seperated the men from the boys. If id did anything wrong with q3a is fuck with the perfection that was the q2 rail.

Notice I said it ruined Q3A. The Railgun in Q2 was perfect. Btw, I'm really good with the railgun in Q3A. Everyone is and therein lies the problem.


Doc Holliday said:
I actually dig the architecture, reminds me of aliens.

Yeah I was actually playing the game and thing about what it would be like for a new Aliens versus Predator game using the Doom3 engine.


Doc Holliday said:
As much as like doom3 right now a big part of me wishes ID had releases Quake 4 arena or something.

Raven is developing Quake 4 right now.

I wonder if I could head to Madison and check it out.....


The architecture in Doom 2 was probably much more varied than in Doom 3, actually. I'll grant that they used the same textures over and over, but the way the levels were constructed was far more imaginative. Doom 3 is essentially just a bunch of hallways, small rooms, and locked doors with the occaisional elevator thrown in.

I suppose it's kind of a testament to the power of shitty graphics. When they knew that the walls and doors and everything in Doom 2 were going to look exactly alike, they realized that they had to construct some interesting and distinctive locales. In Doom 3 they realized that the graphics would be carrying the game and all of a sudden the layout of each level didn't seem to matter much at all....


I was fine with the review score at first (the review itself sucks, par for Kasavin) until I saw they gave Far Cry a 9.2! If Doom 3 is an 8.5, FarCry is an 8--at best.


Yusaku said:
until I saw they gave Far Cry a 9.2!.
One of these days, people will understand that game magazines and websites are not a collective hive mind, and that different reviewers will have different criteria and different tastes. Kasavin isn't really saying that the game is worse than FarCry because, well, he had nothing to do with the FarCry review.

Of course I think FarCry is better than Doom 3 anyway, but that's another story ;)
siege said:
The first Halo was crap. From what I've read in the previews, it looks like the sequel will be very similiar with a few refinements.

Edit: I should say I'm looking forward to Halo 2
The first Halo was crap... Halo 2 look like it will be similar with a few refinements... You're looking forward to Halo 2

How are people supposed to take you seriously?


I like DooM3 a lot.
Playing it late at night with a good sound system truly draws you in and you feel as if you are in the game.

I can understand that people who rushed thru the game on easy during the day when the sun glares at the screen have no love for it.
You simply lose the psychological effect that the night provides to enhance your uncertainty.


The first Halo was crap... Halo 2 look like it will be similar with a few refinements... You're looking forward to Halo 2

How are people supposed to take you seriously?
Well in fairness a lot of people's complaints about Halo were that there wasn't enough level variety.....the second half of the game has several sections where you basically retread areas already covered in the first half. This is an admittedly sloppy and rushed design decision meant to extend game length without producing any real "new" levels. Given that Bungie has had a full 3 years for the sequel the consensus is that you probably won't spend much time going back over old ground. Thus, that gives you something to look forward to.

I think that the strength of the gameplay in Halo makes the repetition forgivable, but Doom 3's gameplay is too flat and straightforward to excuse the same-ish levels. While you never revisit any old areas, everything has a very homogeneous aesthetic and archictecture. If you are the type of person that plays an FPS to see a good variety of locales, then Doom certainly isn't for you.....just as the later sections of Halo will probably rub you the wrong way.

The other serious gripe about the Halo multiplayer is something I don't really get. In LAN play it's a total blast. The weapon balance is particularly outstanding, especially when you consider that something like Doom is going to be dominated by nothing but the chaingun and rocket launcher. Even with Halo's stock pistol (& plasma pistol), you stand a good chance in a firefight even against the bigger guns if you are able to use the basic weapons right. If you only have the pistol you can still take down someone with a rapid-fire assault rifle or plasma rifle. In Doom, pistol vs. chaingun is going to be a blowout every single time.


Mike Works said:
The first Halo was crap... Halo 2 look like it will be similar with a few refinements... You're looking forward to Halo 2

How are people supposed to take you seriously?

I said I was looking forward to it due to all the hype surrounding it. Maybe it will be a better this game this time around, but I'm betting it will be another disappointment.

Also, I honestly don't give a fuck if I'm not being taken 'seriously.' I'm simply stating my opinion on Doom 3 and how people like to bash it for being nothing new while lapping up crap like Halo cause the forum is full of console faggots. Yeah, you got me. I knew I was going to get banned after typing that out and yes, it was intentional.

Fuck you Mike Works, border, and any other faggot that doesn't agree with my opinion.

Nintendo is for kids. The Playstation 2 has shitty graphics. I love the Xbox because it's closer to being a PC than anything else. GAF has far too many fags boasting their love of cock. Politically correct or not, I don't care - if you're gay...you're fucked in the head. The OT forum is entertaining and lots of cool people post over there. Too bad the mods show favortism and ban you for stupid shit while allowing fags like Suerte to post pictures of Donnie Darko constantly while telling us all how much he wants to suck his dick. Bishop banned me a few weeks back for saying Tony Hawk Underground 2 looked shitty, so I assumed it must be the PS2 version. Wtf? FUCK YOU, BISHOP! THE PS2 IS GARBAGE!

See you guys in a week or so under a new name. Ta-ta!
Doc Holliday said:
I dont get some of you guys...Did you guys want doom to take place in a jungle with vehicles in broad daylight and a sniper rifle?

^^^^ except for vehicles = Serious Sam 2.

oh and Doom 3 is pretty good...just wish they would have made the gameplay more modern than make it a complete throwback to the old games....

oh well, still fun.



Wow we all just witnessed quite the meltdown, see the people who posted the In before HAT knew what they were doing.. haha


border said:
Well geez, I guess I kind of wasted my time on that "To be fair to him" post lol

I appreciate the kind gesture, border. So nice of you to be rational after 5 posts of garbage.

edit: Where the hell is a mod when you need one?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Extremely impressive from a technical standpoint yet behind the times from a first-person-shooter design standpoint: This is the dichotomy that is Doom 3, the long-awaited sequel from well-known Texas-based developer id Software

I hate high scores based on graphics alone.

So what makes Doom 3 special if it's just a basic corridor crawl in which you shoot anything that moves? For one thing, the foes you'll face--while not terribly smart--are a decidedly impressive and wonderfully animated lot, nonetheless.

Sounds like a 6.8 to me.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
No thanks. I'll just go on quoting GameSpot :p

Again, though, in spite of its shortcomings, Doom 3 certainly is a beautiful-looking game, so much so that simply running around in the environments becomes a pleasurable experience in and of itself. The environments offer little interactivity; you can knock over certain boxes and, as mentioned, use certain computers, but you can't damage most objects you see and you can't manipulate them in any way. But they're all really, really pretty.

I'm afraid Half-Life 2, Halo 2 and F.E.A.R. will destroy Doom III. Damn, even Killzone has a chance against it.
border said:
Well in fairness a lot of people's complaints about Halo were that there wasn't enough level variety.....the second half of the game has several sections where you basically retread areas already covered in the first half. This is an admittedly sloppy and rushed design decision meant to extend game length without producing any real "new" levels. Given that Bungie has had a full 3 years for the sequel the consensus is that you probably won't spend much time going back over old ground. Thus, that gives you something to look forward to.

I think that the strength of the gameplay in Halo makes the repetition forgivable, but Doom 3's gameplay is too flat and straightforward to excuse the same-ish levels. While you never revisit any old areas, everything has a very homogeneous aesthetic and archictecture. If you are the type of person that plays an FPS to see a good variety of locales, then Doom certainly isn't for you.....just as the later sections of Halo will probably rub you the wrong way.

The other serious gripe about the Halo multiplayer is something I don't really get. In LAN play it's a total blast. The weapon balance is particularly outstanding, especially when you consider that something like Doom is going to be dominated by nothing but the chaingun and rocket launcher. Even with Halo's stock pistol (& plasma pistol), you stand a good chance in a firefight even against the bigger guns if you are able to use the basic weapons right. If you only have the pistol you can still take down someone with a rapid-fire assault rifle or plasma rifle. In Doom, pistol vs. chaingun is going to be a blowout every single time.
some people would say that the default pistol is a bit too good in halo... and i would probably be one of them...


Will start substantiating his hate
Gamespot sucks for not giving the game the score it deserves. 2/3+ of the review is spent talking about all the negatives and yet it still gets an 8 in gameplay. Sad!

Musashi Wins!

lol. It's like those people who try to kill themselves but end up losing an eye or something.

I'm sure Doom 3 will continue to review well, we'll see cool mods, etc. No need to bust a gasket.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
from my blog entry today...

played more doom 3 last night and i think i'm starting to feel it. the first night i played, i was impressed graphically, but it didn't draw me in on the suspense level. last night, holy fuck, i was stressed out.

i'm still in the administration level so it's early on, but doom 3 is starting to feel more like silent hill / the suffering by the minute. a lot of strange, satanic cutscenes full of whispered child-like vocals, and that fucking room with the pulsating organic red mass and the pentagram on the floor. yeah, it's fucking lame that the horror here is so literal (pentagrams? c'mon) but the ambience is undeniably creepy. so much so that i had to stop playing and hit the sack (whereas i could probably have kept on going if it were farcry).

then last night, i have this strange dream where i found this fake dummy head modeled after jack black. it was sitting on my shelf. and when one of my friends went up to check it out, its mouth and eyes opened and huge thick centipedes came crawling out of its every orifice. they wrapped themselves around the head and rapidly devoured its host. then, to my dismay, they fell on the floor and burrowed themselves into the floor and carpet. i remember thinking, oh jesus, masako's going to have a fit no thanks to these centipedes.




$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Yusaku said:
I hope this game ends with a 3d Romero head on a pike.

One that utters 'Dakitana will make you my bitch' over and over...
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