This might be the straw that broke the camels back for me and buying new Halo games from 343. I was disappointed with 4 and the campaign in 5 was terrible. MCC is in a decent enough state now that I can play CE online reliably (though Lord knows it took waaaaay to long to get to that point), so maybe i just make a clean break with the series now. 343 consistently does user hostile things which are so easily avoidable that it makes you really scratch your head at how their PR and communications can be so badly mis-managed.
While I agree 100% with everything you just said, the support for Halo 5 has been outstanding and all the FREE updates has been pretty incredible and something not normally done. The problem is that I believe they knew they fucked up pretty bad with MCC and they are making amends with the support and free support of Halo 5. The other problem now is all that goodwill they generated by the support of Halo 5 is going down the toilet because of what is happening with Halo Wars.
Mind you, this is just the Definitive Edition of the original game...if this is such a cluster fuck, how bad is going to be when the real sequel Halo Wars 2 comes out? We going to get waves of release times with that as well?
I hate to be the person that keeps pointing this out, but I have been a professional in my field for over 32 years and when something goes bad, you usually talk and hold accountable the person in charge. For MCC and Halo Wars DE/Halo Wars 2 that is Dan Ayoub, he was the man in charge with MCC and we know how that turned out and here we are again with him in charge of something and look what is happening. The guy seems passionate about the game, I don't deny that, but it seems like there is lack of management and a lack of communication that he needs training in. This man tarnished an entire Franchise with the MCC and now he is doing it again. I know there may be others we can point the finger at, but when your are the man in charge of a project, you bear the responsibility and it seems that Dan lacks managerial skills/communication skills.
I am not going to write off 343i just yet, but my faith in them has been getting damaged. They did a lot to make things right with Halo 5 as far as support, they decided to bring back Halo Wars with a remake and sequel which was great for me, but this cluster fuck has been bad. To me it is now going to come down to them fixing the messaging, getting people codes and the support they provide for Halo Wars DE and Halo Wars 2. If we don't get balance patches, additional Maps (HW2) and other things, that may seal the deal for me supporting this developer. What is that saying "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"?
343i, Please fix this and make things right!!! Screw the codes, just give everyone at least a FREE copy of the original game since it is now BC or Give away the Definitive Edition to everyone. What better way to promote your NEW game than to get people playing the previous version?