In my proud tradition of getting some of the worst fucking legendaries in packs and having to craft all the good ones, I present to you, my only legendary pickup in 43 packs.
But he's probably the coolest legendary.
In my proud tradition of getting some of the worst fucking legendaries in packs and having to craft all the good ones, I present to you, my only legendary pickup in 43 packs.
Opened up my decks today - got a Golden Wilfred Fizzlebang and a normal chillmaw. Have about 700 dust as well.
So tempted to dust Wilfred as I don't like playing warlock at all, just will have trouble dusting things and tempted to make either Justicar Truehart, Rhonin or Paletress
Goddamnit I regret crafting any dragons -.-
Okay, let's do a Dreadsteed deck. It won't be good, but it will be better than most are expecting.
2x Dreadsteed
2x Sludge Belcher
1x Baron Rivendare
2x Anima Golem
1x MalGanis
2x VoidCaller
2x Doomguard
2x Implosion
2x Defender of Argus
2x Power Overwhelming
1x Shadowflame
2x Nerubian Egg
Help me out here people. This is doable.
Played some of Raynad's Dragon Priest deck last night, but bounced around Rank 10. It gets beat by Control Warrior pretty handily, and I ran into two of them. Although if you can play on curve, you just destroy everything. Could probably tweak the deck a bit to try and fit in a Lightbomb or maybe a Sylvanas or something. It could use some silence, the deck has no good answer for an opponent's Sylvanas.
I did manage to hit a new level of strangeness last night: faced up against a Patron Warrior who played Kobold Geomancer. What.
I love how it looks. That's the only reason I'm not dusting the golden I got and will instead try building a pirate deck around it.But he's probably the coolest legendary.
All that this shit expansion did was nerf Piloted Shredder by allowing it to drop Darnassus Aspirant.
GJ, Blizzard. GJ.
And Wrathguard. Had a game where the paladin got hit for 23 in the face through shield slam. Felt good.
Can someone do me a favor? If you have Eydis Darkbane, do a quick test with Shaman and cast Reincarnate on her. Does her Effect activate before the spell goes off or not at all?
I'm trying to resist crafting any TGT cards and buying into any hype
been playing beast druid a bit and it still seems really clunky. stuff is hard to get working.
99% sure it would activate before like all other "whenever" spell effects.
It's true, that's a pretty impressive parrot.But he's probably the coolest legendary.
I opened my 40 classic packs from the 50% TeamArchon promo and got Archmage Antonidas and Valen's Prophet
Is there any good Mage deck I can build with Antonidas? I wanted to try freeze, but I have no Alextrasza and it sounds like I need that one to have a chance D:
If by really annoying you mean awesomeBlizzard should really change the game so that a minion can't get more damage than his HP. It's really annoying with implosion, and now with Wrathguard as well.
If by really annoying you mean awesome
Seriously though they should never make that change
Can I safely dust my Skycap'n and create the remaining cards for Patron or should I wait a few weeks?
I opened my 40 classic packs from the 50% TeamArchon promo and got Archmage Antonidas and Valen's Prophet
Is there any good Mage deck I can build with Antonidas? I wanted to try freeze, but I have no Alextrasza and it sounds like I need that one to have a chance D:
Mech Mage or Tempo Mage. Both use him to pretty good effect.
He's great in Tempo Mage.
I really like the version of Beast Druid that I'm running.
It's kinda like a tempo version of mid-range Druid. You keep playing stuff on curve and make efficient trades with Wildwaker. You exploit stealth as much as you can to push for extra damage, especially when comboed with FoN+SavageRoar. The card that surprises most people will be Jungle Panther, because it sets up for Wildwalker extremely well.
I haven't gotten Knight of the Wild yet for some reason, so I don't know how good he is yet.
no wild growth or darnassus?
Did you just try to spin Acidmaw into a positive? :lolAs if the hunter wasn't OP enough,now he got TWO new legendaries while everyone else got just one...
I really like the version of Beast Druid that I'm running.
It's kinda like a tempo version of mid-range Druid. You keep playing stuff on curve and make efficient trades with Wildwaker. You exploit stealth as much as you can to push for extra damage, especially when comboed with FoN+SavageRoar. The card that surprises most people will be Jungle Panther, because it sets up for Wildwalker extremely well.
I haven't gotten Knight of the Wild yet for some reason, so I don't know how good he is yet.
No. Why would I skip Turn 3 when Wildwalker is my best Turn 4 play? Shoving in Innervate, Wild Growth, and Darnassass Aspirant doesn't make sense to me in a deck where you want to keep playing beasts.
I would not dust him. Pirate rogue is not a joke. Whether it's a top tier deck or just "pretty good" remains to be seen.
I still recommend running innervate and possibly wild growth. Innervate is just too good imo. Combo'd with savage combatant it is a 0 mana 3 damage attack buff on turn 4. Good early game and late game.
I still recommend running innervate and possibly wild growth. Innervate is just too good imo. Combo'd with savage combatant it is a 0 mana 3 damage attack buff on turn 4. Good early game and late game.