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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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2 valiants, 2 chows, run a carver, you don't need justicar, I haven't tried emperor. I don't think it will be helpful, you spend too much on one turn building towards another. You have too much removal and not enough minions to curve out.

I like running ancestral knowledge. It's card draw for when you need it. Since it's a totem deck you can swap your healing wave for a vitality totem.

I wouldn't use mukla's, or even fencing for that matter. I have been running a pair of garrison commanders because they are good and help with the curve. If the garrison's aren't enough to control the early game you can swap for haunted creeper.

I wouldn't run mistcaller in this deck, we do a lot with totems, he doesn't interact with totems, he's incredibly slow.


- truehart
- mukla's
- 2x fencer
- emperor
- mana tide
- 2x lightning bolt
- 2x crackle
- 2x earth shock
- mistcaller

that's 13 cards

+ ancestral knowledge
+ vitality totem
+ loatheb
+ 2x chow
+ 2x garrison
+ argus
+ 2x totemcarver
+ valiant
+ 2x hex

the idea is you're using a lot of minion based removal and building up a big board. Totemcarver as a 4 mana 6/6 with only 2 totems up is pretty beast.

I'm running a version with totemic might so i can make my totems mighty for 0 mana and I'm considering putting a single copy of bloodlust in there but I can't figure out what to cut. Maybe I can drop the 2nd carver. Mana tide vs ancestral knowledge is a choice but the way I look at it is I can either free cast ancestral knowledge when I know the mana will work out, or I can cast it when I need to draw an answer. It's a card that can save me which is something that mana tide struggles with.


My intial feel is that Dragons kinda suck still. Yeah we have better stalling now for dragon decks, but the problems of the tribe still remain.

Your starting hand can be dank if you don't get dragons or have to keep expensive ones to buff one/two-drops.
Most of the midrangey dragons have good stats, but offer little value besides that.
Your deck has to sacrifice a lot of utility to reach a critical mass of dragon cards.
Your lategame topdicks are horribad.



I'm so happy to see shaman in the ladder. Healing Wave is amazing and I got actually outlasted by my opponent and I played a control deck! OUTLASTED BY SHAMAN!


Finally got to play Varian, got Rag, Shieldmaiden and Shield Block. I wonder if I should cut some of the cycling though.


5 legendary in 97 packs is alright. Avianna (x2), Icewhowl (x2) and Bolf, however, is not. Took me hours to individually purchase each pack with in-game gold.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
LMAO at Kripp's stream.

Holy shit. He had a stacked board of silver hand recruits buffed by quartermaster, and ran into a spell damage buffed explosive trap.


5 legendary in 97 packs is alright. Avianna (x2), Icewhowl (x2) and Bolf, however, is not. Took me hours to individually purchase each pack with in-game gold.

You can double click the gold price in the shop and then put in the number of packs you want to buy, for in the future :).



damn son


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
thank god I went to bed early yesterday.

catastrophe launch, as expected.


Watching Kripp's stream, so far I'm sold on Healing Wave, Tuskarr Totemic, and probably Totem Golem for Shaman, and then Justicarr, Murloc Knight, and Tuskarr Jouster for Paladin. I didn't see too much of the Recruiter to form an opinion.


There is going to be so much salt every time Murloc Knight gets Old Murk-Eye. Leads to blowouts every time me or opponent have gotten it.


Watching Kripp's stream, so far I'm sold on Healing Wave, Tuskarr Totemic, and probably Totem Golem for Shaman, and then Justicarr, Murloc Knight, and Tuskarr Jouster for Paladin. I didn't see too much of the Recruiter to form an opinion.
The 5/4 or the 3/3?

The 3/3 is pretty damn good in Paladin. The 5/4 is crap and thus no one is really using it. Though it's an epic and less likely to be in people's deck.


Or you can even get another Murloc Knight.

I can see the trolden video now,

turn 10
play murloc knight and garrison commander.
make a dude. murloc knight spawns a murloc knight
make another dude, both murloc knights make 2 more murloc knights.

Opponent Mage's turn
Flamestrike. wah wahhhhhhhh


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Jesus when is Blizzard gonna give us a card that destroys armor. Justicar has only made it far worse.

I've always thought a card or cards that ignored armor would be interesting, essentially doing true damage, so you can have 5 armor but if your health hits 0 you still lose.


remember me
Has anybody gotten any TGT packs from Arena? I swear I haven't gotten a single one.

Anyway, burning the rest of my gold on packs. Arena takes way too much time, and it's not even worth it when all I'm getting is classic packs. Blizzard could easily let you pick a pack, but no, they choose to screw us instead.


I've always thought a card or cards that ignored armor would be interesting, essentially doing true damage, so you can have 5 armor but if your health hits 0 you still lose.
Probably going to happen eventually (Poison damage?) MTG has something similar w/ "life loss" (can't be prevented) vs "damage" (can be prevented.)
Has anybody gotten any TGT packs from Arena? I swear I haven't gotten a single one.

Anyway, burning the rest of my gold on packs. Arena takes way too much time, and it's not even worth it when all I'm getting is classic packs.
I have.


The only problem with Murloc Knight is the Silver Hands cluttering up the room for more Murlocs. Please add another Paladin Murloc that changes Hero Ability to Spawn a 1/1 Murloc, thanx.


Has anybody gotten any TGT packs from Arena? I swear I haven't gotten a single one.

Anyway, burning the rest of my gold on packs. Arena takes way too much time, and it's not even worth it when all I'm getting is classic packs. Blizzard could easily let you pick a pack, but no, they choose to screw us instead.

my first 2 were tgt packs.


Been trying out my Buccaneer, Cutpurse, aggro tempo jank on ladder, but no dice so far.

SHAMAN on the other hand is doin' aaaalll right. Have yet to face some "real" decks yet though.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
As if the hunter wasn't OP enough,now he got TWO new legendaries while everyone else got just one...

... is that the logic we're going with here? Really?


Man got Rekt by a ShadowBomber, Spawn Of Shadows, Mind Blast Priest.
Now Vsing a Spelldamage Mage, nice to see Ladder filled with interesting stuff for awhile.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Probably going to happen eventually (Poison damage?) MTG has something similar w/ "life loss" (can't be prevented) vs "damage" (can be prevented.)

Yeah I started playing a little MTG recently and that's sorta where the idea came from, be an interesting mechanic as long as there's some way to play against it.


The 5/4 or the 3/3?

The 3/3 is pretty damn good in Paladin. The 5/4 is crap and thus no one is really using it. Though it's an epic and less likely to be in people's deck.
The 3/3 does make a lot of sense in the deck. I just missed the first few matches.


ONE legendary in my 50 packs. And it was icehowl or whatever that big dummy is called. Thankfully in the next 32 packs I bought with gold received Justicar, Chillmaw, and Varian. Any consensus on the most OP card yet?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Man, the sheer amount of shit Pally can plop on the field now is insane. I'm really liking what I'm seeing of these cards in action, even stuff like Silver Hand Regent seemed mostly just alright reading about it beforehand, but mixed with the synergy with cards like Truehart it just goes over the top. I can totally see Gormok hiting way easier with this type of shit too.
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