Hey everybody. I've played this game pretty casually for awhile, but I've recently been watching some of Trump's arena drafts and it's given me a better understanding of which cards are good and which are bad. I've been able to see myself getting better and I'm finding the game a lot more fun now because of it.
Hopefully I can ask for advice here, I know that the answer is probably just gonna be to copy a deck from a website, but I don't really have that many cards and this is kind of an exercise for me to see if I've actually learned anything.
My favorite class is druid (maybe warlock too) so I decided to make a ramp druid using what I learned from watching Trump's drafts. Here it is:
Can anybody look at that and tell me if there's anything blatantly bad in there? Or maybe some easy adjustments I could make... I don't have that many cards, just naxx stuff, malygos, and jeraxus. also I have like 200 dust or something... just used a bunch to make force of nature.
Like maybe I should only have one claw and two wraths instead? is one wild growth enough or should i have two?
edit: my plan with the deck is to have minimum amount of early game because it's over quickly, and then also have my early game cards be usefull in the mid and late game... .which I think claw and power of the wild are perfect for.