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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Like toddhunter said, I feel like every time I try to make a priest deck I nearly fill the list up just by the class cards. They cover so many bases yet by default feel too reactive to everything without really pushing scary stuff out.

That said, I have always hated fighting them. If divine spirit/inner fire decks became consistent it will be awful.

Neutrals and Inspire effect priest the most so I want to say they will be much better this patch but only time will tell. I have had some good success with the anti-aggro build but I dunno if I can squeeze any new cards in and still maintain the soul of the deck.
And if it isn't nerfed, Patron will still destroy all these slow ass inspire minions sitting on the board doing exactly nothing.
It is unlikely joust will help much either.

Chillmaw is the only big counter I can see. Even then the requisites and patrons built in removal make it difficult.
Neutrals and Inspire effect priest the most so I want to say they will be much better this patch but only time will tell. I have had some good success with the anti-aggro build but I dunno if I can squeeze any new cards in and still maintain the soul of the deck.

It does seem like Priest has the best shot at inspire. Fingers crossed something comes of it, but you would think it is another expansion away to being it together.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Okay so just to confirm, as the patch goes live, I don't need to actually play/win a single game? The game should register the rank 5 reward and that's it?



Yoshi you are insane! You play a shit game you hate on two accounts! You need to review your lifes goals again because the hours you put into something you don't enjoy is crazy.


Bucaneer is a solid card even outside a pirate deck. Goblin auto-barber sees play, and I think Bucaneer is slightly more flexible (works better as combo enabler, effect isnt a battlecry).

Turn1 Bucaneer into Turn2 Dagger can deal with any 2 drop minion, and may force a coin into ping.

Turn 2 Bucaneer + coin + Dagger can deal with two health drops.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Yoshi you are insane! You play a shit game you hate on two accounts! You need to review your lifes goals again because the hours you put into something you don't enjoy is crazy.
Hey, that's just the way my life has folded up for me. I obviously buy the games I think I'll enjoy on release day - and I'll play then for 1-100 hours depending on how much I like it.

And then, it's back to "work" aka Blizzard games (SC2, Hearthstone, Heroes and occasionally WoW).


So I guess we aren't getting any free packs this time around? If I remember correctly, the free packs for GvG were first discovered in the datamined patch.


My first draft for face mage


There are so many things you could put in there, can't tweak it without playing it but it will need some adjustments for sure. It could be strong. Probably should replace Arcane Golem with Leeroy already, initially had two arcane golems, one was left from that.
Beat someone who had a golden hero (...I'm at 32 ranked wins myself) who clearly had a much better deck than I did.

I am now retiring because it can only go downhill from here.


They apparently censored Evil Heckler's art because it contained a prominent animal skull on his head and some smaller human skulls on his robe and skeletons are too spooky for China.

Less Evil Heckler


got 900 gold and have no cards, what to do.

edit/ I mean :(, should I go and unlock Naxx/BRM 1st wing? Should I spend that in the arena? Or should I just buy 9 packs.


Darkness no more
So I guess we aren't getting any free packs this time around? If I remember correctly, the free packs for GvG were first discovered in the datamined patch.

Those free packs are why I play Hearthstone. I had never played it before, but got an email saying if I logged in I had 3 free GvG packs waiting. I then installed the game and logged on to see what they were, started playing and now I am still playing. Seems like a good promo.


The free packs weren't data mined so they probably aren't giving them out, probably because Blizzard has transitioned Hearthstone into the money-squeezing phase.


Free stuff are for first times, no need to giveaway things when people are paying for it now. Free arena, free packs, free wing, free packs for a new mode. You have to get people to taste that adventure mode if you want them to pay for it and the game is now very well established.

I don't think brawl will change, I don't think it was made to generate revenue directly, just to keep people playing for a game like this is beneficial in the end.


I lost 3 times in a row, 3 times. To the most goddamn stupid, random deck I've ever seen.

He was running:

Zombie Chow, Slam, Sunfury Protector, Harvest Golem, BGH, Piloted Shredder, Death's Bite, Defender of Argus Sludge Belcher, Azure drake, Loatheb, Sylvanas, Piloted Sky Golem, Sunwalker, KT, probably other crap I can't remember or didn't see. I've never seen such a random deck in my life. There was no theme or consistency at all besides a ton of minions that of course he always played on curb. How did someone like this get to legend, jesus christ.

My favorite part of this post is when you posted it in the Taiwanese McDonald's worker thread.


My favorite part of this post is when you posted it in the Taiwanese McDonald's worker thread.


I just lost twice in a row to the stupidest fucking deck I've ever seen. Warrior Zombie chow, harvest golem, piloted sky gholem, azure drake, kelthuzad, and god damn sunwalker. This is the most random idiotic deck I've ever seen, and of course he draws perfectly every time while I get crap.

And healbots! How the hell do you even fit in so much stuff unless you're playing 1 ofs. Jesus christ.\

Oh and sunfury. WTF.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I lost 3 times in a row, 3 times. To the most goddamn stupid, random deck I've ever seen.

He was running:

Zombie Chow, Slam, Sunfury Protector, Harvest Golem, BGH, Piloted Shredder, Death's Bite, Defender of Argus Sludge Belcher, Azure drake, Loatheb, Sylvanas, Piloted Sky Golem, Sunwalker, KT, probably other crap I can't remember or didn't see. I've never seen such a random deck in my life. There was no theme or consistency at all besides a ton of minions that of course he always played on curb. How did someone like this get to legend, jesus christ.

Taunts and Deathrattles in a deck with KT?

That sounds like a gameplan to me.
Just make a face hunter deck. Its the easiest deck to play of all decks, and even if you have zero clue what your doing, most of the time just going face and playing all your cards, doing zero trades will win you most games.

I don't think Face Hunter is as easy and braindead as people think it is. In a deck where 1 point of damage can literally be the difference between edging out a win and getting rekt, you have to be on point.

I've been playing it for a while and I've noticed the mistakes I made in the past and how I'm improving with it. It's not just vomit your cards and go face. That's probably good enough up to rank 10, but you need to do better to get past that.

One of the biggest decisions each turn is whether to play an extra minion or use hero power. Like at 6 mana you play animal companion, but do you play wolf rider as well or just hero power?

With 3 mana left do you use Kill Command now, that your Owl is in play or hero power instead and use it later when you might not have a beast?

You also need to know when your opponent is likely to taunt up and have to know their deck to make optimum use of Owls (that's probably the most critical skill in the deck). Wasting an Owl can easily cost you the game.

Also, despite the name, you do actually have to trade sometimes and judging when to trade and when to go face is critical in mirrors and against other aggro decks.

Also the mulligan decisions are not always the same (but I guess they're not that hard either).


From Rank 20 to 10, almost every month, it's playable such that all you need to do is pretty much play everything in your hand, and you'll have a damn good fighting chance, or an outright advantage. It's pretty disgusting and easy to play.
Played some before I went to bed last night. Woke up this morning and noticed an email from apple saying I spent $59. Guess I purchased the expansion. Ambien. Its one hell of a drug.
From Rank 20 to 10, almost every month, it's playable such that all you need to do is pretty much play everything in your hand, and you'll have a damn good fighting chance, or an outright advantage. It's pretty disgusting and easy to play.

To be honest getting to rank 10 with any "real" deck is extremely easy. Getting through from rank 5 to Legend is very hard with rush decks (at least for me; much easier going with Handlock and Control Warrior)


Looking at TGT now I think we are going to see a lot of Druids. I don't really see patron going anywhere unless there are nerfs, and this will probably mean everything control (except warrior) is going to suck. I don't think any inspire minions will see play, other than the priest legendary.

I bet we see less mages with the rise of Druid. The new wild growth minion destroys any kind of tempo Mage / mirror entity.


I'm probably gonna try midrange druid, all those good ramps means that u get 4 mana on 2 so incredibly consistently.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I love Arena. You gotta be on point from start to finish. I lost a game on the first turn. I played a Wrath (Druid) on my opponents Northshire Cleric (Priest) when I should have played my Anodized Bear Cub in Attack Mode. I could have had a minion on the field and kept my removal. In fact, I could've traded with his next minion (Spider Tank or Dark Cultist) and drawn a card (Bear Cub (-3) + Wrath (-1 / Draw card) or even potentially better, hero powered and kept the Wrath.
Anything is playable from Rank 20 to 10
I put together a Mech Mage netdeck. Probably THE most bored I've been while playing Hearthstone. Mulligan for Cogmaster / Snowchugger against Weapon based opponents. Cogmaster / Annoy-o-tron every time else. Coin Cogmaster / Clockwork Gnome. Play on curve Tinkertown then Blastmage. Loatheb to shut down board clear removals on turn 5. Repeat over and over until you get to a certain rank (I got up to 12).

Think I'm gonna go back to play my self-made theme decks back in sub-rank 17.
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