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George Broussard asks fans for scripted Duke Nukem Forever ideas




Assume there are Pig Cops running wild through Vegas and fighting against Earth forces or harrassing human civilians.

Feel free to post any interesting scripted events that contain the above elements. Nothing too complex. I'm talking about little 5-8 second things that you can see happening in the distance, or as you enter a new area, or whatever. Nothing that's 20 seconds long. Nothing that's going to invole 20 actors.

Examples: You walk up to a corner and see a Pig Cop dragging an EDF Soldier by his feet behind the wall. Or you walk up and see a Pig Cop holding an EDF Soldier off the ground with 1 arm, choking him, then he tosses the body aside.

think action moives. Think short, sweet and focused and things that aren't so complex you have to worry about interrupting them.

We have plenty of ideas, but it's always good to hear from people that play games.

I'll check back from time to time.
Wait, you've been working on this damned game for 7-8 years and you still need scripted events?!




- Pig cop checking his watch
- Pig cop asleep and snoring
- Pig cop tapping his foot
- Pig cop stroking his long white beard


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
He's going to need to come up with some unique ideas himself if he wants to be able to compete with Half-Life 3 and Battlefield 2008.
Cool, it actually sounds like they're going to finish this game, I'm HYPED.

and you people are flipping, scripted events are details and touch ups added towards the end of the development cycle.


Pig Cop beating the shit out of a game store employee when he hears Duke Nukem is NEVER coming out.

Pig Cop playing Doom3

Pig Cop playing HL2

Pig Cop playing Quake 4


First tragedy, then farce.
alternatively, Brousard holding up a sign that reads, "has anyone seen my dignity, I seem to have misplaced it"


Maybe he should ask fans for help on programming, graphics, gameplay, music.. you know, other things that need to be finished as well.

George Broussard is still alive?!

On a different note, there's a show on Discovery HD called Insectia that's hosted by this French Canadian with the greatest French Canadian accent you've ever heard. And his name?


Think about it...


Actually, I am stunned there are still people reading the 3dRealms forums... What the heck is up with that?


Examples: You walk up to a corner and see a Pig Cop dragging an EDF Soldier by his feet behind the wall. Or you walk up and see a Pig Cop holding an EDF Soldier off the ground with 1 arm, choking him, then he tosses the body aside.

With examples like that, why would they need to solicit ideas?!?! :lol


- Pig cop stroking his long white beard, Pai Mei style while watching a stripper do the three-inch punch in the gut of a rookie Pig Cop (his shirt would say ROOKIE on the back)

Fixed for FLAVA.


Serious question: what the hell are they doing with this game?

I mean...I just can't comprehend what is taking all this time, regardless of budget and resource constraints. I mean, do they have characters on the screen now? Do any of the characters have some type of primitive perceived intelligence? If it's going to be first-person, can you use the keyboard/mouse/controller to make the first-person camera move around yet? If you push a button, will it make the gun shoot yet?
Well, the dialogue's all been written, anyway.

One of my family member is an artist on that game. Saw some enemy artworks, let's just say that some of them are truly special...in a strange way.


I was going to try and come up with more clever things but I think I'll give it an ole GAF wtf.

Is the humor still retarded in this game? I mean c'mon.....Pig Cop? Does anyone, who doesn't work for 3drealms appearantly, really find this amusing; any redeeming comedy? Is there going to be a president getting worked over by an intern in the game or Duke in a white bronco getting chased by the pig cops? Who's doing the humor for this game? Jay Leno?

Edit: And since I am bitching about stale comedy how about Pig Cop selling his Gamecube


Here's an awesome one:

You go round the corner and see a Pig Cop playing HL2, then an EDF soldier comes out of nowhere and beats his ass down, forcing him back to his station to continue working on DNF instead.


Okay, okay, we could all stone DKF and it'd deserve it, but let's step back here a minute. Isn't this a good idea? The developers are involving the fans, in an attempt to make their game as good as possible. Remember, just because a select few fans know about these things, the vast majority will be impressed by little touches, and that will encourage good word of mouth (which is 100 times better than any advert). The game's history is a joke, but I approve of this move.


Koshiro said:
Okay, okay, we could all stone DKF and it'd deserve it, but let's step back here a minute. Isn't this a good idea? The developers are involving the fans, in an attempt to make their game as good as possible. Remember, just because a select few fans know about these things, the vast majority will be impressed by little touches, and that will encourage good word of mouth (which is 100 times better than any advert). The game's history is a joke, but I approve of this move.

No. This is NOT a good idea. Firstly, scripted events aren't just "last minute touches" that you ask people about and then implement as "polish". That's complete and utter bullcrap. If this was the first stage of development shortly after the game was announced and they were asking "Hey guys what would YOU like to see in the game?" that's fine but at this stage of development something like this is pretty embarassing. The way he puts the question out to fans shows he has no idea what he's doing and is pretty much an incompetent and confused guy in charge of the production of a game that is spiraling completely out of control. Add this to the sick history of this game's development and it's just another nail in the coffin.


duckroll said:
Firstly, scripted events aren't just "last minute touches"
Actually if you read the original post, they basically are. These ones are, that is. If you look at what he's asking for, it's just tiny little behaviours to polish up the believability and humour of the characters. These things could be easily added into "near finished" code, they just have to choose where to shove them in, on what level. They do not effect storyline, pace of the game, there is no player interaction, it's just like a soldier in MGS2 randomly saying something while he's on his patrol.
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