Started running one Garrison Commander in my totem Shaman. Works pretty well and it definitely seems to surprise people.
... is that the logic we're going with here? Really?
What do you mean?
Both arena runs today have been disastrous. Feels bad.
Enter the Coliseum has been quite good so far. Trying Dragondin now but i'm still not sold on the dragons.
I had three runs and they were all shit.
And I only got one TGT pack from them. Blizzard please.
In ranked? It's fine- deck's still stupid and it's a good way to grind up.Ran into a patron warrior with no new cards 3 times in a row
What a life that man/woman lives
In ranked? It's fine- deck's still stupid and it's a good way to grind up.
Is that brainless Paladin rushdown? Because yeah, that took me from like 17->9 easily.Playing Patron is stupid.
Grand Eboladin is much better to rank up.
Is that brainless Paladin rushdown? Because yeah, that took me from like 17->9 easily.
It just can't beat Patron unless they whiff on drawing the combo.
Got a link to a sample list?Eboladin can't, but Grand Eboladin got a big buff. I'm going to run it for sure at the start of next season =)
I would not be surprised if Priest ends up being better thanks to that 2 drop taunt being so good.
I wish I pulled Enter the Coliseum to try it out, I'd rather not craft epics right now.
dreadsteed entrance animation after its deathrattle is pretty neat... attempted the dreadstead anima golem combo
Okay, let's do a Dreadsteed deck. It won't be good, but it will be better than most are expecting.
2x Dreadsteed
2x Sludge Belcher
1x Baron Rivendare
2x Anima Golem
1x MalGanis
2x VoidCaller
2x Doomguard
2x Implosion
2x Defender of Argus
2x Power Overwhelming
1x Shadowflame
2x Nerubian Egg
Help me out here people. This is doable.
I realllllly underestimated Murloc Knight.
I don't like the way they decided on "Whenever you target this minion with a spell" as the standard text for the Fjola/Eydis/Dragonkin Sorcerer effect. Just write "Whenever its owner targets this minion with a spell" and the ambiguity is gone. What the hell is bolding the "you" supposed to mean anyway?
I don't like the way they decided on "Whenever you target this minion with a spell" as the standard text for the Fjola/Eydis/Dragonkin Sorcerer effect. Just write "Whenever its owner targets this minion with a spell" and the ambiguity is gone. What the hell is bolding the "you" supposed to mean anyway?
I got 3 legendaries from 13 packs:
Gormok the impaler
All of them are garbage,but at least Ramshield is golden.
In Inspire Paladin its amazing.
Edit: Jesus I'm really loving Inspire Paladin it's super fun to play and pretty decent, good early to mid game and the buffs to recruits help you to keep up with other decks.