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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Yes, I agree we can judge little by these decks (Inspire is being given a fantastic showing because it's up against a deck with little tempo, Joust is looking awful because it's up against a midrange deck that isn't notably lower in mana cost than the joust deck is).

One thing I can say for sure, though: Armored Warhorse is a really, really bad card. I had gotten to turn 4 and could play it, but even if I won the joust my victory would allow me to... charge my 5/3 in to a 2 mana cost 3/2 minion.

I nominate it for worst card in the set. It's early voting, of course.

It's a better Korkron elite if you win the joust so one would think it could see play. Then you realize that Korkron is only good in aggressive decks and those won't win jousts at a good percentage...


This brawl was a great idea. Great to try out the cards a bit in-game.

I like how they sneakily let you play as the $10 premium heroes. "Here, try out their emotes! Pretty cool huh?"


Top kek in Brawl.

"If you have a beast, summon The Beast"

I was winning anyway since an unanswered tundra rhino is hilarious when you have two 5/7 beasts in your hand.


Everyone getting insane packs. I was planning on doing all at once (a straight 100 packs) on the 24th but you are tempting me.

what if Blizzard nerfs them amirite? :p


Lost my first game as Hunter where I lost all my jousts. Won my next game as Hunter winning every jousts lol. Also summoned The Beast with my Ram Wrangler, such value.
Finally got my second Explosive Trap and Unleash the Doges in my pack so I can make a decent Face Huntard deck now. :D


Man I can't wait to get home and play this. Reading your impressions has me so hyped.

Definitely squelching, I can just see the opponent saying 'sorry' every time you lose joust. Amirite?


Friendly request: if you are not interested in entering the Amazon Archon giveaway yourself, could you enter it and, if you win, give me the code instead? My girlfriend wants to buy 40 packs. To enter, you just put in a name/email. Thanks!



From what I've seen, the Hunter deck is heavily reliant on Lock and Load. If you draw into it and have a bunch of low-cost spells (which you *will* have), you'll cast them, refill your hand with tons of cards, then win by amount of options you end up having.
Friendly request: if you are not interested in entering the Amazon Archon giveaway yourself, could you enter it and, if you win, give me the code instead? My girlfriend wants to buy 40 packs. To enter, you just put in a name/email. Thanks!


I've put in five entries, none have borne fruit. I'd like to append myself to any list of people that would happily accept a code. If I get any come through eventually I'll also be sharing them.


Alright my review of the cards after playing with them in an actual game:

Fallen Hero: Slightly better than expected. The 3 attack makes this minion very aggressive and whenever it hit the board I had to spend removal to kill it or it got out of control in the games. Obviously synergy with all the other cards in the deck so the effect had even more value. I think this card is actually better than Steemweedle Sniper or at least it felt more threatening. Maybe it's because in this format it's a lot tougher to punish a 2 health minion than in constructed.

Maiden of the Lake: About as good as expected. Decent in an Inspire deck but the stats don't really threaten anything.

Flamelance: It's only good in this format because there are no deathrattles. This card will be fine in Arena but will see no play in Constructed. Like this Mage deck would've just been way better with a Fireball to finish off the game quicker.

Polymorph Bear: Great card ESPECIALLY in a deck that uses Fallen Hero because with that minion in play this card is GOD tier. This card was used in a lot of games and impacted the game greatly (either to remove a minion or to put more pressure or to gain lethal). Very strong card that could see play in a Tempo mage or an Inspire deck.

Refreshment Vendor: Decent card but a poor fit in this particular deck. I didn't get much chance to use this card but it was fine when I used it. Not bad but not over powered. This card would've had a greater impact if I was playing against an actual aggro deck rather than a more Midrange Inspire based deck.

Coldarra Drake: About as good as expected. Too slow even in an Inspire deck. If you got it to stick with another Inspire minion you pretty much win the game. I did pull of a near dream situation but again.. the other deck wasn't really able to punish the deck as other decks in Constructed will be able to do so.

Saraad: Slightly better than expected. In the late game this card ended up being a value machine especially with either Coldarra or Garrison out. The card was better in this format because it was harder to remove this minion than normal but in a Constructed game people shouldn't have much trouble removing it.

Frozen Giant: Solid card in an Inspire deck. Not too over powered but it was good when played. I still don't see this being played in like a Handlock deck but it's fine in an Inspire theme deck.

Captured Jormunger (the reverse Corehound): This card in a short amount of time already has made more plays and won more games than Corehound in its life time. This card will be very solid in Arena but will not be picked in Arena. It's very common to lose as Hunter in this format if your starting hand has two of these cards.

Master Jouster (5/6 Taunt): This Brawl wasn't a good one to showcase the Joust mechanic because the match up was a Midrange/Control deck vs a more Midrange/Aggro deck. The deck wasn't properly built for Jousting and thus was very inconsistent. It won more than it lost in my experience. This card is alright in a Jousting deck but even when I won the Joust I didn't feel this card was that game winning. When it lost it was pretty bad.

The Warhorse: Fuck this card. This card is one of those Joust cards which is trash if it loses and ridiculous if it wins. It's a weird fit in a Control deck because it's not that high mana cast yet it's a face card which goes against being in a Control/slow deck. I really don't like this card but there have been some games where you get like a turn 2 Elekk, turn 2 Huffer, turn 4 Warhorse and you absolutely destroy the Mage who also has limited board control cards.

Lock n Load: The double stack makes this card very good. This card has already won many games by itself because of what you can get. Hunter has many cheap spells so you can set off a chain reaction. Even in a deck that wasn't really built around its strength, it still pulled some weight.

Ram Wrangler: In the 10 or so games I played... this card never produced a shit minion. I think the worst I saw it produce was a Jungle Panther... which ended up winning the game. This card on average is really strong and the swings are insane. Lost so many games to someone getting a King Crush off of it. I myself won some games with it too by getting Malorne and Highmane out of it. This is basically the new Bane of Doom. I hate this fucking card. Even in a deck that didn't have a high beast count (and wasn't really a beast deck) this card ended up being out of control in some situations. Fuck this card.

Garrison Commander: Solid card although I don't think people are using it correctly. Most people just use it on curve, I think in those decks its more valuable later on. Getting double activation on something like Saraad or Kodo is damn insane.

Kodorider: Not as strong as I thought it was in the late game. Normally people played it on turn 8 which was still answered by killing the main dude. Yeah a couple of games he went out of control but again... not a true Constructed game. This is another card you need to use with Garrison/Coldarra to get big enough value to justify running this card.

Rhonin: Slightly better than expected. The body was an issue in this format with no BGH and the Arcane Missiles afterwards were a big problem as well. It's a silence target for sure. This card doesn't even fit well into this deck, it was kinda just thrown in there.

Evil Heckler: This card did work, period. It stopped aggression well and in many cases traded up. Of course there was no Shredder to keep this card in check so it was an excellent turn 4 play. Still not good enough for Constructed play but I wouldn't even be that surprised if people consider this over Senjin for a more aggressive Taunt deck (like that Druid that people are playing these days with the double Senjins).

Elekk: Better card than expected. You basically just blindly play it on turn 2 because it's an amazing turn 2 play. It's important to note that the card you bring up as a Joust is the card you get if you win. That makes this card have some very important applications as it can get you a very important minion in a clutch situation. Again, this deck wasn't really built to exploit Elekk's strength but it's a good card. Also the other deck almost always sniped this card with Fallen Hero and hero power so Elekk didn't do as much work as it wouldn't in a deck built to its strengths.

Bear Trap: Not that strong of a card to be honest. This is again one of those cards that is not all that great by itself but becomes much stronger with Balanced Scientist. I could definitely see this being played in a Beast Hunter deck (just another way to activate Ram Wrangler). All the opponents easily played around it, there wasn't much of a mind game around it.

*Tournament Attendee: Garbage card is garbage.

*The Inspire neutral cards. The 3/3 Winfury, the 3/2 that gains +1 health, the 4/4 that gains +2/+2, 1/2 that gains +2 attack. I will just review them together. The Lowly Squire did work but again, not Constructed play. Definitely a solid Arena card. The 3/3 Winfury was generally crap. Easy to remove and trade up into. The 4/4 that gains +2/+2 was very threatening but generally didn't win any games by itself (usually a win more card). The 3/2 that gained +1 was OK. These cards were fine, they weren't that strong even in an Inspire theme decks. A lot of the time they were just vanilla creatures you just played on curve to maintain tempo. In the late game where you could trigger their effects it wasn't even that great.. like wow a 2/2 and a 3/3 if you use Hero power... not exactly game winning stuff right there.

These cards when played on Curve in Constructed would just lose you tempo because they would be up against more efficient minions. Like any of these cards against Shredder is basically GG.

*Acidmaw: Card did work but was just too slow at 7 mana sometimes. Lots of opportunities for board clears with it especially with UTH. Probably more chances if you have Dreadscale as well which this deck didn't have sadly. The stats are of course poor but you generally want to get value on the turn you play it with another combo or some cheap minions on board.

*Northsea Kraken: Amazing card... for Arena. If the Hunter made it to the late game and was able to play this card while the game wasn't completely hopeless... they generally won the game. Without BGH in the Brawl... this card was an absolute monster. Will not see Constructed play but this card is pretty solid overall.

*Skeleton Knight: Probably the card that I had my opinion change the most on. This card did work when the game was sort of even-ish and when the game went late. Obviously this card is unusable when you are losing but so it stuff like Captured Jormunger or all the other late game cards that Hunter had in the set. When this card kept winning Jousts it was really annoying and actually got repetitive value. That said I still don't expect this card to see Constructed play because A) It's useless against aggro B) you aren't really expected to win jousts in control vs control that often so its just a salty dog in that situation and easily removed. Not that terrible in Arena that's for sure.

Overall most cards were slightly better than I thought they were but overall no card really hugely changed my opinion on it. I think the card I changed my opinion on was Skeleton Knight.

I don't know how i can put together a competitive deck with no dust now that joust gonna kill aggro.
Midrange Hunter is cheap if you don't run Dr Balanced (the deck doesn't even really need it to be honest).


Arcane Shot to make a comeback with L&L? :p
The Hunter deck is like 4 Hunter decks in one:

*Jousting Hunter deck
*Lock n Load Hunter deck
*Beast Hunter Midrange deck
*Slow Control Hunter deck

But it doesn't actually specialize in any of those which is why you would get some really wonky results with the deck. It's really hard to figure out your win condition with a deck like that.

Yet the Mage deck is fairly decently synergized around one concept (Inspire) with a few random cards like Spellslinger, Rhonin and Heckler thrown in there.
Anybody want an $8 off 15 classic pack purchase with amazon coins coupon? I have an unused code from the last challengestone code giveaway.


I'd play Evil Heckler just for the dialogue alone. Lowly Squire, too.

And had pretty solid pack from this brawl. No golden Velen like a week or two ago, but 2 epics and rare. And one of the epics was BGH so I can use it,


Fuck you Acidmaw + UTH combo >.<
yep Acidmaw is really good if you combo him, with UTH you pretty much clear the board.

also I think Frost Giants are going to be very fucking annoying in warlock decks.

ah, the golden version is nice.



I don't think Warlock will use Frost Giants... they already have Moltens and Mountain to work with.

Frost Giants have a better chance to be used in Control Warrior.


man I am getting terrible hands whenever I play this shitty hunter deck. Full of 6-7 drops at the start every time


I don't think Warlock will use Frost Giants... they already have Moltens and Mountain to work with.
Frost Giants have a better chance to be used in Control Warrior.
it's easy to play him for 4 or less considering that you usually tap often with warlock, if there is space for 2 more "free" 8/8 I think it's going to be played.
I hope Ram Wrangler NEVER seem competitive play...

It probably won't. Let's compare to Houndmaster. 1 mana less and 1 more attack. If you play the wrangler on curve it need to give you a minion that's 1 mana better than a 2/2 taunt with charge. Yes, because Houndmaster gives the bonus to a beast already there, which is much more valuable that summoning a new beast (that won't activate its battlecry) and can't attack that turn.

If the effect is truly random, then the expected value is much worse than Houndmaster's.

Ram Wrangler: In the 10 or so games I played... this card never produced a shit minion. I think the worst I saw it produce was a Jungle Panther... which ended up winning the game. This card on average is really strong and the swings are insane. Lost so many games to someone getting a King Crush off of it. I myself won some games with it too by getting Malorne and Highmane out of it. This is basically the new Bane of Doom. I hate this fucking card. Even in a deck that didn't have a high beast count (and wasn't really a beast deck) this card ended up being out of control in some situations. Fuck this card.

Then again if the effect is weighted towards higher cost beasts, then it might be good. More testing is needed.
I am starting to notice how expensive some of the cards I want to play actually are. And I am looking at my meager gold amount and dust and ouch.

Paladin deck I am looking at will cost me 3240 to make.


Ram Wrangler pulls nothing but garbage for me. I've used him 5 times and the best beast I've gotten is an Ironfur Grizzly.
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