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GTA IV online multiplayer previews today

keyrat said:
It mentions, amongst a lot of other things, that the graphics get toned down just a tad for multi but that it still looks great.

IGN mentioned that as well. Seriously not a big deal when you consider what they are trying to pull off with these multiplayer modes.
This sounds like so much more than I would ever have expected for the first official proper multiplayer from a GTA game.

Hey I wonder if Cam Garish is going to pull out some of these multiplayer details and add them to his "review"


I've started playing! So many things have changed since the February build, that I'll need to put in at least 6 hours of play time to give a decent update. Stay tuned!



Hangman's Noose, followed by Cops and Crooks, seem to be the modes to play. I can't see the Deathmatch or Race Modes competing with either. Though I'm sure they'll be fun in their own rights.

Can't wait to play the other 11+! :D

keyrat said:
Destructoid's write up: http://www.destructoid.com/gta-iv-w...-auto-iv-has-it-hands-on-details--80482.phtml

It mentions, amongst a lot of other things, that the graphics get toned down just a tad for multi but that it still looks great.
Yeah, we know that by just comparing the mp pics to the SP versions. Plus, logic. ;)


Junior Member
This all sounds amazingly fun. I was not even looking forward to trying out the multiplayer stuff until reading these previews. I was anticipating two teams running through some crappy warehouse randomly shooting at each other. My anticipation for this game has skyrocketed in the last two weeks.


Holy crap.

I never got into the whole GTA thing because of it being initially exlusive to PS2, but DAMN. Does this look amazing.


We were playing on a proper online connection, not over LAN or system link, and there was pretty much no lag at all


If you're playing with just knives, things are going to become stealthy, so another useful option is to turn off player markers that appear over people's heads and also turn off people's locations on radar

Now that is jsut cool! :D


i like how the cops don't know which person is the boss in Cops and Crooks. i wonder how many times the boss could separate from the rest of the group and the other team assumes he's with the rest of the group.


MrCompletely said:
From Kikizo:

Would have been pretty hilarious if the driver got to pick what music the others listen to while in the car (before getting old in a hurry).

Sounds awesome, and that shot of the helicopter above the van, holy shit.
Chaucer said:
i like how the cops don't know which person is the boss in Cops and Crooks. i wonder how many times the boss could separate from the rest of the group and the other team assumes he's with the rest of the group.

Or have the boss take a helicopter onto a high building or far away from everyone.


Game of the year confirmed. God damn.

I am so happy Rockstar made this multiplatform; everyone can share in the fun. It's win-win for everyone involved. :D


Chaucer said:
i like how the cops don't know which person is the boss in Cops and Crooks. i wonder how many times the boss could separate from the rest of the group and the other team assumes he's with the rest of the group.
I'm far more interested in seeing if the Boss can blend in with the peds. It'd be great if (with player icons/radar off) he could just blend in with the AI. Escaping while random chaos goes on around him.

Aim lock- off.
Icons- off.
Radar- off.
Traffic- on.
Peds- on.

The only way to play. :D
MotorbreathX said:
Or have the boss take a helicopter onto a high building or far away from everyone.

I dunno. You have to reach a safe point in order for the crooks to win and even a helicopter isn't going to be much use when all of your buddies are dead and cops have your safe point completely surrounded.
raYne said:
I'm far more interested in seeing if the Boss can blend in with the peds. It'd be great if (with player icons/radar off) he could just blend in with the AI. Escaping while random chaos goes on around him.

Aim lock- off.
Icons- off.
Radar- off.
Traffic- on.
Peds- on.

The only way to play. :D

I would imagine that the balance would tip too far on the Crooks side with those settings. The Cops will standout like sour thumbs while the boss can casually walk into a crowd to never be seen again. It does sound like a cool experiment though.
Felix Lighter said:
I would imagine that the balance would tip too far on the Crooks side with those settings. The Cops will standout like sour thumbs while the boss can casually walk into a crowd to never be seen again. It does sounds like a cool experiment though.

I would hope peds and players can't look the same, even so it might be a while before people are able to tell who is who.


Felix Lighter said:
I would imagine that the balance would tip too far on the Crooks side with those settings. The Cops will standout like sour thumbs while the boss can casually walk into a crowd to never be seen again. It does sound like a cool experiment though.
Surround the drop-off point and try to remember what the boss looks like :p or just shoot every ped that comes close to it.
raYne said:
I'm far more interested in seeing if the Boss can blend in with the peds. It'd be great if (with player icons/radar off) he could just blend in with the AI. Escaping while random chaos goes on around him.

Aim lock- off.
Icons- off.
Radar- off.
Traffic- on.
Peds- on.

The only way to play. :D
From the description I think the cops will always know where the crooks are on radar so they crooks can't just have an easy time escaping.


Felix Lighter said:
I would imagine that the balance would tip too far on the Crooks side with those settings. The Cops will standout like sour thumbs while the boss can casually walk into a crowd to never be seen again. It does sounds like a cool experiment though.
"Sore" thumbs. ;)

As Francias said, I doubt you can make the player all that similar to the peds in the first place. Even if it's close, anyone who spends any time playing the game should be able to tell who are peds and who are players just by looking at them.

I'd like to see how having peds activated plays out though. As in, their reactions to stuff. If they help or hinder either the cops or crooks sides, etc. I hate to bring it up, but it's a shame that you can grab people and use them as shields as in SR2.

Hellsing321 said:
From the description I think the cops will always know where the crooks are on radar so they crooks can't just have an easy time escaping.
Right, but the host can toggle that option on/off.

Ariexv said:
Surround the drop-off point and try to remember what the boss looks like :p or just shoot every ped that comes close to it.
Sounds like a plan. :lol
raYne said:
"Sore" thumbs. ;)

Damn the mistakes that spell checker will never catch.

Ariexv said:
Surround the drop-off point and try to remember what the boss looks like :p or just shoot every ped that comes close to it.

That's some good police work Ariexv.:D



Here’s the important question answered -- GTA IV only ships with one multiplayer map … it’s called Liberty City. You’re reading that right; the entire map of Liberty City is available in all multiplayer modes for up to 16 people to wreak havoc in. The host can configure games in such a way that matches will take place in one borough or one particular section, but there are no boundaries (and no load times) in terms of the gameplay area. Sometimes, though, a smaller area may lend itself better to a given match; for instance, we played a four on four team deathmatch on the small island that’s home to Liberty City’s “Statue of Happiness.”

Francias Castiglione said:
I love the fact that in Race mode the weapons become Mario Kart style drive over pickups! :D

Obviously, multiplayer wasn't an afterthought, just so they could print some bullet points on the back of the case.


Hellsing321 said:
I don't think that will be an option to toggle it off in that mode since the Crooks can't see the cops ever on radar.
You're mistaken. They do see them on radar, it's just not as persistent as the Cops version. As in, if you're a Cop, the Crooks are on radar all the time. If you're a Crook, the Cops don't show on radar until they're fairly close.

ie:"You don't see them until it's too late", was a quote that was used in one of the previews.


The second play through didn't go nearly as well.

A Rockstar developer took the wheel of the armored car again, and another rode shotgun. Croal hopped into the back to shoot at pursuing cops. I opted to swipe a helicopter that was on the runway and followed the wagon as it entered the interstate, trying to gun down the stream of cop cars in pursuit.

Then it happened: Croal was shot. The hit didn't kill him, but it did knock him from the truck which continued to speed toward the drop off point. Soon Croal was surrounded by cops on the middle of an interstate. I turned my chopper around and told Croal I was coming for him. Landing the copter in a nearby clearing, I got out to try and find Croal, but he had snatched a car and was already out of the police infested area.

I ran back to my copter only to find its rotors had been snapped off during my crap landing next to a copse of trees. The whole thing ended with me being gunned down by a phalanx of cops as I ran down the interstate toward the distant extraction point, and the whole team losing.


raYne said:
You're mistaken. They do see them on radar, it's just not as persistent as the Cops version. As in, if you're a Cop, the Crooks are on radar all the time. If you're a Crook, the Cops don't show on radar until they're fairly close.

Oh guess I read that wrong then.


So I haven't had a chance to read some of the previews as most of them are blocked at work. Is multiplayer handled through matchmaking? Is there a party system?


Geoff9920 said:
So I haven't had a chance to read some of the previews as most of them are blocked at work. Is multiplayer handled through matchmaking? Is there a party system?
Seems no one got a look at anything like that.

For example, there weren't any lobby systems at all for them to get a look at. Looks like it was gameplay only.
from games radar

Just as I was saying something along the idiotic lines of “Ooo, Is that a golf course? Will Niko play golf?” another helicopter swooped in behind me and cut off my tail with its propeller. Hello, gravity.

wowee wow wow


raYne said:
Seems no one got a look at anything like that.

For example, there weren't any lobby systems at all for them to get a look at. Looks like it was gameplay only.
Well then, here's hoping they're able to get a party system in. Thanks.



I can't wait!!

I expect to take part in countless epic battles on line. The whole "endless horde of SWAT" also sounds FUCK-AWESOME. epic epic epic epci epoic epiepcipcei cpeipceipcei cepiec

Once again, fuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkkkk.gif
I didn't really see this question answered.

Is there matchmaking? If not, then how do you find games with random people? Is there parties?
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