Like toddhunter said, I feel like every time I try to make a priest deck I nearly fill the list up just by the class cards. They cover so many bases yet by default feel too reactive to everything without really pushing scary stuff out.
That said, I have always hated fighting them. If divine spirit/inner fire decks became consistent it will be awful.
Neutrals and Inspire effect priest the most so I want to say they will be much better this patch but only time will tell. I have had some good success with the anti-aggro build but I dunno if I can squeeze any new cards in and still maintain the soul of the deck.
It is unlikely joust will help much either.And if it isn't nerfed, Patron will still destroy all these slow ass inspire minions sitting on the board doing exactly nothing.
Chillmaw is the only big counter I can see. Even then the requisites and patrons built in removal make it difficult.