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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Bought 15 more packs with gold. 2 Legendaries. Acid Maw and the Priest one that summons a random legendary with inspire.

Also 2 golden Ball of Spiders. Now I have to make a deck with that.


I can get where a lot of you all are coming from, but man, something doesn't feel right about deck lists on the very first day.

Guess not everyone likes to play around with the new cards themselves.
I think a lot of people really underestimated Justicar Trueheart in a slower metagame.

I predicted she'd be good in Warrior, but I think the real winner with her is Paladin, especially with all the new cards that turn your dinky dudes into an army of Borg.
I have used Confessor Paletress twice now. 1st time: Onyxia. 2nd time: Tirion. Nice. First time enemy just conceded since they couldn't kill Confessor, 2nd time the warlock emptied his hand to get rid of my stuff.

Justicar hero power as a priest has come really, really handy.

Frost giants are nice too, I seem to get them down to 5 mana at least by the time I play them. One game I had 2 mana cost and 1 mana cost frost giants.

I'm note sure how...competetive/viable my inspire deck will be once meta settles to ultra-efficient netdecks, but for now I'm having fun and I'm not losing horribly.
Pretty funny pack I just opened:


Warlock up in here


I can get where a lot of you all are coming from, but man, something doesn't feel right about deck lists on the very first day.

Guess not everyone likes to play around with the new cards themselves.

This is why Hearthstone will never be as fun as old MTG to me. Day 1 and people already net decking.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's more like it's difficult to make decks when you don't have all the new cards and don't know what to craft.

Dust is precious.

I'm not a twitch streamer. I can't just craft any class legendary I want and poke around. Otherwise I would try to do stupid shit like Maly Mage or Mill Rogue.


All of these paladin inspire decks suck so far.

I don't see many people playing Patron actually.

I kinda want to play it and see if I can shit on everyone or if I get my ass kicked.

Actually seems like a good time to play patron and punish all of these slow token/inspire paladin deck right now lol.


I can get where a lot of you all are coming from, but man, something doesn't feel right about deck lists on the very first day.

Guess not everyone likes to play around with the new cards themselves.

Unless you open a few hundred packs, odds are you are not gonna have all the cards in the set. Deck lists are perfect starting points because they give you an idea of a strategy, curve, or card types to use when making your own decks. You can use them as a skeleton or as an inspiration for a different deck altogether. In fact, missing a few cards from a list might be a great learning tool when you try to sub in what you do own.

IMO, nothing about decklists stops you from experimenting with your own choices in your own ways. Classes have a lot of staple cards nowadays that even if you are not following a list, you might find your deck in the end resembles it >50% in many cases.

Seeing other people play MalyDruid warms my heart ;_; Most fun deck imo :p
Dragon Priest punishes you so fucking hard if you don't draw premium removal. I didn't draw Execute and my Control Warrior got run over by a bus by turn 8 thanks to a gigantic Dragonkin Sorcerer. I drew ALL my weapons and still got crushed.

Fiery War Axe gets clowned on by Wyrmrest Agent and Blackwing Technician. I still managed to remove them cleanly thanks to Cruel Taskmaster but Dragonkin Sorcerer can't be stopped so easily.


Dragon Priest punishes you so fucking hard if you don't draw premium removal. I didn't draw Execute and my Control Warrior got run over by a bus by turn 8 thanks to a gigantic Dragonkin Sorcerer. I drew ALL my weapons and still got crushed.

Fiery War Axe gets clowned on by Wyrmrest Agent and Blackwing Technician. I still managed to remove them cleanly thanks to Cruel Taskmaster but Dragonkin Sorcerer can't be stopped so easily.

Yep just got rekt by a Dragon priest playing the new 2 Taunt, and 4 Taunt Dragon.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Alexstrasza's champion is kind of underwhelming.

It's funny because Dragon Warrior was by far the best Dragon deck prior to TGT but now it's down there with Dragondin.


Reynad's playing it right now. Probably not optimal yet. But knowing him it'll be pretty close to it by the end of the night.

I just don't feel the sinergy on it, I think it badly needs a muster but for totems :/

Paladin on the other hand just got gross, is crazy the comebacks you can make with it by flooding the board with silver hands, and that is if you haven't won the match by doing so in the first place.

And of the both: Justicar is god tier on Paladin and only very good on Shaman


Currently trying a joust-control-dragon deck with no low-mana minions. The theory is that you can use Muster, Secrets, Coghammer, Argent Lance and Seal of Light to get through the early game, leaving you with high value minions stacked in the later curve in order to consistently win jousts with Tuskarr Jouster and Master Jouster to hold out the midgame and use Blackwing Corrupter and Volcanic Drake to swing tempo, in order for you to pull off some big ticket dragons.

That's the theory, at least. I'll see how it goes.

The entirety of the ladder got the idea to build the exact same Paladin decks as Reynad, StrifeCro, and Trump. It's a 4 months before Christmas Miracle! I really love this game, but I wish creativity was a thing that people had. This is worse than Patron every other deck. At least I couldn't blame them for playing the best decks.
The entirety of the ladder got the idea to build the exact same Paladin decks as Reynad, StrifeCro, and Trump. It's a 4 months before Christmas Miracle! I really love this game, but I wish creativity was a thing that people had. This is worse than Patron every other deck. At least I couldn't blame them for playing the best decks.

I just played 4 face hunters in a row who ran zero TGT cards combined


The entirety of the ladder got the idea to build the exact same Paladin decks as Reynad, StrifeCro, and Trump. It's a 4 months before Christmas Miracle! I really love this game, but I wish creativity was a thing that people had. This is worse than Patron every other deck. At least I couldn't blame them for playing the best decks.

Creativity in card games is long gone unless you're at the forefront. Magic and whatnot, pre-internet, was probably the best time in terms of experimenting and branching out....though Duelist did print deck lists of winning decks.

I agree though, you'd think people would tinker around a bit more and just enjoy the new cards before we settle into another X months of a stagnant meta.


Justicar is good in Paladin too and with Silverhand Regent the Recruits start to pile up real quick. And then Competitive Spirit, Warhorse and Quartermaster come to fuck you up.


Justicar is good in Paladin too and with Silverhand Regent the Recruits start to pile up real quick. And then Competitive Spirit, Warhorse and Quartermaster come to fuck you up.
Yep Trump fiddled around with her and a semi recruit deck, currently at 86 Legend I believe with it.


The entirety of the ladder got the idea to build the exact same Paladin decks as Reynad, StrifeCro, and Trump. It's a 4 months before Christmas Miracle! I really love this game, but I wish creativity was a thing that people had. This is worse than Patron every other deck. At least I couldn't blame them for playing the best decks.

Yeah I blame streaming for this. A games community always picks up on stuff, but holy SHIT is it ever fast in Hearthstone.

Glad I dont screw with ranked beyond 15 (I just want a chest). I can only imagine how frustrating it is playing that crap and seeing that people have already copied netdecks card for card.


Dragon priest feels quite weak to me. I really need to reduce the amount of dragon synergy cards for utility. The deck gets rekt by facehunter.


It's more like it's difficult to make decks when you don't have all the new cards and don't know what to craft.

Dust is precious.

I'm not a twitch streamer. I can't just craft any class legendary I want and poke around. Otherwise I would try to do stupid shit like Maly Mage or Mill Rogue.

I agree with this so much. I had to scrimp and save just to be able to craft Dr. Boom. Crafting anything else legendary is way out of my reach right now.

Payday isn't till Friday either, so I couldn't afford to preorder the TGT packs (though someone in here was saying that was a bad idea anyway?) but I did save up some gold, so I'll buy some tonight after work.


Yeah I blame streaming for this. A games community always picks up on stuff, but holy SHIT is it ever fast in Hearthstone.

Glad I dont screw with ranked beyond 15 (I just want a chest). I can only imagine how frustrating it is playing that crap and seeing that people have already copied netdecks card for card.

I feel like this is pretty much just all gaming nowadays. Where it used to be that your group of 6 people wouldn't really have access to a larger community so that the group's understanding of the game would progress due to members innovating, now even if you only play with a small group of people you have easier access to the global community for the game than you do to the members of your play-group. And it's a little silly to reinvent the wheel when someone else has already put in the work. The number of innovators doesn't scale with population, even if there are a lot of people who aren't usefully innovating but who are ineffectively doing their own thing because they enjoy the game more that way. Hearthstone is very popular and decks are incredibly copy-able, so it's a prime candidate for quick adoption of successful strategies for people who want to compete at a fairly high level.

Mostly you get around this by either making an unpopular game or by making a game where strategies are difficult to copy. Arena's a good enough example of the latter - it took a while for drafting aids to start to compare well with what good players could do on their own.


Wish I had more time to play but in need of sleep. Maly Druid and Dragon Priest were fun. Stuck at rank 11. Going to try and grind some more while I'm sitting around on jury duty.
I don't really care about net decking unless it is face hunter/eboladin style where people are not really playing the game.

If everybody wants to copy some sort of midrange/combo deck? No problem because my decks will beat it.

I think the funniest thing is when a deck becomes popular and a streamer changes it for reasons and then everybody copies that, making the deck worse.

For example, every tempo mage runs counter spell now. Why? I still have no idea.


I don't really care about net decking unless it is face hunter/eboladin style where people are not really playing the game.

If everybody wants to copy some sort of midrange/combo deck? No problem because my decks will beat it.

I think the funniest thing is when a deck becomes popular and a streamer changes it for reasons and then everybody copies that, making the deck worse.

For example, every tempo mage runs counter spell now. Why? I still have no idea.
Because you need one extra Secret in the deck to make people guess between Mirror Entity and another secret. If there's no guessing involved then the secret loses quite a bit of value.

Counter Spell is actually pretty solid, it can disrupt some classes and allow Tempo Mage to further snowball out of control.


Because you need one extra Secret in the deck to make people guess between Mirror Entity and another secret. If there's no guessing involved then the secret loses quite a bit of value.

Counter Spell is actually pretty solid, it can disrupt some classes and allow Tempo Mage to further snowball out of control.

I don't think this explanation works. Yeah, maybe it's why the streamer changed the deck. But people copying the streamer's deck don't need to change if the point was to make it harder for people to tell what the secret is - the streamer's problem is that people know what his or her deck is. Some random player doesn't have this issue, and in fact can benefit from having a deck which is different from some popular deck but which can be mistaken for it at first. Even if the random player isn't using Counterspell, people will think their secret might be Counterspell because they otherwise appear to be playing the streamer's deck.


Corporate Apologist
I think Mad Scientists are unneeded, maybe I'll try Illumnator. I haven't come into a case where my HP ever matters, just my draws.

I think the only weakness is that when you put 5 secrets into play, its pretty obvious what you played.
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