God of War Ragnarok > GOW3 -ok fine agreed
Horizon FW > Killzone 2/3 SP -fw sucked
Helldivers 2 > Killzone MP -agreed
Spiderman 2 > MGS4 - oh fuck off with this

Uncharted = AstroBot (different genres or whatever, just going by quality) ok I’ll go with Astro on this
Uncharted 2 -wins by default
Uncharted 3 -wins by default
Ratchet RA > ToD -ok sure agreed
Returnal > Resistance Series -agreed
Demons Souls > Lair, Heavenly Sword, whatever. -agreed
GT7 > GT5 -does anyone care?
Last of us- wins by default
6-5-1 in favor of PS5. There we have it PS5 is better in my opinion. Feel free to argue against my opinion as your opinion is right too!