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Halo 5 Review Thread


Gordan freemon

Reviewers should have rated the SP and MP seperately.

what why? Reviews aren't critiques. You dont separate the game into sections that you evaluate seperatly. You review the product itself, and if someone is unable to tell that the reviewer didnt like campaign but did like multiplayer, that's their own stupid problem for not reading the review


Why do review threads change some outlets' original scales, but not all?

For example, some out-of-5 reviews are listed here as out-of-10 or made into %, but other out-of-5 reviews are left as they are on the original site.

I don't even care about review scores themselves, I'm just curious as to what goes into the decision when it comes time for GAF OT?
Amazes me that people are putting so much clout on RM's opinion. I've listened to podcasts and the like where he completely botched certain bits of Halo lore or was completely wrong on other things he was talking about. Cringeworthy.
I think that was his point. There's decades of lore and storytelling with Marvel characters, but when a person goes into the theatre to see a movie they don't have to know any of it for the story to shine.

Not necessarily true. While you might be able to enjoy an Avengers movie, the previous movies provided the background on the characters. Any long running franchise is eventually going to have to depend on previous entries or outside story telling to flesh out the story. Even longer campaign games like Mass Effect or Dragons Age have had books written that not only fit into the natrative well, but help add cohesion the the story as a whole. The first Mass Effect book did this significantly.


Nope. It's the Halo 3 diorama all over again.

I did, I'm sure there are others who're doing the same. Seems kinda unfair to judge the game's multiplayer based on the server populations we saw the past few days.
Is there an English version of your review?


Sounds like it's exactly what I expected...

The gameplay is great, but the story- not so much...
The multiplayer shines bright like a diamond...

It's like Halo2 all over again.

I'm at 28% installed... I'll see for myself after work. Hows's networking?


Why do review threads change some outlets' original scales, but not all?

For example, some out-of-5 reviews are listed here as out-of-10 or made into %, but other out-of-5 reviews are left as they are on the original site.

I don't even care about review scores themselves, I'm just curious as to what goes into the decision when it comes time for GAF OT?

Probably because the earliest scores are found on the sites themselves and posted here as-is, whereas later scores are found on Metacritic which converts them to the 100-point scale.
I predict this thread to be a 8.6 on the Review Thread scale.

For reference, Uncharted 3's Review Thread is a 10.

A Review Thread thread is some of the worst material you can read on GAF IMO. It will literally make you lose brain cells. Still, I hope this one will deliver at least a bit.


Hmm, that bad?

Guess it's a good thing I'm buying this mostly for multiplayer.

how can someone tell if the MP is the best in the series with barely playing it? i usually cant' discover the true greatness of an MP until a month or so in.

there's all types of meta that goes into it, skill and game knowledge that needs to be developed......

honestly, all reviewers are full of shit that really don't know anything.
Hmm interesting. I will still pick this up but not now.

I found this to be the most shocking part. Ryan is one of the biggest Halo fans in the industry.


And I have no idea what he's talking about. I've been a Halo fan since 2004, when Halo 2 came out. Campaign is the best since ODST's for me. Loads better than Halo 4, even Reach.


Amazes me that people are putting so much clout on RM's opinion. I've listened to podcasts and the like where he completely botched certain bits of Halo lore or was completely wrong on other things he was talking about. Cringeworthy.

RM -> Halo 4 is great -> Neogaf -> RM doesn't know shit
RM -> Halo 5 isn't that great -> Neogaf -> RM knows his shit

87/100 is a really really good score, and there's still chance of it going even higher.


I don't understand RM's opinions on the campaign. I'm halfway through the campaign right now and while I can't say much about the story but the mission design is definitely some of the best in the series. Him calling it a mess is very surprising to me. And I just played through all the halo campaigns the past two weeks in preparation lol.


I understand that, But alot give already a score to it or have some sort of verdict and say we wil back later with the MP review. Wich is oke, But most people will now read the reviews and decide and not wait 4 days for a extra review.

They probably already have their opinion on it, and will just update the review with a little bit more info, if it doesn't work again, most will probably just add a little note saying "servers issues", or just wait a little longer to update.


what why? Reviews aren't critiques. You dont separate the game into sections that you evaluate seperatly. You review the product itself, and if someone is unable to tell that the reviewer didnt like campaign but did like multiplayer, that's their own stupid problem for not reading the review

Well why not? It would give a clearer indication of what to expect. Don't act like I suggested we break the game into dozens of tiny parts and want them all rated. More and more we are seeing the MP and SP essentially be different games, it's not asking a lot to have them rated as such.
From what I have played of the campaign, I would have to agree with a lot of the reviews. It's been a disappointment, I'm just looking forward to the multiplayer now.
what why? Reviews aren't critiques. You dont separate the game into sections that you evaluate seperatly. You review the product itself, and if someone is unable to tell that the reviewer didnt like campaign but did like multiplayer, that's their own stupid problem for not reading the review
You just review two self contained parts of the game. The product itself is two products. I think it makes a lot of sense, actually.


Story in Halo was never well told in the games. Actually, its hard to have a clue of lore playing Halo 1 to 3. Halo 4 do a better job in that sense, and I guess Halo 5 do it even better. Not sure about the complains in that regard.



''But the campaign is the worst in the series.''

FUCK. Now i'm not sure if i will buy Halo 5.

Play it solo once. Play it online with friends or gaffers on legendary afterwards. Who cares about the story in multiplayer. Even if it's THE WORST STORY, it's just 6h long apparently.


If you only like Halo for the story you should stick to the books. The games have never told good stories, they've just been even worse lately.

It's kind of weird but I really can't tell you what happened in Halo 1-3, and I beat those on legendary back in the day. And put a lot of time into it. They're typical alien invasion stories to me. However, I really liked Halo 1-3. I just don't know what actually happened in the story other than MC wins the day.

I actually don't care that much about that. I just don't want a lot of COD cinematics in the game, which I saw a few in the 15 minutes I watched from a stream. I mainly play these as a shooting gallery where I know the outcome is I win the day. I am more interested in gameplay, AI techniques, and level designs for the campaign.

For someone that's finished the game, are the maps at least good? The map I saw wasn't too hot but then again, there's sections of Halo 1 that are garbage (and that's still my favorite SP Halo).
And I have no idea what he's talking about. I've been a Halo fan since 2004, when Halo 2 came out. Campaign is the best since ODST's for me. Loads better than Halo 4, even Reach.

Yeah, I've been playing it since yesterday and while the story is nothing special so far but the campaign has been fantastic and everything just feels really damn good to do. Gameplay is sublime as far as I'm concerned and it's the smoothest Halo has ever been not just in terms of FPS but mobility as well.


could never
I haven't completed it yet (on final mission) but I disagree with Ryan's comment about the campaign. Jeez
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