Welp, now that all my characters are ascended to 81+, I decided to start leveling talents today. So much Mora and so many books.... Fuck.
I did a few runs of the domain for Zhongli's mats since it's up today and with a condensed resin I got 4 green and 4 blue books, at the highest level domain, after clearing it in like ~30 seconds.
Why do they make EVERYTHING such a shitty grind? It's just unsatisfying to spend that much resin and get what amounts to not even a level for a single talent, when each character has 3. The highest tier domain should guarantee at least 1 purple book per standard run, or 2 per condensed resin run.
Regardless, I got Chelde to 10/12/12, Eula to 9/9/7, Jean to 8/11/10, Zhongli to 7/9/9, and Ganyu to 8/5/5. Those were basically all with books I got from events that I haven't used. I still haven't used any of my crowns yet, we'll see when I feel like it. I have books leftover that none of them use, but I underestimated Mora cost of leveling talents, so I'm going to do them in order of importance.
At least I can safely skip the normal attack talents for all of my supports without affecting their gameplay literally at all. I can't imagine leveling up something like Xinyan, Beidou, or Barbara's normal attack talent unless I literally had nothing else to farm.