2 valiants, 2 chows, run a carver, you don't need justicar, I haven't tried emperor. I don't think it will be helpful, you spend too much on one turn building towards another. You have too much removal and not enough minions to curve out.
I like running ancestral knowledge. It's card draw for when you need it. Since it's a totem deck you can swap your healing wave for a vitality totem.
I wouldn't use mukla's, or even fencing for that matter. I have been running a pair of garrison commanders because they are good and help with the curve. If the garrison's aren't enough to control the early game you can swap for haunted creeper.
I wouldn't run mistcaller in this deck, we do a lot with totems, he doesn't interact with totems, he's incredibly slow.
- truehart
- mukla's
- 2x fencer
- emperor
- mana tide
- 2x lightning bolt
- 2x crackle
- 2x earth shock
- mistcaller
that's 13 cards
+ ancestral knowledge
+ vitality totem
+ loatheb
+ 2x chow
+ 2x garrison
+ argus
+ 2x totemcarver
+ valiant
+ 2x hex
the idea is you're using a lot of minion based removal and building up a big board. Totemcarver as a 4 mana 6/6 with only 2 totems up is pretty beast.
I'm running a version with totemic might so i can make my totems mighty for 0 mana and I'm considering putting a single copy of bloodlust in there but I can't figure out what to cut. Maybe I can drop the 2nd carver. Mana tide vs ancestral knowledge is a choice but the way I look at it is I can either free cast ancestral knowledge when I know the mana will work out, or I can cast it when I need to draw an answer. It's a card that can save me which is something that mana tide struggles with.