Save $5 on Naxxramas by getting a $20 gift card for $15 at Gamestop
Everyone gets a dud from time to time but pretty much no deck should go 0-3 by default if you're a decent drafter. You'd have to be unlucky enough to face three opponents with crazy decks in a row and the likelihood of that happening decreases with every loss. I can't check my stats right now but I finish with less than three wins in like one out if ten runs. It's just a matter of experience.Anyone else really despise arena? Finally get Mage 3 times in a row after not seeing it for about dozen runs and I get just the worst possible draws. Didn't see a frostbolt or fireball the last two builds and the first time they stayed buried in my deck. Awful rares, murlocs and secret keepers anyone? Then i'm playing Warriors with double shield slam and Gorehowl as my 0-2 game.
I don't mind getting top decked or losing in Ranked because I know what's coming and the deck is partially my fault. Getting forced to play an awful deck for 3 losses is tediou and I only play it for the potential reward benefit.
/rant off
I just bought a $20 gift card at Gamestop for $15. This works! They just started selling generic gift cards so they weren't displayed yet. The guy found them in the system and checked the back and brought one up for me.
I just bought a $20 gift card at Gamestop for $15. This works! They just started selling generic gift cards so they weren't displayed yet. The guy found them in the system and checked the back and brought one up for me.
Hey, did the GAF Hearthstone tournament start yet? Don't see a thread, but I've been traveling a lot recently and don't want to miss it.
"Real lotion physics guy" should be his new tag.
Everyone gets a dud from time to time but pretty much no deck should go 0-3 by default if you're a decent drafter. You'd have to be unlucky enough to face three opponents with crazy decks in a row and the likelihood of that happening decreases with every loss. I can't check my stats right now but I finish with less than three wins in like one out if ten runs. It's just a matter of experience.
Outplay someone thoroughly only to have RNG say NOPE for 5 straight draws while the opponent slowly wins.
I mean ... isn't it a bit off to assume you made the best plays leading up to it? Especially if it's as close as you're describing. Sure, you can't know there's a Deathwing coming up but there's still value in ending the game at the earliest opportunity. Constantly trading for their board, even if you're left with the better board, may not always be the best call.
I think if you're just starting off with "I played it perfectly and they RNG'd me" is just a sure-route way to get angry at RNG. Look for the factors you had control over because I guarantee you that you had mistakes. There's always a mistake.
Well those kinds of comebacks are very rare and unrealiable.
Its wasnt close. These are guys that had 5 and 3 hp respectively with 0 cards in hand. To my 30 HP and hand full of cards. They dry draw each turn until pulling a deathwing that discards their 0 cards leaving me with my full hand. But none of my removal had drawn to that point.
So they have a clear board with their 12/12 sitting on it. I survived 5 turns instead of dying in 3 (30 hp vs a 12 attack minion) by the sheer volume of cards in my hand at that point because of how well I played. But after the DW clears the board, they just dry draw behind it clearing everything sloooooooowly and when my removal doesn't come in time, dead.
BTW if you log in right now you can infinitely reroll your quests on the US server.
BTW if you log in right now you can infinitely reroll your quests on the US server.
New to Hearthstone. This was my second pack - Legendary Black Knight and a Golden SI:7 Agent. I assume that was quite lucky!
Anyone else really despise arena?
I used to hate arena but I've come to like it more than constructed. Like you said, it's nice to play and see cards that have been passed over in the current meta and not just running into the same old decks over and over again. You just have to stick with it until you get the hang of it. I used to forgo arena and just used my gold to buy packs outright. I ended up losing out on a lot of arena experience. Eventually I went back and stuck it out until now I feel a lot more comfortable with it and am finally seeing a return on my investment.
I was the exact same way about Arena. Buying packs too.
But I just don't like the current meta (though I think it's the most varied it's ever been, it's a bit too rush/combo burst for my tastes). So I forced myself to try Arena. I'm really liking it. My only problem with it so far is the entry fee. It makes me nervous when I play.
Try thinking of losing as still winning, even if you lose you're still getting packs to open to fill out your collection.
If it's a matter getting low on gold reserves and possibly not being able to do another arena, maybe skip a few weeks from doing any arenas (or just do a single arena battle per day, win or loss, leaving the same arena open for a week+) and just complete dailies without actually opening any packs. Or maybe just allow yourself 1 pack per 200 gold so you're always increasing your reserves. Get a few thousand gold in reserve then return to arena / increase the arena battles you play per day.
If it's just nerves, I think it's best to plan out how you are going to open the match (look at your card list and determine exactly what 1, 2 or 3-drops you're going to mulligan for before starting), then simply expect to lose when you're being matched to an opponent. If you start the match expecting to lose it, you shouldn't be as nervous.
Dat coin + lifetap.
I would think it increases with the further you get though. Get 6 wins in and Ill bet thats a bit of a wall as you start to see some ridiculous decks. Arena as it stands right now is extremely unattractive to me. I just play non ranked casual. I much prefer building a deck than adding yet ANOTHER level of stupid RNG to this game.
I just lost two games in a row to players using fucking deathwing after I traded them perfectly all game. Only for them to play a fucking card that clears my board and discards the 0 cards left in their hand, then Im stuck drawing waiting for my BGH or SWor ANYTHING because my opponent has 3 HP.
Just bullshit. Outplay someone thoroughly only to have RNG say NOPE for 5 straight draws while the opponent slowly wins.
Thank you for the advice.
It is just nerves. I have a lot of gold saved up in anticipation of Naxx (I was preparing for worst case of ~1000 gold per wing).
Just having an entry fee makes me feel like I must perform better to justify the cost. I'm sure I'll get used to it with time though.
EU!Haha are you going to play the US client?
Its wasnt close. These are guys that had 5 and 3 hp respectively with 0 cards in hand.
Edit: The games would have been done way sooner than the time that they got to draw Deathwing were it not for their class specific cards that I don't have access to yet because I'm new.
So, 22nd, is that like tonight at midnight EST? 2 AM? 3 AM?
Hearthstone will be unavailable during server maintenance on Tuesday, July 22nd at 12:00 AM PDT. We expect maintenance to be finished around 8:00 AM PDT.
Thank you for your patience.