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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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StrifeCro recently claimed that he thinks Thunder Bluff Valiant may be the strongest card ever printed(army maker and bloodlust rolled into one, survives the back-end of Death's Bite).

It's a really strong claim, and he sounds really confident about it(certainly too confident considering no one has played with the xpac yet), but it should be interesting to see if he somehow has nailed it.


That magic moment when an aggro-hunter realises you're rushing harder and figures out he's got to start removing your cards from the board.
Well, hit my goal of 2500 gold just now so I'm all ready for tomorrow.

Should be able to open 90 packs between my gold, the preorder and the coins Amazon kicked back for said preorder.
Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.
Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.

I'm assuming this works in Canada too?

My guess is 8.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.
People can quote me right now and put me on blast later on.

Mysterior Challenger will be ridiculous.

It will be terrible and not see play at the highest levels. You can quote me on that.

For it to be decent you have to pull at least 2-3 secrets from your deck. Which means you need to run at least that many. And you'll more often than not draw many of them before you get to play this. Even if you manage to draw it before T6. Good luck winning with an opening hand full of secrets. It will be unplayable trash, trust me on this.

Obviously you don't need TGT to compete with existing decks. How shortsighted an argument this is honestly.

People say this shit before like every card expansion ever and they're nearly always wrong. The meta will change.

That's the point though. The meta won't change enough so that you can still remain competitive playing what you're playing right now. If you were playing Patron Warrior your deck will still be tier 1 and you need nothing from TGT. Same with pretty much all tier 1 decks.


May contain jokes =>
That's the point though. The meta won't change enough so that you can still remain competitive playing what you're playing right now. If you were playing Patron Warrior your deck will still be tier 1 and you need nothing from TGT. Same with pretty much all tier 1 decks.

I'm arguing that the meta will change, and I've yet to see an actually well constructed argument as to why it wouldn't other than "it won't." Like I said before people make these arguments all the time with paper card games and they're almost always wrong.

BRM is considered a flop because it had only a few good cards and yet it still completely defined the meta since then. Imagine the game right now without Thaurissan, Grim Patron. That deck did not exist before a dinky little expansion came out and while aggro/face was still dominant before it, every deck has had to make adjustments to try to deal with Patron.


Yeah the "pros" got more cards right than wrong overall. Around 70-80% right vs 20-30% wrong. TGT might have even more wrong cards because some cards are just a bit more out there and tougher evaluate.

I think Reynad got the most cards right from GvG as far as I can remember. He was hyping up Shield Maiden, Unstable Portal, Malganis, Darkbomb while most everyone else were down on the cards. He got some cards wrong too of course like he thought Bomb Lobber would be a top 10 Constructed card.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.


Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.



Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.


Also I just made this priest deck that either dominates or forces me to concede by turn 4.


Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.

Dammit I keep picking numbers others have already. Lol.

6. SIX.

Also, how are people obtaining these 50% off codes?


In between playing with Control Warrior and playing against Patron Warrior I forgot how fun Mech Warrior can be!
Last game I played with it against a Shaman, I managed to get 2 Armorsmiths and a Siege Engine already on the field to hit face for 11 after running a bunch of smaller minions into each other. If he drew the burrowed mine I laid down 2 turns before it would have been lethal right there.

I wonder if Clockwork Knight would be good in this deck...


needs to show more effort.
The more I look at paladin the more murloc knight and justicar start to make so much sense in a paladin deck. I feel like these two cards let a mid rangey/control paladin severely lower its mana curve and yet still be able to fill the board with power in the late game.

Garrison Commander + Justicar + Murloc Knight + Quartermaster I think will be a core component of paladin decks moving forward. Garrison is another 2 drop you can play against aggro decks and later in the game post Justicar you can summon 4 recruits.

Justicar summoning two recruits every single turn from then onwards (and sometimes 4 with garrison commander) is going to be so terrifying for opponents when they know you play double quatermaster.

Same with murloc knight. It can be played as a 4 drop against aggro and they need to kill it or it will take over the game by allowing you to get out 2-3 minions/turn to contest their minions. The problem against aggro generally isn't having resilient minions that survive attacks but just having enough attacks on board yourself to put 1-2 damage on each minion and kill it.

You might then be thinking that a deck that wants to fill the board with 1/1s = lose to grim patron, but by lowering the overall curve of paladin you're going to be able to put on a lot of pressure against patron such that they can't just sit there stock piling cards.

With these cards, it gets so absurd that only 7 minion slots can become a problem when you are starting from an *empty* board. That is crazy to me and not a concern I've ever had to think about in a deck before.


Agree, cards like Garrison commander or murloc knight are essentially low drop that allow you to contest aggro early that also are good to insane lategame in the right circumstances. Garrison commander as a topdeck lategame is so good in many circumstances. If you let one live, topdecking a murloc knight in the lategame can make a full board from a single minion for 8 mana (murlock knight + 2 murloc + 2 recruits + garrison).

I'll probably try to do something like hyper face hunter with brave hunter, garrison commander and tons of cheap spells. A garrison top deck with brave hunter or viceversa is 8 damage in a single turn that bypass taunts. Board control is gonna be so much more important after tomorrow.


With the new expansion coming up it's time we look back at the previous sets and evaluate the cards released after playing with them for so long.

Here are my top 10 list for GvG and top 5 list for Naxx + BRM:


1) Mad Scientist: Enough said!!!

2) Belcher: Staple 5 drop minion, mandatory against an aggressive meta. The most used taunt in the game currently.

3) Void Caller: Fuck getting a 5/7 charger or a 9/7 immune minion off of this card. This card is the linchpin of the Demon Warlock archetype, everything revolves around this card. A prime silence target.

4) Loatheb: Another staple 5 drop minion, sees plays in many decks.

5) Death's Bite: Very powerful staple weapon for the Warrior arsenal. This will be the last time a Warrior card makes a top list for A LONG TIME!

Honorable mention: Undertaker. RIP in pepperoni.

Naxx had a lot of cards that we currently play as staples in our decks. Unstable Ghoul, Nerubian Egg, Haunted Creeper, Web Spinners, Dark Cultist, Shade of Naxx. Despite the low amount of cards released, this expansion had a ton of extremely strong cards.


1) Emperor Thaurissan: Most people will put Grim Patron as their #1 but I feel it's Emperor at #1 easily. Emperor is a core component of the Grim Patron deck and is now a core component in many classic decks as well like Combo Druid, Freeze Mage and Handlock. The card is a requirement for any combo deck and is a staple in every slow deck. Easily the strongest and most defining card from BRM.

2) Grim Patron: Grim Patron was successful in pushing a previously gimmicky deck to god tier status. Grim Patron's ability to punish aggressive decks and then generate board and card advantage to set up the Frothing combo is terrifying. It is a meta defining deck now however it is worth mentioning that it isn't just Patron doing the heavy lifting... cards like Emperor, Frothing Berserker, Warsong, Battle Rage, all the WW effects, all the card draws and Armorsmith combine to make an extremely synergistic deck.

3) Quick Shot: Staple board control/burn card in all Hunter decks currently used and it gives Hunter some extra card draw mechanic so they can top dick themselves to victory. Absolutely loathsome card in some situations.

4) Flamewaker: A card that pushed a particular Mage deck type from decent to very strong. Flamewaker is a must remove card when it hits the board because of the potential damage it can dish out. It's a core component of the Tempo Mage deck.

5) Flameguard Destroyer: Flameguard Destroyer wasn't enough to push Shaman into the tier 1 category of decks but it's now a staple in every Shaman deck EVEN Mech Mage that already has two other strong 4 drops competing against it that are mechs (Shredder and Mech Yeti).

Honorable Mention: Dark Iron Skulker. I will always maintain that this card is godlike and all that is needed is to have an Oil Rogue archetype that isn't just a pure combo deck. This card is already the BEST Rare drop for the Rogue (just beating out SI7) so there is absolutely nothing wrong with this card, it just doesn't fit the currently played Rogue decks.

BRM introduced some powerful cards yes but not as many as Naxx for sure. Imp Gang Boss is the only card that I missed in my top 5 that should be on that list... .the other cards are well below the power level of the top 5 cards. The main issue was that BRM tried to push the Dragon theme and it didn't pan out. Outside of Warriors, the Dragon decks just weren't there which made a lot of Dragon decks unusable. Maybe some of these dragon cards will see some play after TGT.

Outside of Grim Patron, most top players correctly predicted the strongest cards in BRM. People were excited for the dragon theme but even then most knew that the only way Dragon Consort was going to see play was if dragon decks were a thing.

And the big daddy of all expansions... GvG.

Top 10 GvG cards:

1) Dr Balanced: Enough fucking said!

2) Piloted Shredder (aka Balanced Shredder): The staple 4 drop of Hearthstone now and probably for a really, really long time.

3) Antique Healbot: Just like Belcher was the staple taunt of the set... Healbot was the staple heal card of the set. It sees play in every slowish deck of Hearthstone because the heal is so potent and it comes with a body as well. Most pros definitely got this card wrong.

4) Unbalanced Portal: Everyone HATES losing to this card. And ever since release this card has only become better with cards like Flamewaker introduced in the set.

5) Shielded Minibot: A staple 2 drop in the Paladin arsenal. Very annoying minion to deal with.

6) Muster for Battle: A staple 3 drop for the Paladin. Very strong board presence and the threat of Quarter Master makes this card very threatening.

7) Lightbomb: One of the few actual AOE spells released in Hearthstone in a long ass time and it's a very potent one. Sees plays in almost every Priest deck.

8) Tinker's Sharp Oil: A card that is THE CORE component of the only Rogue deck that is played competitively. It allows Rogues to do insane burst damage from their weapon which is game winning.

9) Implosion: Another card that everyone hates losing against. The RNG swing on this card is crippling and combined with Knife Juggler it leads to some painful EEEE SPPOOORRTTTTSS experiences.

10) Mech Warper: A core component of EVERY single Mech deck that gets played. This card's stacking effect is very annoying and double Mech Warpers in opening hand is usually a game winning opener.

Honorable mention: Malganis. Very strong card and used in a lot of Warlock decks. But IMO without Void Caller this card wouldn't nearly be as strong. So this card actually makes Void Caller even stronger by just existing.

GvG introduced a lot of cards that still see competitive play (around 40 cards), I can't list them all stuff like Shield Maiden, Dark Bomb, Crackle, Velen's Chosen, Quartermaster, Blastmage, Kezan Mystic etc. I think the biggest failure of GvG was that outside of Dr Balanced there were no good neutral legendaries and outside of Malganis no great class Legendary either. But GvG definitely introduced a lot of very aggressive and efficient tools for all classes.
One more thing about that video is that it cherry picks the very few cards that people got wrong (and as I said some weren't even wrong at the time). What about the 90% of other cards that predictions got right? Similar things happened with BRM and similar things are going to happen with TGT predictions as well.
You don't need to be a pro to rate most of the cards accurately since a lot of them are really obvious.

People were mostly completely wrong about Dr. Boom, that's just a fact. Apart from Strifecro and a few others.

Tinkers Sharpsword Oil was also badly underrated by most pro reviewers.


Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.
I think you can use the code even if you're not in US, UK or Germany. I mean it's from amazon so you can use a fake address or something? Usually works.


Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.



Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.

wat! This is awesome!




Where's that breakdown someone found of rarities in an average 50 packs? I'd like to see what kind of odds most of us will have tomorrow when we bust our TGT xmas presents open.

I've got the preordered 50, enough gold for 15 more, and who am I kidding, I'll probably buy another 20-40 depending on how good my initial 65 are.

In 80-100 packs, I'm hopeful for at least 5 legendaries, with at least 1 or 2 of them being one that I'm actually after (Lightbane/Darkbane, Paletress, Varian Wrynn, Aviana, Fizzlebang, Rhonin, Mistcaller, Bolf, or Saraad), and a really nice spread of rares and commons without too many dupes.

For the epics, I'm really hoping I land at least one of most of these:
- Astral Communion (should be a ton of fun)
- Lock and Load (again, fun times)
- Coldarra Drake (to really empower the Inspire mage decks)
- Shadowfiend (for some much-needed early-game Priest board presence and threat)
- Twilight Guardian (to make Dragon Decks a thing)
- Garrison Commander (for Inspire Decks)

I've got around 8000 dust saved up (plus probably another 1000 dust from the packs tomorrow) to be able to craft anything I really want from the list above that I don't get. Like, there's no way I'm ending the day tomorrow without Paletress. Shit's going to be too fun.

I've got a golden Cho I can DE too, and a golden Mimiron - but I don't think I could ever bring myself to dust that.


I microwave steaks.
Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.



Neo Member
Okay im doing a small give away for my 50% off 40 classic Hearthstone packs. Just so people know these codes only work in the US,UK and Germany.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Whoever guesses it or is closest wins. Ill pick the winner in 2ish hours.

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