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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Just realized Neptulon gets a reasonably sized buff from the addition of Murloc Knight.

I think I'll make it a point to fit him in my Shaman decks in the future.


lol bruh just play patron warrior. I've been hitting 400 legend every month since BRM came out without even trying. why struggle? play the top decks. That's like going oh woe is me i keep betting on cleveland browns every year because they got that grit and integrity...

Mr Cola only reacts to soccer analogies, so hmm, instead of Cleveland Browns let's say, I don't know, Sunderland :p
Rank 1 with Hybrid Hunter. :L Paladin Meta appeared out of nowhere, but it wasn't much of a problem. No idea where they came from though.

On to Legend! D<


I just had a 4-3 arena run and wow... This is *tons* more fun than constructed. Out of 7 games, I played against 5 different classes. I think I've found my new home (whenever I have the gold for it).


You just got lucky to end 4-3. From 5 wins onwards it's only Mages :p

Not really, but believe me, enough arenas will convince you of this. All of them have Flamestrike(s) too.
I just had a 4-3 arena run and wow... This is *tons* more fun than constructed. Out of 7 games, I played against 5 different classes. I think I've found my new home (whenever I have the gold for it).

Arena is different, but has it's own issues. Mage and to a lesser extent Paladin are extremely strong and when you get up into the higher win games, you will play against those 90% of the time
I just played a warrior where each of his minions cost 1 less. How the hell did he do that? Still beat his ass. Can PC players cheat?
More than likely he got a Pint-Sized Summoner from a Shredder or you missed them getting ticked down by EMP T.

Outside of exploiting game mechanics I'm not sure about cheating. I feel like if people did they'd be easily caught from tracking.
More than likely he got a Pint-Sized Summoner from a Shredder or you missed them getting ticked down by EMP T.

Outside of exploiting game mechanics I'm not sure about cheating. I feel like if people did they'd be easily caught from tracking.

The original cheating was using Bots, but that was last summer and it seems like Blizz got a handle on it


Trying to decide if I should drop cash for TGT cards with the presale deal. If I do, I'll have about 100 packs to open and 5000 dust for crafting any cards I want. Only 50 packs without the presale. Kind of thinking that 50 packs +dust should be enough to get me started with most of the vital cards, but would be nice to have so many packs on day 1. In GvG I'm still missing a couple of vital cards (Quatermasters and Lightbombs) but other than that I feel like my collection is pretty complete.


Lol all the free wins.

Just happen to start climbing midway through season. Didn't play at all last month so im rank 21. Happen to have legend cardback on. Almost everyone assumes I am portrait farming/see golden warrior etc and insta concedes.

Heh, greetings. Gj blizzard
More than likely he got a Pint-Sized Summoner from a Shredder or you missed them getting ticked down by EMP T.

Outside of exploiting game mechanics I'm not sure about cheating. I feel like if people did they'd be easily caught from tracking.

Your right he did have an Emp T. I'm tripping. That's what happens when you try to play and browse Gaf at the same time


I am doing this the first month to see the type of rewards I get.

If I get 2 golden commons and some marginal dust then I am never going back to ranked again.

Blizz said rank 5 earns:

2 commons
1 epic
Some dust
Card back

For example

So you will get dust from 10 avarage packs every month if you hit rank 5


What's so bad about playing ranked? I thought it was the main mode of the game.
It's the same decks using the same playstyles that I have been seeing and playing against for months now.

And not only that but it's a concentration of decks that represent the absolute worst parts about Hearthstone. It's just non stop aggro from rank 20 to rank 5 and you are kinda forced to play something like Grim Patron if you want to climb at a decent rate. I am not a Grim Patron player, I don't really like playing that deck but it's what I have to do to stay ahead of the meta (and it did work despite my lack of skill/experience with the deck).

So basically Ranked is playing decks you don't like against other decks you don't like while having to go through repeated RNG swings.

It's just not worth the effort if the rewards aren't there for your time spent and wins. I would much rather just play Arena for the superior rewards.

Blizz said rank 5 earns:

2 commons
1 epic
Some dust
Card back

For example

So you will get dust from 10 avarage packs every month if you hit rank 5
If you get a guaranteed golden epic then that is just enough incentive to run Ladder every month I guess.


No one else mentioned it, but it's important: Druid has serious problems functioning correctly when you're missing card draw. (Ancient of Lore and/or Nourish.) Innervate and Wild Growth put you at a card disadvantage, and without a way to refill your hand you'll have a tendency to run out of steam in the late game.

Just something to be aware of.

oh nice that's also a good tip. I took out one of the druids of the fang and put in nourish, and I also took out a harvest golem and put in an azure drake. the deck is slowly leaning a lot more into the late game.
what's the best deck right now to beat ladder rank 10 I am just stuck with mid range hunter.
Tried face hunter stomped...
mid range paladin is also stomped
stomped with aggro paladin.

not sure what deck to play on rank 10


I microwave steaks.
My win loss in this weeks tavern brawl has been hilariously bad, I'm at 5+ straight losses right now, lost as a druid vs mage, now i'm losing with mage deck against druid. never again. every deck I've been playing against are on an insane curve


what's the best deck right now to beat ladder rank 10 I am just stuck with mid range hunter.
Tried face hunter stomped...
mid range paladin is also stomped
stomped with aggro paladin.

not sure what deck to play on rank 10

Freeze Mage is good if you're not seeing any Warrior but you need the skill to play it.
what's the best deck right now to beat ladder rank 10 I am just stuck with mid range hunter.
Tried face hunter stomped...
mid range paladin is also stomped
stomped with aggro paladin.

not sure what deck to play on rank 10

Patron is hands down the strongest deck right now, but not necessarily the best for laddering.

Hybrid Hunter is really strong right now, in my opinion. I've been running the ProtoHype version from a couple season back, but I swapped a Savannah for Leeroy and swapped out one Freezing Trap for Explosive.

My roommate has been having a lot of success with Lightbomb Priest (climbed from Rank 12 to Rank 5 with it today), and I've seen people do well with 2x Counterspell Tempo Mage, Aggro Paladin, and Freeze Priest.

One of the guys I brew decks with is sitting at Legend 30 something with Oil Rogue. Not sure how he's doing it or what his exact list is since I haven't been able to make it work at all lately.


That feeling when a face hunter trades his small minions into two taunts buffed by argus, then I throw out another taunt in the form of TAZDINGO.


I can taste the salt.


re: rewards - I thought the rank 5 thing was just used as an example and they're linearly progressing with each rank like arena rewards for each win.

edit: ah, they do. rank 5 is just the highest possible
re: rewards - I thought the rank 5 thing was just used as an example and they're linearly progressing with each rank like arena rewards for each win.

edit: ah, they do. rank 5 is just the highest possible

Rank 5 gets you a gold epic if you go further then 5 you get more dust(meh)


Can't wait to be horrible person who uses Face Hunter next season when people are fucking around with the new cards. Want Rank 5 for the quick rewards.
Ranked up to 7 last night in a few hours with face hunter.

Got tired of long games trying to stall,to the endgame against aggro.

Decided to fight fire with fire.
Been playing this on/off again for awhile now, but not seriously, only play a few games a week and have got both Naxx/BRM. Have recently started saving more dust (I typically just used it to fill in gaps with rare/epics in my decks) and getting ready to craft a legendary and think best options at the moment are either Sylvanas or Dr Balanced. Current legendaries I have include King Krush, Antonidas, Vol'Jin, Grommash, Blingtron, Nat Pagle and all the ones from the Adventures.


I don't think so, the excuse is that you can always counter it with Saboteur, or copy their hero power even, there are tools to play against it!

They'are not going to nerf anything, problem is better hero powers are just not fairly distributed . Priest and Druid's are quite strong and Warrior can tank even outside of Patron Warrior's reach with that.

Hunter's isn't going to make much of a difference really. Dealing two damage for mage seem good only if you combine it with their other hero power cards like Fallen Hero or the Drake, compared with Druid's for example, it's weaker on its own, multiplying everything by two doesn't exactly work well here compared with standard hero powers, sure you can hit everything anywhere with mage but there is actually a wider gap now compared with vanilla powers. I don't think it's any good for Rogue or while Warlock's soul tap seem good I don't think games will take that long to matter enough to include a card like that. Paladin's is quite weak too. Shaman? could be good for a totem shaman deck maybe, again comes too late to really matter.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Most likely card to be nerfed in TGT?

My vote is Justicar...for the warrior armour to be reduced.

I personally don't think there are cards that are completely out of line in the set. There's nothing as consistency insane as Mad Scientist or Dr. Boom in the set. Maybe Tuskarr Totemic. Gormok the Impaler is also insane if you can meet his condition, so if Zoo can consistently pump out 4 minions I think people will be talking a lot about that one.

The new cancer that everybody is going to complain about will probably be Token Druid. Living Roots is just that good. But I don't see how you resolve that issue without cutting the card in half.
I don't rate living roots. I don't think it'll get any play at all because I can't see token druid being better than aggro Paladin and it doesn't fit too well in a ramp druid.

I'd run the ramp 2/3 instead.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I don't think Darnassass Aspirant is quite as good as everybody thinks it is. It's good versus aggro for a mid-range Druid but control and midrange decks are just going to kill it and you won't get the effect. Think about how often a Turn 2 mechwarper dies.


Anyone else notice that Tavern Brawl mouse over now says "Closed for Renovations"? I hope this doesn't mean we're transitioning into the phase where it either costs an entry fee and/or no longer rewards a pack....one or both of those things was possibly just temporary.
Anyone else notice that Tavern Brawl mouse over now says "Closed for Renovations"? I hope this doesn't mean we're transitioning into the phase where it either costs an entry fee and/or no longer rewards a pack....one or both of those things was possibly just temporary.

Lol if they charge for Tavern Brawl GL, doubt anyone would play it then.
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