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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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okay. I do have 2 piloted shredders I can put in. I did have a bit more dragons but i yea dont think enough to really warrant a full dragon deck which is kinda what I wanted to make.

Yea only one aldor peacekeeper and no lay on hands. so Ill try the solemn vigils

Might as well try KT in that deck as well
So i won another 50% off discount code from Amazon. Does anyone know if it works outside the 3 countries listed and can you use Paypal on Amazon UK?


Seems like Reynad thinks that the game is just going to get even more aggressive than before.

Also he thinks Polymorph Boar is the best Mage card and it's a staple 2 copies include in aggressive Tempo Mage decks.

Man even I don't think that card is THAT good.

If there's anything Reynad knows it's how to build aggressive decks. Huffer mage :(


Seems like Reynad thinks that the game is just going to get even more aggressive than before.

Also he thinks Polymorph Boar is the best Mage card and it's a staple 2 copies include in aggressive Tempo Mage decks.

Man even I don't think that card is THAT good.

I agree with Reynad though I'm not sure if Tempo Mage can fit in 2 copies of Boar, probably just 1.


Play Mysterious Challenger. Avenge and Noble Sacrifice go into play.
Opponent attacks with a minion.
Noble Sac pops out, dies, then avenge buffs the Mysterious Challenger.
Mysterious Challenger gets BGH'd.

That's kind of the nightmare.

no i think the nightmare is early game you draw all the secrets you put into your deck. your hand is clogged with useless cards and you've lost before you can even think about playing challenger.


no i think the nightmare is early game you draw all the secrets you put into your deck. your hand is clogged with useless cards and you've lost before you can even think about playing challenger.

That's why you need to play early minions to work with the secrets, and Secret Keeper. A deck with Challenger needs to be low curved and Challenger is basically your end-game win condition like Highmane.


Huh, Reynad really likes Gormok.
Reynad likes anything that is super aggressive or fits well into aggressive decks. It's why he likes the two sisters as well as they fit into aggressive decks.

Anything too slow he hates. Like he thinks Varian is useless 80% of the time.





I threw up a little bit, thank you.

Have you taken a look back at Secret Keeper? It's actually really really good if you're running a lot of cheap, good secrets. It's basically pre-nerf Undertaker. The only reason it isn't played in Hunter/Mage is because their secrets are too expensive to play, and it wasn't played in Paladin because their secrets sucked.


Have you taken a look back at Secret Keeper? It's actually really really good if you're running a lot of cheap, good secrets. It's basically pre-nerf Undertaker. The only reason it isn't played in Hunter/Mage is because their secrets are too expensive to play, and it wasn't played in Paladin because their secrets sucked.

okay how many secrets do you actually want to be playing out of hand? how many can you use to buff secret keeper to playable stats? if you're keeping these secrets in your opening hand what are you going to get off of mad scientist? what are you going to get off mysterious?

It's not good, it relies on playing your secrets from hand, sure if they're paladin secrets that's only one mana, if you have a secret in your hand and you want to spend a mana playing it. Turn 1 secret keeper into turn 2 get down ???? not exactly a power move.


okay how many secrets do you actually want to be playing out of hand? how many can you use to buff secret keeper to playable stats? if you're keeping these secrets in your opening hand what are you going to get off of mad scientist? what are you going to get off mysterious?

It's not good, it relies on playing your secrets from hand, sure if they're paladin secrets that's only one mana, if you have a secret in your hand and you want to spend a mana playing it. Turn 1 secret keeper into turn 2 get down ???? not exactly a power move.

The idea is for it to hedge against early aggresion like Leper Gnomes and to help ensure that your secrets have a target to buff AND if you draw your secrets early they buff it. It's a no-brainer to include in a Paladin deck that runs many secrets. Mad Scientist shouldn't be run in that deck because the value of getting out a 1 mana secret isn't enough, you'd much rather have Shielded Minibot or Juggler and you'd be running too many 2 drops with Scientist. Remember that the good Paladin secrets need at least 2 minions on board to trigger and/or get value from. Competitive Spirit is pretty bad if it only hits 1 minion.

Also Secret Keeper gets a +2/+2 or even +3/+3 if it's on board when you play Mysterious Challenger.


i'm not sold on coliseum. too much mana for the removal. equality consecrate takes 2 cards and costs just as much mana for an asymmetric board clear. The value is that two turns earlier you can play consecration to generally wipe an aggro board or wipe out a major threat with equality.

I'm completely sold on the card. It destroys minions with divine shield which e/c combo does not and it is in the class that has the most tools to manipulate attack values. This card is exactly what control paladin needed because e/c just is not that consistent and can lead to awkward boardstates where you simply delayed your opponent.


The idea is for it to hedge against early aggresion like Leper Gnomes and to help ensure that your secrets have a target to buff AND if you draw your secrets early they buff it. It's a no-brainer to include in a Paladin deck that runs many secrets. Mad Scientist shouldn't be run in that deck because the value of getting out a 1 mana secret isn't enough, you'd much rather have Shielded Minibot or Juggler and you'd be running too many 2 drops with Scientist. Remember that the good Paladin secrets need at least 2 minions on board to trigger and/or get value from. Competitive Spirit is pretty bad if it only hits 1 minion.

Also Secret Keeper gets a +2/+2 or even +3/+3 if it's on board when you play Mysterious Challenger.

I will pay you money if this works.


So I decided to look up lists which contain Secret Keeper and Challenger in them and found this really really interesting Hobgoblin deck. It's pretty crazy but I think it can work with a bit of tweaking. Redemption is actually pretty crazy if you can get it out with a Hobgoblin on board because enemies will typically kill the Hobgoblin first but Redemption procs so it sticks around for 1 more turn.

I'm completely sold on the card. It destroys minions with divine shield which e/c combo does not and it is in the class that has the most tools to manipulate attack values. This card is exactly what control paladin needed because e/c just is not that consistent and can lead to awkward boardstates where you simply delayed your opponent.

I don't understand how e/c is less consistent than this. You need your opponent to drop something worth killing alongside other things, you need to manipulate the attack and you have to hope it doesn't have a death rattle and you need to not have your own shit you don't want to kill. That is a lot of mana to maybe kill something.

I don't play paladin so I'll defer to greater knowledge...but I'm thinking the card isn't going to get play.


Quoted for future money, it's so easy to get playable lists that have Secret Keeper and Mysterious Challenger in it.

I like to see that moment when you build this deck, play Mysterious Challenger and realize that Secret Keeper only gets buffed if you play secrets from hand :p
I like to see that moment when you build this deck, play Mysterious Challenger and realize that Secret Keeper only gets buffed if you play secrets from hand :p

If you play mysterious challenger you are automatically going to get four secrets in your mulligan, so it'll work out.

Kind of a reverse psychology thing.


I like to see that moment when you build this deck, play Mysterious Challenger and realize that Secret Keeper only gets buffed if you play secrets from hand :p

Crap it looks like that's how it works with Mad Scientist. Well at least Secret Keeper still has Hobgoblin synergy.


Remember when paladin used to be the least cancerous class? Good times.
Shitterbot was a mistake

Actually though Paladin was also pretty cancerous as far as control decks go. They just sat back, passed and healed until after six turns they had to Equality+Consecrate, and Aldor, Humility+Kodo and Tirion are scumbag tools as well. Plus I can't fucking stand pedestrian lawful good types like Uther.
Reynad likes anything that is super aggressive or fits well into aggressive decks. It's why he likes the two sisters as well as they fit into aggressive decks.

Anything too slow he hates. Like he thinks Varian is useless 80% of the time.
He also really likes the dragons, though.


Shitterbot was a mistake

Actually though Paladin was also pretty cancerous as far as control decks go. They just sat back, passed and healed until after six turns they had to Equality+Consecrate, and Aldor, Humility+Kodo and Tirion are scumbag tools as well. Plus I can't fucking stand pedestrian lawful good types like Uther.

So all control decks with board clears are cancerous too?


i think i've stumbled into some weird universe where everyone picks priest in arena because 4 out of the last 5 matches i've played priests
so after tomorrows inevitable disappointing pack opening ceremony, which cards are you actually going to craft?
Im excited for the brokeness of that druid card that gives you a body and wild growth. other than that, maybe the new pali legendary (kinda wanna play control pali again, but I still dont think it's going to viable because they still dont have the burst).


I don't understand how e/c is less consistent than this. You need your opponent to drop something worth killing alongside other things, you need to manipulate the attack and you have to hope it doesn't have a death rattle and you need to not have your own shit you don't want to kill. That is a lot of mana to maybe kill something.

I don't play paladin so I'll defer to greater knowledge...but I'm thinking the card isn't going to get play.

Well I think the card is pretty versatile for what it does. As mentioned before by Papercuts if you have a couple of minions and they have a couple of minions you can just trade in the ones that you know are gonna die into their biggest minion, play this card and mop the last one up with a weapon charge. I think it's going to make for a lot of very interesting plays.


I got the golden hero by playing control Pali and it always sucked ass to me becuase your hero power is nothing but a 2 mana wisp.

So many times I wish I could heal, or gain armor, or ping an enemy minion to kill it.... but no... I have this wisp.
Feels like ladder has gotten a lot more competitive since the last time I seriously climbed. Not sure if people are just better, or they're putting more effort in since there's rewards now or what.

Still like playing control warrior, now with 100% more Harrison Jones. Like auto-loses to druid, but I've only seen a few of those. Not sure what I've seen the most, mix of eboladin, face hunter, handlock, zoolock, tempo mages mostly.

Love playing vs. Handlocks though, so easy to outwit them most of the time.


Reynad talked about something that I've thought weird not being mentioned more in other reviews, and that is how freaking good Refreshment Vendor is compared to Healbot. 4 instead of 8, sure, against aggro that's worse, but you get it out a full turn earlier and it has +2 health.


Reynad talked about something that I've thought weird not being mentioned more in other reviews, and that is how freaking good Refreshment Vendor is compared to Healbot. 4 instead of 8, sure, against aggro that's worse, but you get it out a full turn earlier and it has +2 health.

It's slipped under peoples radars. I have full faith in the card. Dunno if one could slip it into a priest deck. The combo potential is real because the heal happens twice!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Reynad talked about something that I've thought weird not being mentioned more in other reviews, and that is how freaking good Refreshment Vendor is compared to Healbot. 4 instead of 8, sure, against aggro that's worse, but you get it out a full turn earlier and it has +2 health.

It heals the other hero, which means it isn't quite as versitile as healbot. It's tech against anti-aggro, while healbot is useful at any time.


w00t I got to rank 14! Question is can I stay there...

I got to 11, fell to 12, 11, 12, 11, 12. I'm done, don't care enough about whatever's in the rank 10 chest (or do I?!)

Do we have any idea what's in these things? Is it worth my sanity?
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