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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I don't like card games. I just started playing this game on my iPAD tonight. This game is about to be a real problem.

The tutorial is perfect and the presentation is fantastic. The matches are fast, and I understand what's going on. It's full of charm, and easy to grasp.

Yeah, win.
I'm a big big fan of Turn 1 Northshire Cleric, Turn 2 coin, Injured Blademaster and Circle of Healing. You have a 1/3 with a great ability, a 4/7 and an extra card on Turn 2. Heck, if your opponent played something one Turn 1 that your cleric and run into, you have TWO extra cards as well.

Edit: I see you referenced this already. Sorry, I'm tired XD.

I can't say I'm a fan of turn 1 northshire in any matchup, unless you go second and they played something on turn 1, or if you can power word the same turn. Every class can kill something with 3 hp pretty easily (I think shadow word is the only removal I'd be okay with being used on my cleric), and if they play something with 3 attack on turn 2 you're out of luck because either you lose your cleric for nothing or you shadow word on turn 2 and have no minions on the board to heal. In your case wouldn't coining out the blademaster + circle on turn 2, killing their 2-drop with the blademaster on turn 3 and then doing cleric+hero power heal basically the same outcome but with guaranteed value from the cleric?

The cleric is a more important card than something like a mana wyrm, which you wouldn't mind them spending removal on.


I can't say I'm a fan of turn 1 northshire in any matchup, unless you go second and they played something on turn 1, or if you can power word the same turn. Every class can kill something with 3 hp pretty easily (I think shadow word is the only removal I'd be okay with being used on my cleric), and if they play something with 3 attack on turn 2 you're out of luck because either you lose your cleric for nothing or you shadow word on turn 2 and have no minions on the board to heal. In your case wouldn't coining out the blademaster + circle on turn 2, killing their 2-drop with the blademaster on turn 3 and then doing cleric+hero power heal basically the same outcome but with guaranteed value from the cleric?

The cleric is a more important card than something like a mana wyrm, which you wouldn't mind them spending removal on.
As long as you draw 1 card it will be worth it. Getting that combo off need is all about luck though.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I don't like card games. I just started playing this game on my iPAD tonight. This game is about to be a real problem.

The tutorial is perfect and the presentation is fantastic. The matches are fast, and I understand what's going on. It's full of charm, and easy to grasp.

Yeah, win.
It becomes ridiculously addicting when you first start playing. Lost 5-6 hours to it on my first day.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Played Arena as a mage and got matched up against 3 other mages, all with sheep cards and pyroblast, while I didn't get either =/

Card Boy

I'll have to try this out soon, looks alright.

The unveiling thread had a lot of people hating on it: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=527973

They where wrong. I was exited from the get go except for the no card trading which i have now gotten over (sort of).


I mean, a card game .... Seriously?

This was really underwhelming news.

This is what people were excited about for weeks? A F2P...card game?

I think I'm too stunned to laugh right now.

The 'applause' by the underwhelmed crowd was quite funny to listen to though.

Doesn't look so hot, but at least its free 2 play.

A card game? Couldn't care less even if I tried.

Lets point and laugh.
I didn't know I wanted to play hearthstone til I randomly decided to try solforge and that got me back into card games. Solforge is still in beta, 7+ months later, although it did have a ~100 card expansion. Solforge is different than most card games I've played.

Card Boy

I didn't know I wanted to play hearthstone til I randomly decided to try solforge and that got me back into card games. Solforge is still in beta, 7+ months later, although it did have a ~100 card expansion. Solforge is different than most card games I've played.

Never really played Solforge for some reason i log in daily collecting the daily reward in the hopes i play it one day lol.


I didn't know I wanted to play hearthstone til I randomly decided to try solforge and that got me back into card games. Solforge is still in beta, 7+ months later, although it did have a ~100 card expansion. Solforge is different than most card games I've played.

Isnt Solforge a Richard Garfield game?


Neo Member
I got one LEG since ive been in Beta :/

That is rough. How many packs do you think you've opened?


I'm not mathematician, but that is way more dollars than I want to even think about. Do people actually put that much money into this game?

25 packs is somewhere around $35 USD. If you're into Hearthstone enough to play on a regular basis, that's not an unreasonable amount of money.

I did the math the other night and I've spent around $60 on packs. I probably shouldn't have, but I don't really regret it. I'm getting plenty of entertainment out of it.

EDIT: I guess "every 25 packs or so" would imply that he's bought well over 25 packs. But yeah, that's CCG's for you.

Yeah, I've definitely spent more on this game than I was planning to. Originally I was only planning to spend $20. Did that. Got some okay cards. No legendaries. Watched an IGN video where they opened a $50 set of packs and saw them get a legendary. I was sort of pissed because I'd been debating between investing in either the $50 or $20 pack. So I decided to go ahead and get a $50 bundle and see if I got a legendary. Ended up getting a Golden Tink (pre-nerf) and a Millhouse Manastorm.

Birthday rolled around and I was having a lot of fun with the game and playing a lot of hours. I was enjoying the flexibility of having a lot of cards to try out various decks so I treated myself to another $50 bundle. Bought some more bundles of various sizes when I was getting frustrated and wanted more cards and dust to try out different strategies and decks.

Long story short...er, I've dropped probably $200 on this game. It seems like a lot when you think of it as a single video game, but I've played a lot of CCGs in my younger years and I've easily spent that much on physical cards that are now just sitting in boxes in my closet. At least with this I constantly have a source of players to play against on a moment's notice. And it's been a lot of fun and I've spent over 200 hours on the game so that's less than a dollar per hour of entertainment. Better value than a movie or a typical priced retail video game. I've probably dumped more money into WoW and that was way more monotonous.

That said, looking back, I don't think I should have spent more than $100 - $120 max on cards. I wouldn't recommend it. Everything after that was pretty much dust and very few new cards. Sort of a letdown.

I actually went back to do a more detailed estimate of my rate of legendaries per pack opened. I'm figuring I typically earn a new pack every day and a half of play. So going back and counting the legendaries I've actually opened and doing the math, that puts it at one legendary roughly every 23 packs. So I was pretty close with my off-hand guess. If you're getting more than that, consider yourself lucky. On the other hand, if you're Kosma... sorry dude... :(


i got a mage today who kept top decking spells/charge/leper gnomes and hitting my face with them, almost won then he topped azure drake which of course led into fucking fireball.
had full board of useless minion on the board that couldnt do shit ;(



Harrison has major card draw potential and a much bigger body, so it's not in the same league. And as has been said, if you nerf Ooze, it only makes Harrison more powerful and necessary. That's poor design.

It's not a big tempo card. It's meant to reverse the giant tempo swing a weapon can bring, ie: two minions for the price of one card. By itself, it doesn't give a lot.

It's only "good value" against certain enemies, and even then it has a secondary pre-requisite that they have a weapon in hand as well. When an ability needs that many planets to align, it should powerful to offset how situational it is.

And, again, most weapons will have already replaced themselves in value by the time an Ooze is used anyway. If they haven't been used, well, that's the empty-board weapon gambit.

If it was 4cc, it wouldn't counter the early weapons as well.

Plus, it's not countering a full 5cc card by the time it drops. 95% of the time, the weapon will have been used already, so its already got about half its value and one-for-oned. If anything, it's a 2CC countering maybe a 2.5cc etc.

Also, by the same token, a 3 mana Hex counters a 9 mana Malygos etc.. That's just the necessary nature of counter cards. If all counters were the same cost as what they're countering, then there'd be zero risk to playing the initial big cards -- because, at worst, they'd spend just as much to get rid of it as you did casting it, so there's no real risk involved.

And I've already argued (quite well, IMO :p) why it's not as valuable as a Black Knight: TBK is much stronger and tougher, plus it kills something that won't have already used up part of its value, like a weapon likely will have.

It really is a huge tempo card. If you're taking out a 5cc with a 2cc and getting a 3/2 minion at the same time, you still have 3+ mana to spend on other things. That is a very measurable tempo advantage, even if some of the charges were used up. Even if there is a single charge left, it is a sizable tempo advantage. It is insane when you get 3 or more charges or a weapon that was buffed by another card. It almost decides the entire match tempo size leap.

I don't see why it needs to counter early weapons well when there is already a minion that does that. Bloodsail corsair would fill that role very well, in fact it already does.

Comparing it to a class removal isn't really a fair comparison. Class cards are already designed to have a larger budget.

Just to reiterate briefly, my issue with the card is not that it destroys the weapon, it is the cost of the card that destroys it. It makes playing weapons extremely risky. You can pretty much throw the whole match if they have a timely ooze. I think it is fine that cards counter weapons. Weapons would be out of hand if they didn't have some counters to them. But the extent that a 2cc counters it is too much, imo.


Any one else played some one that takes all the time every time? It got annoying just sitting there waiting for he/she to make a move just before the timer burnt out over and over again.


Neo Member
Any one else played some one that takes all the time every time? It got annoying just sitting there waiting for he/she to make a move just before the timer burnt out over and over again.

Haven't had it happen to me, but I hear if you do the same thing right back they wise up fast.


Any one else played some one that takes all the time every time? It got annoying just sitting there waiting for he/she to make a move just before the timer burnt out over and over again.
The key here is multitasking. I never play a game of Hearthstone without a second window open to occupy myself in these cases.


This game has a very real chance of cracking the global Top 10 Highest Grossing list, and staying there for a long time. This would be great news for the industry, and hopefully encourage more high-quality games being produced for the App Store.
Any one else played some one that takes all the time every time? It got annoying just sitting there waiting for he/she to make a move just before the timer burnt out over and over again.

There is a bug that warps the end turn button that makes it impossible/very difficult to click on, so maybe that happened.

Also, just got bloodmage thalnos in a pack. What are the good decks to use it on now? Didn't it fall out of favor in the meta?


Also, just got bloodmage thalnos in a pack. What are the good decks to use it on now? Didn't it fall out of favor in the meta?
It's generally good in all control decks (Warrior, Druid or Shaman e.g.) and also in Miracle Rogue as an enabler, spell buff or simply a way to cycle cards.


There is a bug that warps the end turn button that makes it impossible/very difficult to click on, so maybe that happened.

Also, just got bloodmage thalnos in a pack. What are the good decks to use it on now? Didn't it fall out of favor in the meta?
It's still fantastic in most control decks, particularly Druid and Shaman.


Now that Hearthstone is properly out on iPad, I was able to spend all my existing iTunes credit on 15 packs of cards. Got a bunch of gold cards and a bunch of dupes, but I guess more importantly I got Sylvanas Windrunner and Prophet Velen. Pretty happy about those.

Need to move out of my comfort zone of playing with a mage set I made months ago and start building other decks. I just find deck building kinda scary.


It's generally good in all control decks (Warrior, Druid or Shaman e.g.) and also in Miracle Rogue as an enabler, spell buff or simply a way to cycle cards.

It's more likely the guy is hoping by waiting like that his opponents get impatient and concede giving him an easier win.


Gold Member
This game has a very real chance of cracking the global Top 10 Highest Grossing list, and staying there for a long time. This would be great news for the industry, and hopefully encourage more high-quality games being produced for the App Store.

Already 23 in the US charts, not bad for a single night.


Opponent played the following in arena a second ago:

Hogger followed by Flamestrike into Ragnaros.
Oh, you were able to clear that? Here, have two Fireballs to the face.
I'm going to do that to the next asshole that does it to me

It's actually amazingly effective. Every time I've had someone do it to me, I do it to them back then after 1-2 turns they go back to playing normal.

Remember, the whole reason they are doing it is they are hoping to get "free wins" by making you quit in frustration. They don't want their time wasted anymore than you do, so you make their strategy instantly ineffective AND show you're going to waste their time and they get moving.
Since Hearthstone for iPad is available I get people who add me to their friendlist just to insult me multiple times per week. Never happened before.
PC players more mature confirmed ;)
Since Hearthstone for iPad is available I get people who add me to their friendlist just to insult me multiple times per week. Never happened before.
PC players more mature confirmed ;)

I don't even bother checking my friend requests... I already get quite a few people from the blizz forums who try to add me to tell me off as is :)


Well weapons are super good value and have probably already 1-for-1'd by the time Ooze is played, so its not a huge loss. They need a direct counter.

Agree with this, ooze is like the only counter to weapons and when you play it the weapon has already been used normally.

They should ad weaponsteal to some cards. If you hit the hero with this minion it steals the weapon and adds the attack to its attack.


The framerate is a bit all over the place on iPad 2 but it's still playable. Hopefully some future updates will fix this.


Gold Member
The framerate is a bit all over the place on iPad 2 but it's still playable. Hopefully some future updates will fix this.

Hopefully, but I realize the hardware is quite dated, even for the mobile space. Stuff barely runs optimally on the 4S/iPad 2 these days, and even though Hearthstone isn't exactly a graphical powerhouse, it still actually runs similar on an iPad 2 and my 2-year old (but newer than the iPad 2) Macbook Air.

iPad 2 has finally been dropped from Apple's inventory/stores, which is long overdue, and iPad 3 was dropped almost immediately, I think because they realized it didn't carry enough power to really run that high resolution.

When the new generation of iPad/iPhone hardware comes out this fall, the iPad 2/iPhone 4S will really start showing their age, being 3 whole generations behind the iPhone 6.


Already 23 in the US charts, not bad for a single night.

This is excellent, and will hopefully herald an age when high-quality games start taking over the App Store. App Store has always had good games, but apart for few exceptions very few have generated significant revenue over time.

Hearthstone is set to change that and it may well be followed by other core games that become very successful in the Top Grossing list, leading publishers and developers allocating more resources towards games a core gamer will enjoy.
Yeah, just got on my brother's Ipad 2 to check out hearthstone (really just to get the free pack)... it plays unacceptably to me. So much stuttering, such a bad frame rate... *shudders* no ty. If it plays like that on my quad core 1.5ghz android when it comes out (I'm not expecting it to be nearly as bad) I'll pass on the android release till I can upgrade my phone in a year or two.

Also, the ipad pack only gave me a golden vaporize.... I think I broke the pattern of good cards from the free ipad pack.


Gold Member
I didn't find it completely unacceptable on the iPad 2 myself... I think it depends somewhat if you're used to zipping along 12 actions in 3 seconds, queuing them all up while the animation still is running on your first move.

It moves at a much slower pace on an iPad 2, but was perfectly serviceable from the game I played. It wasn't the smooth 60fps as my PC, but if it's all I had access too, I'd still be able to enjoy it. It was actually better than I expected given all the harsh impressions I read about it.

It reminds me a little of trying to play Infinity Blade on an iPhone 4. Still, I do agree it doesn't do the game justice, I'd certainly prefer to play it on newer hardware and see it running smoother.


Hearthstone hasn't grabbed me like I thought it would and I believe it is due to the little performance issues on the iPad 3.

I can tolerate the load times and framerate hitches on my iPad 3 if I'm determined to play. However those little issues keeps me from impulsively launching the app. I find myself gravitating towards Threes, Ascension or Rayman: Fiesta Run instead.

The "time to game" length is a little too long for me. I just hope the iPad Air (2014) has at least 2GB of RAM, then I would upgrade and all of this would (hopefully) be a non-issue.
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