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GTA IV online multiplayer previews today


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
De-mon said:

Un clásico entre los clásicos. Un escenario, Liberty City. Hasta 16 personas en dos equipos de ocho. Único objetivo, sumar muertes masacrando a los del otro color. Con nuestro equipo al micrófono, la estrategia cobra una cierta importancia, sobre todo en la combinación de los vehículos y las armas. No tiene ningún misterio ni secreto, pero sí diversos trucos a aprender y será, seguramente, el modo más jugado cuando pase un poco la novedad por los demás.

Bono estente!
ethethetheth ethethethethe


chris waddle

so hyped


I'm taking all of your fucking monies (on the PS3) when this shit drops. I'm hopping right online early Tuesday morning.

I love the money aspect. It's sounds so simple (because it is) but it will have so much depth to it that people are going to be coming up with their own game modes in Free Roam.
I read about Cops N Crooks in the latest EGM. That and the coop missions are the 2 things that I've heard about so far that I'm interested in as far as multi-player goes. I'm hoping for some spoiler free single player information. I'd really like to see a video of the game actually being played so I can see how some of the controls have been tweaked. 3 weeks... feels like an eternity.
Felix Lighter said:
I read about Cops N Crooks in the latest EGM. That and the coop missions are the 2 things that I've heard about so far that I'm interested in as far as multi-player goes. I'm hoping for some spoiler free single player information. I'd really like to see a video of the game actually being played so I can see how some of the controls have been tweaked. 3 weeks... feels like an eternity.

I don't think they've ever shown gameplay before launch.
GTA Race
This was the mode I least wanted to play, but came in as one of my favorites to mess around with. Imagine Mario Kart in a real world, with real cars. Now add machine guns, pistols, rocket launchers, molotov cocktails, in fact every weapons in GTA. Now, let people get out of their cars and do whatever they want to win, or prevent other people from winning. Wow, just wow.

Road Warrior anyone? Sounds unreal.
Grimm Fandango said:

Holy shit.



GTA Race should be where only your passenger(s) can shoot or throw explosives from the car (not being able to get out), or at least the host can edit that way. Seems better that way.
However, with friendly fire off, I take no damage if an ally shoots a rocket at my feet to launch me in the air and onto a roof. Call it co-op rocket jumps. The only caution is that no one is immune to gravity. Jump over a building (instead of onto it) and the landing could kill you.

Happy face.
The real key is how the controls have improved. GTA online was always going to be an awesome concept. I'm not expecting the controls to be perfect but they need to really not be as bad as they use to be for maximum enjoyment.


From the Kotaku preview:

Kotaku said:
While the high level of customization adds a lot to the experience, I was just as wowed by some of the little things built into multiplayer, like the ability for players waiting in a lobby to turn on their radio and listen to GTA's soundtrack.

Awesome. By the way, why is Kikizo's article not up yet? Come on already!
BenjaminBirdie said:
I don't think they've ever shown gameplay before launch.

Hmmmm.... not even in previews? Then I guess I won't hold my breath for that.

They couldn't possibly release enough information to satisfy me anyways. I just want to play this damn game!
I am so close to having my head explode from the awesome.

I assume gaf will have a GTA online thread or something, I am afraid of the type of people his game will attract online.
While the game allows you to select parts of the map to play in, choosing specific boroughs, smaller neighborhoods, or areas like the airport, it doesn't prevent players from roaming the entire city during any given match. Instead the respawns and weapon drops only occur in those areas.

In our introduction to the mode, myself and Newsweek's N'gail Croal were burning around the course, which I believe took place near GTA's Central Park, when we came to a stone archway we absolutely had to go through to complete the lap. Problem was, there were cars, lots of cars blocking our way. By the time I had assessed the situation, one of the other players ran up to me and killed me at the wheel.

The race quickly devolved into a deathmatch until we realized that Croal had nosed his car through the wreckage and was burning through the laps. In another race, this one taking place at an airport complete with moving planes, I didn't bother trying to speed through the course and instead clamored on top of an airport gangway with a rocket launcher and just waited. When people came by I blew up their cars. Meanwhile Rockstar's Jeronimo Barrera was taking great pleasure trying to mow down Croal in what looked like a golf cart.


Go N'gai!


GTA Race sounds fun! The Kotaku previews stated that it is comparable with Mario Kart kind of gameplay. Sounds wicked to me. Imagine racing around with other players and then blowing some of them up with a rocketlauncher for example. Oh man, GTAIV is going to keep me busy for months!!

Edit: Cops 'N Crooks is going to be my favorite multiplayer mode! There's so much ways to go at it. Divide in groups and confuse the other team, or just team up and create roadblocks for example, so that the police can not get to the boss. Awesome awesome awesome.


Then it happened: Croal was shot. The hit didn't kill him, but it did knock him from the truck which continued to speed toward the drop off point. Soon Croal was surrounded by cops on the middle of an interstate. I turned my chopper around and told Croal I was coming for him. Landing the copter in a nearby clearing, I got out to try and find Croal, but he had snatched a car and was already out of the police infested area.

I ran back to my copter only to find its rotors had been snapped off during my crap landing next to a copse of trees. The whole thing ended with me being gunned down by a phalanx of cops as I ran down the interstate toward the distant extraction point, and the whole team losing.


Sounds delightful.......


Then it happened: Croal was shot. The hit didn't kill him, but it did knock him from the truck which continued to speed toward the drop off point. Soon Croal was surrounded by cops on the middle of an interstate. I turned my chopper around and told Croal I was coming for him. Landing the copter in a nearby clearing, I got out to try and find Croal, but he had snatched a car and was already out of the police infested area.

I ran back to my copter only to find its rotors had been snapped off during my crap landing next to a copse of trees. The whole thing ended with me being gunned down by a phalanx of cops as I ran down the interstate toward the distant extraction point, and the whole team losing.

Holy shit that sounds awesome.

Side note: If I pop enough Nyquil, will I be able to sleep straight until the 29th? Or will it kill me? 50-50?


plaidtopia said:

Side note: If I pop enough Nyquil, will I be able to sleep straight until the 29th? Or will it kill me? 50-50?

Don't take a chance in waking up early... go with Hibernol instead.


Fuck, now I have to preorder this game. Was not a huge GTA fan, in that I was fine to wait a month or 2 but the MP features are sending me over the edge.

Now to explain to my 4 year old that I cannot get him Mario Kart this month like I promised :D

I'm not that much of an ass, I'll be buying both
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