Referendum made things worse, not better, in other words. Tough sell for Tsipras domestically.
This really is Game of Thrones.
Referendum made things worse, not better, in other words. Tough sell for Tsipras domestically.
Merkel: We don't demand anything from Greece. I'm just citing the legal basis for an ESM program.
Merkel: A 2-year ESM programme will naturally demand more of Greece than a 4-month extension A haircut is out of the question
Seeing these declarations, I fully believe that, domestically, people will support Tsipras.
This was the moment for Merkel to choose between saving the EU or winning next German elections, sad to see she chosen the second option.
Referendum made things worse, not better, in other words. Tough sell for Tsipras domestically.
Merkel: A haircut is out of the question
No doubt. All his government has done in the last weeks and months was to construct the narrative that everybody else is to blame except him. Should have rather written some proposal pages, but defaulting without getting blamed for it in Greece was apparently always his plan anyway.
Grexit it is. We have a Grexit scenario prepared in detail !!!
Did you see that Merkel is asking for worse conditions than before? That's totally unnaceptable.
Officials have said the entire week that the rules for applying for the ESM are stricter than for the EFSF. That's why everybody was so keen on getting a deal on the 2nd program. Tsipras knew this, and ignored it in favor of his referendum with that nonsensical question. Go figure.
This didn't have to go via the ESM, though. That is and was an entirely political choice that is being forced on the ECB via Merkel through political pressure.
Grexit it is.
Officials have said the entire week that the rules for applying for the ESM are stricter than for the EFSF. That's why everybody was so keen on getting a deal on the 2nd program. Tsipras knew this, and ignored it in favor of his referendum with that nonsensical question. Go figure.
So it's looking pretty clear now. Either a deal happens by Sunday or Greece is out of the Euro.
So it's looking pretty clear now. Either a deal happens by Sunday or Greece is out of the Euro. Juncker says deadline for Greek proposals is 8.30 Friday morning
Referendum made things worse, not better, in other words. Tough sell for Tsipras domestically.
Merkel: A 2-year ESM programme will naturally demand more of Greece than a 4-month extension
Greece does not *have* to go through the ESM. It is one of a number of options. The fact it is being touted as the sole option is a political choice, apparently largely by Germany.
.@fhollande It is up to the Greeks to find the answer (ie how to stay in euro) - as soon as tomorrow morning
I didn't expect any great effort or advocacy on Hollande's behalf.
There's was no will to agree to it, in the first place.
At this point with how the officials are reacting i wonder if greek banks even survive until sunday.
Hollande says the ECB will assure minimum liquidity for Greece until Sunday.
Nah. This is the best outcome. If this is how they want it they can get fucked.Guess that no vote = better negotiations turned out to be untrue as well.
3 for 3.
Spinless bastard...
A second referendum, on the EZ and the EU could happen soon. No point to stay if we are going to be destroyed anyway.
We will never know it because Greece didn't do its homework.
Seeing Merkel words, I think we know.
Ah thanks, didn't see that before.Here's how:
the same exact stuff was said 1 week before?
We could always sign the agreement and have the referendum afterwards.
We could always sign the agreement and have the referendum afterwards. After all, the referendum will be on whether to stay in the EZ/EU or not.
Seems Germany won't accept any other deal that dosn't go throught the ESM, they want to corner Greece and they will react like they should: defaulting.
You realize she has half her party revolting and a lot of voters who are against her Euro politics right? You guys need to stop acting like Greek people are the only ones that have the right to hear their voices heard.Seems Germany won't accept any other deal that dosn't go throught the ESM, they want to corner Greece and they will react like they should: defaulting.
The Germans love their contracts.Why would it though? The agreement wouldn't give any funds until measures were implemented, it would just get canceled.
Why would it though? The agreement wouldn't give any funds until measures were implemented, it would just get canceled.
The Germans love their contracts.
It is almost like demanding a completely new deal requires more political buy-in than an extension of an existing one, something which Tsipiras made impossible with his referendum.That's entirely Merkel being stupid and dangerous. Absolutely unbelievable stance to take. Greece should default and be done with it. If anything, that's the easiest sell for "they don't give a shit" I've ever seen for Tsipras - because it's now clearly true.
Greece can't survive that long. Payments need to happen almost immediately.Why would it though? The agreement wouldn't give any funds until measures were implemented, it would just get canceled.
16 out of 18 countries don't really care about keeping Greece in the Euro. Germany isn't running the show, it is one of the many.germany is clearly running the whole show, and primarily for their own benefit
i don't understand why anyone else would want to keep the euro as things stand
You realize she has half her party revolting and a lot of voters who are against her Euro politics right? You guys need to stop acting like Greek people are the only ones that have the right to hear their voices heard.