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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Holy shit Trump going IN on Blizzard designers in his TGT Review #11 video.

drink every time he calls a card unplayable/trash

edit: ZealousD



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Gadgetzan Jouster a 3/3.

Kvladir Raider a 5/5 to start with.

Spawn of Shadows as a 4 mana 5/5.

Dude is fucking drunk.


I understand him wanting to make cards like Demonfuse more viable, but buffing North Sea Kraken or Flame Lance? These are already good enough, c'mon.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The moment he said he was gonna buff like 30 cards I knew the guy was off the rails. And adding 1 health to a minion is a huge change. And then he acts like knocking off a whole mana cost or adding +1/+1 is a minor change.


He's surprised that they haven't printed any cards that are comparable to Dr. Boom.

Trump, that's not the competitive standard you should be looking at.

Some of the changes are good, but others are leaving any reasonable goodness far behind.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
He's surprised that they haven't printed any cards that are comparable to Dr. Boom.

Trump, that's not the competitive standard you should be looking at.

Let's not forget that he didn't even think Dr. Boom was comparable to Dr. Boom when he first saw it. He didn't think it would see play in constructed!


Some of those change suggestions are fine/acceptable while others are completely bat shit insane.

This again goes back to the whole Evil Heckler argument. Just because you can add a stat point here and there to a card just because it's not playable doesn't mean you should.

Like the Kvaldir Raider change is totally unacceptable because it power creeps over a wide variety of cards. It's a strictly better War Golem when played on turn 7 and is better than most 5 drops as well (5/5 with an upside effect). Just because your frame of reference is Floating Watcher doesn't make it an apt comparison because you are comparing a class minion to a neutral minion (and we have established many times that class minions are purposely made to be stronger than neutral minions... like King's Elekk vs Bloodfen Raptor). Kvaldir Raider would still not see play but a 5/5 that gains +2/+2 at 5 mana shouldn't exist in the game.


Hello all :)
Quick question I have never been too serious but lately I have been attempting to grind my way down to rank 5 (my first goal) I got too 15 with my patron warrior deck and then I started facing lots of trouble so tried my face hunter, got down to 11 then went back up to 14 :( . I loved the face hunter because of the speed ( I have 2 kids to watch and work full time) I have read that mid range hunter is better, is this true?? And does anyone have any recomendations for mid range hunter or face hunter decks that are viable for meta? I am at work so I cant access most websites. Thanks for your time :).


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Floating Watcher isn't even a bad card! It snowballs like crazy in arena. Adding 2 stats to it is BONKERS.


I know they buffed Frothing from a 1/4 originally, but honestly, with all these new combo options enabled by the new cards, I can see it working just fine at 1/4, even 1/3.

Trump don't care about arena it seems.
Well, obviously anything that's not an auto-include in a number of competitive decks is unplayable trash.
I'd rather see Shredder be a 3/3 before 4/2 so it can stop taking a giant shit all over every 4 health minion in Hearthstone.

I mean look at Savage Combatant. How many people have said, "It's a good card but, ya know, Shredder exists so..."


I'd rather see Shredder be a 3/3 before 4/2 so it can stop taking a giant shit all over every 4 health minion in Hearthstone.

I mean look at Savage Combatant. How many people have said, "It's a good card but, ya know, Shredder exists so..."
Savage Combatant is actually the best 4 drop minion counter to Shredder in the game.

If they play Shredder first you don't play Savage Combatant as a follow up and just save it as a Fire Elemental type card later on.

If you play Savage Combatant first, then it threatens to eat up their Shredder because the Inspire does 3 damage to kill the Shredder and the 5/4 cleanly like 90% of minions that can come out of Shredders (unless they get like Millhouse or Succubus).

You can also send your lower minion into a Shredder then kill the small body with the Savage Combatant.

The only other card in TGT that compares to Shredder is Holy Champion. Not in terms of stats but in terms of its synergy with Priest and its ability to do ridiculous burst damage. That makes it almost a bigger target than Shredder. The card can in most cases also contest Shredder with some healing.


ladder protip: If you hit play after a match just ended quickly enough, you get matched with the same person!

If you rekt them, do this then for another possible win.
If you got rekt, well... maybe wait a few moments.

Beat a druid, next game it's same guy again now is playing face hunter, must have crushed his dreams. I won again. feels bad man.

Got matched against a same p2w all gold Magni control warrior three times. Why p2w guys are always control warrior? CW is meant for whales I guess.


I'm going to give up on that legend grind, it's not worth it. I think you should like play 5 hours a day, for almost a week from rank 5 to get to legend. Maybe next season if I reach 5 in a week I try to grind for legend normally, no way I'm going to play this game that much a day, I will go mad.


Err I'd rather have Tazdingo or Yeti. Like your "best counter" doesn't get played if the opponent plays shredder first, it sounds like a shit counter to me :)
The card is still extremely strong up until turn 6 though unlike Tazdingo or Yeti.

Got matched against a same p2w all gold Magni control warrior three times. Why p2w guys are always control warrior? CW is meant for whales I guess.
It's not called Wallet Warrior for nothing.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Coldarra Drake is such an annoying card. You either remove it right away or you lose.

There's getting to be way too many cards like that in Hearthstone and I'm not a fan.

That only happens because brawl decks are garbage. Anyone bringing that shit to constructed and getting le epic value pings next turn is gonna get demolished.

While I don't disagree on the constructed vs arena part... the thread is currently titled for a reason.

Dat Power Creep is REAL


I am looking at Tempostorm's card evaluation based on their "value" system and some of them don't make any sense.

Like how the hell is Mysterious Challenger a 0 power level card?

And how the hell is Powershot only a 1 power level card? Their reasoning for rating it low was that Powershot doesn't compare to Mad Scientist + Explosive Trap combo.

Really now? You are going to rate the stats on a card lower just because a two card combo MIGHT bestronger (and a combo that can also be played around)?

On their scale, Revenge is a power level 1 card and IMO Powershot is far superior to Revenge.

If you are going to use a pure metric system than use a pure metric system. It doesn't really seem like a metric system and more just a straight up number assignment based on how good/bad they think the card is and usually not taking the raw stats of the cards into the equation (ie. a card can have insane stats but if they don't think it fits into any current decks then the card is like 0 power level).
70 probably. Pre-order + saved gold.

Could afford like 10 more from gold, but I think I will do an arena spree when patch hits. Arena is free packs as people who don't know how to play try the cards.


maybe 20? not that many. Don't really want to spend money on it.

70 probably. Pre-order + saved gold.

Could afford like 10 more from gold, but I think I will do an arena spree when patch hits. Arena is free packs as people who don't know how to play try the cards.

if you were guaranteed to get tgt packs I'd do arena too.
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