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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Loving the new 3 drop legendaries, but they might not be as easy to fit in the current priest decks. I mean, they're already loaded with high quality 3 drops:
Velen's Chosen
Injured Blademaster
Big Game Hunter / Shadow Word: Death
(Dark Cultist)
After this season i think it is not Dr.Boom who gets nerved. This two cards are the candidates.

The effect will be changed to at the start of your turn.

Warsong Commander
The played card will lose the charge effect if you buff it above 3 attack.
Eric Dodds on Dr Boom:
So, for instance, I can say, speaking to a card which lots of people like talking about which is Dr. Boom. We don’t have any plans right now to change Dr. Boom. He’s definitely a strong card, but it’s not a card that is breaking the metagame or causing problems at a high level so we currently have no plans to change him.
Eric Dodds on Warsong Commander:
Yeah, it is tough, and one of the types of things we do talk about is the burst damage from an empty table and how that impacts gameplay. Certainly the Commander specifically is a card that we have talked about internally, it’s just that we want to make sure we’re doing the right thing before we move. So, again, I’m not going to say “hey, we’re planning on changing this card,” but I can tell you we’re definitely paying attention to that card right now.

[Interviewer]: That sounds like a “maybe”.

It’s not a situation where we’re like “oh yeah, everything’s fine.” It’s certainly a card that we’re watching very closely at the moment.
Eric Dodds on Emperor Thaurissan:
Yeah, it’s very important for us to go “okay, we’re pretty sure this is okay, but it’s a little bit crazy at the same time.” So we’re continuing that going forward, saying “okay, we’re trying to balance it” and at the same time “wow, we think this will work, but it’s going to be exciting because it’s something a little bit new, a little bit crazy.”


That Eric Dodd comment on Dr Balanced is old by the way. They have shifted their tone related to the card in the most recent interview.


The way that interview comes across, it sounds like Warsong Commander is definitely getting a nerf and none of the other cards mentioned are getting a nerf.


That's not even Malganis bro.

That's not even the worst thing that happened to me this run. I played a Draconid Crusher that got up to 9/9 because my opponent had about 10 health. The next turn he used Mind Control and took control of him. I LOST.


Nerfing Thaurissan would be a terrible idea. The card provides so much combo potential and allows for creative plays that wouldn't be possible otherwise and it's a card that creates an interesting field dynamic when it's played (pseudo-taunt due to it's value in the right decks).

It will still have the pseudo-taunt effect and you call still make the creative plays but you habe to manage to keep him alive for at least one turn. At this state you just throw it brainless on the board and you are done.


That's not even the worst thing that happened to me this run. I played a Draconid Crusher that got up to 9/9 because my opponent had about 10 health. The next turn he used Mind Control and took control of him. I LOST.

Well neither of those situations are rare in arena :)

Oh nevermind then.

In that case yeah, Grim Patron/Warsong nerf seems on the horizon.

Of course. Can't have those dirty combo decks messing with Shedders and boom bots banging to each other and spawning exciting shit!


It will still have the pseudo-taunt effect and you call still make the creative plays but you habe to manage to keep him alive for at least one turn. At this state you just throw it brainless on the board and you are done.

Playing Thaurissan being simple is ok because of how tough it can be to get the effect on the cards you need. If you need taunt/spell protection AND the card draw for the combo pieces, many decks just wouldn't be viable. Also if you're in a situation where Thaurissan survives the turn unintentionally, the extra effect probably won't have much impact on your victory anyway.


Oh nevermind then.

In that case yeah, Grim Patron/Warsong nerf seems on the horizon.
I thought the same thing though, seems like they shifted back.

Regarding Emperor. I just think sooner or later they will have to nerf it to the beginning of your turn otherwhise they will always have to keep hik in mind when making new cards as he enables rodiculous combos that are not meant to exist.


When do they rebalance cards? Before the next expansion drops? Or just whenever?

Based on past history they'll do rebalances right before the expansion comes out and then all the cards they've designed to counter the most OP deck in the meta becomes irrelevant (see all the anti-spell cards and Miracle Rogue).


I'm just confused as to why they didn't price Emperor at 7 mana from the get go. They keep using "there are no other good 7s" as an argument to why Boom is fine (it isn't though) yet they keep stacking 6 and 8 (Toshley, Sneed's, Chromaggus, Emperor) instead of introducing 7s with interesting abilities.
Not sure why people want to nat pagle Emperor into effectively 6 mana vanilla 5/5. Either buff his stats or make him lower mana cost by 2 mana in this case. Though i like "lower mana cost by 1 but not lower than 1" nerf more.


I'm just confused as to why they didn't price Emperor at 7 mana from the get go. They keep using "there are no other good 7s" as an argument to why Boom is fine (it isn't though) yet they keep stacking 6 and 8 (Toshley, Sneed's, Chromaggus, Emperor) instead of introducing 7s with interesting abilities.

Why? Because they thought it was balanced at 6. You can only tell once you put the card out there live and see what happens. Emperor is pretty weak against aggro most of the time.


If someone from EU can add me ..
I'm struggling to achieve those quests of "watch a friend win"

Quote to reveal, thanks
Also, I have bought all naxrama expansions except the last one, and the first black mountain one. Which should I buy now? Or should I roll arena?
Most interested in playing hunter & mage, sometimes shaman.


If someone from EU can add me ..
I'm struggling to achieve those quests of "watch a friend win"

Quote to reveal, thanks
Also, I have bought all naxrama expansions except the last one, and the first black mountain one. Which should I buy now? Or should I roll arena?
Most interested in playing hunter & mage, sometimes shaman.

Second BRM has Imp Gang Boss, fourth BRM has Flamewaker. Go for those. Last Naxx gives you KT I guess.


Are android emulators safe? I assumed they would be able to track your login info... Anyone know any good emulators that are easy to use?


Neither of those two wings have essential cards in the current meta (mage & hunter), but I suppose I'd pick Nax if I were to chose one.

Mage and arena. Nah, you wouldn't want to experience the struggle.

Eteric Rice

Okay, can someone help me with a problem?

I won the Team Archon thing where you can get 40 packs for like $25. I play on PC, but I have a Google Nexus 7. In order to use the coupon I have to download Hearthstone on the Amazon store. So I downloaded the Amazon App, search for Hearthstone, and click it. The problem is that there isn't a download button anywhere. It just says this...

"This mobile application does not currently support digital downloads. Add this item to your wish list and you can view and purchase it from your computer."

There's literally no download or install button. It's driving me nuts because I wanted to use the freaking coupon. I've been trying for like 3 days now. :(
About 5-6 days into the game now... win rate is... going down. LOL Getting my ass kicked... followed a lot of the beginner guides and what not. But seems a lot of those decks are kind of out dated or everyone in general understands the basics now.

Okay, can someone help me with a problem?

I won the Team Archon thing where you can get 40 packs for like $25. I play on PC, but I have a Google Nexus 7. In order to use the coupon I have to download Hearthstone on the Amazon store. So I downloaded the Amazon App, search for Hearthstone, and click it. The problem is that there isn't a download button anywhere. It just says this...

"This mobile application does not currently support digital downloads. Add this item to your wish list and you can view and purchase it from your computer."

There's literally no download or install button. It's driving me nuts because I wanted to use the freaking coupon. I've been trying for like 3 days now. :(

Huh why don't you just use the Google play store?


Gold Member
People are severely underestimating what coming out a turn earlier means for Totem Golem.

Still trades 1:1 for other popular 2-drops like shielded minibot and the minibot doesn't cost the paladin any overload. Shaman forever screwed.

Coining it out turn 1 means you generally need to pass on turn 2, which is pretty horrible against aggro. Doubt it will help much more than a Chow which doesn't screw up your turn 2. Don't see it really winning you too much tempo because of the overload, you'll just be playing catch up like always, with their under-cost cards that carry no overload. The main advantage you get from coining it turn 1 is vs priest and warrior you have to worry less about the annoying 1/3s, but most other match ups it's probably more a wash. Even vs Imp Gang boss it will trade poorly, they get 4/6 worth of stats out of it (rather they have 2 free 1/1s after the two cards trade). And when you start comparing to other popular 3-drops I doubt the situation looks as good.

Eteric Rice

About 5-6 days into the game now... win rate is... going down. LOL Getting my ass kicked... followed a lot of the beginner guides and what not. But seems a lot of those decks are kind of out dated or everyone in general understands the basics now.

Huh why don't you just use the Google play store?

Because the discount code you get from Team Archon is for Amazon. So you apparently have to download the game through Amazon for the code to take effect.


PCGamer: One of the things people get frustrated about is they feel like if they draw badly against aggro they’re just gonna die. Whereas with aggro decks, because you’re so stacked with low cost minions, it’s harder to draw badly.

Eric Dodds: Yeah, it’s tricky because there’s this eternal struggle between control and aggro. And if control ever becomes too dominant, and you’re not worried about aggro, the game becomes really slow. [...] But on the other hand, if aggro is too dominant then it feels like whoever gets the good draw just dumps their cards on the table and wins. We’re actually pretty comfortable with the balance between the two right now.

Hahahaha WHAT

There is literally one control deck worth playing, midrange hardly exists anymore and aggro is absolutely rampant with the most cancerous, sticky minions and idiotic swing potential across the board the archetype has ever had access to. Midrange Hunter is borderline aggro to begin with and any recent iteration like "Hybrid"/"Chakki"/whatever Hunter just throws Highmanes into Face Hunter; Handlock is in that unique spot between midrange and control if you want to count that. Zoo has midrange aspects but also arguably the most outrageous rng swing potential in the game.

And their answer is to nerf Patron Warrior, the one viable true combo deck, the one deck that is legit hard to learn and harder to master, the one deck that punishes all this braindead spamming of 1-health trash, deathrattle cancer and pulling tokens out your ass, because once in a blue moon it deals 30 damage to a streamer's face.

And of course Dr. B is fine.



Hahahaha WHAT

There is literally one control deck worth playing, midrange hardly exists anymore and aggro is absolutely rampant with the most cancerous, sticky minions and idiotic swing potential across the board the archetype has ever had access to. Midrange Hunter is borderline aggro to begin with and any recent iteration like "Hybrid"/"Chakki"/whatever Hunter just throws Highmanes into Face Hunter; Handlock is in that unique spot between midrange and control if you want to count that. Zoo has midrange aspects but also arguably the most outrageous rng swing potential in the game.

And their answer is to nerf Patron Warrior, the one viable true combo deck, the one deck that is legit hard to learn and harder to master, the one deck that punishes all this braindead spamming of 1-health trash, deathrattle cancer and pulling tokens out your ass, because once in a blue moon it deals 30 damage to a streamer's face.

And of course Dr. B is fine.


Patron hard to learn? lol

Wait until turn 8 throw out the warsong, patron, inner rage then put in some frothings and whirlwinds and you got yourself a win.

A deck where you can get a full board from nothing and get lethal/close to lethal in a single turn isn't balanced.


Patron hard to learn? lol

Wait until turn 8 throw out the warsong, patron, inner rage then put in some frothings and whirlwinds and you got yourself a win.

A deck where you can get a full board from nothing and get lethal/close to lethal in a single turn isn't balanced.



Patron hard to learn? lol

Wait until turn 8 throw out the warsong, patron, inner rage then put in some frothings and whirlwinds and you got yourself a win.

A deck where you can get a full board from nothing and get lethal/close to lethal in a single turn isn't balanced.
Good luck making it past rank 10 with that strategy.


Patron is fine. At least I never lost to Patron combo. Frothing on the other hand is frustrating. A possible 20+ with charge, not to mention the long animation. Yeah, no thanks. At least it shouldn't be buffed by Warsong.


Gold Member
Wonder why they don't just make Warsong Commander's charge be conditional to the minion have 3 or less attack... much like that 2/1 pirate's charge is conditional to having a weapon equipped, and the charge itself is checked in real time, so the instant a minion becomes 4+ attack, it drops charge off it. They just have to change the wording to use whatever terminology they used for the 2/1 pirate where it loses its charge the instant your weapon breaks.

What other popular 2-drops?

Not sure (Millhouse I suppose lol), but minibot is certainly one of the most annoying two drop in the game, next to Mad Scientist. I really just meant it trades 1:1 with another popular 2 mana creature that doesn't have overload, and since it's technically 3-mana anyway, things to look worse when you compare it to 3 mana cards, which my argument has always been with overload... properly balance overload shouldn't put it equal to a vanilla minion of similar mana cost. I strongly believe that you have to evaluate it at 3 mana, much like you need to evaluate Earth Elemental at 8 mana, no one thinks of it as a 5 mana creature. It's a 8 mana card that you can play at turn 5, but then typically dies (to BGH/BK/etc) and leaves you with just 3 mana on turn 6 to basically pass your turn and go downhill.
Eric Dodds: Yeah, it’s tricky because there’s this eternal struggle between control and aggro. And if control ever becomes too dominant, and you’re not worried about aggro, the game becomes really slow. [...] But on the other hand, if aggro is too dominant then it feels like whoever gets the good draw just dumps their cards on the table and wins. We’re actually pretty comfortable with the balance between the two right now.

As someone who joined right around the release of Naxx (actually slightly before, so I remember the last ranked meta before Naxx's release), when was the last time this was actually a big problem? It's certainly never felt like we've been in danger of a super-slow, drawn out stallfest meta since Naxx. If anything, things have got even faster than the days of Naxx Zoo and Buzzard/UTH Hunter.
Wonder why they don't just make Warsong Commander's charge be conditional to the minion have 3 or less attack... much like that 2/1 pirate's charge is conditional to having a weapon equipped, and the charge itself is checked in real time, so the instant a minion becomes 4+ attack, it drops charge off it. They just have to change the wording to use whatever terminology they used for the 2/1 pirate where it loses its charge the instant your weapon breaks.

Not sure (Millhouse I suppose lol), but minibot is certainly one of the most annoying two drop in the game, next to Mad Scientist. I really just meant it trades 1:1 with another popular 2 mana creature that doesn't have overload, and since it's technically 3-mana anyway, things to look worse when you compare it to 3 mana cards, which my argument has always been with overload... properly balance overload shouldn't put it equal to a vanilla minion of similar mana cost. I strongly believe that you have to evaluate it at 3 mana, much like you need to evaluate Earth Elemental at 8 mana, no one thinks of it as a 5 mana creature. It's a 8 mana card that you can play at turn 5, but then typically dies (to BGH/BK/etc) and leaves you with just 3 mana on turn 6 to basically pass your turn and go downhill.

It trades with quite a few one drops + abusive.

While that seems unfair to compare two cards with one, lets face it, it is still less mana, you still get a 2-1 left on the board and there are plenty more of them coming while the shaman can't do anything the next turn.
The 2/2 divine shield stealth guy is more of a combo/slow aggro card than minibot is. I think it is pretty solid but might not be played over shade of naxxramas in the type of decks that might run it. Another decent divine shield minion could make blood knight decks more visible.
Wonder why they don't just make Warsong Commander's charge be conditional to the minion have 3 or less attack... much like that 2/1 pirate's charge is conditional to having a weapon equipped, and the charge itself is checked in real time, so the instant a minion becomes 4+ attack, it drops charge off it. They just have to change the wording to use whatever terminology they used for the 2/1 pirate where it loses its charge the instant your weapon breaks.

Boom. That's all it takes to put Patron in a fairer spot. More people would likely run Grommash if this happened but Grom is a whole lot easier to deal with than a 20+damage Frothing with charge in one turn. Gives other classes a better chance to respond after everybody starts getting in there. lol

Saw Kolento hit for 36 damage on one Frothing yesterday. Disgusting.

And finally Blizzard gives me an 100 Gold quest after continuously giving me 40. lol


What other popular 2-drops?

Mad scientist.

Totem golem is going to be 2/30 cards in your deck. Being able to play it on turn 2 or turn 1 with coin is the dream.

Compare it to the mad scientist dream. Card is not enough to make shamen viable...
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