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Ghostwire Tokyo | Review Mega Thread

Full....? I mean I knew it was short but what the fuck. I was expecting a rushed campaign of 7-8h and maybe 15-20 if you do some other stuff but the main campaign below 4h in an open-world? Maybe I should get it on a sale like Karak Karak said.
Way too many cut scenes so far, especially considering how short the game supposedly is..I actually like the game though it’s pretty stylish. Nothing groundbreaking, but pretty cool.

Probably should’ve came in at 39.99.


This just seems like Far Cry with a more stylish aesthetic. More stylish being kinda relative. Enemy designs don't seem as interesting as past titles.


Moderated wildly
So stylish, but my open world fatigue is at an unreal level. I just cant get into this anytime soon.

Absolutely love the style and want to throw out some Jutsu but yeah, will wait.


75 on metacritic is pretty good...i have played plenty of games that are 7/10s and enjoyed them plenty. At four hours long though I'm not gonna shell out $85 (AUD), I will just wait for it to go to Game Pass


It blows my mind that a 76 rated opencritic game is being treated as a bad game here.
It's not rocket science. AAA games rarely score as low as 76 due to how generous reviewers are. If the industry genuinely operated on the full 1-100 scale then obviously 76 was good. As it is, a 7 is usually a sign of a mediocre game as opposed to 5.
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Was gonna buy this regardless of the criticism to support the devs, but fuck paying £60 for a 4 hour experience, I don't mind shorter games and even shorter games at full price but a game has got to be fantastic to justify a short length whilst remaining fully priced.


They gave Ratchet and Clank a 9.

Oh ok then everything else aside Rachet is 8.5 or less.
I like it a lot so far. Feel super lucky having just got a PS5 and being able to play this.

If you're more into shooters and top notch combat, you'll probably think it's boring. If you like exploring and having a leisurely gameplay experience, you'll probably enjoy it. The controls are much better than some reviews make it out to be, it's not stiff, it's just not a twitch shooter. Controls are super smooth with movement.

Goes without saying too that if you don't like J-Horror you probably won't be as engaged with it.

I'd honestly give it a 8.5/9 so far. Not because it's a mind-blowing amazing game but just because it's fun and feels super polished. I might feel different as I get further into the game (and I'll post as such) but I like the gameplay loop so far and can see myself trying to 100% the game. Not sure how subsequent playthroughs would be but I anticipate a great experience with this on my first time through it.


Gold Member
If you're more into shooters and top notch combat, you'll probably think it's boring. If you like exploring and having a leisurely gameplay experience, you'll probably enjoy it. The controls are much better than some reviews make it out to be, it's not stiff, it's just not a twitch shooter. Controls are super smooth with movement.

Goes without saying too that if you don't like J-Horror you probably won't be as engaged with it.

I'd honestly give it a 8.5/9 so far. Not because it's a mind-blowing amazing game but just because it's fun and feels super polished. I might feel different as I get further into the game (and I'll post as such) but I like the gameplay loop so far and can see myself trying to 100% the game. Not sure how subsequent playthroughs would be but I anticipate a great experience with this on my first time through it.
Is the game challenging on max difficulty?
Is the game challenging on max difficulty?
Probably, I'm playing on Normal. Normal certainly isn't difficult but it feels fine and you take a decent amount of damage.

I wouldn't be surprised if Max Difficulty just makes the game feel cheap. You'd probably die in 2-3 hits and the enemies would be bullet sponges. Or maybe their movements would speed up? If the latter was the case, it'd probably feel great cause once a crowd of enemies do engage, the combat really shines. 1 on 1 is a cakewalk. Just pew pew pew.


Gold Member
Probably, I'm playing on Normal. Normal certainly isn't difficult but it feels fine and you take a decent amount of damage.

I wouldn't be surprised if Max Difficulty just makes the game feel cheap. You'd probably die in 2-3 hits and the enemies would be bullet sponges. Or maybe their movements would speed up? If the latter was the case, it'd probably feel great cause once a crowd of enemies do engage, the combat really shines. 1 on 1 is a cakewalk. Just pew pew pew.
I asked something different in the topic you opened, thanks.


BOTW and Elden Ring have pretty much wrecked all other "open-world" type games now. I was worried when I heard that was going to be the case with this game embracing that mechanic, but it sucks to think that it's basically become a first-person Ubisoft "checkbox" gameplay loop.


Full....? I mean I knew it was short but what the fuck. I was expecting a rushed campaign of 7-8h and maybe 15-20 if you do some other stuff but the main campaign below 4h in an open-world? Maybe I should get it on a sale like Karak Karak said.
While I agree with you 4hours to rush open world is acceptable, they're rushing Elden ring in sub 30min


back on topic - I skimmed some reviews in hope of getting a better answer but didnt find any indication. Thought I ask here per chance that someone knows. I know PC version is balls to the walls NVIDIA DLSS / nvidia ray tracing. Does the ps5 version have any ray tracing specifically reflections? Asking for a friend.

*edit* took a look on reddit for the game. Apparently some people who have played the ps5 version have heavily praised RT on the console and went as far as calling it one of the best implimentations even surpassing spider-man. That's a good sign! Very much so looking forward to the game and exploring Tokyo.
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Gold Member
Not to put anyone down if they decide to get it. This game feels very out of place if you’ve grown up around the other pieces of work. It’s like night and day. After watching more footage and reading reviews, I cancelled my preorder. 4 hours for 60 bucks isn’t what I want. This is the The Bouncer coming in at $49.99.

I don’t understand why they made this. It has this weird style to it and a MC who isn’t all that interesting. I’d rather have a quiet MC or better yet acreate-a-character and go from there. It just has this huge “who is this for?” A new audience? I would have bought Evil Within 3. I think a younger audience might like this.
Not to put anyone down if they decide to get it. This game feels very out of place if you’ve grown up around the other pieces of work. It’s like night and day. After watching more footage and reading reviews, I cancelled my preorder. 4 hours for 60 bucks isn’t what I want. This is the The Bouncer coming in at $49.99.

I don’t understand why they made this. It has this weird style to it and a MC who isn’t all that interesting. I’d rather have a quiet MC or better yet acreate-a-character and go from there. It just has this huge “who is this for?” A new audience? I would have bought Evil Within 3. I think a younger audience might like this.
Don't remind me, lol. God that game was a let down. I preordered that shit in 10th grade!


Not to put anyone down if they decide to get it. This game feels very out of place if you’ve grown up around the other pieces of work. It’s like night and day. After watching more footage and reading reviews, I cancelled my preorder. 4 hours for 60 bucks isn’t what I want. This is the The Bouncer coming in at $49.99.

I don’t understand why they made this. It has this weird style to it and a MC who isn’t all that interesting. I’d rather have a quiet MC or better yet acreate-a-character and go from there. It just has this huge “who is this for?” A new audience? I would have bought Evil Within 3. I think a younger audience might like this.
Imagine crying this much without even playing it?

Im a few hours in and this is a very good game.


Looks neat but I skipped it mostly because I didn't want to play as a JPop hipster flailing his arms around like a complete moron Lol
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Streams I watched made it seem pretty boring. It does appear to be a walking sim wearing an action game's clothing. Nothing against walking sims though, I've played my share.


I've been waiting for Tango's next game the moment I finished The Evil Within 2. (I'm pretty sure this game uses the same font from EW2, based on some of the reviews I've watched.) I loved both those games, warts and all, and am buying Ghostwire day one. (Have my pre-order waiting for my pick up on Friday.)

I'm more a fan of exploration and just absorbing the environments and finding every little thing I can, so this is looking more and more like my jam. It strikes me as an updated Maken X or Soul Hackers with an expanded set of moves and modern day conveniences. At least, my impression since I saw the first videos of it almost a year ago at some PS event.

This could be my game of the year. I'm so looking forward to this...
4.5 hours in.

I said it in my thread but so far it's like baby's first shooter/platformer/stealth/open world game.

I don't say that as a negative though. Hardly any combat so far but I'm having an absolute blast just exploring, petting/feeding dogs, climbing up rooftops and gliding across the city. It's such a chill experience and the game is insanely charming and has a great sense of humor.

It's a total gem in my book but isn't for everyone. I think you'll either adore it and get hooked or be bored out of your mind and feel like you wasted $60.

I just hope it makes a profit cause the gaming world is better off with fun unique games like this.
I think I should be finished with the main campaign when I play again today, my run time is going to be a little over 6 hours(Unlessm y ADHD kicks in and I go wandering around lol). I kinda rushed this one, got open world fatigue after all the other games that came out recently. Its a cool game, kinda on the easy side, but super super stylish and has a few parts I absolutely fell in love with.

Hope its successful so they get a shot at another game cause they could really take this places


4.5 hours in.

I said it in my thread but so far it's like baby's first shooter/platformer/stealth/open world game.

I don't say that as a negative though. Hardly any combat so far but I'm having an absolute blast just exploring, petting/feeding dogs, climbing up rooftops and gliding across the city. It's such a chill experience and the game is insanely charming and has a great sense of humor.

It's a total gem in my book but isn't for everyone. I think you'll either adore it and get hooked or be bored out of your mind and feel like you wasted $60.

I just hope it makes a profit cause the gaming world is better off with fun unique games like this.
how horror is it? I don't like horror/scary games but that sounds interesting to me
how horror is it? I don't like horror/scary games but that sounds interesting to me
It's not scary in the slightest (so far) but even the director said the game isn't scary.

"Kenji Kimura: This is a game where you can visit a paranormal Tokyo and go sightseeing. You can enjoy it in a very casual way to ease some stress and just have fun. It is not scary."

However, the enemy designs are pretty sinister and it definitely contains horror elements. The story is relatively dark in tone too but it has a great sense of humor and is really quirky.

One thing that I really like, the way the world is designed and how sparse enemies can be, it's sometimes hard to see if there's an enemy in the distance. So while you're exploring the city, it's mostly ambient noise and different music that is playing from businesses. It works really well and never feels like you're playing in silence, super absorbing and atmospheric. With that sound design though, sometimes I'll walk by a business, hear something, and it'll make me flinch cause I think it's an enemy. It's really clever game design. The actual OST plays while you fight enemies and other things like that. You also have the ability to scan the environment and it shows outlines of items/enemies but I don't really use it most of the time. It's not all that necessary when you're just exploring and not in a mission. I prefer to look for things in a normal manner.

I do expect some areas to get spooky though, I'm pretty sure I read that you go into the sewers and I know you eventually fight a slit-mouthed woman with giant scissors, that will probably be intense.

You also have a flashlight that you can turn on/off at will, it's not really necessary most of the time cause the game does a good job with businesses lighting the streets but I do have to use it occasionally.

I wish there was a demo cause footage doesn't really capture how great the game feels once you start playing and realize what the game actually is. It's not a twitch shooter whatsoever and it just feels solid to me across the board. I realized last night that there's kind of a parkour mechanic with the platforming. You can jump near low roofs and the character will pull himself up onto them. Same with fences. Once I realized that, the platforming element really opened up and I found myself getting to rooftops and jumping/gliding all over the place. It's designed in a clever way, they did a good job with making you think about how to get to the next roof because the glide is limited to 2 seconds at first but can be upgraded to 5 seconds. There's no fall damage either so it's no big deal if you fall. There's also these friendly spirit birds that you can grapple to to get to roofs and navigate to other roofs but most of the time you'll be jumping and gliding.

A tip in case you get the game: On most roofs you'll climb onto an AC box cause that's the highest point. Don't try to get a running start when you decide to jump and glide to a new spot, the jump doesn't really register and you'll likely just run off the AC box. Just jump in place and hold forward while gliding, you'll make it to the next roof even if you think you won't (as long as it's not that far).

My only issues so far,

The climbing animation is kinda nonexistent, it just happens. It works though so I can't really complain about it, it just looks weird. The jumping can feel off at times and sometimes I accidentally glide when I don't mean to but I'm getting better at it and it doesn't happen all that much anymore.

Other than that it's just a pretty basic game that manages to scratch a certain kind of itch. The last two mornings I've woke up like 2-3 hours earlier than I normally would just so I can play the game (5 - 5:30 am). It's so fucking chill. Just sipping coffee, gaming with headphones on. Dog comes down and sits on my lap. It's a total joy, ha.
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