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Halo 5 Review Thread

Ironically enough theres only been like three post I'd classify as shitposts. Everyone else seens to be jus showing concerns for certain parts of the game which is fine! But it seems in a review thread u either praise or leave

Edit: wheb did i reach member...yeaaaaaa baby



Unlimited Capacity
Ehh of course would get lower than a 9 because of the anti-60fps agenda in the media. Any game running at 60fps operates with an instant -2 on the score because reviewers all want games to push for graphics as hard as possible. I mean Bloodborn got like +3 because it has a bunch of effects and runs @ a cinematic 20fps locked. 86 is pretty low though so I am gonna pass.
Halo 5 is better on Metcaritic then Uncharted 4. Halo has more powerfuller weapons like machine guns with laser nullets. Natan Drak only jumps around and a pistol. And the graphic is not so good on Uncarted becaus it's not in space like Halo. I think Sony should themselves in the food with another Uncharted.

Halo 5 is better on Metcaritic then Uncharted 4. Halo has more powerfuller weapons like machine guns with laser nullets. Natan Drak only jumps around and a pistol. And the graphic is not so good on Uncarted becaus it's not in space like Halo. I think Sony should themselves in the food with another Uncharted.

Ha that was well done bro.


Ironically enough theres only been like three post I'd classify as shitposts. Everyone else seens to be jus showing concerns for certain parts of the game which is fine! But it seems in a review thread u either praise or leave
People saying "low scores" when it's an 86 IS concern posting.

Standards have changed, this could be one of the better halo games to date.


Halo 5 is better on Metcaritic then Uncharted 4. Halo has more powerfuller weapons like machine guns with laser nullets. Natan Drak only jumps around and a pistol. And the graphic is not so good on Uncarted becaus it's not in space like Halo. I think Sony should themselves in the food with another Uncharted.


3 out of 15 missions are only chief? Who thought that was a good idea? I'll play it and see for myself, but I play for Chief, no one else.


I think the game would have benefited (and reviewed much higher) had they chosen to go with Blue team and Chief only.

I don't really see the benefit of adding another character, Locke, who fits much of the same mold as Chief himself and who just comes off as quite dull. And I think some of my narrative problems with the game come from having to split the already small amount of game time across 8 characters (of whom 7 are brand new).

Locke just isn't the Arbiter.

3 are brand new, 4 are OG and one is ODST
This is, in itself, confirmation bias. Good job.

As was yours, good job. The reason it sucks is because this doesn't even try to be an objective review. His love for Halo has waned, he basically doesn't like the story (sounds like because of it's reliance on knowledge of past games) but doesn't talk in detail about anything whatsoever gameplay related. His multiplayer impressions are positive, nothing bad to say, but again, very few details. It's a half-assed review and the score doesn't reflect the review itself. Better?
Halo 5 is better on Metcaritic then Uncharted 4. Halo has more powerfuller weapons like machine guns with laser nullets. Natan Drak only jumps around and a pistol. And the graphic is not so good on Uncarted becaus it's not in space like Halo. I think Sony should themselves in the food with another Uncharted.

Halo 5 is better on Metcaritic then Uncharted 4. Halo has more powerfuller weapons like machine guns with laser nullets. Natan Drak only jumps around and a pistol. And the graphic is not so good on Uncarted becaus it's not in space like Halo. I think Sony should themselves in the food with another Uncharted.

the only sane post in this thread


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
Ehh of course would get lower than a 9 because of the anti-60fps agenda in the media. Any game running at 60fps operates with an instant -2 on the score because reviewers all want games to push for graphics as hard as possible. I mean Bloodborn got like +3 because it has a bunch of effects and runs @ a cinematic 20fps locked. 86 is pretty low though so I am gonna pass.



Yup, this is a review thread alright.

Anyways, good scores here, and I'm sure glad that reviews are at least attempting to use the full review scale.
Halo 5 is better on Metcaritic then Uncharted 4. Halo has more powerfuller weapons like machine guns with laser nullets. Natan Drak only jumps around and a pistol. And the graphic is not so good on Uncarted becaus it's not in space like Halo. I think Sony should themselves in the food with another Uncharted.

3 are brand new, 4 are OG and one is ODST

Sorry, yea my numbers were wrong. 2 are OG (Chief and Buck) but I'd say 6 are brand new in the context of the games.

Having to introduce so many characters in a meaningful way in a limited time, that's a pretty tall task. And unfortunately, I feel they dropped the ball with Locke pretty hard.


I was surprised to hear that the campaign was a scant 6-7 hours from some of Destiny GAF. Especially given 343s statements on the length of the campaign ("it's twice as long as Halo 4" and all that jazz).

Sounds like the story is a mixed bag with reviewers. The few who have mentioned in Destiny GAF seem really negative on it. But most seem to enjoy the multiplayer.

I think the ultimate test for the MP will be whether or not it can whether the releases of CoD and Battlefront. War zone will likely be the deciding factor as it appears to have the most mass market appeal hung by the reviews.

Either way MS has insured that they will come out on top regardless by introducing the purchasable req packs. They will definitely make a hefty return on investment off those from the loyal fanbase.

Halo 5 is better on Metcaritic then Uncharted 4. Halo has more powerfuller weapons like machine guns with laser nullets. Natan Drak only jumps around and a pistol. And the graphic is not so good on Uncarted becaus it's not in space like Halo. I think Sony should themselves in the food with another Uncharted.

It's sad that I would actually doubt if this was sarcasm had Uncharted already released.

Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones

.... First of all what does that even have to do with anything? Second of all you say that as if there is some accepted universal metric for "level of polish." There isn't and even if there were blanket statements are by their very nature ignorant. Stop it.

There is no way Bloodborne should be rated higher than Halo 5. That is all.

Why the fuck would you even compare those two games. They are so drastically different from one another that the only thing they have in common is that they are played with controllers and are exclusive to a given platform. Seriously. What the fuck are you thinking? Are you ashamed? You should be ashamed.


Finally had time to read through most of them and the reviews seem actually really great so I don't know what people are freaking out over and were expecting. The Halo series as a whole doesn't have a great storyline and 4 was by far the worst. The gameplay is what everyone comes to these games for and after the stepback that was 4 every review I have read is just praising the changes to the game. You have to also remember I doubt any of the reviewers played the game in 4 player co-op which is going to dramatically change how much fun your having being that the game is completely built around that.
The issue for some is need for Halo to be over 90% MC and "defend" status of XB1 and deliver a return to Halo glory days as enormous selling title.

At this point for the franchise and given current market these were lofty goals that were bound to leave feeling dissatisfied they weren't met.

The EU and the over-extension of what was a fun but cliche SF backdrop to exploring new places and killing evil aliens has resulted in an overly convoluted and increasingly dull SP narrative with characters and plots that cannot take the weight of expectation placed on them.

With CoD dominating online MP for so long, Destiny more recently and the disappointment of Halo 4 MP the MP (which looks to have delivered from reviews) was never (no matter how good) going to stand out the way Halo MP on console used to. Toouch competition and FPS MPon console is too established now for one title to stand out the way Halo used to.

Finally critical reviews for big franchises seem to always have a few pulling average down meaning beloved franchise can easily dip below the coveted 90%.

In short while apparently a great MP game with a solid SP game and a decent to poor narrative depending on your EU knowledge the game was never going to be like Halo 2 and Halo 3 in terms of standing out as a beacon for the platform.

And for some that's too much to take given they're platform is trailing globally.

Man though the Tomv Raider thread is going to be worse: guaranteed.
Ehh of course would get lower than a 9 because of the anti-60fps agenda in the media. Any game running at 60fps operates with an instant -2 on the score because reviewers all want games to push for graphics as hard as possible. I mean Bloodborn got like +3 because it has a bunch of effects and runs @ a cinematic 20fps locked. 86 is pretty low though so I am gonna pass.

*2 years ago* "Everything should be 60FPS!"

*Now* "60FPS is too hard! Everything should look next gen!"

*Halo 5 comes out with 60 FPS* "Looks like a 360 game! Look at all those bad filters!"


Reading reactions throughout the thread I thought maybe the campaign was seen as not so good..

...then I went through the ACTUAL reviews and..

Every single one of those are from a different review..lol. Seems the campaign is pretty good and a blast to play through. Had me worried as I'm more of a campaign person than multiplayer.

That's from 22 of the reviews...I can only read so much..haha

Looking forward to tomorrow.

this is the selection bias frankie was talking about


I will judge the game for myself tonight.

I would rather these scores, than 10/10s across the boards only to be disappointed once I play it.

Van Owen

Disappointed about the story. It didn't sound good from the start either.

Oh well, already got it preloaded. I'm still a sucker for Halo.
Halo 5 is better on Metcaritic then Uncharted 4. Halo has more powerfuller weapons like machine guns with laser nullets. Natan Drak only jumps around and a pistol. And the graphic is not so good on Uncarted becaus it's not in space like Halo. I think Sony should themselves in the food with another Uncharted.

I feel like a reference is going over my head :/


Neo Member
are u guys able to watch the fall of reach episode 1-3? i can only watch the first one, then i get messages for 2-3 saying the content you selected can't be played at this time


The net result is the most measured first-person shooter I’ve played in years, something that, accompanied by doggedly geometric map design and some frankly ghastly textures, feels straight out of 2006. It’s ballsy in its conservatism. I have no idea if it’ll resonate with today’s audiences, but I also don’t really care. Halo 3 forever.
Ehh of course would get lower than a 9 because of the anti-60fps agenda in the media. Any game running at 60fps operates with an instant -2 on the score because reviewers all want games to push for graphics as hard as possible. I mean Bloodborn got like +3 because it has a bunch of effects and runs @ a cinematic 20fps locked. 86 is pretty low though so I am gonna pass.

Is this real life? After reading the last 4 pages I don't know whats real and whats not anymore.


3 out of 15 missions are only chief? Who thought that was a good idea? I'll play it and see for myself, but I play for Chief, no one else.

Only the folks at 343i.

If I could go without playing as Locke, I would. Chief is Halo


Review threads for console exclusives are much fun. More fun than playing some games 8)

It's the GAF version of this:
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