German EP president Martin Schulz said on German TV ARD the EU may have to look into preparing humanitarian aid to Greece in the next few days. Grim.
Did they not notice that Greece was a humanitarian crisis for the last few years already? Millions are on the street and starving, hospitals have ceased to function.
Given how (to give them the benefit of the doubt) grossly incompetent the troika has been in handling Greece I'm not surprised by the no vote. I too would doubt that the results of a default and Euro exit would be that much worse than the shit those "institutions" will cause. The IMF projects decades of crisis even with the "rescue program".
The Euro required closer political integration than what we have. Its designers hoped that that would follow naturally after the currency is in place, it didn't. If the EU was a federation like the US then stuff like retirement funds and healthcare would be connected across all states and one state suffering would be compensated for by the gains of another state. A state govt going down would receive aid from the federal govt at the expense of the richer states. And states' policies/union deals would be required to be more homogeneous so e.g. Germany cannot force a wage stagnation while France keeps following the natural path. Also state govts would not negotiate with each other like Germany and Greece are doing, instead the feds would have to decide what to do and they'd be reliant on Greek votes too.
Puerto Rico is badly indebted with a currency not controlled by the local govt but its strong connection to the US makes it not succeptible to a Greek crisis.